CS计算机代考程序代写 c/c++ School of Computer Sc

School of Computer Sc
1. Objectives
ience & Electronic Engineering
Module CE315 – Mobile Robotics Assignment 2 – Simulated Robot Navigation Spring 2021
The objectives of this assignment are:
1) To be familiar with Robot Operating System (ROS) and use it to do this assignment.
2) To program a simulated robot to implement a specific navigation task below.
3) To produce a report to explain your design, implementation and results.
2. The Navigation Task
The Goal: You should use the laser range data to detect natural landmarks (walls and pillars) in the environment in order to control the robot moving from home, going through two gaps and finally reaching to the charger, as shown in Figure 1. Also, you should collect sensor data (odometry and laser data) for creating trajectory, velocity & map graphs for your Assignment report.
Figure 1 The navigation task
The Software development:
You have gained knowledge on how to control the robot motion and how to collect different types of sensor data from Lab 4 to Lab 8. Now you should be able to write your control code to implement the above navigation task.
CE315 Mobile Robotics 1

School of Computer Sc
ience & Electronic Engineering
More specifically, you may follow the following steps to develop your code. Alternatively, you may implement the required task in your own way.
• You can choose few waypoints/landmarks to create a smooth trajectory from the start (0.3m, 0.3m) to the charger (2.25m, 0.25m) for the robot to follow.
• You should use the laser data to detect the walls and pillars in the environment so that you can check if the robot reaches the waypoints/landmarks or not.
• Your laser-based control code should be able to control the robot moving from one waypoint/landmark to the next one. You may need to adjust the robot velocity to achieve a smooth trajectory.
• When the robot reaches a waypoint/landmark, your control code should look for the next waypoint/landmark until reaching the charger point.
• You should run your control code in Gazebo simulator, and collect laser, odometry and velocity data for including into your report.
Submission requirements
The deadline for electric submission of your assignment report is informed by the School Office. Note that your report should be about 2000-3000 words (12 – 15 pages including Appendix), which should be clear and easy to read. More specifically, you should
➢ Write your registration number and the course code clearly on the cover page of your assignment; include a table of contents for easy to read and navigate (1 page).
➢ Introduction: You should explain some path planners and navigation methods you have learned in this course. Also, describe your laser-based control strategy used in your implementation, including your path planning and navigation methods (2 – 3 pages).
➢ Software design: You should draw a flowchart to explain how your control code is written to implement the required task (1 – 2 pages).
➢ Code development: You should explain how you have written your C/C++ code to implement the challenge task in terms of modular approach (1 – 2 pages)
➢ Experimental results: Present the robot trajectory (X-Y coordinates), the robot velocity (Velocity-Time coordinates), and the environment map (X-Y coordinates). Explain these graphs in terms of their shape & accuracy, as well as how to improve (3-4 pages).
➢ Appendix: List your C/C++ code in the end of your report and make sure it has sufficient comments for easy to read. Note that the shorter the better (4 – 5 pages).
Assessment criteria
This reassessment is accounted for 25% of total module credit, and marked based on:
• The understanding of the task and conducting an efficient implementation (25%).
• The quality of your code (compactness & modularity) and results presented (25%).
• The performance of your demonstration (trajectory smoothness & the time) (25%).
• The writing quality of your assignment, including the structure & presentation (25%).
5. Note
• You are expected to give a demonstration in Zoom and answer questions during Week 25.
• You should work independently.
• Late penalty is zero mark unless special circumstances are approved.
CE315 Mobile Robotics 2