CS代考计算机代写 Haskell Tim Hunter

Tim Hunter
Ling185A, Winter 2021, UCLA
Assignment #6
Due date: Sat. 2/20/2021, 11:59pm
Download ContextFree.hs, Memoization.hs and Assignment06_Stub.hs from the CCLE site, save them in the same directory, and rename the latter to Assignment06.hs. (Please use this name exactly.) For the questions below you’ll add some code to this file, and then submit your modified version. Do not modify or submit ContextFree.hs or Memoization.hs.
Background and reminders

Have a look through the code in ContextFree.hs and make sure you understand what’s going on there. The generalization from boolean-valued CFGs to more generic semiring values works exactly the same way as what we saw last week for FSAs — but we don’t deal with as many “fancy” semirings here as last week, just booleans and probabilities.
Have a look at the provided example in Fibonacci.hs to see how the Memoization module can be used. You can ignore the implementation in Memoization.hs, but the comments at the top give you an overview of the functions that it provides.
A predefined Haskell function that is handy here, just to save some keystrokes at the terminal, is words, which splits a string up into a list of strings, separating at spaces.
Leftmost derivations
*Assignment06> :t words
words :: String -> [String]
*Assignment06> words “spies with telescopes”
*Assignment06> insideBool cfg14 (words “spies with telescopes”) VP
In Assignment06.hs I’ve also defined a type
data Tree nt t = Leaf nt t | NonLeaf nt (Tree nt t) (Tree nt t) deriving Show
for representing phrase-structure trees of the familiar sort, and two example trees tree1 and tree2. These are our Haskell representations of the following trees:

Tim Hunter
Ling185A, Winter 2021, UCLA
VP VNP watches
V NP P NP watches spies with telescopes
NP PP spies
P NP with telescopes
Here are the leftmost derivations corresponding to tree1 and tree2; each derivation is shown in two columns,
where the first column shows the rule being used at each step.
watches NP
watches NP PP
watches spies PP
watches spies P NP
watches spies with NP watches spies with telescopes
VP → VP PP VP → V NP V → watches NP → spies PP → P NP P → with
NP → telescopes
watches NP PP
watches spies PP
watches spies P NP
watches spies with NP watches spies with telescopes
VP → V NP V → watches NP → NP PP NP → spies PP → P NP P → with
NP → telescopes
Notice that if you know the sequence of rules that applied in a leftmost derivation, then it’s possible to reconstruct the entire derivation (i.e. the second column in one of the two derivations above). So such a sequence of rules can be taken as, in effect, another representation of a tree structure.
A. Write a function
treeToDeriv :: Tree nt t -> [RewriteRule nt t]
which computes the list of rewrite rules, in order, that are used in the leftmost derivation corresponding to the given tree. (Hint: The left hand side of the first rule in the output list will necessarily be the same as the root nonterminal of the input tree.)
*Assignment06> treeToDeriv tree1
[NTRule VP (VP,PP),NTRule VP (V,NP),TRule V “watches”,TRule NP “spies”,
NTRule PP (P,NP),TRule P “with”,TRule NP “telescopes”]
*Assignment06> treeToDeriv tree2
[NTRule VP (V,NP),TRule V “watches”,NTRule NP (NP,PP),TRule NP “spies”,
NTRule PP (P,NP),TRule P “with”,TRule NP “telescopes”]
*Assignment06> treeToDeriv (Leaf P “with”)
[TRule P “with”]
Bonus (just for brownie points and glory, no course credit): Try writing a function to go in the other direction, converting a list of rules into a tree. This is kind of tricky, but fun! It will probably help to break this down into a few helper functions and enrich the types a bit. For example, the type Tree nt (Either nt t) is useful for representing “unfinished trees”; and since not all lists of rules correspond to a well-formed derivation, it will be useful to have Maybe types as return types. A handy trick here is that the imported liftA functions work on Maybe types, e.g. try liftA (\x -> x + 1) (Just 3) and liftA (\x -> x + 1) Nothing. (The type Maybe a is sort of like a restricted variant of [a] where the maximum length of a list is one.)

Tim Hunter Ling185A, Winter 2021, UCLA
Inside, outside and memoization
B. Write a function
fastInside :: (Ord nt, Ord t, Semiring v) => GenericCFG nt t v -> [t] -> nt -> v
which computes the same values as the existing inside function (in ContextFree.hs), but uses the Memoization module to avoid the speed problems. The Ord restrictions on the types are inherited from the functions that you need to use from the Memoization module; you can essentially ignore them.
*Assignment06> fastInside cfg14a (words “spies with spies with telescopes”) NP
*Assignment06> fastInside cfg14a (words “spies with spies with telescopes”) VP
*Assignment06> fastInside cfg14a (words “watches spies with spies with telescopes”) NP
*Assignment06> fastInside cfg14a (words “watches spies with spies with telescopes”) VP
*Assignment06> fastInside cfg14a (words “watches spies with spies with telescopes with spies”) VP
*Assignment06> fastInside cfg14 (words “watches spies with spies with telescopes with spies”) VP
The next few functions make use of inside values. Use fastInside for these if you got it to work; otherwise, just use the slow inside.
C. Write a function
f :: (Ord nt, Ord t, Semiring v) => GenericCFG nt t v -> [t] -> v
(it’s not a very good name, is it) which computes the semiring-general value that a generalized CFG assigns to a string. This is analogous to the function of the same not-very-good name last week for FSAs, i.e. we generalize from the case of boolean-valued CFGs where we said
to the semiring-general
w ∈ L(G) ⇐⇒ 􏰈 􏰉I(n) ∧ insideG(w)(n)􏰊 n∈N
fG(w) = 􏰋 I(n) 􏰌 insideG(w)(n) n∈N
for any generalized CFG G =
values, because they only differ in what they say about initial nonterminals, but do produce different values here.
(N, Σ, I, R). Notice that cfg14a and
on inside
*Assignment06> f cfg14 (words “spies with telescopes”)
*Assignment06> f cfg14a (words “spies with telescopes”)
*Assignment06> f cfg14b (words “spies with telescopes”)
*Assignment06> f cfg14 (words “telescopes with spies”)
*Assignment06> f cfg14a (words “telescopes with spies”)
*Assignment06> f cfg14b (words “telescopes with spies”)
D. Write a function

