程序代写代做代考 % This class uses a slightly simpler model for the vehicle kinematics used

% This class uses a slightly simpler model for the vehicle kinematics used
% in the lectures. This is the more standard built in type for estimate.
% The model assumes that the vehicle speed is specified in the vehicle
% frame and is then projected into the world frame. Specifically,
% M = [cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0; sin(theta) cos(theta) 0;0 0 1];
% The process model has the form:
% x = x + M * [vx;vy;theta]
% where vx, vy and vtheta are the velocities.
% The error model
% eTheta =

classdef VehicleKinematicsEdge < g2o.core.BaseBinaryEdge properties(Access = protected) % The length of the time step dT; end methods(Access = public) function this = VehicleKinematicsEdge(dT) this = this@g2o.core.BaseBinaryEdge(3); this.dT = dT; end function initialize(this) %this.dT = this.edgeVertices{2}.time() - this.edgeVertices{1}.time(); assert(this.dT > 0);

priorX = this.edgeVertices{1}.x;

c = cos(priorX(3));
s = sin(priorX(3));

M = this.dT * [c -s 0;
s c 0;
0 0 1];

% Compute the posterior assming no noise
this.edgeVertices{2}.x = this.edgeVertices{1}.x + M * this.z;

% Wrap the heading to -pi to pi
this.edgeVertices{2}.x(3) = g2o.stuff.normalize_theta(this.edgeVertices{2}.x(3));


function computeError(this)
% initialize based on previous state

% Compute the error and put it in this.errorZ
% Rotation matrix from prior state
priorX = this.edgeVertices{1}.x; % obtain the x value of the current edge vertices

c = cos(priorX(3)); % cosine of the heading
s = sin(priorX(3)); % sine of the heading

Mi = [c s 0;
-s c 0;
0 0 1];

% Compute the error.
%this.errorZ = Mi * (this.edgeVertices{2}.x – priorX) – this.z;
this.errorZ = this.dT * Mi * (this.edgeVertices{2}.x – priorX) – this.z;

% Wrap the heading error to -pi to pi
this.errorZ(3) = g2o.stuff.normalize_theta(this.errorZ(3));

% Compute the Jacobians
function linearizeOplus(this)
% initialize based on previous state
% get prior
priorX = this.edgeVertices{1}.x;
c = cos(priorX(3)); % cosine of heading
s = sin(priorX(3)); % sine of heading
dx = this.edgeVertices{2}.x – priorX;
Mi = [c s 0;
-s c 0;
0 0 1];

% update Jacobian matrix
this.J{2} = Mi;
this.J{1}(1, 1) = – c;
this.J{1}(1, 2) = – s;
this.J{1}(1, 3) = -dx(1) * s + dx(2) * c;
this.J{1}(2, 1) = s;
this.J{1}(2, 2) = – c;
this.J{1}(2, 3) = -dx(1) * c – dx(2) * s;
this.J{1}(3, 3) = -1;
