CS61B Spring 2020
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Computer Science Division
Final Examination
P. N. Hilfinger
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
READ THIS PAGE FIRST. Please do not discuss this exam with people who haven’t taken it. Your exam should contain 10 problems on 18 pages. Officially, it is worth 46 points (out of a total of 200).
This is an open-book test. You have two hours and fifty minutes to complete it. You may consult any books, notes, or other non-responsive objects available to you. You may use any program text supplied in lectures, problem sets, or solutions. Please write your answers in the spaces provided in the test. Make sure to put your name, login, and TA in the space provided below. Put your login and initials clearly on each page of this test and on any additional sheets of paper you use for your answers.
Be warned: my tests are known to cause panic. Fortunately, this reputation is entirely unjustified. Just read all the questions carefully to begin with, and first try to answer those parts about which you feel most confident. Do not be alarmed if some of the answers are obvious.
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Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 2 Reference Material. The excerpts below are not intended to be comprehensive. Feel
free to use other methods as well.
Methods of System:
void arraycopy(src, k0, dest, k1, len): Copy len elements from src,
starting at index k0, to dest, starting at index k1.
Methods of implementations of Collection
int size(): Number of entries.
boolean isEmpty(): True iff .size() is zero.
boolean contains(v): True iff v is an element.
boolean remove(v): Remove first element that equals v, returns true
iff it was present. void clear(): Remove all elements.
Methods of
Methods of
T get(k): Return element indexed by
boolean add(k, v): Add element v at
T remove(k): Remove and return element k (k an int).
Methods of implementations of Map
T get(k): Get element mapped by k, or null.
boolean containsKey(k): True iff k is mapped.
void put(k, v): Set element mapped by k to v.
implementations of List
add(v): Add element v to collection. Adds to end for lists.
Returns true iff collection
is changed (may not be for Sets).
implementations of List
k. index k.
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 3 1. [3 points] Fill in the blanks in the following to fulfill the comments.
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
class Args {
/** A pattern that matches a time containing minutes and hours on a 24-hour
* clock. Minutes must be two-digit decimal numerals 00 through
* 59, and hours must consist of one or two digits (0 through
* 23). There must be two captured groups: one for hours and one
* for minutes. Time 0:00 (or 00:00) denotes midnight. Times such as * 24:00, 25:01, 12:60, or 002:22 are not valid.
static final Pattern PATN =
Pattern.compile(” “);
/** Prints the number of minutes after midnight denoted by TEXT, a * time in the format described by PATN.
public static void printMinutes(String text) { Matcher matcher = PATN.matcher(text); matcher.matches();
int hours =
int minutes =
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 4 2. [3 points]
In the following, assume in each case that y is a non-negative Java int vari- able.
a. What can you say about y if the following expression is true? y == (((y & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1) | (y & 0xaaaaaaaa)) (Choose one)
⃝ y is odd.
⃝ y is divisible by 5. ⃝ y is divisible by 3. ⃝ y is divisible by 10. ⃝ None of the above. ⃝ All of the above.
b. Does the answer to (a) change if we change >> to >>>? ⃝ Yes. ⃝ No.
c. For what ranges of y is the following true? y * 144 == ((y<<4) ^ (y<<7))
(Pick the largest range that applies.)
⃝ 0 <= y < 16.
⃝ 0 <= y <= 16.
⃝ 0 <= y <= 8.
⃝ 0 <= y <= 4.
⃝ All non-negative integers less than 224.
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 5
3. [4 points] Fill in the skeleton below to fulfill its comment. You may use any of the classes in package java.util.*. Do not introduce any arrays. Your solution must take Θ(N) time, where N is the length of the input list. You may make no assumptions about the dynamic type of the input list, and therefore you cannot assume that .get runs in constant time, and will need an iterator. You need not use all lines of the skeleton.
import java.util.*; class tri {
/** Non-destructively return the list of lists of values
* [ [ a[0] ], [ a[1], a[2] ], [ a[3], a[4], a[5] ], ...],
* where a[i] denotes the value at index i in A. Each list gets * longer by one, except that the last should only be as long
* as needed to hold the remaining values of A.
* Forexample,giventheinput[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],the * resultwouldbe[[1],[2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8]].*/
static List> triangle(List
_________________________________________________________ }
return result; }
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 6
[8 points] Fill in the appropriate bubbles for the following.
Which of the following can be caused by providing a heuristic for A* search that underestimates the distance to the target node? Mark all that apply.
Cause the search to fail to reach the target.
Cause the search to find a path to the target that is not the shortest. Cause the search to consider more nodes than necessary.
Force the search into an infinite loop.
None of the above.
Which of the following can be caused by providing a heuristic for A* search that overestimates the distance to the target node? Mark all that apply.
