CS计算机代考程序代写 compiler x86 glman, a Better View into GLSL

glman, a Better View into GLSL
glman is a program to allow a better view into the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). It does not take the place of an OpenGL program for real shader applications, but it is a nice OpenGL program substitute for running experiments as you learn about shaders.
You start glman by double-clicking on its executable’s icon. In the Oregon State University Computer Graphics Education Lab, glman is started with:
Start → All Programs → Shaders → glman.exe
The starting user interface window looks like this.
At the same time, a console window pops up. There are, at times, useful messages that are displayed there. Most of the time, you can ignore it. Iconify it if you want.
Loading a GLIB File
GLIB stands for GL Interface Bytestream. It is an ASCII-encoded input file inspired by the Photorealistic RenderMan RIB file. The GLIB portion of the glman menu looks like this.
Load a new GLIB File This brings up a dialog box that allows you to select a GLIB file. glman parses your GLIB file and creates a scene in a new graphics window.
Reload the GLIB File Reloads the currently-loaded GLIB file. This is useful if you have just edited a shader source file and want to test it.
The following commands are allowed in a GLIB file. The command itself is case-insensitive, but any text arguments are case-sensitive. Numbers in square brackets [ ] show the default values if the parameters are not set.
If you read nothing else in this document, read this. Some shaders expect to find the default OpenGL viewing situation, that is, the eye at the origin looking in –Z. So, glman provides that situation when your scene is first displayed. Unfortunately, this often leaves you seeing little or nothing of your scene because you’re inside it. Thus, usually your first move upon opening up a new .glib scene should be to use the Eye Transformation “Trans Z” widget to push the scene back into the viewing volume where it is more visible.
mjb – December 29, 2011 1

GLIB Scene Creation Window and Viewing Volume WindowSize wx wy
Ortho xl xr yb yt
Perspective fov
Specifies the initial graphics window size. [600. 600.]
Set the current projection to orthographic with the given parameters. [-3. 3. -3. 3.]
Set the current projection to perspective with the given field of view angle (degrees). [50.]
(Like OpenGL itself, these transformations take effect in the reverse order in which they are listed.)
Translate tx ty tz Rotate angle ax ay az
Scale s
Scale sx sy sz
PushMatrix TransformBegin PopMatrix TransformEnd
Creating Geometry
Box dx dy dz
Cylinder radius height Cone radius height DiskXY
JitterCloud numx numy numz
Pre-concatenate a translation onto the current matrix
Pre-concatenate a rotation onto the current matrix (angle in degrees)
Pre-concatenate a uniform scale onto the current matrix
Pre-concatenate a non-uniform scale onto the current matrix
Push the current matrix on the matrix stack Same as PushMatrix
Pop the current matrix from the matrix stack Same as PopMatrix
Creates a 3D box. If specified, (dx,dy,dz) are the lengths of the sides. [2. 2. 2.]
Draw a solid cylinder. [1. 1.] Draw a solid cone. [1. 1.]
Creates a unit disk parallel to the XY plane and passing through Z=0.
Creates a jittered 3D point cloud. If specified, numx, numy, and numz are the number of points to use in each direction. See PointCloud. [10 10 10]
mjb – December 29, 2011

LinesAdjacency [v0] [v1] [v2] [v3]
Obj filename
ObjAdj filename
Creates an instance of the new OpenGL GL_LINES_ADJACENCY primitive. This works with geometry shaders and only makes sense if they are available on your system. Each vertex consists of an x, y, and z, given in square brackets. So, for instance, [v0] might be: [1. 2. 3.]
Reads in a .obj geometry filename into lists of GL_TRIANGLES. If filename is not given, glman will prompt you for it. The complete .obj format can be quite complex. This feature, however, just supports vertices, normals, texture coordinates, and faces. Any face with more than 3 vertices is automatically converted into triangles.
Reads in a .obj geometry filename into a list of GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENT. This is useful for use with Geometry Shaders for applications such as smoothing and silhouettes. If filename is not given, glman will prompt you for it. The complete .obj format can be quite complex. This feature, however, just supports vertices, normals, texture coordinates, and faces. Any face with more than 3 vertices is automatically converted into triangles. If you don’t have a real need, use Obj instead of ObjAdj. The file will read faster and the resulting geometry will display faster.
Creates a regular 3D point cloud. If specified, numx, numy, and numz are the number of points to use in each direction. See JitterCloud. [10 10 10]
Draws a series of ‘numquads’ quadrilaterals (default=10) parallel to the XY plane. The XYZ coordinates run from (-1.,-1.,-1.) to (1.,1.,1.). The 3D texture coordinates run from (0.,0.,0.) to (1.,1.,1.).This is a good way to test 3D textures.
