CS代考计算机代写 %

% To use this as a template for turning in your solutions, change the flag
% \inclsolns from 0 to 1. Make sure you include macros.tex in the directory
% containing this file. Edit the “author” and “collaborators” fields as
% appropriate. Write your solutions where indicated.






\def\@collaborators{\@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\collaborators given}}

\author{Ada Lovelace}
\collaborators{Charlie Babbage, Mike Faraday}


{\Large CS 535: Complexity Theory, Fall 2020}


{\Large Homework 5}


Due: 8:00PM, Friday, October 16, 2020.


\noindent Name: \@author \\
Collaborators: \@collaborators

Homework must be typeset with \LaTeX\ preferred. Make sure you understand the course collaboration and honesty policy before beginning this assignment. Collaboration is permitted, but you must write the solutions {\em by
yourself without assistance}. You must also identify your
collaborators. Assignments missing a collaboration statement will not be accepted. Getting solutions from outside sources such as the
Web or students not enrolled in the class is strictly forbidden.


\begin{problem}[Alternation] \hfill
\item Let $k \in \N$. Prove that a language $L \in \class{\Sigma_2TIME}(n^k)$ if and only if there exists a constant $c$ and a (deterministic) TM $M(x, u, v)$ running in $O(|x|^k)$ steps such that
\[x \in L \iff \exists u \in \zo^{c|x|^k} \forall v \in \zo^{c|x|^k} M(x, u, v) = 1.\] (3 points)
\item Prove that $\Sigmacc{2} = \cup_{k =1}^{\infty}\class{\Sigma_2TIME}(n^k)$. (2 points)
\item Let $s(n) \ge n$ be space constructible. Prove that $\NSPACE(s(n)) \subseteq \class{ATIME}((s(n))^2)$. Hint: Recall the proof of Savitch’s Theorem. (6 points)


\begin{problem}[Polynomial Hierarchy] \hfill
\item Define the language
\[\mathprob{\exists USAT} = \{\varphi \text{ a Boolean formula}\mid \exists x \in \zo^n \ \exists! y \in \zo^m \varphi(x_1, \dots, x_n, y_1, \dots, y_m)\}.\]
Here, the notation “$\exists!$” means “there exists exactly one” (satisfying $y$). For example, $\varphi(x, y_1, y_2) = (x \land y_1 \land \overline{y_2}) \lor (\bar{x} \land y_1) \in \mathprob{\exists USAT}$ because setting $x = 1$ makes $y_1 = 1$ and $y_2 = 0$ the unique satisfying assignment to the formula. Show that $\mathprob{\exists USAT}$ is $\Sigmacc{2}$-complete. (6 points)
\item Suppose that one day, science shows that $\Sigmacc{6} \subseteq \Picc{4}$. Show that the polynomial hierarchy collapses, to the lowest level that you can. (3 points)

\begin{problem}[* Bonus * Our Pal $\class{AL}$]
Let $\class{AL} = \class{ASPACE}(\log n)$ be the class of languages decidable in logarithmic space by an alternating TM. Prove that $\P = \class{AL}$.
