程序代写代做代考 % An edge is used to establish a probabilistic relationship on one or more

% An edge is used to establish a probabilistic relationship on one or more
% vertices. Specifically, the idea is that it’s possible create an error
% function of the form
% e = h({v}, z)
% where {v} is the set of vertices attached to this edge, and z is a
% “measurement” (which is actually any input vector used with computing the
% error).
% This object is not instantianted directly. Rather, you should create a
% subclass.
% To create a subclass you need to:
% 1. Specify the number of vertices (length({v})
% 2. Specify the dimension of e
% 3. Provide a function to compute the error
% 4. Provide a function which computes the Jacobians of the error functio
% with respect to the different vertices {v}.
% Two helper classes – BaseUnaryEdge and BaseBinaryEdge – are provided
% which have compatibility with g2o’s class hierarchy.

classdef BaseEdge < g2o.core.HyperGraphElement properties(Access = protected) % The measurement associated with this edge z; % The information associated with this edge Omega; % Dimensions of the measurement dimZ; % The number of vertices associated with this edge numVertices; % The error based on the current vertex state estimates errorZ; % The Jacobians J; end properties(Access = {?g2o.core.HyperGraphElement,?g2o.core.OptimizableGraph}) % The vertices associated with this edge edgeVertices; end methods(Access = protected) % Construct the new edge. The number of vertices and the dimensions % of the measurement must be specified. function this = BaseEdge(numVertices, measurementDimension) this = this@g2o.core.HyperGraphElement(); assert(nargin > 1, ‘g2o:baseedge:baseedge:insufficientarguments’, …
‘The number of vertices and dimensions are mandatory’);

% Check the number of vertices is good
assert(numVertices > 0, ‘g2o:baseedge:baseedge:invalidnumvertices’, …
‘The number of vertices must be a non-negative integer; the value is %d’, numVertices);

this.numVertices = numVertices;

this.edgeVertices = cell(1, numVertices);

% Check the dimensions are okay and store
assert(measurementDimension > 0, ‘g2o:baseedge:baseedge:invalidmeasurementdimension’, …
‘The measurement dimension must be a non-negative integer; the value is %d’, measurementDimension);

% Check the dimensions are okay and store
this.dimZ = measurementDimension;

% Allocate an initial values
this.z = NaN(this.dimZ, 1);
this.Omega = NaN(this.dimZ, this.dimZ);
this.errorZ = NaN(this.dimZ, 1);


% Preallocate space for the Jacobians for each vertex
this.J = cell(1, numVertices);

methods(Access = public)

% Set the value of Omega for this edge.
function setInformation(this, newOmega)
% Needs to be a 2D array
newOmegaNDims = ndims(newOmega);
assert(newOmegaNDims == 2, …
‘g2o:baseedge:setinformation:informationwrongdimension’, …
‘The information matrix must be a two dimensional array; ndims=%d’, …

% Get the vector sizes
rows = size(newOmega, 1);
cols = size(newOmega, 2);

% Check the size
assert((rows == this.dimZ) && (cols == this.dimZ), …
‘g2o:baseedge:setinformation:informationwrongdimension’, …
[‘The information matrix should be a square ‘ …
‘ matrix of dimension %d; the matrix has dimensions (%d, %d)’], …
this.dimZ, rows, cols);

% Check not NaN
assert(any(any(isnan(newOmega))) == false, …
‘g2o:baseedge:setinformation:informationhasnans’, …
‘The information matrix contains NaNs’);

% Check the matrix matrix is positive semidefinite
assert(all(eig(newOmega) > eps), ‘g2o:baseedge:setinformation:informationnotpsd’, …
‘The information matrix is not positive semidefinite’);

this.Omega = newOmega;


methods(Access = public, Sealed = true)

% Set the vertex for this edge. Different edges have different
% numbers of vertices. The vertices are indexed by the vertex
% number. Note that the meaning of each vertex depends on how you
% define the error function.
function this = setVertex(this, vertexNumber, vertex)

% Cast to the right type
vertexNumber = uint32(vertexNumber);

% Check the vertex is of the right kind
assert(isa(vertex, ‘g2o.core.BaseVertex’), ‘g2o:baseedge:addedge:wrongclass’, …
‘The object should inherit from base.Vertex; the object class is %s’, …