Creates a quadrilateral parallel to the XY plane, passing through Z=z. If given, size is the quadrilateral’s dimension, going from (-size,-size) to (size,size) in X and Y. If given, nx and ny are the number of sub-quads this quadrilateral is broken into. This is a good way to test 2D textures.
Creates a quadrilateral parallel to the XZ plane, passing through Y=y. If given, size is the quadrilateral’s dimension, going from (-size,-size) to (size,size) in X and Z. If given, nx and nz are the number of sub-quads this quadrilateral is broken into.
PointCloud numx numy numz
QuadBox numquads
QuadXY z size nx ny
QuadXZ y size nx nz
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QuadYZ x size ny nz
Soccerball radius
Creates a quadrilateral parallel to the YZ plane, passing through X=x. If given, size is the quadrilateral’s dimension, going from (-size,-size) to (size,size) in Y and Z. If given, ny and nz are the number of sub-quads this quadrilateral is broken into.
Creates a geometric soccer ball from 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons. As part of this, two uniform variables are defined:
1. FaceIndex: which face are we on right now. 0- 11 are the pentagons, 12-31 are the hexagons.
2. Tangent: vec3 pointing in a consistent tangent direction, same as the Sphere uses.
In addition, the s and t texture coordinates are filled with good values for mapping an image to each face. The p value is filled with a normalized radius from the centerof that face. The seam is located at p=1. [1.]
Draw a solid sphere. This primitive sets the vertex coordinates, the vertex normals, and the vertex texture coordinates. In order to align bump-mapping, it also sets a vec3 called Tangent at each vertex. The Tangent vectors are all tangent to the sphere surface and always point in a consistent direction, towards the North Pole. [1. 60 60]
Create a solid teapot.
Sphere radius slices stacks
Torus outerradius innerradius numsides numrings
Create a solid torus. [1.0 0.5 20 40 ]
WireBox dx dy dz
WireCylinder radius height WireCone radius height WireObj filename
WireSphere radius slices stacks
Creates a 3D wireframe box. If specified, (dx,dy,dz) are the lengths of the sides. [2. 2. 2.]
Create a wireframe cylinder. [1. 1.]
Create a wireframe cone. [1. 1.]
Reads in a .obj geometry filename into lists of lines. If filename is not given, glman will prompt you for it. The true .obj format can be quite complex. This feature, however, just supports vertices, normals, texture coordinates, and faces.
Create a wireframe sphere. [1. 60 60]
WireTorus innerradius outerradius numSides numRings
Create a wireframe torus. [1.0 0.5 20 40 ]
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WireTeapot Xarrow numslices
Specifying Textures
Texture2D texture_unit filename
Create a wireframe teapot
Creates an arrow along the X-axis, from X=0. to X=1. If specified, numslices are the number of individual slices to use along the arrow. [100]
This reads a 2D texture from a file. If the filename ends in a .bmp suffix, a 24-bit color BMP image file is assumed, with red, green, and blue read from the file (no alpha). Any other filename pattern implies a raw format, which consists of two binary 4-byte integers giving the X and Y dimensions of the image, and then 4 components per texel specifying the red, green, blue, and alpha of that texel. The components can be all unsigned bytes or all 32-bit floating point.
Setup an empty 2D texture unit for render-to-texture or image load/store (see below)
This reads a 3D texture from a file in a raw format, which consists of three binary 4-byte integers giving the X, Y, and Z dimensions of the volume, and then 4 components per texel specifying the red, green, blue, and alpha of that texel. The components can be all unsigned bytes or all 32-bit floating point.
Setup an empty 3D texture unit for image load/store (see below)
Texture2D texture_unit dims dimt
Texture3D texture_unit filename
Texture3D texture_unit dims dimt dimp
CubeMap texture_unit posxfile negxfile posyfile negyfile poszfile negzfile
Generate a cubemap texture on texture unit texture_unit.
Specifying Shaders
Vertex file.vert TessControl file.tcs TessEvaluation file.tes Geometry file.geom Fragment file.frag
Each file is either a 24-bit color BMP file or a raw 2D texture file (see Texture2D above).