Cause the search to fail to reach the target.
Cause the search to find a path to the target that is not the shortest. Cause the search to consider more nodes than necessary.
Force the search into an infinite loop.
None of the above.
Consider a game-tree search that starts from a position where the maximizing player is to move and searches down 2N moves (N for each player, so that it is again the maximizing player’s turn in the bottom positions). Suppose that during the search, the alpha-beta criteria causes the maximizing player to prune a certain branch. If we repeat the search, going two moves deeper (one for each side, for a total 2N + 2), must that same branch be pruned? Choose one answer.
⃝ Yes; extending the search will yield results consistent with the first search.
⃝ Yes, as long as the deeper search does not discover a win at level 2N + 2.
⃝ No; a position at level 2N (where the search stopped before) may have increased its value.
⃝ No; a position at level 2N may have decreased its value.
⃝ No, unless the deeper search discovers a win at level 2N + 2.
Consider a complete binary max-heap with 2n − 1 > 16 values, all distinct, stored in the usual way in an array, H in positions H[1 .. 2n −1]. Where can the third-smallest value be? Choose the best answer.
⃝ Anywhere in H except H[1].
⃝ Anywhere in H[2n−1 ⃝ Anywhere in H[2n−2 ⃝ Anywhere in H[2n−3 ⃝ Anywhere in H[2n−1 ⃝ Anywhere in H[2n−2 ⃝ Anywhere in H[2n−3 ⃝ Anywhere in H[2n−3
..2n−1]. ..2n−1]. ..2n−1]. ..2n−1+2]. ..2n−1−1]. ..2n−2−1]. ..2n−1−1].
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 7
e. A student creates a hashing function h(x) for integers in an externally chained table with 1000000 buckets that returns (int) (1000000 * y), where y is the fifth value generated by the .nextDouble method on a Random object that has been seeded with the value x. Is this likely to work reasonably well? Choose the best answer.
⃝ Yes, because all the values of h will be distinct for distinct inputs.
⃝ Yes, with relatively high probability, distinct values of x will hash to different values.
⃝ No, because a hashing function must not be non-deterministic.
⃝ No, because for some values of x, the random-number generator will have a short period.
⃝ No, because of patterns in the numbers generated by the generator.
f. If we apply LZW encoding to encode the string “aaaa…”, where ‘a’ is repeated M times, how many codewords will be in the output?
⃝ About M/2. ⃝ About √M. ⃝ About M. ⃝ About lgM.
g. Consider implementing a deque (double-ended queue) with a linked list versus using the best representation you can think of in an array. Which of the following are true for an arbitrary, sufficiently long mix of N operations (insertions in front, insertions at the end, deletions from the front, deletions from the end) when comparing times from the linked-list representation to the times from the array representation? Choose all that apply.
The times required for executing the entire sequence will be within a constant factor of each other.
The times spent performing the first M < N operations will be within a constant factor of each other.
The times spent on any given insertion will be within a constant factor of each other.
The times spent on any given deletion will be within a constant factor of each other.
The time spent on a particular deletion may be much larger for the array repre- sentation because of having to move the remaining elements.
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 8
5. [6 points] In the following questions, notations such as A ⊆ B mean that every function in the set of functions A is also in the set of functions B. Likewise, A = B means that A and B are the same set of functions, and A ∪ B is the union of the sets of functions A and B. Fill in the appropriate bubbles.
a. True or false: Θ(f(N)) ⊆ O(f(N)). ⃝ True ⃝ False
b. True or false: Ω(f (N )) ∪ O(f (N )) includes all functions of N . ⃝ True ⃝ False
c. True or false: 1/2N ∈ Θ(1). ⃝True ⃝ False
d. What is the worst-case running time of the call funcD(N, true) as a function of N? Assume p takes constant time.
public void funcD(int n, boolean which) { if (n < 1) {
} else if (which && p(n)) {
funcD(n / 2, true);
funcD(n, false);
funcD(n - 1, false); }
⃝ Θ(1) ⃝ Θ(lgN) ⃝ Θ(N) ⃝ Θ(N lgN) ⃝ Θ(N2) ⃝ Θ(N3) ⃝ Θ(2N)
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 9 e. What is the worst-case running time of the call funcE(N) as a function of N ? Assume
that the function h takes constant time.
public void funcE(int n) {
for (int i = n; i > 0; i /= 2) {
for (int j = i; j > 0; j -= 1) { h(i, j, n);
⃝ Θ(1) ⃝ Θ(lgN) ⃝ Θ(N) ⃝ Θ(N lgN) ⃝ Θ(N2) ⃝ Θ(N3) ⃝ Θ(2N) f. What is the worst-case running time of the call funcF(N, M) as a function of N?
