module HumanTest where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Contrib.HUnit (fromHUnitTest)
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Graph
import Types
import Constants
import Cell
import Action
import Player
import Game
import Players.Human
Some defaults.
— All the cells.
startingCells :: [Cell]
startingCells = [(i, j) | i<-allColumns, j<-allRows]
-- All the edges.
startingEdges :: [(Cell, Cell, [Cell])]
startingEdges = [(c, c, adjacent c) | c<-startingCells]
adjacent :: Cell -> [Cell]
adjacent c = [c’ | c’<-startingCells, isAdjacent c c']
-- A board (graph) formed from all the edges.
startingBoard :: Board
startingBoard = b
(b, _, _) = graphFromEdges startingEdges
-- Column in the middle of the board.
middleColumn :: Column
middleColumn = intToColumn ((div boardSize 2) + 1)
-- Starting players in the usual positions. Note that the player type is irrelevant for this test.
startingPlayers :: [Player]
startingPlayers =
[makeHumanPlayer "X" (middleColumn, firstRow) wallsPerPlayer winningX,
makeHumanPlayer "Y" (middleColumn, lastRow) wallsPerPlayer winningY]
winningX = [(i, lastRow) | i<-allColumns]
winningY = [(i, firstRow) | i<-allColumns]
Unit tests.
commandToAction :: Board -> [Player] -> String -> Int -> Maybe Action
commandToActionTest1 :: Test
commandToActionTest1 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
move = Just (Move (stepLeft (currentCell p)))
command = [columnLeft middleColumn] ++ “1” in
TestCase (assertEqual
“commandToAction startingBoard startingPlayers command 0”
(commandToAction startingBoard startingPlayers command 0) move)
commandToActionTest2 :: Test
commandToActionTest2 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
move = Just (Move (stepRight (currentCell p)))
command = [columnRight middleColumn] ++ “1” in
TestCase (assertEqual
“commandToAction startingBoard startingPlayers command 0”
(commandToAction startingBoard startingPlayers command 0) move)
commandToActionTest3 :: Test
commandToActionTest3 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
wall = Just (Place (wallTop (currentCell p)))
command = [middleColumn] ++ “1h” in
TestCase (assertEqual
“commandToAction startingBoard startingPlayers command 0”
(commandToAction startingBoard startingPlayers command 0) wall)
commandToActionTest4 :: Test
commandToActionTest4 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
wall = Just (Place (wallRight (currentCell p)))
command = [middleColumn] ++ “1v” in
TestCase (assertEqual
“commandToAction startingBoard startingPlayers command 0”
(commandToAction startingBoard startingPlayers command 0) wall)
— All unit tests together.
humanPlayerUnitTests :: Spec
humanPlayerUnitTests = fromHUnitTest $
TestList [
TestLabel “commandToActionTest1” commandToActionTest1,
TestLabel “commandToActionTest2” commandToActionTest2,
TestLabel “commandToActionTest3” commandToActionTest3,
TestLabel “commandToActionTest4” commandToActionTest4]