CS计算机代考程序代写 c++ javascript Java finance Fortran python interpreter compiler Computational Methods

Computational Methods
for Physicists and Materials Engineers
Basic programming I Python

two source codes file1.cpp and
file2.cpp in C++
generate object file file1.o
> g++ -c file1.cpp
generate object file file2.o
> g++ -c file2.cpp
link file1.o and file2.o to
generate executable prog.exe
> g++ -o prog.exe file1.o file2.o
run the executable file
> ./prog.exe
Programming process
Compiled languages (e.g. C, C++, Fortran) source code compiler object files
runtime library files
linker executable file run output

Programming process
Interpreted languages (e.g. python, JavaScript) source code
interpreter output
runtime library files
source code file.py in python
> python file.py
# head of file.py
# import library files
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import fftpack

Get started
# in “helloworld.py”
print(“Hello, World!”)
Indentation “tab”: a block of code
# define a function
Python syntax
def arithmetic_sum(term_start, comm_diff, num_terms): series_sum = 0
for i in range(num_terms):
series_sum += term_start + i * comm_diff
return series_sum
print(arithmetic_sum(4, 2, 3))
# this is a single-line comment
this is a multi-line comment
another line
one more line

Line continuation by “\”
def is_in_cube(point, xlo=-1, xhi=10, ylo=-20,\ yhi=3, zlo=0, zhi=100):
x, y, z = point
if xlo <= x <= xhi and ylo <= y <= yhi \ and zlo <= z <= zhi: return "The point is located \ inside the cube." else: return "The point is outside the cube." point = (0.1, 0.5, 30) print(is_in_cube(point)) Multiple statements in one line # separate statements by semicolon a = 1; b = 2; print(a > b)
Python syntax

Import libraries
Python syntax
# at the head of each source code file
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from domain import is_in_cube # import a function from another
# file “domain.py”
# in a separate file “domain.py”
def is_in_cube …
The libraries which we will use in this course: NumPy
Matrices https://numpy.org/ SciPy
Scientific computation https://www.scipy.org/ SymPy
Symbolic math https://www.sympy.org/en/index.html
plotting https://matplotlib.org/

a=str(3) #awillbe’3′ b=int(3) #bwillbe3 c = float(3) # c will be 3.0
Get the types
Variable name:
can only contain A‐z, 0‐9, and _
cannot start with a number
case‐sensitive (a and A are different variables)
Variables : Data types
Creating variables: no need to be declared with type x=3
y = “Hello”
Casting: specify data type of a variable

Category Numeric
Data type
Boolean Text
x = True; y = False
x = [“a”, “b”, “c”]
x = (“a”, “b”, “c”)
x = range(6)
Set Mapping NumPy
x = {“apple”, “cherry”, “orange”}
x = {“element” : “Al”, “weight” : 27}
x = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
x = -365
x = 36.5; y = 5e2
x = 1 + 3j
x = “Hello World!”
Variables : Data types
Built‐in data types
representation of data + operations on data (methods)

y = -0.55 z=5
Methods (built‐in)
print(x + y)
print(x – y)
print(x * y)
print(x / y)
print(x // y)
print(x % y)
print(x ** y)
# sum
# difference
# product
# quotient; return float
# floor of quotient x / y
# remainder of quotient x / y
# x to the power y
Functions (built‐in)
# absolute value
# convert y to integer
# convert x to float
Variables : Data types and methods
Integers int & Floating points float representation of data + operations on data (methods)

y = -0.55 z=5
Functions (math Library) import math
print(math.sqrt(x)) print(math.log(x,z)) print(math.sin(x)) print(math.asin(y)) print(math.erf(y)) print(math.gamma(y))
# square root #basexlogarithm;bydefault,baseise # sine
# arc sine; note the allowed domain
# error function
# gamma function
Variables : Data types and methods
Integers int & Floating points float representation of data + operations on data (methods)

