CS计算机代考程序代写 “””

CSCC11 – Introduction to Machine Learning, Winter 2021, Assignment 4
B. Chan, S. Wei, D. Fleet

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os

class PCA:
def __init__(self, Y):
“”” This class represents PCA with components and mean given by data.

For the following:
– N: Number of samples.
– D: Dimension of observation features.
– K: Dimension of state features.
NOTE: K >= 1

– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional observation data.
self.D = Y.shape[0]

# Mean of each row, shape: (D, )
self.mean = np.mean(Y, axis=1, keepdims=True)
self.V, self.w = self._compute_components(Y)

def _compute_components(self, Y):
“”” This method computes the PCA directions (one per column) given data.

– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional observation data.

– V (ndarray (shape: (D, D))): The matrix of PCA directions (one per column) sorted in descending order.
– w (ndarray (shape: (D, ))): The vector of eigenvalues corresponding to the eigenvectors.
assert len(Y.shape) == 2, f”Y must be a DxN matrix. Got: {Y.shape}”
(D, N) = Y.shape

data_shifted = Y – self.mean
data_cov = np.cov(data_shifted)

# Numpy collapses the ndarray into a scalar when the output size i.
if D == 1:
data_cov = np.array([[data_cov]])

w, V = np.linalg.eigh(data_cov)
w = np.flip(w)
V = np.flip(V, axis=1)

assert V.shape == (D, D), f”V shape mismatch. Expected: {(D, D)}. Got: {V.shape}”
return V, w

def inference(self, Y, K):
“”” This method estimates state data X from observation data Y using the precomputed mean and components.

– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional observation data.
– K (int): Number of dimensions for the state data.

– X (ndarray (shape: (K, N))): The estimated state data.
assert len(Y.shape) == 2, f”Y must be a DxN matrix. Got: {Y.shape}”
(D, N) = Y.shape
assert D > 0, f”dimensionality of observation representation must be at least 1. Got: {D}”
assert K > 0, f”dimensionality of state representation must be at least 1. Got: {K}”

X = self.V[:, :K].T @ (Y – self.mean)

assert X.shape == (K, N), f”X shape mismatch. Expected: {(K, N)}. Got: {X.shape}”
return X

def reconstruct(self, X):
“”” This method estimates observation data Y from state data X using the precomputed mean and components.

NOTE: The K is implicitly defined by X.

– X (ndarray (shape: (K, N))): A SxN matrix consisting N K-dimensional state (subspace) data.

– Y (ndarray (shape: (D, N))): A DxN matrix consisting N D-dimensional reconstructed observation data.
assert len(X.shape) == 2, f”X must be a NxK matrix. Got: {X.shape}”
(K, N) = X.shape
assert K > 0, f”dimensionality of state representation must be at least 1. Got: {K}”
D = self.mean.shape[0]

Y = self.V[:, :K] @ X + self.mean

assert Y.shape == (D, N), f”Y shape mismatch. Expected: {(D, N)}. Got: {Y.shape}”
return Y

def plot_eigenvalues(self, savefig=False):
“”” This function plots the eigenvalues captured by each subspace dimension from 1 to D.

– eigenvalues (ndarray (shape: (D,))): D-column vector corresponding to the eigenvalues captured by each subspace dimension.

# ====================================================
# TODO: Implement your solution within the box

# ====================================================

if savefig:
if not os.path.isdir(“results”):
plt.savefig(f”results/eigenvalues.eps”, format=”eps”)

assert eigenvalues.shape == (self.D,), f”eigenvalues shape mismatch. Expected: {(self.D,)}. Got: {eigenvalues.shape}”

return eigenvalues

def plot_subspace_variance(self, savefig=False):
“”” This function plots the fractions of the total variance in the data from 1 to D.

NOTE: Include the case when K=0.

– fractions (ndarray (shape: (D,))): D-column vector corresponding to the fractions of the total variance.

# ====================================================
# TODO: Implement your solution within the box

# ====================================================
plt.title(“Fractions of Total Variance”)

if savefig:
if not os.path.isdir(“results”):
plt.savefig(f”results/fraction_variance.eps”, format=”eps”)

assert fractions.shape == (self.D + 1,), f”fractions shape mismatch. Expected: {(self.D + 1,)}. Got: {fractions.shape}”
return fractions

if __name__ == “__main__”:
Y = np.arange(11)[None, :] – 5
Y = np.vstack((Y, Y, Y))
print(f”Original observations: \n{Y}”)

test_pca = PCA(Y)
print(f”V: \n{test_pca.V}”)

est_X = test_pca.inference(Y, 1)
print(f”Estimated states: \n{est_X}”)

est_Y = test_pca.reconstruct(est_X)
print(f”Estimated observations from estimated states: \n{est_Y}”)