程序代写代做代考 algorithm classdef GaussNewtonOptimizationAlgorithm < g2o.core.OptimizationAlgorithm

classdef GaussNewtonOptimizationAlgorithm < g2o.core.OptimizationAlgorithm properties (Access = private) tol = 1e-5 end methods(Access = public) function this = GaussNewtonOptimizationAlgorithm(tol) this = this@g2o.core.OptimizationAlgorithm(); if nargin > 0
this.tol = tol;

function [X, numberOfIterations] = solve(this, X0, maximumNumberOfIterations)


% Set the graph to the initial condition. Might be redundant

% Get the cost of the initial solution, and check it’s okay
R0 = this.optimizableGraph.chi2();

assert(isnan(R0) == false, …
‘g2o:core:lsqroptimizationalgorith:chi2isnan’, …
‘The chi2 value from the optimizable graph is NaN.’);

% Set the current best solution
X = X0;

% Set the number of iterations
numberOfIterations = 0;

% We have to check that R0 isn’t too small otherwise

while ((numberOfIterations < maximumNumberOfIterations)) numberOfIterations = numberOfIterations + 1; fprintf('Iteration = %03d; Residual = %6.3f; Time = %3.3f\n', ... numberOfIterations, R0, toc); % Compute the problem [H,b] = this.optimizableGraph.computeHB(X); % Work out the update step dX = H\b; % Check not NaN assert(any(isnan(dX)) == false, ... 'g2o:core:gaussnewtonoptimizationalgorith:dXisnan', ... 'The step direction vector contains NaNs'); % The scale of the step length alpha = -1; % First take a step and compute what the new cost is XadX = this.optimizableGraph.assignXToVerticesWithPerturbation(X, alpha * dX); R1 = this.optimizableGraph.chi2(); assert(isnan(R1) == false, ... 'g2o:core:gaussnewtonoptimizationalgorith:chi2isnan', ... 'The chi2 value from the optimizable graph is NaN.'); % If the error increased, then reduce the step length and % try again while ((R1 > R0) && (abs(alpha) > 1e-10))
alpha = alpha * 0.5;
XadX = this.optimizableGraph.assignXToVerticesWithPerturbation(X, alpha * dX);
R1 = this.optimizableGraph.chi2();

X = XadX;

% If this condition fails, this captures the cases that
% either (a) the cost didn’t change very much or (b) the
% cost actually went up
if ((R0-R1) < this.tol) break; end % Store the new best cost and solution R0 = R1; end end end methods(Access = protected) end end