CS代考计算机代写 decision tree %

% To use this as a template for turning in your solutions, change the flag
% \inclsolns from 0 to 1. Make sure you include macros.tex in the directory
% containing this file. Edit the “author” and “collaborators” fields as
% appropriate. Write your solutions where indicated.






\def\@collaborators{\@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\collaborators given}}

\author{Ada Lovelace}
\collaborators{Charlie Babbage, Mike Faraday}


{\Large CS 535: Complexity Theory, Fall 2020}


{\Large Homework 3}


Due: 8:00PM, Friday, September 25, 2020.


\noindent Name: \@author \\
Collaborators: \@collaborators

Homework must be typeset with \LaTeX\ preferred. Make sure you understand the course collaboration and honesty policy before beginning this assignment. Collaboration is permitted, but you must write the solutions {\em by
yourself without assistance}. You must also identify your
collaborators. Assignments missing a collaboration statement will not be accepted. Getting solutions from outside sources such as the
Web or students not enrolled in the class is strictly forbidden.

\begin{problem}[Hierarchy theorems and padding]
Recall the “padding argument” proof that complexity collapses such as $\P = \NP$ would scale up to $\EXP = \NEXP$. (Or equivalently, the complexity separation $\EXP \ne \NEXP$ would scale down to $\P \ne \NP$.)
\item Show that if $\NTIME(n) \subseteq \TIME(n^2)$, then $\NTIME(n^2) \subseteq \TIME(n^4)$. % Show that if $\NTIME(n^{10}) \not\subseteq \TIME(n^{20})$, then $\NTIME(n^{2}) \notin \TIME(n^{4})$.
Your solution here.
\item Show that for every $k \ge 1$, we have $\P \ne \NTIME(n^k)$.

Hint: Part (a) is not directly useful here, but the idea behind it is.
Your solution here.


\begin{problem}[$\NP$ vs. $\coNP$ relative to an oracle] The Baker-Gill-Solovay Theorem (Theorem 3.7 in Arora-Barak) shows that there is an oracle $A$ relative to which $\P^A \ne \NP^A$. This problem will walk you through a proof of the stronger result that $\NP^A \ne \coNP^A$ for some oracle. (The writeup is long, but the parts you have to fill in should be short!)
\item A DNF formula $D$ is an $\OR$ of “terms,” where each term is an $\AND$ of literals. The \emph{width} of a DNF is the maximum number of literals appearing in any term and the \emph{size} is the number of terms.
For example, $(x_1 \land \overline{x_2}) \lor (x_2 \land x_3 \land x_4)$ is a DNF of width $3$ and size $2$.

Believe it or not, the whole proof rests on the following simple combinatorial fact\footnote{Well, in the same way that Baker-Gill-Solovay rests on the fact that $\OR_N$ cannot be computed by a “decision tree” of depth $