程序代写代做代考 algorithm data structure % This class implements an event-based estimation system using g2o and

% This class implements an event-based estimation system using g2o and
% the barebones for building up a minimal, ideal SLAM system. The system is
% event-based and responds to a sequence of events which are time stamped
% and served in order. To implement your SLAM system, you will need to
% implement various methods which mostly involve working with the graph.
% These methods are initially stubbed out and will generate exceptions if
% you try to call them.

classdef G2OSLAMSystem < minislam.slam.VehicleSLAMSystem properties(Access = protected) % Flag to run the detailed graph validation checks validateGraphOnInitialization; % The graph used for performing estimation. graph; % The optimization algorithm optimizationAlgorithm; % The most recently created vehicle vertex. currentVehicleVertex; % The set of all vertices associated with the vehicle state over % time. vehicleVertices; vehicleVertexId; % The landmark vertices. Confusingly enough, "Map" here refers to % the data structure which is used to store the landmarks. (It % allows random access of landmarkID to landmark object.) landmarksMap; % Q4b % Delete vehicle prediction edges DeleteEdges; end methods(Access = public) % Create the localization system and start it up. function this = G2OSLAMSystem() % Call the base class constructor this = this@minislam.slam.VehicleSLAMSystem(); % Create the graph and the optimization algorithm this.graph = g2o.core.SparseOptimizer(); algorithm = g2o.core.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizationAlgorithm(); this.graph.setAlgorithm(algorithm); % Do detailed checking by default this.validateGraphOnInitialization = true; % Preallocate; this is a lower bound on size this.vehicleVertices = cell(1, 10000); % No vehicle vertices initally set this.vehicleVertexId = 0; % Allocate the landmark map this.landmarksMap = containers.Map('KeyType', 'int64', 'ValueType', 'any'); % Q4b % if set to 0, all edges this.DeleteEdges = 0; end % Get the underlying g2o graph function graph = optimizer(this) graph = this.graph; end % Set the flag to enable / disable validation. This spots errors in % graph construction, but repeated calls can slow things down by % 20% or more. function setValidateGraph(this, validateGraphOnInitialization) this.validateGraphOnInitialization = validateGraphOnInitialization; end function validateGraphOnInitialization = validateGraph(this) validateGraphOnInitialization = this.validateGraphOnInitialization; end % Recommend if an optimization is a good idea. Based on an event, % some activities (e.g., such as loop closing) can have a very big % impact on the estimates. Therefore, this method returns if the % localization algorithm thinks optimizing is a good idea. Here we % always return false because this gives the fastest results % because you just optimize once, right and the very end function recommendation = recommendOptimization(this) %recommendation = false; % This is how to do it after every 500 steps recommendation = rem(this.stepNumber, 100) == 0; end % ------------------------Q4.b----------------------------------- function question4b(this, remain) edges = this.graph.edges(); edges_count = length(edges); fprintf('number of edge: %d',edges_count); vehicle_edges_count = 0; % remove vehicle edges using for loop for i = 1:edges_count current_edge_temp = edges(i); current_edge = current_edge_temp{1}; % compare the class of the edge if class(current_edge) == "minislam.slam.g2o.VehicleKinematicsEdge" % if the current edge is vehicle edges, count += 1 vehicle_edges_count = vehicle_edges_count + 1; % if we want to remain the first edge if vehicle_edges_count == 1 && remain == 1 disp("Remain first vehicle edge and remove the rest"); else disp("Remove all vehicle edges"); this.graph.removeEdge(current_edge); fprintf('number of vehicle edge: %d',vehicle_edges_count); end end end fprintf('number of vehicle edge: %d',vehicle_edges_count); end % This method runs the graph optimiser and the outputs of the % optimisation are used as the initial conditions for the next % round of the graph. This makes it possible to iterative compute % solutions as more information becomes available over time. function optimize(this, maximumNumberOfOptimizationSteps) % ------------------------Q4.b----------------------------------- % Check if we want to do question 4b first % 1 means we want to do q4b % 0 means we don't want to do q4b if (this.DeleteEdges == 1) % 1 means we want first vehicle edge remains % 0 means we want all vehicle edges removed this.question4b(0); end this.graph.initializeOptimization(this.validateGraphOnInitialization); if (nargin > 1)

% Return the current mean and covariance estimate of the robot.
% This is only valid after optimization has been called.
function [x, P] = robotEstimate(this)
[xS, PS] = this.graph.computeMarginals(this.currentVehicleVertex);

function [T, X, P] = robotEstimateHistory(this)

% Extract the graph
[xS, PS] = this.graph.computeMarginals();

% Create the output array
X = zeros(3, this.vehicleVertexId);
P = zeros(3, this.vehicleVertexId);
T = zeros(1, this.vehicleVertexId);

% Copy the outputs over
for v = 1 : this.vehicleVertexId
idx = this.vehicleVertices{v}.hessianIndex();

T(v) = this.vehicleVertices{v}.time();