% Check the vertex number if valid
assert((vertexNumber >=1) && (vertexNumber <= this.numVertices), ... 'g2o:baseedge:addedge:invalidvertexnumber', ... 'The vertex number must be between 0 and %d; the value is %d', this.numVertices, ... vertexNumber); % Assign this.edgeVertices{vertexNumber} = vertex; % The Jacobian should be of the form % this.J{vertexNumber} = NaN(this.dimZ, vertex.dimension()); % We leave it blank here to trigger errors if, for example, the % Jacobian was not set in the subclass. this.J{vertexNumber} = []; % Register the edge with the vertex vertex.addEdge(this); end % Remove a vertex from this edge. function removeVertex(this, vertex) % Check the class is correct assert(isa(vertex, 'g2o.core.BaseVertex'), 'g2o:baseedge:removeedge:wrongclass', ... 'The object should inherit from base.Vertex; the object class is %s', ... class(vertex)); % Go through all the registered vertices. If we found it, % remove it foundVertex = false; for v = 1 : this.numVertices if ((isempty(this.edgeVertices{v}) == false) && ... (this.edgeVertices{v}.id() == vertex.id())) this.edgeVertices{v}.removeEdge(this); this.edgeVertices{v} = []; foundVertex = true; break; end end % The vertex wasn't found assert(foundVertex == true, 'g2o:baseedge:removeedge:wrongclass', ... 'No vertex with ID %d is registered with edge with ID %d', vertex.id(), this.elementId); end % Number of vertices which this edge should connect to function numVertices = numberOfVertices(this) numVertices = this.numVertices; end % The number of vertices which have not been assigned to the edge % yet. A valid edge has all of its vertices assigned. function numUndefinedVertices = numberOfUndefinedVertices(this) numUndefinedVertices = sum(cellfun('isempty',this.edgeVertices)); end % Get an individual vertex function v = vertex(this, vertexNumber) assert((vertexNumber > 0) && (vertexNumber <= this.numVertices), ... 'g2o:baseedge:illegalvertexid', 'The vertexNumber %d should be between 1 and %d', ... vertexNumber, this.numVertices); v = this.edgeVertices{vertexNumber}; end % Get a cell array of the list of vertices function vertices = vertices(this) vertices = this.edgeVertices; end % Dimension of the measurement. function dimension = dimension(this) dimension = this.dimZ; end % Get the error. function errZ = error(this) errZ = this.errorZ; end % Get the Jacobians for the most recent error calculation. This is % a cell array. The ith element in the array is the Jacobian of the % error with respect to the ith vertex. function J = jacobianOplus(this) J = this.J; end % Return the "chi2" value. This is equal to e'*Omega*e, and is the % contribution of this edge to the overall cost term we are trying % to minimize. function chi2 = chi2(this) chi2 = this.errorZ' * (this.Omega * this.errorZ); assert(isnan(chi2) == false, 'g2o:baseedge:chi2:chi2isnan', ... 'The chi2 value is NaN.'); end % This method computes the contributions to the Hessian % (information matrix) and information update vector. Basically it % computes the individual elements of (20) and (21) of the g2o % documentation in the appendix. function [H, b] = computeHB(this) % Compute the Jacobians this.linearizeOplus(); % Compute the error this.computeError(); % Check all the Jacobians have the correction dimensnions for i = 1 : this.numVertices sz = size(this.J{i}); assert((sz(1) == this.dimZ) && (sz(2) == this.edgeVertices{i}.dimension()), ... 'g2o:baseedge:computehb:jacobianwrongdimension', ... 'The Jacobian for vertex %d is incorrectly sized; required=(%dx%d), provided = (%dx%d)', ... i, this.dimZ, this.edgeVertices{i}.dimension(), sz(1), sz(2)); end H = cell(this.numVertices, this.numVertices); b = cell(1, this.numVertices); % Work out the contribution from each vertex. Note % this is symmetric, so we only populate the upper triangle for i = 1 : this.numVertices b{i} = this.J{i}' * (this.Omega * this.errorZ); for j = i : this.numVertices H{i, j} = this.J{i}' * this.Omega * this.J{j}; end end end % Set the measurement value. function setMeasurement(this, newZ) % Needs to be a 2D array newZNDims = ndims(newZ); assert(newZNDims == 2, ... 'g2o:baseedge:setmeasurement:measurementwrongdimension', ... 'The measurement vector must be a column vector; ndims=%d', ... newZNDims); % Get the vector sizes rows = size(newZ, 1); cols = size(newZ, 2); % Check number of rows assert(cols == 1, ... 'g2o:baseedge:setmeasurement:measurementwrongdimension', ... 'The measurement vector must be a column vector; columns=%d', ... cols); % Check number of columns assert(rows == this.dimension, ... 'g2o:baseedge:setmeasurement:measurementwrongdimension', ... 'The measurement dimension is wrong; required=%d, actual=%d', ... this.dimZ, rows); % Check not NaN assert(any(isnan(newZ)) == false, ... 'g2o:baseedge:setmeasurement:measurementhasnans', ... 'The measurement contains NaNs'); this.z = newZ; end % Return the measurement value. function z = measurement(this) z = this.z; end % Return the value of omega for this edge. function Omega = information(this) Omega = this.Omega; end % Make sure the edge is set up properly: the measurement is % defined, the information is defined (and is positive % semidefinite) and all the vertices have been assigned. function validate(this) if (this.validated == true) return; end % If any edges are undefined, then generate a warning and % return assert(this.numberOfUndefinedVertices() == 0, ... 'g2o:baseedge:validate:undefinedvertices', ... 'this.numberOfUndefinedVertices()=%d for the edge with id %d', ... this.numberOfUndefinedVertices(), this.id); % Check the measurement is not nan assert(any(isnan(this.z)) == false, ... 'g2o:baseedge:validate:measurementhasnans', ... 'The measurement contains NaNs'); assert(any(any(isnan(this.Omega))) == false, ... 'g2o:baseedge:validate:informationhasnans', ... 'The information matrix contains NaNs'); assert(all(eig(this.Omega) > eps), ‘g2o:baseedge:validate:informationnotpsd’, …
‘The information matrix is not positive semidefinite’);

% Check all the vertices and make sure they are registered.
for v = 1 : this.numVertices
assert(this.edgeVertices{v}.owningGraph == this.owningGraph, …
‘g2o:baseedge:validate:vertcesnotregistered’, …
‘vertex with ID %d is not registered with a graph’, …

this.validated = true;


methods(Access = public, Abstract)

% This method takes the current estimates from the edge’s vertices
% and uses them to assign a value to this.errorZ.

% This method computes the cell array of Jacobians which is
% returned by jacobianOPlus.

methods(Access = protected, Static)

% This private method ensures that each vertex has a unique ID.
% This is used for map storage / search internally.
function id = allocateId()
persistent idCount;

if (isempty(idCount))
idCount = 0;
idCount = idCount + 1;

id = idCount;

