CSCC11 – Introduction to Machine Learning, Winter 2021, Assignment 4
B. Chan, S. Wei, D. Fleet
import numpy as np
from pca import PCA
from utils import gram_schmidt
class EMPCA():
def __init__(self, Y, K):
“”” This class represents EM-PCA with components given by data.
TODO: You will need to implement the methods of this class:
– _e_step: ndarray, ndarray -> ndarray
– _m_step: ndarray, ndarray -> ndarray
Implementation description will be provided under each method.
For the following:
– N: Number of samples.
– D: Dimension of observation features.
– K: Dimension of state (subspace) features.
NOTE: K >= 1
– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional observation data.
– K (int): Number of dimensions for the state data.
# Mean of each row, shape: (D, )
self.mean = np.mean(Y, axis=1, keepdims=True)
self.V, self.w = self._compute_components(Y, K)
def _e_step(self, Y, A):
“”” This method runs the E-step of the EM algorithm.
– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional observation data.
– A (ndarray (shape: (D, K))): The estimated state (subspace) basis matrix.
– X (ndarray (shape: (K, N))): The estimated state data.
K, N = A.shape[1], Y.shape[1]
# ====================================================
# TODO: Implement your solution within the box
# ====================================================
assert X.shape == (K, N), f”X shape mismatch. Expected: {(K, N)}. Got: {X.shape}”
return X
def _m_step(self, X, Y):
“”” This method runs the M-step of the EM algorithm.
– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional observation data.
– X (ndarray (shape: (K, N))): A SxN matrix consisting N K-dimensional state (subspace) data.
– A (ndarray (shape: (D, K))): The estimated state (subspace) basis matrix.
D, K = Y.shape[0], X.shape[0]
# ====================================================
# TODO: Implement your solution within the box
# ====================================================
assert A.shape == (D, K), f”A shape mismatch. Expected: {(D, K)}. Got: {A.shape}”
return A
def _compute_components(self, Y, K):
“”” This method computes the state (subspace) basis using EM-PCA.
– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional observation data.
– K (int): Number of dimensions for the state data.
– V (ndarray (shape: (D, K))): The matrix of top K PCA directions (one per column) sorted in descending order.
– w (ndarray (shape: (D, ))): The vector of eigenvalues corresponding to the eigenvectors.
assert len(Y.shape) == 2, f”Y must be a DxN matrix. Got: {Y.shape}”
(D, N) = Y.shape
# Randomly initialize basis A
A = np.random.randn(D, K)
iter_i = 0
while True:
X = self._e_step(Y, A)
old_A = A
A = self._m_step(X, Y)
iter_i += 1
if np.allclose(old_A, A, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8):
print(“Break at iteration {}”.format(iter_i))
# Apply Gram Schmidt process to orthogonalize A.
A = gram_schmidt(A)
X = self._e_step(Y, A)
# Diagonalize state data to align principal directions
pca = PCA(X)
V = A @ pca.V
w = pca.w
assert V.shape == (D, K), f”V shape mismatch. Expected: {(D, K)}. Got: {V.shape}”
return V, w
def inference(self, Y):
“”” This method estimates state data X from observation data Y using the precomputed mean and components.
– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional observation data.
– X (ndarray (shape: (K, N))): The estimated state data.
assert len(Y.shape) == 2, f”Y must be a DxN matrix. Got: {Y.shape}”
(D, N) = Y.shape
K = self.V.shape[1]
assert D > 0, f”dimensionality of observation representation must be at least 1. Got: {D}”
assert K > 0, f”dimensionality of state representation must be at least 1. Got: {K}”
X = self.V.T @ (Y – self.mean)
assert X.shape == (K, N), f”X shape mismatch. Expected: {(K, N)}. Got: {X.shape}”
return X
def reconstruct(self, X):
“”” This method estimates observation data Y from state data X using the precomputed mean and components.
NOTE: The K is implicitly defined by X.
– X (ndarray (shape: (K, N))): A SxN matrix consisting N K-dimensional state (subspace) data.
– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional reconstructed observation data.
assert len(X.shape) == 2, f”X must be a NxK matrix. Got: {X.shape}”
(K, N) = X.shape
assert K > 0, f”dimensionality of state representation must be at least 1. Got: {K}”
D = self.mean.shape[0]
Y = self.V @ X + self.mean
assert Y.shape == (D, N), f”Y shape mismatch. Expected: {(D, N)}. Got: {Y.shape}”
return Y
if __name__ == “__main__”:
Y = np.arange(11)[None, :] – 5
Y = np.vstack((Y, Y, Y))
print(f”Original observations: \n{Y}”)
test_pca = EMPCA(Y, 1)
print(f”V: \n{test_pca.V}”)
est_X = test_pca.inference(Y)
print(f”Estimated states: \n{est_X}”)
est_Y = test_pca.reconstruct(est_X)
print(f”Estimated observations from estimated states: \n{est_Y}”)