Module: OrderingTreeTest.
Used to test Part I.b.
module OrderingTreeTest where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Contrib.HUnit (fromHUnitTest)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Types
import Players.Minimax
import Util.StateTreeInstances
type TestTree = StateTree Int Int
— Retrieve value stored at the node.
nodeValue :: TestTree -> Int
nodeValue (StateTree x _) = x
— First subtree (used to check the second level).
firstSubtree :: TestTree -> TestTree
firstSubtree (StateTree _ []) = error “No branches”
firstSubtree (StateTree _ (t:_)) = snd t
— Get value of top branch.
topBranchValue :: TestTree -> Int
topBranchValue t = nodeValue (firstSubtree t)
— Simple function to check if a list is ordered.
isSorted :: [Int] -> Bool
isSorted [] = True
isSorted [x] = True
isSorted (x:y:xs) = x <= y && isSorted (y:xs)
Unit tests.
-- Simple tree with two levels.
testTree :: TestTree
testTree = StateTree 0 [(3, StateTree 3 ts), (4, StateTree 4 ts), (0, StateTree 0 ts)]
ts = [(5, StateTree 5 []), (7, StateTree 7 []), (1, StateTree 1 [])]
-- Apply highFirst and check that first value of top branch is the highest.
testHighFirstHigh :: Test
testHighFirstHigh = TestCase (assertEqual "topBranchValue (highFirst testTree)" v 4)
v = topBranchValue (highFirst testTree)
-- Apply highFirst and check that the first value of the top branch in the level below is the
-- lowest.
testHighFirstLow :: Test
testHighFirstLow = TestCase (assertEqual "topBranchValue (firstSubtree (highFirst testTree))" v 1)
v = topBranchValue (firstSubtree (highFirst testTree))
-- Apply lowFirst and check that first value of top branch is the lowest.
testLowFirstLow :: Test
testLowFirstLow = TestCase (assertEqual "topBranchValue (lowFirst testTree)" v 0)
v = topBranchValue (lowFirst testTree)
-- Apply lowFirst and check that the first value of the top branch in the level below is the
-- highest.
testLowFirstHigh :: Test
testLowFirstHigh = TestCase (assertEqual "topBranchValue (firstSubtree (lowFirst testTree))" v 7)
v = topBranchValue (firstSubtree (lowFirst testTree))
-- All unit tests together.
orderingTreeUnitTests :: Spec
orderingTreeUnitTests = fromHUnitTest $
TestList [
TestLabel "testHighFirstHigh" testHighFirstHigh,
TestLabel "testHighFirstLow" testHighFirstLow,
TestLabel "testLowFirstLow" testHighFirstLow,
TestLabel "testLowFirstHigh" testHighFirstHigh]
QuickCheck tests.
-- Check if top level is ordered from highest to lowest.
testHighFirstQuickCheck :: TestTree -> Expectation
testHighFirstQuickCheck t = case (highFirst t) of
(StateTree _ ts) -> assertBool “isSorted ts'” (isSorted ts’)
ts’ = reverse (map (nodeValue . snd) ts)
— Check if top level is ordered from lowest to highest.
testLowFirstQuickCheck :: TestTree -> Expectation
testLowFirstQuickCheck t = case (lowFirst t) of
(StateTree _ ts) -> assertBool “isSorted ts'” (isSorted ts’)
ts’ = map (nodeValue . snd) ts
— All QuickCheck tests together.
orderingTreeQuickCheckTests :: Spec
orderingTreeQuickCheckTests = do
prop “testHighFirstQuickCheck” testHighFirstQuickCheck
prop “testLowFirstQuickCheck” testLowFirstQuickCheck