% Copy the estimate into the array. If the vertices is
% fixed (conditioned), its estimate is okay. The covariance
% is not explicitly defined, but has a value of zero.
% Therefore we fill this manually.
if (isempty(idx) == true)
X(:, v) = this.vehicleVertices{v}.estimate();
P(:, v) = zeros(3, 1);
X(:, v) = full(xS(idx));
P(:, v) = full(diag(PS(idx, idx)));

% Return the means and covariances of the landmark estimates. These
% are only valid after optimization has been called.
function [x, P, landmarkIds] = landmarkEstimates(this)

landmarkVertices = values(this.landmarksMap);

numberOfLandmarks = length(landmarkVertices);

landmarkIds = NaN(1, numberOfLandmarks);
x = NaN(2, numberOfLandmarks);
P = NaN(2, 2, numberOfLandmarks);

[xS, PS] = this.graph.computeMarginals();

for l = 1 : numberOfLandmarks
landmarkIds(l) = landmarkVertices{l}.landmarkId();
idx = landmarkVertices{l}.hessianIndex();
x(:, l) = full(xS(idx));
if (isempty(idx == true))
P(:, :, l) = zeros(3, 3);
P(:, :, l) = full(PS(idx, idx));

% These are the methods you will need to overload
methods(Access = protected)

% Declare bodies all of these methods. This makes it possible to
% instantiate this object.

function handleInitialConditionEvent(this, event)

% Add the first vertex and the initial condition edge
this.currentVehicleVertex = minislam.slam.g2o.VehicleStateVertex(this.currentTime);
this.vehicleVertexId = 1;
this.vehicleVertices{this.vehicleVertexId} = this.currentVehicleVertex;

function handleNoPrediction(~)
% Nothing to do

function handlePredictToTime(this, time, dT)

% Create the next vehicle vertex and add it to the graph
this.currentVehicleVertex = minislam.slam.g2o.VehicleStateVertex(time);

% Update vehicle vertex
previousX = this.vehicleVertices{this.vehicleVertexId}.estimate;

% Define M matrix for the intermediate pose
previousHeading = previousX(3);
Mi = [cos(previousHeading), -sin(previousHeading), 0;
sin(previousHeading), cos(previousHeading), 0;

u = this.u;% input
Q = this.uCov;% covariance matrix
% v = sqrtm(Q) * randn(3, 1); % zero mean (unit variance) gaussian noise
v = transpose(mvnrnd([0,0,0], this.uCov, 1));
x_predicted = previousX + dT*Mi*(u+v); % update states
% process model

x_predicted(3) = g2o.stuff.normalize_theta(x_predicted(3)); % normalise the angles

this.currentVehicleVertex.setEstimate(x_predicted) %the prediction is just a 3×1 matrix – X,Y,Angle

%now add the edges
odometry = this.u;
omegaQ = inv(Q); % information matrix is the inverse of Q
processEdge = minislam.slam.g2o.VehicleKinematicsEdge(dT); % get kinematic edge
processEdge.setVertex(1,this.vehicleVertices{this.vehicleVertexId}); % set the previous vertex
processEdge.setVertex(2,this.currentVehicleVertex); % set the current vertex
processEdge.setMeasurement(odometry) %set the measurements
processEdge.setInformation(omegaQ) % set the information matrix
this.graph.addEdge(processEdge); % add the new edge

% Bump the indices
this.vehicleVertexId = this.vehicleVertexId + 1;
this.vehicleVertices{this.vehicleVertexId} = this.currentVehicleVertex;

function handleGPSObservationEvent(this, event)

% Handle a GPS measurement
sigmaR = event.covariance;
z = event.data;

omegaR = inv(sigmaR); %information matrix for measurements

currentV = this.vehicleVertices{this.vehicleVertexId}; % get the latest updated vertex

gpsEdge = minislam.slam.g2o.GPSMeasurementEdge();
gpsEdge.setVertex(1,currentV); %only need to add once vertex as it is a unary measurement edge

function handleLandmarkObservationEvent(this, event)

% Iterate over all the landmark measurements
for l = 1 : length(event.landmarkIds)

% Get the landmark vertex associated with this measurement.
% If necessary, a new landmark vertex is created and added
% to the graph.
[landmarkVertex, newVertexCreated] = this.createOrGetLandmark(event.landmarkIds(l));
z = event.data(:, l);

%error(‘handleLandmarkObservationEvent: implement me’);

if newVertexCreated

processModelEdge = minislam.slam.g2o.LandmarkRangeBearingEdge();
omegaQ = inv(event.covariance);



methods(Access = protected)

% This method returns a landmark associated with landmarkId. If a
% landmark exists already, it is returned. If it does not exist, a
% vertex is created and is added to the graph.
function [landmarkVertex, newVertexCreated] = createOrGetLandmark(this, landmarkId)

% If the landmark exists already, return it
if (isKey(this.landmarksMap, landmarkId) == true)
landmarkVertex = this.landmarksMap(landmarkId);
newVertexCreated = false;
landmarkVertex = minislam.slam.g2o.LandmarkVertex(landmarkId);
newVertexCreated = true;
this.landmarksMap(landmarkId) = landmarkVertex;

