程序代写代做代考 % This class stores an event from the scnario generator. The known

% This class stores an event from the scnario generator. The known
% even types are:
% InitialConditionEvent:
% This is a one-off event sent at the start. The data is
% the initial position and orientation of the vehicle. This is known
% perfectly and so the covariance is a zero matrix.
% VehicleOdometryEvent:
% This specifies the drive speed and angular speed of the robot. The
% covariance specifies Q_k.
% GPSObservationEvent:
% This specifies a GPS measurement of vehicle (x,y). The covariance
% is R^GPS_k.
% LandmarkObservationEvent:
% This specifies the range, attitude and elevation measurements of the
% landmarks. The event also contains the IDs of the detected landmarks.
% The observations are in an 3xn array, where n is the number of landmarks.

classdef Event < handle % Enumeration of observation types properties(Access = public, Constant = true) INITIAL_CONDITION = 0; VEHICLE_ODOMETRY = 1; GPS = 2; LANDMARK = 3; end properties(Access = public) % The time of the event. time; % The type of the event. Must be one of the enums listed above. type; % The event data data; % The noise on the event data covariance; end methods(Access = public) function this = Event(time, type, data, covariance) % Copy over the common values this.time = time; this.type = type; this.data = data; % If the noise is a vector, assume that it encodes a diagonal covariance % matrix. Therfore, reshape into a matrix. if ((size(covariance, 1) == 1) || (size(covariance, 2) == 1)) covariance = diag(covariance); end this.covariance = covariance; end end end