CS计算机代考程序代写 .\” @(#)notation.n 3.9 (C) Henry Thomas Release 3 Dated 12/10/91

.\” @(#)notation.n 3.9 (C) Henry Thomas Release 3 Dated 12/10/91
.TH notation n “10 December 1990”


notation \- transform chess notation


notation [input file] [-o output file] [-options…]


This program reads chess games, either full algebraic or shortened (ie
Nf1-g3 or Ng3) and is able to ouptut the board after any move, in
either ascii , postscript, nroff, latex, xboard or gnuan save
format. This program is also multi-lingual: it handles english,
french, spanish, german, italian, dutch, romanian etc… symbols. So
nearly all europeans languages are understood (except greek and
russian, but I can’t handle greek or cyrillic on ascii computers, eh).

Command line options:

.TP 8
.B -a
algebraic move notation output

.TP 8
.B -s
shortened move notation output

.TP 8
.B -f
specifies the chess symbol input language. The language can be any of
\fBfrench\fR, \fBenglish\fR, \fBitalian\fR, \fBspanish\fR,
\fBgerman\fR, \fBdutch\fR, \fBczech\fR, \fBhungarian\fR, \fBpolish\fR,
\fBromanian\fR, \fBFIDE\fR.

.TP 8
.B -t
specifies the chess symbol output language. Same options as input language.

.TP 8
specifies the input file. If none, keyboard is assumed.

.TP 8
.B -o
specifies the output file. If none, screen is assumed.

.TP 8
.B -c [,
display the board at the move \fBnumber\fR and then stops

.TP 8
.B -b
display only the board, not the moves

.TP 8
.B -d
specifies the output driver. It can be any of the following:
\fBascii\fR, \fBpostscript\fR, \fBtex\fR, \fBroff\fR, \fBxchess\fR
(xchess or xboard save format), \fBgnu\fR (gnuan input format).

.TP 8
.B -i
suppress headers/footers printing. This is useful with tex or ps
drivers, if you want to include the output in a larger file.

.TP 8
.B -v
displays version number and exits

.TP 8
.B -h
displays help screen


The input language has four types of input: moves, move numbers,
comments and keywords. All these are separated by blanks, TAB, CR,
commas and semi-columns.

.TP 8
.B move format:
The moves are accepted in algebraic or shortened algebraic notation.
That means that the following are equivalent and accepted \fB Nf1-g3
N-f1xg3, Nxg3, Ng3, Nfg3\fR. The ugly english notation \fBP-K4\fR is
not understood, neither by the program nor me. The program allows and
parse variations.

Nota: provided you remove the three first line, xchess save format is

Also you can have move comments. So \fBKg4!!, Ra5++\fR are correct,
as \fBKg4 !!, Ra5 ++\fR. Castling is recognized with the following
\fB0-0 O-O o-o 0-0-0 O-O-O o-o-o\fR. “En passant” and promotion are
now correctly handled. For “en passant”, you just indicate them move
and it is correctly parsed ex: “d5-d7 e5xd6”. Promotion is indicated
with the “=” sign followed by the new piece name. So you just write
“a7-a8=Q” or “d8=K”. If you omit the piece name, promotion is made to
Queen by default; so “a8=” is equivalent to “a8=Q”.

For example, see the files \fBalgebraic.txt\fR,
\fBshortened.txt\fR and \fBboudy.txt\fR

.TP 8
.B move numbers:
move numbers are in the form \fB23.\fR or \fB36\fR. The full point is
optional. Move numbers are checked against internal move counter.

.TP 8
.B comments:
chess codified comments can be put in the input. There are two ways
or doing so. The first one is to use the usual chess notation \fB!?,
!, ,+, ++, #, ep, etc \fR… However, international magazine use other
no-ascii symbols : triangles, squares, infinity and so on. You can
have these symbols \fB on LaTeX output\fR. This is the second way. I
defined three letters abbreviations for such symbols (look at the file
\fBchesssymb.txt\fR for an extensive description). These abbreviations
are following a \fB$\fr sign. For instance \fB$wsb\fR means “white
slightly better”. This is, IMHO, a very interesting feature of the

.TP 8
.B text:
plain text, such as explanations etc… must be enclosed in brackets
or parenthesis \fB[Here Karpov made a very bright move …]\fR
\fB(this is also a comment)\fR. Comments are not parsed, but directly
inserted in the output, for the \fBascii\fR ,\fBnroff\fR and
\fBlatex\fR drivers. The closing characters (ie “]” or “)” depending
of the opening characters may be placed in the text, provided it is
escaped by a “\\” ( so you input “\\]” or “\\)” ).

