CS代考 ECE3375B: Microprocessors and Microcomputers Electrical and Computer Engine

Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Dr. )
Chapter 14 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
ECE3375B: Microprocessors and Microcomputers Electrical and Computer Engineering Western University
Dr. Leod (Section 1, Dr. (Section 2,

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Interfacing Peripherals
Usually, each on-chip peripheral device has a few registers, such as control registers, status registers, data input registers, and data output registers.
In general, there are two approaches to exchange data between the processor core, and a peripheral device:
1. Port-mapped I/O
 UsespecialCPUinstructions:Special_instructionReg,Port
2. Memory-mapped I/O
 MostCPUsthesedaysdoI/OviamemorymappedI/O
 A simpler and more convenient way to interface I/O devices
 Each device registers is assigned to a memory address in the address space of the microprocessor
 Usenativeload/storeinstructionstoinputoroutputdata:LDR/STRReg,[Reg,#imm]
GPIO Data Output Register
Pin output
Memory Space
GPIO Output
ARM Cortex-M microprocessors use memory-mapped I/O.
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

Memory Map of Cortex-M4
NVIC, System Timer, SCB, vendor-specific memory
Such as SD card
Off-chip memory for data
AHB & APB, such as timers, GPIO
On-chip RAM, for stack, & code On-chip Flash, for code & data
External Device
External RAM
0.5 GB 0.5 GB 0.5 GB
One Byte (8 bits)
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

Memory Map of STM32L4
External Device
External RAM
0.5 GB 0.5 GB 0.5 GB
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14
GPIO A (1 KB) …
One Byte (8 bits)
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

GPIO Memory Map
0x48000028 0x48000024
0x48000020 0x4800001C
Each register has 4 bytes.
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

GPIO Memory Map
Set pin A.14 to high
0x48000028 0x48000024
Set bit 14 of ODR to high
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14

Output Data Register (ODR)
1 word (i.e. 32 bits)
Little Endian
7 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