Assume calls to h take constant time and that M > 1 is a constant.
public void funcF(int n, int b) { if (n <= 1) {
h(); } else {
for (int i = 0; i < b; i += 1) { funcF(n / b, b);
⃝ Θ(1) ⃝ Θ(lgN) ⃝ Θ(N) ⃝ Θ(N lgN) ⃝ Θ(N2) ⃝ Θ(N3) ⃝ Θ(2N)
[1 point] What commercial product resulted from an accident with a batch of photo- sensitive glass?
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 10 7. [5 points]
a. Fill in the unique left-leaning red-black tree corresponding to the (2, 4) tree below. For each lettered node, indicate the key it contains and indicate whether it is red. Not all lettered nodes are actually needed. Leaving one blank indicates that it is actually an empty (null) node.
(2, 4) Tree
Left-Leaning Red-
A. ⃝ Red? B. ⃝ Red? C. D. ⃝ Red? E. ⃝ Red? F. G. ⃝ Red? H. ⃝ Red? I. J. ⃝ Red? K. ⃝ Red? L. M. ⃝ Red? N. ⃝ Red? O.
⃝ Red? ⃝ Red? ⃝ Red? ⃝ Red? ⃝ Red?
More parts on the following page.
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 11
b. Consider a new kind a balanced tree: a red-green-black tree. This is a binary search tree whose nodes can be colored either black, red, or green, according to the following constraints, of which (a), (b), and (c) are the same as for red-black trees:
a. The root is black, and empty nodes are considered black as well.
b. The number of black nodes in any path from the root to the leaves is the same.
c. A black node may have only black and red children.
d. A red node may have only black and green children.
e. A green node may have only black children.
f. Except for null nodes and possibly the root, all black nodes must have two red children.
Like red-black trees, these trees correspond to (i.e., can represent) a kind of B-tree. Which kind?
⃝ (2, 5) trees ⃝ (3, 6) trees ⃝ (3, 7) trees ⃝ (4,8) trees.
c. Assuming a search tree meets the constraints in part (b), will it be sufficiently bal-
anced that searching for a value will require O(lgN) time for a tree with N keys? ⃝ True ⃝ False
Why or why not?
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 12
8. [6 points] Below you will find some intermediate steps in performing various sorting algorithms on the same input list. The steps do not necessarily represent consecutive steps in the algorithm (that is, many steps are missing), but they are in the correct sequence. For each of them, select the algorithm (by filling in the appropriate bubble) from among
ion sort, mergesort, quicksort, heapsort, LSD radix and MSD radix sort. For quicksort, the pivot is the median value of the first, last, and middle element (specifically, the index of the middle element is the average of the
indices of the left and right elements, rounded down). Algorithms may appear twice. In all these cases, the final step of the algorithm will be the sorted sequence:
43, 62, 191, 193, 265, 414, 482, 523, 592, 615, 674, 759, 834, 894, 920
but it might not be shown.
Input List:
674, 193, 523, 482, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 265, 414, 759, 894, 62
a.⃝Insert. ⃝Select ⃝Merge ⃝Quick ⃝Heap ⃝LSD ⃝MSD
674, 193, 523, 482, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 43, 62, 193, 191, 265, 482, 414, 523, 592, 674, 615, 759, 834, 894, 920 43, 62, 191, 193, 265, 482, 414, 523, 592, 674, 615, 759, 834, 894, 920 43, 62, 191, 193, 265, 414, 482, 523, 592, 615, 674, 759, 834, 894, 920
b.⃝Insert. ⃝Select ⃝Merge ⃝Quick ⃝Heap ⃝LSD ⃝MSD
674, 193, 523, 482, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 62, 193, 523, 482, 191, 43, 265, 414, 592, 834, 920, 674, 759, 894, 615 62, 193, 523, 482, 191, 43, 265, 414, 592, 615, 674, 834, 759, 894, 920 62, 193, 523, 482, 191, 43, 265, 414, 592, 615, 674, 759, 834, 894, 920 62, 193, 523, 482, 191, 43, 265, 414, 592, 615, 674, 759, 834, 894, 920 62, 193, 191, 43, 265, 414, 523, 482, 592, 615, 674, 759, 834, 894, 920
c.⃝Insert. ⃝Select ⃝Merge ⃝Quick ⃝Heap ⃝LSD ⃝MSD
674, 193, 523, 482, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 62, 674, 894, 615, 482, 759, 834, 193, 592, 43, 265, 414, 523, 191, 920 62, 674, 834, 615, 482, 759, 191, 193, 592, 43, 265, 414, 523, 894, 920 62, 674, 759, 615, 482, 523, 191, 193, 592, 43, 265, 414, 834, 894, 920 62, 674, 523, 615, 482, 414, 191, 193, 592, 43, 265, 759, 834, 894, 920
265, 615, 523, 592, 482, 414, 191, 193, 62, 43, 674, 759, 834, 894, 920
the following choices: insertion sort, straight select
Continued on next page.