.TP 8
.B variations:
You can have variations in the source. Variation are in enclosing \fB
{ } \fR. You can have up to three level of variation. It would be
enough for human players. A variation always follows the move. Here is
an exemple of variation : \fB25. Rb2 { Ce4 de4 26 Fc3 Fa3! 27. Ff6 Tb3
} Fa3!\fR

.TP 8
.B keywords:
You can insert keywords in the input text to precisely define what
you want: displaying the board, configuring it… Keywords are
detailled in the next section.

all keywords are prefixed with \fB@\fR
.TP 8
.B @startplay
begins the play. Obligatory after a \fB@configxxx\fR keyword.
.TP 8
.B @clearboard
clears the board. Used prior to any \fB@configxxx\fR.
.TP 8
.B @showboard
displays the board. Can be used anywhere
.TP 8
.B @whitesmove
tells the program that is the white’s turn of play. Useful after a
\fB@configxxx\fR and \fB@startplay\fR
.TP 8
.B @blacksmove
tells the program that it is black’s turn
.TP 8
.B @configwhite
initializes configuration of white side. Pieces are then expected, in
form of (optional for Pawn) name, the position. Example
\fB@configwhite Ke3 Rg8 e4\fR.
.TP 8
.B @configblack
initializes configuration of black side. Pieces are then expected, in
form of (optional for Pawn) name, the position. Example:
\fB@configblack Ka8 Nf6 e6\fR.

Note that black pieces are given in uppercase!

