;; Below is my solution for sublist? from Exam 1. To remind you,
;; here’s what I said about sublist?:
;; ;; Write a procedure that takes two lists of numbers, which I call big
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
;; ;; and little. The function returns true if the little list occurs as
;; ;; a consecutive subsequence within the big list. Note that unlike an
;; ;; ordinary subset relationship, order matters – the elements in the
;; ;; both lists must be in the the same order, not just have the same
;; ;; values somewhere in the list.
;; ;; Examples:
;; ;; > (sublist? ‘(1 2 99 100 3 4) ‘(99 100))
;; ;; > (sublist? ‘(1 2 99 100 3 4) ‘(100 99))
;; ;; > (sublist? ‘(1 2 99 100 3 4) ‘())
(define (head-matches?-orig big little)
(cond [(null? little) #t]
[(null? big) #f]
[(equal? (car little) (car big)) (head-matches?-orig (cdr big) (cdr little))]
[else #f]))
(define (sublist?-orig big little)
(cond [(< (length big) (length little)) #f]
[(head-matches?-orig big little) #t]
[else (sublist?-orig (cdr big) little)]))
;; Here's the same code, converted by me to datastructure cps. Note
;; in this case I decided that length was a substantial procedure, so
;; I have a cps-ized implementation for length (which yes, you will be
;; required to convert to imperative form).
(define-datatype continuation continuation?
[length-cps-k (k continuation?)]
[len-big-k (big list?)
(little list?)
(k continuation?)]
[len-little-k (big list?)
(little list?)
(len-big number?)
(k continuation?)]
[is-match-k (big list?)
(little list?)
(k continuation?)])
(define (sublist?-ds-cps big little k)
(length-ds-cps big (len-big-k big little k)))
(define (head-matches?-ds-cps big little k)
(cond [(null? little) (apply-k-ds k #t)]
[(null? big) (apply-k-ds k #f)]
[(equal? (car little) (car big)) (head-matches?-ds-cps (cdr big) (cdr little) k)]
[else (apply-k-ds k #f)]))
(define (length-ds-cps lst k)
(if (null? lst)
(apply-k-ds k 0)
(length-ds-cps (cdr lst) (length-cps-k k))))
;; hint for imperative form! Be careful about the way that the
;; variables in this function may shadow global variable names if
;; you're not careful.
(define apply-k-ds
(lambda (k v)
(cases continuation k
[init-k () v]
[length-cps-k (k)
(apply-k-ds k (add1 v))]
[len-big-k (big little k)
(length-ds-cps little (len-little-k big little v k))]
[len-little-k (big little len-big k)
(if (< len-big v)
(apply-k-ds k #f)
(head-matches?-ds-cps big little (is-match-k big little k)))]
[is-match-k (big little k)
(apply-k-ds k #t)
(sublist?-ds-cps (cdr big) little k))])))
;; convert sublist?-ds-cps and the functions it calls to imperative
;; form. Below is a test function which is how your imperative form
;; function will be invoked - it does not need to be converted to
;; imperative form.
;; note you do not need to ellimate the use of cond - its obvious how
;; cond could be replaced with ifs if desired.
(define big)
(define little)
(define k)
;; add additional registers you need
(define lst)
(define (sublist?-impr-tester big-in little-in)
(set! big big-in)
(set! little little-in)
(set! k (init-k))
;; you can edit sublist?-ds-cps if you wish, or you can make a new
;; copy with a different name and call that here
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