CS代考计算机代写 algorithm %

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% \inclsolns from 0 to 1. Make sure you include macros.tex in the directory
% containing this file. Edit the “author” and “collaborators” fields as
% appropriate. Write your solutions where indicated.






\def\@collaborators{\@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\collaborators given}}

\author{Ada Lovelace}
\collaborators{Charlie Babbage, Mike Faraday}


{\Large CS 535: Complexity Theory, Fall 2020}


{\Large Homework 6}


Due: 8:00PM, Friday, October 23, 2020.


\noindent Name: \@author \\
Collaborators: \@collaborators

Homework must be typeset with \LaTeX\ preferred. Make sure you understand the course collaboration and honesty policy before beginning this assignment. Collaboration is permitted, but you must write the solutions {\em by
yourself without assistance}. You must also identify your
collaborators. Assignments missing a collaboration statement will not be accepted. Getting solutions from outside sources such as the
Web or students not enrolled in the class is strictly forbidden.


\begin{problem}[Term Paper] Now would be a good time to start thinking about the term paper assignment: what topic/paper you might be interested in writing about, and who you might want to work with. Instructions for the term paper are here: \url{https://cs-people.bu.edu/mbun/courses/535_F20/handouts/term_paper.pdf} and a list of suggested topics is here: \url{https://piazza.com/class/keda2wyieyz10e?cid=277}.


\begin{problem}[Exponential-Size Circuits for Every Function]
In this problem, you will prove that every Boolean function $f: \zo^n \to \zo$ can be computed by a circuit of size $O(2^n / n)$. As we’ll see, this is essentially tight: in fact, “most” functions require circuits of size $\Omega(2^n / n)$.
\item First show that every Boolean function $f(x_1, \dots, x_n)$ can be written in the form $(\overline{x_n} \land f_0(x_1, \dots, x_{n-1})) \lor (x_n \land f_1(x_1, \dots, x_{n-1}))$ for some functions $f_0, f_1 : \zo^{n-1} \to \zo$. (2 points)

Your solution here.
\item Use part (a) recursively to show that every function $f : \zo^k \to \zo$ is computed by a circuit of size $O(2^k)$. (2 points)

Your solution here.
\item There are exactly $2^{2^k}$ different functions $f : \zo^k \to \zo$. Combine this fact with part (b) and another recursive application of part (a) to show that every function $f: \zo^n \to \zo$ for $n \ge k$ can be computed a circuit of size $O(2^{n-k}) + O(2^k \cdot 2^{2^k})$. Hint: You can assume each gate has unbounded fan-out, so you can “reuse” the output of a subcircuit as many times as you want. (4 points)

Your solution here.
\item Set $k$ appropriately in part (c) to conclude that every Boolean function $f : \zo^n \to \zo$ is computed by a circuit of size $O(2^n / n)$. (2 points)

Your solution here.


\begin{problem}[More Time-Space Tradeoffs] In class (and in Arora-Barak) we saw that $\NTIME(n) \not\subseteq \class{TISP}(n^{1.2}, n^{0.2})$, and hence $\SAT$ cannot be solved by a deterministic TM running in, say, time $O(n^{1.1})$ and space $O(n^{0.1})$ simultaneously. In this problem, you’ll see how far you can push the technique to get different tradeoffs. Assume every function you encounter is time- and space-constructible.
\item Generalize Claim 5.11.1 in Arora-Barak to prove that for $T(n) \ge n^2$ and $S(n) \ge \log n$, we have $\class{TISP}(T, S) \subseteq \class{\Sigma_2TIME}(\sqrt{T S})$. (3 points)

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\item Generalize Claim 5.11.2 in Arora-Barak to prove that if $\NTIME(n) \subseteq \TIME(n^c)$ for some $c > 1$, then $\class{\Sigma_2TIME}(f(n)) \subseteq \NTIME((f(n))^c)$. (3 points)

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% \begin{solution}
% Your solution here.
% \end{solution}

First we’ll see how large we can make the time requirement. Use parts (a) and (b) to prove that for every $c < \sqrt{2}$, there exists a $\delta > 0$ such that $\NTIME(n) \not\subseteq \class{TISP}(n^{c}, n^{\delta})$. You don’t have to show it, but this implies that $\SAT$ cannot be solved by an algorithm using $O(n^{1.41\dots})$ time and $n^{o(1)}$ space. Hint: Note that $\delta$ is allowed to depend on $c$. You’ll want to choose $\delta$ small enough so that $c(c+ \delta) < 2$. (2 points) % Uncomment this before adding your solution...LaTeX issues... % \begin{solution} % Your solution here. % \end{solution} \item Now we'll see how far we can push the space requirement. Prove that for every $c < 1$, there exists a $\delta > 0$ such that $\NTIME(n) \not\subseteq \class{TISP}(n^{1+\delta}, n^c)$. This result implies that $\SAT$ cannot be solved by an algorithm using $n^{1+o(1)}$ time and $O(n^{0.999})$ space. Hint: This time, choose $\delta$ small enough so that $(c + 1 + \delta)(1+\delta) < 2$. (2 points) % Uncomment this before adding your solution...LaTeX issues... % \begin{solution} % Your solution here. % \end{solution} \end{enumerate} \end{problem} \bigskip \begin{problem}[*Bonus* Improved Time-Space Tradeoffs] Now let's see how we can get even better tradeoffs by repeatedly trading alternations for time. Note that by combining Problems 2(a) and (b), we get the statement: If $\NTIME(n) \subseteq \TIME(n^c)$ for some $c > 1$, then $\class{TISP}(T, S) \subseteq \NTIME((TS)^{c/2})$.
\item Suppose $\NTIME(n) \subseteq \TIME(n^c)$ for some $c > 1$. Use the above statement to show that $\class{TISP}(T, S) \subseteq \class{coNTIME}((TS^2)^{c^2 / (2+c)})$. Hint: Let $C_0, C_f$ be the start and accept configurations of a deterministic TM running in time $T$. Then $C_f$ is reachable from $C_0$ in $T$ time steps iff \emph{for all} $C’ \ne C_f$, we have that $C’$ is \emph{not} reachable from $C_0$ in $T$ time steps.
Your solution here.
\item Conclude that $\NTIME(n) \not\subseteq \class{TISP}(n^c, n^{o(1)})$ whenever $c^3 < 2 + c$, i.e., $c < 1.521\dots$. \begin{solution} Your solution here. \end{solution} \item Generalize the above argument inductively to show that $\NTIME(n) \not \subseteq \class{TISP}(n^c, n^{o(1)})$ whenever $c(c-1) < 1$, i.e., $c < \phi = 1.618\dots$. \begin{solution} Your solution here. \end{solution} \end{enumerate} \end{problem} \end{document}