.TP 8
.B @default
resets the board to the default start configuration.
.TP 8

.TP 8
.B @title{ }<br /> this keyword accept one argument enclosed in {}. Example:<br /> \fB@title{Karpov-Kasporov}\fR. Note that you can put \fB}\fR in the<br /> text itself, if it is escaped (\fB\\}\fR).</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B @subtitle{ <subtitle>}<br /> prints a subtitle</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B @score{ <text> }<br /> prints the score.</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B @language{french|english|…|FIDE}<br /> this keyword specifies in which language the pieces names are<br /> expressed. This option overides command-line option.</p> <p>.B @special<br /> all following text up to the next cariage return is not processed, but<br /> instead directly print. This allows to insert comments in ascii files,<br /> or tex commands when tex output is selected.<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B @null<br /> null keyword. Does nothing. Used for convenience in programming.</p> <p>See the file \fBkeywords.txt\fR for an example of keywords use.</p> <p>.SH “NATIONAL LANGUAGES”</p> <p>Here are the symbols used in the differents languages. () mean<br /> optional in the input.</p> <p>english-name King Queen Rook Bishop Knight Pawn<br /> english K Q R B N (P)<br /> french R D T F C (P)<br /> italian R D T A C (P)<br /> spanish R D T A C (P)<br /> german K D T L S (B)<br /> dutch K D T L P (O)<br /> czech K D V S J (P)<br /> hungarian K V B F H (G)<br /> polish K H W G S (P)<br /> romanian R D T N C (P)<br /> FIDE K D T S N (P)</p> <p>.SH DRIVERS</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B ascii<br /> this is the default driver, it outputs move and boards.</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B postscript<br /> It generates a file using the font file \fBCheq\fR licensed for free<br /> by Adobe. It is only able to display one board per run. Move are not<br /> displayed. You need the font “Cheq”, freely distributed by Adobe.<br /> Send a mail to “ps-file-server@adobe.com” with the body “send Programs<br /> chessfont.ps”.</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B tex<br /> This is a \fBlatex\fR driver. It uses the TeX/LaTeX chess macros<br /> designed by Piet Tutalaers “rcpt@urc.tue.nl”. The complete<br /> distribution is available on sol.cs.ruu.nl ( with path<br /> TEX/chess.tar.Z. Refer to your local latex guru to install it.</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B roff<br /> This is a driver for nroff output. It is crude, but it works. Moves and<br /> boards are displayed.</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B xchess<br /> This driver generates compatible xchess/xboard save files, thus allowing you<br /> to replay a game with xchess.</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B gnu<br /> This driver generates “bare” output, with only the algebraic move.<br /> It is suitable for any low-level analyser, such as gnuan.</p> <p>.SH EXAMPLES<br /> Try the following commands:<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation algebraic.txt<br /> this will read the Karpov-Kasparov game 13 (Lyon 1990) in algebraic form,<br /> display move in shortened algebraic and display board at end of game.<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation algebraic.txt -s<br /> this will do the same thing, as \fB-a\fR stands for algebraic<br /> output.<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation algebraic.txt -a<br /> the game will now be output in full-length algebraic<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened.txt<br /> there is no problem to read shortened algebraic.<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened -s -o result<br /> the moves and board will be directed to file \fBresult\fR<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened.txt -s -t french<br /> output will use french notation<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation a_dutch_file -f dutch -t spanish<br /> game will be translated form dutch to spanish<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened -c 2<br /> board after move 2 will be displayed, along with moves and end-of-game<br /> board<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened.txt -e 2<br /> board after move 2 will be displayed, along with moves. The program<br /> will then stops<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened.txt -c 2,5,20<br /> board after moves 2, 5 and 20 will be displayed, along with moves and<br /> end-of-game board<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened.txt -c 2,5,20 -b<br /> board after moves 2, 5 and 20 will be displayed, with end-of-game<br /> board, but no moves.<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened.txt -c 2,5,20 -d tex -o out.tex<br /> the output will be formatted to use with latex. You can directly latex<br /> the output file.<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened.txt -c 2,5,20 -d gnu -o out.gnu<br /> you can now replay the game by using \fBxchess -r out.gnu\fB.<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation shortened.txt -e 5 -d postscript -o out.ps<br /> Now issue \fBcat lib/Cheq out.ps | lpr\fR to display on a Laser<br /> Printer the board at move 5. You can also issue \fBsh print-ps<br /> out-ps\fR.<br /> The postcript driver does not support the \fB-c\fR option.<br /> .TP 8<br /> .B notation boudy.txt -d tex -o boudy.tex<br /> This is the all-star, all-singing demonstration of the notation<br /> program. Runs latex on boudy.tex and print result.</p> <p>.SH FILES</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B algebraic.txt shortened.txt keywords.txt boudy.txt<br /> these are examples of input files</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B chesssymb.tex<br /> this is the LaTeX file containing the definitions of the codified<br /> comment. You can include it in your own LaTeX files: you will be able<br /> to use the chess comments. The file is stand-alone. To iclude<br /> comment in LaTeX, just type \fB\\COM<three letter name>\fR. For<br /> instance \fB\\COMwsb\fR inserts the symbol for “whites stands lightly<br /> better”.</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B chesssymb.txt<br /> explanation of codified comments</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B convsymb.txt<br /> used to prduce chesssymb.txt</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B ($LIBDIR/)HELPFILE<br /> this is the on-line helpfile</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B ($LIBDIR/) Cheq Header.ps Footer.ps<br /> these files are needed by the postscript driver</p> <p>.TP 8<br /> .B ($LIBDIR/)Header.tex<br /> these file is needed by the (la)tex driver</p> <p>.SH “SEE ALSO”<br /> xchess(1), chess(6), gnuchess(1), latex(1), nroff(1), lpr(1)</p> <p>.SH DIAGNOSTICS<br /> Errors messages are hoped to be self-explanative.</p> <p>.SH COMMENTS<br /> The program is quite large, due to the extensive use of tables and<br /> variables to control its features. The advantage is you only need the<br /> modify these tables to customize it: for instance adding a new<br /> language or tuning the output format to your own needs. </p> <p>.SH BUGS<br /> Too many. Report them to \fBHenry.Thomas@irisa.fr\fR.</p> <p>The postscript driver *might* fail if you try to display the board<br /> two times. Anyway, it is not designed to do this. Use \fB-e\fR option<br /> to specify the move at which you want to display board.</p> <p>Do not enter two levels of variation without any move between them. It<br /> will cause the crash of the program. For instance, \fB{ {\fR is wrong,<br /> but \fB { Qd1 {\fR is correct.</p> <p>.SH AUTHOR<br /> Henry Thomas IRISA-Rennes, FRANCE. E-mail to<br /> \fBHenry.Thomas@irisa.fr\fR or \fBhthomas@irisa.fr\fR.<br /> .SH “THANKS”</p> <p>Thanks to Jacques Schuurman for the piece names in Dutch, Philippe<br /> Louarn for explaining me some TeX tricks, Lael for czech, hungarian,<br /> polish, romanian and FIDE piece names, to Steven Young. Thank also to<br /> Brian Molinari, Markus Geltz and Jose Esquer Ruiz for pointing me to<br /> bugs Most of all, thank to Jean-Luc Scharbarg for introducing me to<br /> chess.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content .clear --> </div> </article><!-- #post-## --> <nav class="navigation post-navigation" aria-label="Post navigation"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Post navigation</span> <div class="nav-links"><div class="nav-previous"><a title="CS计算机代考程序代写 {" href="https://powcoder.com/2021/03/11/cs%e8%ae%a1%e7%ae%97%e6%9c%ba%e4%bb%a3%e8%80%83%e7%a8%8b%e5%ba%8f%e4%bb%a3%e5%86%99-24/" rel="prev"><span class="ast-left-arrow">←</span> Previous Post</a></div><div class="nav-next"><a title="CS计算机代考程序代写 flex /* DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE */" href="https://powcoder.com/2021/03/11/cs%e8%ae%a1%e7%ae%97%e6%9c%ba%e4%bb%a3%e8%80%83%e7%a8%8b%e5%ba%8f%e4%bb%a3%e5%86%99-flex-do-not-remove-this-line/" rel="next">Next Post <span class="ast-right-arrow">→</span></a></div></div> </nav><div 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