x = “Hello World!” y=”ByeWorld ”
Methods (built‐in)
print(x[0] + x[6])
# strings are arrays
# slicing
Array index
Variables : Data types and methods
Strings str
x Hello□World!
index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -12-11-10-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0

x = “Hello World!” y=”ByeWorld ”
Methods (built‐in)
print(x[0] + x[6])
# strings are arrays
# slicing
Array index
Variables : Data types and methods
Strings str
x Hello□World! index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-12-11-10-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
x[0] x[6] x[-12] x[-6]

x = “Hello World!” y=”ByeWorld ”
Methods (built‐in)
print(x[0] + x[6])
# strings are arrays
# slicing
Array index
Variables : Data types and methods
Strings str
x Hello□World! index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-12-11-10-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0

x = “Hello World!” y=”ByeWorld ”
Methods (built‐in)
print(x.split(” “))
print(x + ” then” + y)
# return string in upper case
# return string in lower case
# remove head and tail whitespaces
# split string by space
# string concatenation
Functions (built‐in)
# number of items
String format
Variables : Data types and methods
Strings str
degree = 3
order = 4
value = 1.60217662
print(f”This is a degree-{degree} order-{order} ordinary \ differential equation.\n”) # \n means new line
print(f”The value is {value:0.3f}.”)

Variables : Data types and methods
Array of data: list, tuple, dict, set Array of data (i): Lists
Ordered, changeable, and duplicates allowed
x = [“Gauss”, “Euler”, “Cauchy”, “Euler”] z = [3, 100, 24, 34, 1134]
y = [“abc”, 23.5, True, “Hello World!”, z]
Methods (built‐in)
x[0] = “Einstein”
print(x[:2]) x.append(“Newton”); print(x) x.insert(3, “Dirac”); print(x) x.extend(x); print(x) x.remove(“Dirac”); print(x) print(x.pop(0)); print(x) z.reverse(); print(z) z.sort(reverse = True); print(z) a = z.copy(); print(a)
b = y + z; print(b)
# take one item
# replace item [0] by “Einstein”
# take a range of items
# append an item to the end
# insert Newton as the item [3]
# extend x with x
# remove the 1st “Dirac”
# remove item [0]
# reverse order
# sort descending
# copy z to a
# join x and y to form b

Nested lists: matrix
A = [[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]]
# access an element of matrix
Variables : Data types and methods
Array of data: list, tuple, dict, set Array of data (i): Lists
Ordered, changeable, and duplicates allowed
[[A,A,A], 00 01 02
[A,A,A], 10 11 12
[A,A,A]] 20 21 22
Later we will show better representation of matrix: numpy.array

Methods (built‐in)
Variables : Data types and methods
Array of data (ii): Tuples
Ordered, unchangeable, and duplicates allowed
x = (“Gauss”, “Euler”, “Cauchy”, “Euler”) z = (3, 100, 24, 34, 1134)
y = (“abc”, 23.5, True, “Hello World!”, z)
print(y[3]) # take one item
print(x[:2]) # take a range of items
h, k, *L = z; print(h); print(k); print(L) # unpack a tuple
b = y + z; print(b)
# join y and z to form b
# number of occurrences of “Euler”
# get index of 1st “Euler”
cannot replace, (append, insert, extend), (remove, pop), (reverse, sort), copy

Methods (built‐in)
x.add(“Einstein”); print(x)
x.update(z); print(x)
x.remove(“Euler”); print(x)
print(x.pop()); print(x)
# similar to append
# similar to extend
# remove “Euler”
# remove a random item
# copy z to a
a = z.copy(); print(a)
b = y.union(z); print(b) c=y.intersection(z);print(c)
# union set of y and z #intersectionsetofyandz
Variables : Data types and methods
Array of data (iii): Sets
Unordered, unchangeable, and duplicates not allowed
x = {“Gauss”, “Euler”, “Cauchy”, “Euler”}
y = {“abc”, 23.5, True, “Hello World!”, (1, 2, 3)} # only tuple type of arrays can be an item of set z = {3, 100, 24, 34, 1134}
cannot access items by indices, replace, (reverse, sort), count, index https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_sets_methods.asp

