# Question 3: A\* Search
## _An Informed Search Algorithm_ (20 Marks)
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
### What We Expect You To Do
Implement the A\* search algorithm inside the `solve()` function in
Your A\* search will use the heuristic contained in the `heuristic` argument
passed to the `solve()` function in [`a_star_search.py`](../a_star_search.py).
The heuristics take a state and return an estimate of the cost to reach the
goal from that state. The heuristics are defined in
[heuristics.py](../heuristics.py) and for the simple navigation search problem
we include three heuristics:
– The null heuristic, i.e. `h(s) = 0` for every state `s`,
– the Manhattan distance heuristic, `h(s) = |x(s) – x(G)| + |y(s) – y(G)|`,
where `x()` and `y()` are the coordinates of the given state `s` or goal
state `G`,
– and the Euclidean distance heuristic,
`h(s) = sqrt( |x(s) – x(G)|^2 + |y(s) – y(G)|^2 )`.
Your implementation of A\* needs to have **all** of the following properties:
1. It implements graph search rather than tree search.
2. It returns a **valid** sequence of actions. That is, all moves are legal and
the sequence of moves leads from the initial state to the goal.
3. The sequence of actions has the **optimal length** when using an admissible
heuristic (such as the _Manhattan Distance_ and the _Euclidean Distance_
4. It visits states in the **right** order. That is, it expands nodes with
smaller f-values first.
5. Your implementation is not substantially slower than our solution over the
maps `anuSearch`, `aiSearch` and `mazeSearch`.
6. When given an admissible heuristic (which is not necessarily consistent),
your A\* search must return an optimal solution.
The times and costs of optimal solutions with our implementation on the three
maps mentioned above are:
| Problem | Cost | Expanded Manhattan | Time w. Manhattan (secs) | Expanded Euclidean | Time w. Euclidean (secs) |
| ———- | —- | —————— | ———————— | —————— | ———————— |
| anuSearch | 45 | 222 | 0.0065 | 200 | 0.0075 |
| aiSearch | 26 | 59 | 0.0019 | 89 | 0.0030 |
| mazeSearch | 68 | 221 | 0.0066 | 226 | 0.0064 |
The times above have been averaged over several runs. The measurements were
taken using Anaconda Python 3.6.3 on a 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7. Depending on the
implementation, your number of expanded nodes might differ from the above.
You can test your implementation with the commands:
python3 red_bird.py -l search_layouts/anuSearch.lay -p SearchAgent -a fn=astar,heuristic=manhattan
python3 red_bird.py -l search_layouts/aiSearch.lay -p SearchAgent -a fn=astar,heuristic=manhattan
python3 red_bird.py -l search_layouts/mazeSearch.lay -p SearchAgent -a fn=astar,heuristic=manhattan
Alternatively, if you’re using Mac or Linux, you can run these shortcuts:
./test.sh astar anuSearch manhattan
./test.sh astar aiSearch manhattan
./test.sh astar mazeSearch manhattan
Replace `manhattan` with `euclidean` to change the heuristic.
1. A* **expands** first the nodes on the frontier with **minimum f-value**.
2. In [frontiers.py](../frontiers.py) you will find a number of data structures
readily available for you to use.
3. When you need to find the heuristic value of a state, the usage of the
heuristic will typically be of the form `heuristic_value = heuristic(state, problem)`.
### What to Submit
You need to include in your submission the file `a_star_search.py` with your
implementation of A\*. Please, remember to fill in your details in the comments
at the start of the file.
Once you’ve finished, you can move to the [next section](6_heuristics.md) or go
back to the [index](README.md).
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com