% CISC 360 a4, Fall 2022
% See a4.pdf for instructions
* Q1: Student ID
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
student_id( this is a syntax error ).
% second_student_id( ).
% If in a group, uncomment the second_student_id line
% and put the second student’s ID between the ( )
* Q2: Prime numbers
factorsLoop(N, Start, Factors):
Given integers N > 1 and Start > 1,
return in Factors a list of all F such that
(F >= Start)
and (N mod F) = 0.
factorsLoop( N, Start, []) :- N > 1, Start > 1, Start >= N.
factorsLoop( N, Start, [Start | Rest]) :-
N > 1, Start > 1, Start < N,
(N mod Start) =:= 0,
Next is Start + 1,
factorsLoop( N, Next, Rest).
factorsLoop( N, Start, Rest) :-
N > 1, Start > 1, Start < N,
(N mod Start) =\= 0,
Next is Start + 1,
factorsLoop( N, Next, Rest).
factors(N, Factors): Given an integer N > 1,
return in Factors a list of all F such that
F > 1 and F < N and (N mod F) = 0.
(The list Factors includes non-prime factors.
For example, factors(20, [2, 4, 5, 10]) is true.)
factors(N, Factors) :- N > 1, factorsLoop( N, 2, Factors).
isPrime(N, Answer)
Given an integer N >= 2:
Answer = prime iff N is prime
Answer = composite(Factors) iff N is composite, with *prime* factors Factors
?- isPrime(11, Answer).
Answer = prime
?- isPrime(20, Answer).
Answer = composite([2, 5]) % The factors of 20 are: 2, 4, 5, 10.
% The *prime* factors of 20 are: 2, 5.
Replace the word “change_this” in the rules below.
Hint: You should return the *prime* factors (not all of the factors),
but it may be useful to first write a version of isPrime
that returns all of the factors,
complete question Q2b,
and then return to this question.
isPrime(N, prime) :-
isPrime(N, composite(PrimeFactors)) :-
findPrimes(Numbers, Primes)
Primes = list of N in Numbers such that N is prime,
in the same order as Numbers.
Return only one solution.
For example,
?- findPrimes([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], Primes).
Primes = [2, 3, 5, 7] ;
Q2b. Replace the word “change_this” in the rules below.
Hint: Try to use findPrimes(Xs, Ys).
findPrimes([], []).
In this rule, we include X in the output: [X | Ys].
So this rule should check that X is prime.
findPrimes([X | Xs], [X | Ys]) :-
In this rule, we do not include X in the output: Ys.
So this rule should check that X is composite.
findPrimes([X | Xs], Ys) :-
upto(X, Y, Zs):
Zs is every integer from X to Y
?- upto(3, 7, Range)
Range = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
upto(X, X, [X]).
upto(X, Y, [X | Zs]) :-
Xplus1 is X + 1,
upto(Xplus1, Y, Zs).
primes_range(M, N, Primes)
Primes = all prime numbers between M and N, in increasing order.
?- primes_range(60, 80, Primes).
Primes = [61, 67, 71, 73, 79] .
(Return only one solution.)
Q2c. Replace the word “change_this” in the rule below.
HINT: Use upto and findPrimes.
primes_range(M, N, Primes) :-
* Q3. Translate the spiral function (similar to a1).
`spiral’: given a pair of numbers `dir’ and `span’,
returns 1 if `dir’ is less than or equal to 1,
and otherwise returns (span – dir) * spiral (dir – 2, span – 3).
Here is a Haskell solution:
spiral :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
spiral (dir, span) = if dir <= 1 then 1
else (span - dir) * spiral(dir - 2, span - 3)
Finish writing a Prolog predicate
such that spiral(Dir, Span, R) is true iff R = (spiral Dir Span)
(in Haskell)
Hint: It may be useful to rewrite 'spiral' using 'let' and/or 'where'.
spiral(Dir, _, 1) :- Dir =< 1.
spiral(Dir, Span, R) :-
To test: ?- spiral(0, 32, 1).
?- spiral(-32, 5, 1).
?- spiral(7, 50, R).
R = 74046 . % type .
?- spiral(13, 3, R).
R = 3603600 % type ;
Hint: The last two queries (and similar queries) should give
only one solution.
Consider the tree (We are *not* representing
trees with Empty "leaves":
4 4
/ \ / \
2 5 2 5
/ \ / \ / \
1 3 1 3 E E
Empty E E E )
We will express the above tree in Prolog as
node( 4, node( 2, leaf(1), leaf(3)), leaf(5))
What we are doing here is similar to the Haskell type
data A4Tree = Node Integer A4Tree A4Tree
| Leaf Integer
In this question, a "group" is a list of the keys stored at a node and its children.
For example, the tree
contains two groups:
[4, 2, 5] from 4
[2, 1, 3] from 2
(A leaf, by itself, does not count as a group.)
In this question, define a Prolog predicate
group(Tree, P)
such that P is a group in Tree.
For example:
?- group(node(4, node(2, leaf(1), leaf(3)), leaf(5)), [4, 2, 5]).
?- group(node(2, leaf(1), leaf(3)), [2, 1, 3]).
Your predicate should be written so that when the first argument is a specific tree
(containing no variables) and the second argument is a variable, typing ; returns
*all* groups in the tree. For example:
?- group(node(4, node(2, leaf(1), leaf(3)), leaf(5)), G).
G = [4, 2, 5] ;
G = [2, 1, 3] ;
A leaf by itself contains no groups, so asking for the groups in a leaf should fail:
?- group(leaf(1000), G).
Define clauses for 'group' below.
We have defined a predicate 'key' that "returns" the key at the root (of a node),
or the sole key in a leaf. Calling 'key' from 'group' may simplify your code.
key( node( K, _, _), K).
key( leaf( K), K).
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