x = { # key
: value
Methods (built‐in)
print(x[“element”]) print(x.keys()) print(x.values()) print(x.items())
x[“weight”] = 27; print(x) print(x.pop(“weight”)); print(x) a = x.copy(); print(a)
# access value by key
# display all keys
# display all values
# display all items
# add item
Variables : Data types and methods
Array of data (iv): Dictionaries Unordered, changeable, and duplicates not allowed
: “fcc”,
“melting point” : 933.47,
: “Al”, Don’t forget comma
# remove the item with the key
# copy x to a

Nested dictionaries
student_info = {
“student1” : {
Variables : Data types and methods
Array of data (iv): Dictionaries Unordered, changeable, and duplicates not allowed
“student2” : {
“student3” : {
}, print(student_info[“student2”][“name”])
“name” : “Hilbert”,
“major” : “math”,
“year” : 1862,
“name” : “Einstein”,
“major” : “physics”,
“year” : 1879,
“name” : “Russell”,
“major” : “philosophy”,
“year” : 1872,

import numpy as np
Variables : Data types and methods
arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4 ], [5, 6, 7, 8],
[9, 10, 11, 12]])
print(arr); print(type(arr))
Access elements
We will learn NumPy in the next lecture
print(arr[0, 1])
print(arr[0:-1, 1:3])
NumPy array numpy.ndarray
NumPy is a library supporting large, multi‐dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high‐level functions to operate on these arrays and matrices

a = [“Gauss”, “Euler”] b=a
c = a.copy()
print(a == b)
# == : value equality
print(a == c)
print(a is b)
# is : are they exactly the same object?
# check memory address by id(x)
print(a is c)
Variables : Data types and methods
Comparison and Boolean bool Comparison returns Boolean
<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, is, isnot
Boolean operations take in Boolean and return Boolean
x = True
y = False
print(x or y)
print(x and y)
print(not x)
# if x is False, then y, else x
# if x is False, then x, else y
# if x is False, then True, else False
or, and, not

Define constants: capital letters
create “constant.py”
PI = 3.1415926536
create “main.py”
import constant
Pre‐define constants: math library, scipy library import math
import scipy.constants
# Euler’s constant
# Pi
# +infinity
# Euler’s constant
# Pi
Variables : Constants
# Boltzmann constant
# Planck constant over 2*pi

Iterating over an array (string, list, tuple, set, dictionary, range)
Looping through string
x = “Hello World!”
for letter in x:
Looping through list, tuple, and set
list_arr = [“H”, “e”, “l”, “l”, “o”, ” “] tuple_arr = (“W”, “o”, “r”, “l”, “d”, “!”) for letter in list_arr:
print(letter, end=”)
for letter in tuple_arr:
print(letter, end=”)
# loop over index
for index, _ in enumerate(list_arr): print(list_arr[index], end=”)
for index, _ in enumerate(tuple_arr): print(tuple_arr[index], end=”)

Looping through dictionary
material = { # key
: value
for key in material:
# loop over keys
# loop over values
# loop over items
“melting point” : 933.47,
print(f”{key} : {material[key]}”) for value in material.values():
for key, value in material.items():
print(f”{key} : {value}”)
Looping through range
range(start, stop, step)
An array of integers (by default start = 0):
start, start + step, start + 2*step, ···, step – 1
for x in range(3, 20, 2):
: “Al”,
: “fcc”,