Specify a vertex shader filename
Specify a tessellation control shader filename. Specify a tessellation evaluation shader filename. Specify a geometry shader filename
Specify a fragment shader filename
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Program programname uniformvariables …
Compile and Link the vertex, fragment, and possibly geometry (see below), shaders into a program and specify the uniform variables for that program (see below) The program command must come last in this group of three or four. It links together the current vertex shader, the current fragment shader, and possibly the current geometry shader and tessellation shaders. Note that this means that you can re-use a shader in another shader program by simply not redefining another shader of that type.
If you want to un-specify a shader (that is, no longer use it), just give the vertex, fragment, geometry, or tessellation commands with no arguments.
Sets the current background color. 0. ≤ r,g,b ≤ 1. Set the current rendering color to (r,g,b)
0. ≤ r,g,b ≤ 1.
Sets the current shading mode to GL_FLAT.
For all shaders, automatically “#include” the gstap.h file that #define’s the standard, deprecated GLSL built-in variables. (See below.)
Sets the current line width.
Calls the OpenGL gluLookAt( ) routine. (ex,ey,ez) are the eye position. (lx,ly,lz) are the look-at position. (ux,uy,uz) are the up-vector.
Specify the resolution of glman’s built-in 2D noise texture (see below)
Specify the resolution of glman’s built-in 3D noise texture (see below).
Sets the current point size.
Sets the current shading mode to GL_SMOOTH.
Sets the timer period from the default of 10 seconds per cycle to numsecs per cycle. (See below.)
Puts up a Message Box with the text message in it. This is useful if you want to tell the user something about
Background r g b Color r g b
LineWidth size
LookAt ex ey ez lx ly lz ux uy uz
Noise2D res
Noise3D res
PointSize size Smooth
Timer numsecs
MessageBox An informative text message
mjb – December 29, 2011

In GLIB files:
what this .glib file is about and what to do with this scene display.
• Multiple whitespace characters in a row are treated as a single whitespace character.
• A # causes the rest of the line to be treated as a comment and ignored
• A // causes the rest of the line to be treated as a comment and ignored
• A backslash (\) at the end of a line causes the carriage return to be ignored. The current line is
continued onto the next line.
V ariables like gl_Vertex and gl_ModelViewMatrix have been built-in to the GLSL language from the start. They are used like this:
vec4 ModelCoords = gl_Vertex;
vec4 EyeCoords
vec4 ClipCoords
vec3 TransfNorm
= gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;
= gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex; = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;
However, starting with OpenGL 3.0, they have been deprecated in favor of defining our own variables and passing them in from the application. The built-ins still work if compatibility mode is enabled, but we should all be prepared for them to go away some day. Also, OpenGL- ES has already completely eliminated the built-ins. What to do?
We have chosen to pretend that we have created variables in an application and have passed them in. So, the previous lines of code would be changed to look like this:
vec4 ModelCoords = aVertex;
vec4 EyeCoords
vec4 ClipCoords
vec3 TransfNorm
= uModelViewMatrix * aVertex;
= uModelViewProjectionMatrix * aVertex; = uNormalMatrix * aNormal;
Eventually, you will need to stop using the old built-in names. And, it would be nice to be able to write the shader code in the new style so that you don’t need to modify your shaders in the future. The glman GSTAP command is a halfway-measure. GSTAP lets you use new names (thus preparing for an eventual transition), by including a set of #defines at the top of your shader code for you:
// uniform variables:
#define uModelViewMatrix
#define uProjectionMatrix
#define uModelViewProjectionMatrix #define uNormalMatrix
#define uModelViewMatrixInverse
// per-vertex attribute variables:
#define aColor
#define aNormal
gl_ModelViewMatrix gl_ProjectionMatrix gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix gl_NormalMatrix gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse
mjb – December 29, 2011

#define aVertex
#define aTexCoord0
#define aTexCoord1
#define aTexCoord2
#define aTexCoord3
#define aTexCoord4
#define aTexCoord5
#define aTexCoord6
#define aTexCoord7
#line 1
(The #line statement is there so that compiler error messages give the correct line numbers and do not include these lines in the count.)
GSTAP stands for Graphics Shaders: Theory and Practice, the book in which this file originally appeared (Second Edition, A.K. Peters, 2011).
Using Textures
As indicated above, there are two ways of inputting a 2D texture: as a 24-bit color uncompressed BMP file or as a raw texture file. If you want this to work on any graphics system, be sure the image dimensions are powers of two. The NVIDIA cards in the OSU Computer Graphics Education Lab quietly don’t require this to be true, but for now, many other systems still do.
The 2D texture raw format is very simple. The first 8 bytes are two 4-byte integers, declaring the S and T image dimensions. The following bytes are the RGBA values for each texel. These RGBA values can be unsigned bytes or 32-bit floats. glman will look at the size of the file and do the right thing.
