CS代考程序代写 module GameTest where

module GameTest where

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Contrib.HUnit (fromHUnitTest)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Graph

import Types
import Constants
import Cell
import Action
import Game
import Players.Human

Some defaults.

— All the cells.
startingCells :: [Cell]
startingCells = [(i, j) | i<-allColumns, j<-allRows] -- All the edges. startingEdges :: [(Cell, Cell, [Cell])] startingEdges = [(c, c, adjacent c) | c<-startingCells] where adjacent :: Cell -> [Cell]
adjacent c = [c’ | c’<-startingCells, isAdjacent c c'] -- A board (graph) formed from all the edges. startingBoard :: Board startingBoard = b where (b, _, _) = graphFromEdges startingEdges -- Starting players in the usual positions. Note that the player type is irrelevant for this test. startingPlayers :: [Player] startingPlayers = [makeHumanPlayer "X" (middleColumn, firstRow) wallsPerPlayer winningX, makeHumanPlayer "Y" (middleColumn, lastRow) wallsPerPlayer winningY] where middleColumn = intToColumn ((div boardSize 2) + 1) winningX = [(i, lastRow) | i<-allColumns] winningY = [(i, firstRow) | i<-allColumns] -- Default game. startingGame :: Game startingGame = Game startingBoard startingPlayers {- Unit tests. -} {- currentPlayer :: [Player] -> Player

currentPlayerTest :: Test
currentPlayerTest =
TestCase (assertEqual
“name (currentPlayer startingPlayers)”
(name (currentPlayer startingPlayers)) “X”)

previousPlayer :: [Player] -> Player

previousPlayerTest :: Test
previousPlayerTest =
TestCase (assertEqual
“name (previousPlayer startingPlayers)”
(name (previousPlayer startingPlayers)) “Y”)

rotatePlayers :: [Player] -> [Player]

rotatePlayersTest :: Test
rotatePlayersTest =
TestCase (assertEqual
“name (currentPlayer (rotatePlayers startingPlayers))”
(name (currentPlayer (rotatePlayers startingPlayers))) “Y”)

validStepAction :: Game -> Player -> Step -> Bool

validStepActionTestTrue :: Test
validStepActionTestTrue = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
step = stepLeft (currentCell p) in
TestCase (assertBool
“validStepAction startingGame step”
(validStepAction startingGame step))

validStepActionTestFalse :: Test
validStepActionTestFalse = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = currentCell p
step = (c, cellTop (cellTop c)) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (validStepAction startingGame step)”
(not (validStepAction startingGame step)))

validWallAction :: Game -> Player -> Wall -> Bool

validWallActionTestTrue :: Test
validWallActionTestTrue = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = currentCell p
step1 = stepLeft c
step2 = stepLeft (cellTop c)
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“validWallAction startingGame wall”
(validWallAction startingGame wall))

validWallActionTestFalse :: Test
validWallActionTestFalse = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = currentCell p
step1 = stepLeft c
step2 = stepRight (cellTop c)
wall = (step1, step2) in
TestCase (assertBool
“not (validWallAction startingGame wall)”
(not (validWallAction startingGame wall)))

performAction :: Game -> Action -> Maybe Game

performActionTest1 :: Test
performActionTest1 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = currentCell p
step = stepLeft c in
case (performAction startingGame (Move step)) of
(Just (Game _ ps)) -> let
p’ = previousPlayer ps
c’ = currentCell p’ in
TestCase (assertEqual “‘performAction’ move left” c’ (cellLeft c))
Nothing -> TestCase (assertBool “‘performAction’ move left fail” False)

performActionTest2 :: Test
performActionTest2 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = currentCell p
step = (c, cellTop (cellTop c)) in
case (performAction startingGame (Move step)) of
(Just _) -> TestCase (assertBool “‘performAction’ invalid move fail” False)
Nothing -> TestCase (assertBool “‘performAction’ invalid move” True)

performActionTest3 :: Test
performActionTest3 = let
p = currentPlayer startingPlayers
c = currentCell p
step1 = stepLeft c
step2 = stepLeft (cellTop c)
wall = (step1, step2) in
case (performAction startingGame (Place wall)) of
(Just (Game b _)) -> TestCase (assertEqual
“‘performAction’ place wall number of edges”
(length (edges startingBoard)) ((length (edges b)) + 4)) — Edges go both ways.
Nothing -> TestCase (assertBool “‘performAction’ place wall fail” False)

— All unit tests together.
gameUnitTests :: Spec
gameUnitTests = fromHUnitTest $
TestList [
TestLabel “currentPlayerTest” currentPlayerTest,
TestLabel “previousPlayerTest” previousPlayerTest,
TestLabel “validStepActionTestTrue” validStepActionTestTrue,
TestLabel “validStepActionTestFalse” validStepActionTestFalse,
TestLabel “validWallActionTestTrue” validWallActionTestTrue,
TestLabel “validWallActionTestFalse” validWallActionTestFalse,
TestLabel “performActionTest1” performActionTest1,
TestLabel “performActionTest2” performActionTest2,
TestLabel “performActionTest3” performActionTest3]