Output Data Register (ODR)
1 word (i.e. 32 bits)
Little Endian
*((uint32_t *) 0x48000014) |= 1UL<<14; Dereferencing a pointer Bitwise OR 8 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Dereferencing a Memory Address 0x4800002C 0x48000028 0x48000024 0x48000020 0x4800001C 0x48000018 0x48000014 0x48000010 0x4800000C 0x48000008 0x48000004 0x48000000 typedef struct { volatile uint32_t MODER; volatile uint32_t OTYPER; volatile uint32_t OSPEEDR; volatile uint32_t PUPDR; volatile uint32_t IDR; volatile uint32_t ODR; volatile uint32_t BSRR; volatile uint32_t LCKR; volatile uint32_t AFR[2]; volatile uint32_t BRR; volatile uint32_t ASCR; } GPIO_TypeDef; // Mode register // Output type register // Output speed register // Pull-up/pull-down register // Input data register // Output data register // Bit set/reset register // Configuration lock register // Alternate function registers // Bit Reset register // Analog switch control register // Casting memory address to a pointer #define GPIOA ((GPIO_TypeDef *) 0x48000000) GPIOA->ODR |= 1UL<<14; or (*GPIOA).ODR |= 1UL<<14; 9 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Memory layout used in the DE10-Standard Computer 10 DE10-STANDARD COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH ARM* CORTEX* A9 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Parallel Ports  There are several parallel ports implemented in the FPGA  Support input, output, and bidirectional transfers of data between the ARM A9 processor and I/O peripherals.  Each parallel port is assigned a Base address and contains up to four 32-bit registers.  Ports that have output capability include a writable Data register  Ports with input capability have a readable Data register.  Bidirectional parallel ports also include a Direction register  Each bit in the Data register can be configured as  An input by setting the corresponding bit in the Direction register to 0, or  An output by setting this bit position to 1.  We will talk about two other registers later on. 11 DE10-STANDARD COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH ARM* CORTEX* A9 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Red LED Output Parallel Port  The port contains a 10-bit Data register,  It has the address 0xFF200000.  This register can be written or read by the processor using word accesses  The upper bits not used in the registers are ignored. 12 DE10-STANDARD COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH ARM* CORTEX* A9 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Slider Switch Input Parallel Port  The SW0-9 slider switches on the board are connected to an input parallel  This port contains a 10-bit read-only Data register  It is mapped to address 0xFF200040. 13 DE10-STANDARD COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH ARM* CORTEX* A9 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Example 1: A simple Program  It continuously reads the state of the slider switches on the DE1-SoC board and displays their state on the red LEDs.  The .equ assembler directive tells the assembler to substitute a value for a symbol or label  R1 contains the address of LEDs: R1= 0xFF200000  R2 contains the address of SWITCHES: R2=0xFF200040  Based on this particular switches: R3=0x00000317  We can read the state of the output port if needed: R4=0x00000317 as presented in the last line of the code. 14 INTEL® FPGA MONITOR PROGRAM TUTORIAL FOR ARM* ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Example 1: A simple Program (cont.)  The pseudo-instruction LDR R1, =LEDs is replaced by actual instruction of ldr r1, [pc, #16]  Since Load instructions cannot specify 32-bit immediate operand, the address 0xFF200000 is placed in the literal pool after the last instruction.  ldr r1, [pc, #16] uses relative addressing mode (PC has the base address with offset of #16) to access the desired address value of 0x18 15 INTEL® FPGA MONITOR PROGRAM TUTORIAL FOR ARM* ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Example 1: A simple Program (cont.)  Three-state Pipelining allows hardware resources to be fully utilized  In our example, the updated PC contents will be 0x08 when the first LDR instruction is being executed  PC(instruction i Execution) +16= PC(instruction i+2 Fetch)+16= PC(instruction i Fetch)+8+16=0+8+16=0x18 Pipeline of 32-bit instructions ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) 7-Segment Displays Parallel Port  There are two parallel ports connected to the 7-segment  Each of which comprises a 32-bit write-only Data register.  Data can be written into these two registers, and read back, by using word operations.  Writing d1001111d1001111d0000111d1101101 in the data register with address 0xFF200020 displays 3375 in digits 0-3, where d is don’t care  0b01001111010011110000011101101101=0x4F4F076D  Writing 0x0000F939 in address 0xFF200020 displays EC in digits 4-5 17 DE10-STANDARD COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH ARM* CORTEX* A9 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Example 2: 7-Segment Displays  The code (Seven_Seg_EC3375.s) displays EC3375 in seven-segment displays 18 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Pushbutton Key Parallel Port  The parallel port connected to the KEY3-0 pushbutton switches on the DE10- Standard board comprises three 4-bit registers  These registers have the base address 0xFF200050 and can be accessed using word operations.  The read-only Data register provides the values of the switches KEY3-0.  The other two registers at addresses 0xFF200058 and 0xFF20005C will be discussed later. 19 DE10-STANDARD COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH ARM* CORTEX* A9 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Example 3: Using the Parallel Ports with Assembly Language  The code (rotate2.s) displays the values of the SW switches on the LED lights.  A rotating pattern is displayed on the LEDs  This pattern is rotated to the left by using an ARM A9 rotate instruction  a delay loop is used to make the shifting slow enough to observe.  The pattern can be changed to the values of the SW switches by pressing a pushbutton KEY.  When a pushbutton key is pressed, the program waits in a loop until the key is released. DE10-STANDARD COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH ARM* CORTEX* A9 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Example 4: Using the Parallel Ports with C Code  It performs the same operation as the previous assembly code does  Declare volatile pointers to I/O registers so that the compiler does not perform optimization on the code  volatileint*LED_ptr=(int*)LED_BASE;//LEDaddress  volatile int * S W_switch_ptr = (int *)S W_B ASE; // S W slider switch address  volatile int * KE Y_ptr = (int *)KE Y_B ASE; // pushbutton KE Y address  A for loop is used for delay only without performing anything inside the loop  The loop int variable is declared as volatile int so that the C compiler does not remove the loop  volatile int delay_count; 21 DE10-STANDARD COMPUTER SYSTEM WITH ARM* CORTEX* A9 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) C programs 01001 10101 11100 01011 Binary executable Performance, Performance, Performance!  Compiler can make aggressive optimization  Cache results in register to reduce memory accesses  Reorder computations  Eliminate useless and redundant computations 22 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu) ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Volatile variables  Qualifier volatile tells the compiler that this value may change at any time  Do not apply any optimizations to remove reads or writes to these variables volatile int x; y = x + x + x + x; The computation cannot complete within a single clock cycle and x can change any time. Compiler cannot optimize it as: variable x This value may change any time. Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu) ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) y = 4 * x; y = x << 2; Volatile variables (cont.) Volatile forces compiler to generate executable that performs actual memory reads and writes, instead of caching values in registers! Read volatile variable X in C Write to volatile variable X in C 24 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu) ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) LDR r0, =x LDR r1, [r0] LDR r0, =x STR r1, [r0] General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)  8 GPIO Ports: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H  Up to 16 pins in each port 25 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) ARM Cortex-M4 FPU APB Bus Matrix ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) AHB Bus Matrix Basic Structure of an I/O Port Bit Input and Output Schmitt trigger 27 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Basic Structure of an I/O Port Bit: Output GPIO Pull-up/Pull-down R 00=Nopull-up,pull-down 01 10 = Pull-down 11 GPIO Output Type Register (OTYPER) 0 = Output push-pull (default) 1 = Output open-drain egister (PUPDR) = Reserved Data Register GPIO MODE Register 00 = Input, 01 = Output, 10 = AF, 11 = Analog (default) Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Enable Clock  AHB2 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_AHB2ENR) #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOBEN ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) RCC->AHB2ENR |= RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOBEN;
29 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)
Clock for Port B