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 13 d.⃝Insert. ⃝Select ⃝Merge ⃝Quick ⃝Heap ⃝LSD ⃝MSD
674, 193, 523, 482, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 193, 674, 523, 482, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 193, 482, 523, 674, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 193, 482, 523, 674, 834, 920, 191, 592, 615, 43, 191, 193, 482, 523, 674, 834, 920, 592, 615, 43,
43, 191, 193, 265, 414, 482, 523, 592, 615, 674,
265, 414, 759, 894, 62 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 834, 920, 759, 894, 62
e.⃝Insert. ⃝Select ⃝Merge ⃝Quick ⃝Heap ⃝LSD ⃝MSD
674, 193, 523, 482, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 920, 191, 482, 592, 62, 193, 523, 43, 674, 834, 414, 615, 920, 523, 834, 43, 759, 62, 265, 674,
43, 62, 191, 193, 265, 414, 482, 523, 592, 615,
265, 414, 759, 894, 62 414, 894, 615, 265, 759 482, 191, 592, 193, 894 674, 759, 834, 894, 920
f.⃝Insert. ⃝Select ⃝Merge ⃝Quick ⃝Heap ⃝LSD ⃝MSD
674, 193, 523, 482, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 193, 674, 523, 482, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 193, 674, 482, 523, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 193, 482, 523, 674, 920, 834, 191, 592, 615, 43, 193, 482, 523, 674, 191, 592, 834, 920, 615, 43, 191, 193, 482, 523, 592, 674, 834, 920, 615, 43,
265, 414, 759, 894, 62 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 265, 414, 759, 894, 62 265, 414, 759, 894, 62
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 14
[5 points]
Consider the following edge-weighted undirected graph:
In the following questions, break ties in the algorithms in favor of vertices that come first in alphabetical order, or edges that are listed first.
a. Run Prim’s algorithm starting from node L. Indicate the vertices that are in the fringe in order of decreasing priority just after node T is removed from the fringe and processed. Break ties in priority by having the node that is first alphabetically have highest priority.
⃝ A, E, M, I ⃝ A, E, S, I
⃝ A, E, M, S, I ⃝ A, E, S
⃝ A, I, S, M
b. What are the edges in the shortest-path tree from L? Mark all that apply.
(A,I) (A,M) (A,T) (E,L) (E,S) (E,T) (I,M) (I,U) (I,T) (L,T) (L,U) (M,S) (S,T) (T,U)
c. Dijkstra’s algorithm assumes that all edge weights are non-negative. To illustrate why this is so, suppose we run Dijkstra’s algorithm from node L, and terminate the algorithm as soon as it removes node I from the fringe. Which edge’s weight could we change to -6 to produce an incorrect shortest path to I? Assume that nodes are never updated after being removed from the fringe. Choose one.
⃝(A,I) ⃝(A,M) ⃝(A,T) ⃝(E,L) ⃝(I,U) ⃝(I,T) ⃝(L,T) ⃝(M,S) ⃝(S,T)
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 15
d. Suppose that when running Kruskal’s algorithm on the graph above, we fail to check whether an edge joins a subtree to itself. What is the first edge to be added to the resulting tree erroneously? Choose one.
⃝(A,I) ⃝(A,M) ⃝(A,T) ⃝(E,L) ⃝(E,S) ⃝(E,T) ⃝(I,M) ⃝(I,U) ⃝(I,T) ⃝(L,T) ⃝(L,U) ⃝(M,S) ⃝(S,T) ⃝(T,U)
Spring 2020 Final Exam Login: Initials: 16
10. [6 points] You are given the following interface to a general directed graph. The vertices of these graphs are simply positive integers in some contiguous range starting at 1.
public interface DiGraph {
/** Returns the number of vertices in this DiGraph. The vertices
* are represented by integers 1..size(). */ int size();
/** Returns a
* graph. */
/** Returns a
* graph. */
list of the successor vertices of V in this successors(int v);
list of the predecessor vertices of V in this predecessors(int v);
view of this graph in which all edges are Changes to this graph will be reflected in the
/** Returns a
* reversed.
* result and vice-versa. */
public DiGraph reverse(); }
a. Implement the class Traverser. The public traverse method of Traverser per- forms a depth-first traversal of a DiGraph by performing a depth-first traversal start- ing from each vertex in turn, in order, and traversing only vertices that have not been processed in the previous traversals. As it does so, it calls the Traverser’s previsit method on the vertices it traverses in preorder, and calls the postvisit method on the vertices it traverses in postorder. You need not use all the spaces provided.
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