// traffic light controller
// CSE140L 3-street, 9-state version
// inserts all-red after each yellow
// uses enumerated variables for states and for red-yellow-green
// 5 after traffic, 10 max cycles for green
// starter (shell) — you need to complete the always_comb logic
import light_package ::*; // defines red, yellow, green
// same as Harris & Harris 4-state, but we have added two all-reds
module traffic_light_controller(
input clk, reset, ew_str_sensor, ew_left_sensor, ns_sensor, // traffic sensors, east-west straight, east-west left, north-south
output colors ew_str_light, ew_left_light, ns_light); // traffic lights, east-west straight, east-west left, north-south
// HRR = red-red following YRR; RRH = red-red following RRY;
// ZRR = 2nd cycle yellow, follows YRR, etc.
typedef enum {GRR, YRR, ZRR, HRR, RGR, RYR, RZR, RHR, RRG, RRY, RRZ, RRH} tlc_states;
tlc_states present_state, next_state;
integer ctr5, next_ctr5, // 5 sec timeout when my traffic goes away
ctr10, next_ctr10; // 10 sec limit when other traffic presents
// sequential part of our state machine (register between C1 and C2 in Harris & Harris Moore machine diagram
// combinational part will reset or increment the counters and figure out the next_state
always_ff @(posedge clk)
if(reset) begin
present_state <= RRH; // so that EWS has top priority after reset
ctr5 <= 0;
ctr10 <= 0;
else begin
present_state <= next_state;
ctr5 <= next_ctr5;
ctr10 <= next_ctr10;
// combinational part of state machine ("C1" block in the Harris & Harris Moore machine diagram)
// default needed because only 6 of 8 possible states are defined/used
always_comb begin
next_state = HRR; // default to reset state
next_ctr5 = 0;
next_ctr10 = 0;
/* ************* Fill in the case statements ************** */
GRR: begin
// when is next_state GRR? YRR?
// what does ctr5 do? ctr10?
// etc.
// combination output driver ("C2" block in the Harris & Harris Moore machine diagram)
always_comb begin
ew_str_light = red; // cover all red plus undefined cases
ew_left_light = red;
ns_light = red;
case(present_state) // Moore machine
GRR: ew_str_light = green;
YRR,ZRR: ew_str_light = yellow; // my dual yellow states -- brute force way to make yellow last 2 cycles
RGR: ew_left_light = green;
RYR,RZR: ew_left_light = yellow;
RRG: ns_light = green;
RRY,RRZ: ns_light = yellow;