Module: UtilityTest.
Used to test Part I.e.
module UtilityTest where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Contrib.HUnit (fromHUnitTest)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph
import Types
import Constants
import Cell
import Action
import Game
import Players.Minimax
import Util.Assertion
Generating the default starting game.
— All the cells.
startingCells :: [Cell]
startingCells = [(i, j) | i<-allColumns, j<-allRows]
-- All the edges.
startingEdges :: [(Cell, Cell, [Cell])]
startingEdges = [(c, c, adjacent c) | c<-startingCells]
adjacent :: Cell -> [Cell]
adjacent c = [c’ | c’<-startingCells, isAdjacent c c']
-- A board (graph) formed from all the edges.
startingBoard :: Board
startingBoard = b
(b, _, _) = graphFromEdges startingEdges
-- Starting players in the usual positions. Note that the player type is irrelevant for this test.
startingPlayers :: [Player]
startingPlayers =
[makeMinimaxPlayer "X" (middleColumn, firstRow) wallsPerPlayer winningX,
makeMinimaxPlayer "Y" (middleColumn, lastRow) wallsPerPlayer winningY]
middleColumn = intToColumn ((div boardSize 2) + 1)
winningX = [(i, lastRow) | i<-allColumns]
winningY = [(i, firstRow) | i<-allColumns]
-- Starting board and starting players together.
startingGame :: Game
startingGame = Game startingBoard startingPlayers
Unit tests.
For this part there are only two unit tests that take into account how moving and wall placement
may affect the value of the utility function.
-- Game where X moves one position ahead and Y one position to the left.
positionAheadGame :: Game
positionAheadGame = fromJust $ performAction (fromJust $ performAction startingGame actX) actY
actX, actY :: Action
actX = let c = currentCell (currentPlayer startingPlayers) in Move (stepTop c)
actY = let c = currentCell (previousPlayer startingPlayers) in Move (stepLeft c)
-- The utility function should give a higher value to 'positionAheadGame'.
testUtilityPositionAhead :: Test
testUtilityPositionAhead =
TestCase (assertLessThan "positionAheadGame" (utility startingGame) (utility positionAheadGame))
-- Game where X moves one position to the right and Y places a wall in front of it.
wallInFrontGame :: Game
wallInFrontGame = fromJust $ performAction (fromJust $ performAction startingGame actX) actY
actX, actY :: Action
actX = let c = currentCell (currentPlayer startingPlayers) in Move (stepRight c)
actY = let c = currentCell (currentPlayer startingPlayers) in Place (wallTop c)
-- The utility function should take into account walls and hence give a lower value to
-- 'wallInFrontGame'.
testUtilityWallInFront :: Test
testUtilityWallInFront =
TestCase (assertLessThan "wallInFrontGame" (utility wallInFrontGame) (utility startingGame))
-- All unit tests together.
utilityUnitTests :: Spec
utilityUnitTests = fromHUnitTest $
TestList [
TestLabel "testUtilityPositionAhead" testUtilityPositionAhead,
TestLabel "testUtilityWallInFront" testUtilityWallInFront]