2 21 1
22 2
2N N
Example: multiplication of a matrix with a vector
A AAxb  11 12 1N  1   1 
21 22 2N 2 2 A AAxb
  A A Axb
 M1 M2 MN  N   M  b  A x A x A x
1 11 1 12 2 1N N b  A x A x A x

b  AxAxAx j1
i1 1 i2 2 iN N
b M
 A xA xA x M1 1 M2 2 MN N
N b Ax
(i  1,2,,M)
ij j

import sys
A = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
x = [7, 8]
num_row = len(A)
num_col = len(A[0])
if len(x) != num_col:
sys.exit(“Error: dimensions do not match!”)
b = []
for i in range(num_row): 
b_sum = 0
for j in range(num_col):
b Ax
b_sum = A[i][j] * x[j]
ij j
(i  1,2,,M)
Example: multiplication of a matrix with a vector

import sys
import numpy as np
A = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
x = np.array([[7], [8]])
num_row, num_col = A.shape
if x.shape[0] != num_col:
sys.exit(“Error: dimensions do not match!”) b = np.zeros(shape=(num_row, 1))
for i in range(num_row): 
for j in range(num_col):
b[i] += A[i, j] * x[j]
b Ax
#———————————————– # the above part is equivalent to
# b = np.matmul(A, x)
ij j
(i  1,2,,M)
Example: multiplication of a matrix with a vector

Execute statements as long as a condition is true
# calculate factorial N!
i=1 factorial = 1 while i <= N: factorial *= i i += 1 print(factorial) trajectory = ['left', 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right'] while trajectory: print(trajectory.pop(0)) # a list is False when it is empty Looping while import numpy as np def step_func(x): # define a Heaviside step function if x < 0: return 0 elif x > 0:
return 1
return 0.5
dx =0.2
x = np.arange(-1, 1 + dx, dx) y = x.copy()
for i in range(len(x)):
y[i] = step_func(x[i])
if, elif, else

import numpy as np
# have defined step_func(x)
def step_func_arr(x):
# allow element-wise operation
# x can be a number, a list or a numpy.ndarray if type(x) is list or type(x) is np.ndarray:
y = x.copy()
for i in range(len(x)):
y[i] = step_func(x[i])
return y
return step_func(x)
dx = 0.2
x = np.arange(-1, 1 + dx, dx)
y = step_func_arr(x)
if, elif, else