GPIO Mode Register (MODER)  32 bits (16 pins, 2 bits per pin)
Pin 2 Pin 1 Pin 0
GPIOB->MODER &= ~(3UL<<4); // Clear bits 4 and 5 for Pin 2 GPIOB->MODER |= 1UL<<4; // Set bit 4, set Pin 2 as output 30 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) GPIO Output Type Register (OTYPE)  16 bits reserved, 16 data bits, 1 bit for each pin GPIO S Output Bit GPIO Output Pin GPIOB->OTYPE &= ~(1UL<<2); // Clear bit 2 Controller Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) GPIO Input: Pull Up and Pull Down  A digital input can have three states: High, Low, and High-Impedance (also called floating, tri-stated, HiZ) If external input is HiZ, the input is read as a valid HIGH. If external input is HiZ, the input is read as a valid LOW. Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) GPIO Output: Push-Pull GPIO Output Pin GPIO Output Bit GPIO Output Pin GPIO Output Bit Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Controller Controller GPIO Output = 1 Source current to external circuit GPIO Output: Push-Pull GPIO S Output Bit GPIO Output Pin GPIO Output Bit GPIO Output Pin Drain current Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Controller Controller GPIO Output = 0 Drain current from external circuit GPIO Output: Open-Drain OPEN DRAIN GPIO Output Bit GPIO Output Pin GPIO Output Bit GPIO Output Pin Controller Controller GPIO Output = 0 Drain current from external circuit Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) GPIO Output: Open-Drain OPEN DRAIN GPIO Output Bit GPIO Output Pin GPIO Output Bit GPIO Output Pin Controller Controller Output = 1 GPIO Pin has high-impedance to external circuit Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) GPIO Output Speed  Output Speed:  Speed of rising and falling  Four speeds: Low, Medium, Fast, High  Tradeoff Speed of Rising Low Medium Higher GPIO speed increases EMI noise and power consumption Configure based on peripheral speed Fast  Low speed for toggling LEDs  High speed for SPI Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Maximum rate of change of the output voltage A high slew rate allows the output to be toggled at a fast speed. 𝑆𝑙𝑒𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 38 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) GPIO Output: Push-Pull vs Open-Drain Output Bit Open-Drain Use push-pull output, instead of open-drain output! 39 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) GPIO Output Data Register (ODR)  16 bits reserved, 16 data bits, 1 bit for each pin GPIOB->ODR |= 1UL << 2; // Set bit 2 40 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) Light up the Red LED (PB.2) RCC->AHB2ENR |= RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOBEN; // Enable clock of Port B GPIOB->MODER &= ~(3UL<<4); // Clear mode bits GPIOB->MODER |= 1UL<<4; // Set mode to output GPIOB->OTYPE &= ~(1UL<<2); // Select push-pull output GPIOB->ODR |= 1UL << 2; // Output 1 to turn on red LED 41 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani) GPIO Initialization  Turn on the clock to the GPIO Port (e.g. Port B) RCC->AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_GPIOBEN; Reset and Clock Control (RCC)
 Configure GPIO mode, output type, speed, pull-up/pull-down
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t MODER;
__IO uint16_t OTYPER;
uint16_t RESERVED0;
__IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;
__IO uint32_t PUPDR;
__IO uint16_t IDR;
uint16_t RESERVED1;
__IO uint16_t ODR;
uint16_t RESERVED2;
__IO uint16_t BSRRL; /* BSRR register is split to 2 * 16-bit fields BSRRL */ __IO uint16_t BSRRH; /* BSRR register is split to 2 * 16-bit fields BSRRH */ __IO uint32_t LCKR;
__IO uint32_t AFR[2]; } GPIO_TypeDef;
(PERIPH_BASE + 0x20000)
#define GPIOB ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE)
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

STM32L4 Discovery Kit
Joystick with 4- direction control and selector
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

Internal diagram of joystick
44 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

Basic Structure of an I/O Port Bit Input and Output
Schmitt trigger
45 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

Basic Structure of an I/O Port Bit:
GPIO Pull-up/Pull-down Register (PUPDR)
00 = No pull-up, pull-down 10 = Pull-down
01 = Pull-up 11 = Reserved
Data Register
GPIO Output Type Register (OTYPER) 0 = Output push-pull (default)
1 = Output open-drain
10 = AF, 11 = Analog (default)
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)
GPIO MODE Register
00 = Input, 01 = Output,

Basic Structure of an I/O Port Bit Input and Output
47 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14 ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

Basic Structure of an I/O Port Bit:
Schmitt trigger
• Reduce noise
• Increase slew
Input Data Register (IDR)
Input is sampled into IDR every AHB clock cycle!
GPIO Pull-up/Pull-down Register (PUPDR) 00 = No pull-up, pull-down 01 = Pull-up
10 = Pull-down 11 = Reserved
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 14
ECE 3375b (A. Reyhani)

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