Tim Hunter Ling185A, Winter 2021, UCLA
outside :: (Ord nt, Ord t, Semiring v) => GenericCFG nt t v -> ([t],[t]) -> nt -> v
which calculates the semiring-general outside value assigned to the given pair of strings for the given nonterminal, i.e. the generalized version of the recursive formulas for booleans in (25) on the CFGs handout. Notice that cfg14a and cfg14b produce different outside values, because outside values depend on what the grammar allows as initial nonterminal symbols.
*Assignment06> outside cfg14 (words “”, words “with telescopes”) NP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14 (words “”, words “with telescopes”) VP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14 (words “watches”, words “”) VP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14 (words “watches”, words “”) PP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14 (words “watches”, words “with telescopes”) NP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14 (words “watches”, words “with telescopes”) VP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14 (words “watches”, words “with telescopes”) PP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14a (words “watches”, words “with telescopes”) NP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14a (words “watches”, words “with telescopes”) VP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14a (words “watches”, words “with telescopes”) PP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14b (words “watches”, words “with telescopes”) NP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14b (words “watches”, words “with telescopes”) VP
*Assignment06> outside cfg14b (words “watches”, words “with telescopes”) PP
The relationship between the base case and the recursive case is, again, not as pretty as we’re used to. As a hint, here’s the beginning of what my outside looks like. The function null checks whether a list is empty.1
outside cfg (ys,zs) n =
let (nts, ts, i, r) = cfg in
case (null ys && null zs) of
True -> …
False -> …
E. Now write fastOutside, which has the same type and does the same thing as outside above, but applies memoization to its recursive calls in the same way that fastInside does. The natural way to do this, which is fine for our purposes, will make use of many different calls to fastInside, with no memoization of inside values from one call to the next. This is still a big improvement over not memoizing any outside values at all, but not blazingly fast – what one really “should” do, in principle, is build up a table of inside values just once, and draw on that for calculating outside values. But we won’t worry about that here.
*Assignment06> fastOutside cfg14 (words “watches with”, words “with spies with telescopes”) NP
1Note that null ys is better than ys == [], because it doesn’t require that the list element type is an Eq type. 4

Tim Hunter Ling185A, Winter 2021, UCLA
*Assignment06> fastOutside cfg14a (words “watches with”, words “with spies with telescopes”) NP
*Assignment06> fastOutside cfg14b (words “watches with”, words “with spies with telescopes”) NP
(These last two examples with cfg14a and cfg14b take about 12 seconds on my laptop.) Retrieving trees
Write a function
insideTrees :: GenericCFG nt t Double -> [t] -> nt -> [(Double, Tree nt t)]
which finds all the tree structures which have the given string of terminals “along the bottom” and have the given nonterminal at the root, along with their probabilities according to the given grammar. Notice that this is not a semiring-general function, we’re just interested in probabilistic grammars here. The list should not include any zero-probability entries. The order of the pairs in the list does not matter. The overall strategy here is closely analogous to the basic inside function. You should find that, by making sure that you only ever include the non-zero-probability trees in the relevant lists, this works reasonably fast even without memoization.
*Assignment06> insideTrees cfg14a (words “watches spies with telescopes”) VP
NonLeaf VP (Leaf V “watches”)
(NonLeaf NP (Leaf NP “spies”) (NonLeaf PP (Leaf P “with”) (Leaf NP “telescopes”)))
NonLeaf VP (NonLeaf VP (Leaf V “watches”) (Leaf NP “spies”))
(NonLeaf PP (Leaf P “with”) (Leaf NP “telescopes”))
) ]
(I’ve tidied up the output to make it more readable, it won’t actually appear like this!) Write a function
completeTrees :: GenericCFG nt t Double -> [t] -> [(Double, Tree nt t)]
which finds all the tree structures for the given string of terminals according to the given grammar, along with their probabilities — taking into account what the grammar says about initial values. In other words, this function differs from insideTrees in the same way that f differs from inside. Again, the order of the pairs in the list does not matter.
*Assignment06> map (\(x,y) -> x) (completeTrees cfg14a (words “watches spies with telescopes”))
*Assignment06> map (\(x,y) -> x) (completeTrees cfg14b (words “watches spies with telescopes”))
*Assignment06> map (\(x,y) -> x) (completeTrees cfg14a (words “spies with telescopes”))
*Assignment06> map (\(x,y) -> x) (completeTrees cfg14b (words “spies with telescopes”))