Stop a loop
def sawtooth(x):
sum = 0
xmin = 0.01; xmax = 0.99
fmin = sawtooth(xmin); fmax = sawtooth(xmax) tolerance = 1e-15; step = 0; print_step = 5 whileTrue: #mustcontainbreak
x = (xmin + xmax) / 2
f = sawtooth(x)
if f * fmin > 0:
xmin = x; fmin = sawtooth(xmin)
xmax = x; fmax = sawtooth(xmax)
step += 1
if step % print_step == 0:
print(f”Step {step}: priori error {x – 0.5}.”)
if xmax – xmin < tolerance: print(f"The approximate zero is {x}."); break break for n in range(1, 1000000): sum -= math.sin(2 * math.pi * n * x) / (math.pi * n) return sum Skip a cycle # print all prime numbers in a range # prime number must be greater than 1 if num <= 1: continue for i in range(2, num): if num % i == 0: else: print(num) break Branching lower = -10 upper = 100 print(f"Prime numbers between {lower} and {upper} are: ") for num in range(lower, upper + 1): continue writing this operation as a function for num in range(lower, upper + 1): # prime number must be greater than 1 if num <= 1: continue for i in range(2, num): if num % i == 0: Functions When we want to repeatedly do an operation, we should consider # define a function to print all prime numbers in a range def prime_print(lower, upper): break else:# this "else" goes with "for", not "if" print(num) lower = -10; upper = 100 print(f"Prime numbers between {lower} and {upper} are: ") prime_print(lower, upper) lower = 200; upper = 300 print(f"Prime numbers between {lower} and {upper} are: ") prime_print(lower, upper) def A function with both input (arguments) and output (returns) # define a function to tell if a number is prime def is_prime(num): # prime number must be greater than 1 if num <= 1: return f"{num} is not a prime." for i in range(2, num): if num % i == 0: return f"{num} is not a prime." return f"{num} is a prime." nums = [-12, 0, 11, 311, 2445] for num in nums: print(is_prime(num)) Functions def # in a file "number_tool.py" def is_prime(num): # prime number must be greater than 1 if num <= 1: return f"{num} is not a prime." for i in range(2, num): if num % i == 0: return f"{num} is not a prime." return f"{num} is a prime." Using the module # in the main code "main.py" import number_tool nums = [-12, 0, 11, 311, 2445] for num in nums: print(number_tool.is_prime(num)) Modules A separate file containing a set of variables or functions you can import in the main code Creating a module Creating a module # in a file "constants.py" material_constants = { "Al" : { "crystal_structure" : "Fcc", "lattice_constant" : 4.05, }, } Using the module # in the main code "main.py" from constants import material_constants as matconst for elem, property in matconst.items(): structure = property["crystal_structure"].lower() lattconst = property["lattice_constant"] if structure == "bcc": atom_vol = lattconst**3 / 2 elif structure == "fcc": atom_vol = lattconst**3 / 4 else: Modules "W" : { "crystal_structure" : "bCc", "lattice_constant" : 3.16, }, print(f"{structure} is an unknown structure."); break print(f"The atomic volume of {elem} is {atom_vol} A^3.") stocks = [] ‘read’ file = open("HSI.csv", 'r') # read the file line by line for line_index, line_str in enumerate(file): if line_index == 0: continue # skip the 1st line stocks.append(line_str) file.close() print(stocks) File handling Open and read a file In the current folder, there is a file which contains data: HSI.csv https://finance.yahoo.com/ search Hang Seng index Each line is read in form of a string E.g. the 1st item of stocks is "2001-01-01,15089.849609,16255.110352, 14512.709961,16102.349609,16102.349609,0\n" But the data we want are "2001-01-01" (str), 15089.849609 (float), 16255.110352 (float), 14512.709961 (float), 16102.349609 (float), 16102.349609 (float) How to split the string to a set of data? Open and read a file How to split the string to a set of data? string = string.replace(' ', ' ') File handling def split_string_to_data(string): string = string.replace('\n', '') # delete tail '\n' string = string.replace(',', ' ') # replace ',' by ' ' string = string.replace('\t', ' ') # replace '\t' by ' ' string = string.replace(';', ' ') # replace ';' by ' ' while ' ' in string: # replace multiple spaces by one space # split with delimiter ' ' and store them in a list var_list = string.split(' ') while '' in var_list: # remove empty strings from the list var_list.remove('') return var_list stocks = { "index" : [], "date" : [], "open" : [], "high" : [], "low" : [], "close" : [], } # the dictionary is a container for data file = open("HSI.csv", 'r') for line_index, line_str in enumerate(file): if line_index == 0: continue # skip the 1st line line_list = split_string_to_data(line_str) stocks["index"].append(line_index - 1) stocks["date"].append(line_list[0]) stocks["open"].append(float(line_list[1])) stocks["high"].append(float(line_list[2])) stocks["low"].append(float(line_list[3])) stocks["close"].append(float(line_list[4])) file.close() File handling Open and read a file If the file exists, overwrite; if not, create one file = open("HSI_copy.csv", 'w') file.write(f"Date, Open, High, Low, Close\n") for i in stocks["index"]: File handling Open and write a file date = stocks["date"][i] open = stocks["open"][i] high = stocks["high"][i] low = stocks["low"][i] close = stocks["close"][i] file.write(f"{date}, {open:>12.6f}, {high:>12.6f}, {low:>12.6f}, {close:>12.6f}\n”)
{ open : > 12 . 6 f }
right justify 12 digits fixed point
6 digits after decimal point

The Zen of Python 襌 import this
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules. Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one – and preferably only one – obvious way to do it. Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch. Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea – let’s do more of those!