function textprogressbar(c)
% This function creates a text progress bar. It should be called with a
% STRING argument to initialize and terminate. Otherwise the number correspoding
% to progress in % should be supplied.
% INPUTS: C Either: Text string to initialize or terminate
% Percentage number to show progress
% Example: Please refer to demo_textprogressbar.m
% Author: Paul Proteus (e-mail: proteus.paul (at) yahoo (dot) com)
% Version: 1.0
% Changes tracker: 29.06.2010 – First version
% Inspired by:
%% Initialization
persistent strCR; % Carriage return pesistent variable
% Vizualization parameters
strPercentageLength = 10; % Length of percentage string (must be >5)
strDotsMaximum = 10; % The total number of dots in a progress bar
%% Main
if isempty(strCR) && ~ischar(c),
% Progress bar must be initialized with a string
error(‘The text progress must be initialized with a string’);
elseif isempty(strCR) && ischar(c),
% Progress bar – initialization
strCR = -1;
elseif ~isempty(strCR) && ischar(c),
% Progress bar – termination
strCR = [];
fprintf([c ‘\n’]);
elseif isnumeric(c)
% Progress bar – normal progress
c = floor(c);
percentageOut = [num2str(c) ‘%%’];
percentageOut = [percentageOut repmat(‘ ‘,1,strPercentageLength-length(percentageOut)-1)];
nDots = floor(c/100*strDotsMaximum);
dotOut = [‘[‘ repmat(‘.’,1,nDots) repmat(‘ ‘,1,strDotsMaximum-nDots) ‘]’];
strOut = [percentageOut dotOut];
% Print it on the screen
if strCR == -1,
% Don’t do carriage return during first run
% Do it during all the other runs
fprintf([strCR strOut]);
% Update carriage return
strCR = repmat(‘\b’,1,length(strOut)-1);
% Any other unexpected input
error(‘Unsupported argument type’);