程序代写代做代考 algorithm % This script runs the sampler to generate plots which illustrate the

% This script runs the sampler to generate plots which illustrate the
% uncertainty.
% It uses something called Riemannian Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling.
% The algorithm falls outside the scope of this module. The main thing to
% note is that it (a) requires manual fiddling of parameters and (b) can be
% very slow!

% It needs to be run after the dynamic example scripts.

% RHMC is parameterised by L (the number of steps) and epsilon (the size of
% each step). These are not chosen adaptively.

function sampleGraph(graph, numSamples, L, epsilon, videoFileName)

% Check it’s the correct type
assert(isa(graph, ‘g2o.core.SparseOptimizer’) == true)

% Create the sampler
sampler = g2o.sampling.RiemannianHamiltonianSampler(graph);
%sampler = g2o.sampling.HamiltonianSampler(graph);

% Handle defaults
if (nargin < 5) videoWriter = []; else videoWriter = VideoWriter(videoFileName, 'Motion JPEG AVI'); open(videoWriter); end if (nargin < 4) epsilon = 0.0012; end if (nargin < 3) L = 20; end if (nargin < 2) numSamples = 1000; end % Set the number of steps and step length sampler.setParameters(L, epsilon); % Get the initial estimate theta0 = graph.computeMarginals(); % Various book keeping parameters theta = theta0; numRefresh = 0; thetaStore = NaN(length(theta0), numSamples); numAccepted = 0; for k = 1 : numSamples if (rand < 0.01) theta = theta0; numRefresh = numRefresh + 1; end [theta, accepted] = sampler.sample([], theta); thetaStore(:, k) = theta; if (accepted == true) figure(3) plot(thetaStore(1:4:end,1:k), thetaStore(3:4:end,1:k)) drawnow numAccepted = numAccepted + 1; if (isempty(videoWriter) == false) writeVideo(videoWriter, getframe(gcf)); end end fprintf('k=%03d;numAccepted=%03d;numRefresh=%03d\n', k, numAccepted, numRefresh) end if (isempty(videoWriter) == false) close(videoWriter) end