程序代写代做代考 % This is the basic element which is stored in a hypergraph. It basically

% This is the basic element which is stored in a hypergraph. It basically
% stores just an ID, an optional name, and information to show if it has
% been inserted into a graph.
% It should not be instantiated directly.

classdef HyperGraphElement < handle properties(Access = protected) % The graph the element is regstered with owningGraph; % The id of the vertex. This is of type int64 elementId; % The name of this object elementName; % Flag shows if validated validated; end methods(Access = protected) function this = HyperGraphElement() this.owningGraph = []; this.validated = false; end end methods(Access = public, Sealed = true) % Get the name of the vertex function name = name(this) name = this.elementName; end % Get the numerical ID of the vertex function id = id(this) id = this.elementId; end % The graph the vertex is registered with function graph = graph(this) graph = this.owningGraph; end function clearValidated(this) this.validated = false; end end methods(Access = public, Abstract) % Make sure the element is valid. The definition of validity is % different for vertices and edges. validate(this); end methods(Access = protected) % Set the ID of the vertex; you can only do this if the vertex has % not been registered with a graph function setId(this, newElementId) % Assume we can cast okay newElementId = int64(newElementId); % If no ID has been assigned, we can assume the vertex hasn't % been registered with a graph if (isempty(this.elementId) == true) this.elementId = newElementId; return; end % Check we haven't been registered with a graph already assert((this.registered == false), ... 'g2o::hypergraphelement::changeidafterregistration', ... ['Attempt to change the id of an element that has ' ... 'already been added to a graph; oldID=%d, newID=%d'], ... this.elementId, newElementId); % Now change the vertex ID this.elementId = newElementId; end end % These methods are only accessible by the hypergraph methods(Access = {?g2o.core.HyperGraph}) function setGraph(this, owningGraph) this.owningGraph = owningGraph; end function clearGraph(this) this.owningGraph = []; end end end