When writing a raw glman 2D texture file from another application, the order of writing should be:
FILE *fp = fopen( “example.tex”, “wb” ); if( fp == NULL )
. . . Print message and exit . . .
fwrite( &nums, 4, 1, fp );
fwrite( &numt, 4, 1, fp );
for( int t = 0; t < numt; t++ ) { for( int s = 0; s < nums; s++ ) { float red, green, blue, alpha; ... fwrite( &red, 4, 1, fp ); fwrite( &green, 4, 1, fp ); fwrite( &blue, 4, 1, fp ); fwrite( &alpha, 4, 1, fp ); } } mjb – December 29, 2011 8 The 3D texture raw format is just as simple. The first 12 bytes are three 4-byte integers, declaring the S, T, and P volume dimensions. The following bytes are the RGBA values for each texel. These RGBA values can be unsigned bytes or floats. glman will look at the size of the file and do the right thing. When writing a raw 3D texture file, the order of writing should be: fwrite( &nums, 4, 1, fp ); fwrite( &numt, 4, 1, fp ); fwrite( &nump, 4, 1, fp ); for( int p = 0; p < nump; p++ ) { for( int t = 0; t < numt; t++ ) { for( int s = 0; s < nums; s++ ) { float red, green, blue, alpha; ... fwrite( &red, 4, 1, fp ); fwrite( &green, 4, 1, fp ); fwrite( &blue, 4, 1, fp ); fwrite( &alpha, 4, 1, fp ); } } glman expects raw texture binary byte-ordering to be consistent with an Intel x86 architecture. If you write raw texture files from a UNIX workstation (e.g., Sun or SGI), you must reverse the byte ordering. The second argument on the Texture2D and Texture3D lines is the OpenGL texture unit to assign this texture to. You then need to tell your shaders what that texture uniform number is. For example, the GLIB line might be: Program Texture TexUnit 7 And your fragment shader might look like: uniform sampler2D TexUnit; } void main( ) { } vec3 rgb = texture2D( TexUnit, vST ).rgb; gl_FragColor = vec4( rgb, 1. ); Or, starting with GLSL 3.30, you can set the value of the texture unit right in the shader Program Texture And your fragment shader would look like: layout(binding=7) uniform sampler2D TexUnit; mjb – December 29, 2011 9 void main( ) { } vec3 rgb = texture2D( TexUnit, vST ).rgb; gl_FragColor = vec4( rgb, 1. ); BTW, don’t use texture units 2 and 3 yourself. glman uses these already to tell your shaders about its built-in 2D and 3D noise textures. Interestingly enough, a limitation of GLSL is that you cannot hardcode the texture unit number in the call to texture2D( ). For example, you cannot say: vec3 rgb = texture2D( 7, vST] ).rgb; Rendering to a Texture You can use glman to render to a texture, and then read that texture (or textures) back into another shader program. You first need to setup the texture(s) to be rendered to by defining their storage size: Texture2D texture_unit dims dimt This is the resolution of the “texture framebuffer” that you will be rendering into. Don’t make this too small – the resulting texture will look chunky. 1024x1024 is a good nominal resolution, if you have no other preference. Then, to render into this texture, use the glib command RenderToTexture texture_unit [texture_unit] [texture_unit] . . . This switches the output from the screen framebuffer to the texture framebuffer. To go back to using the screen framebuffer as the output, use: RenderToTexture You can then pass in the texture unit to the next shader program as you would any other texture unit input. An example of using render-to-texture is to use the second pass to filter the first pass’s rendered scene: ##OpenGL GLIB Perspective 90 Texture2D 6 1024 1024 RenderToTexture 6 Background 0. 0. 0. Clear mjb – December 29, 2011 10 Vertex filter.vert Fragment filter.frag Program Filter1 Ad<.05.1.5>
Tol <0. 0. .25>
NoiseAmp <0. 0. 3.> NoiseFreq <0. 1. 10.>
\ \ \
Color 1. .9 0
Background .2 0 0
Vertex image.vert
Fragment image.frag
Program Filter2
Translate 0 0 0.
QuadXY .2 2.
Image Load and Store
InUnit 6
TEdge <0. 1. 1.>
TSharp <0. 1. 10.>
ResS 1024 ResT 1024
\ \ \ \ \
Image loading and storing are a new feature in GLSL 4.20. They allow you to read or write any texel in a 2D or 3D texture. The image reading differs from just reading a texture in that the value read from the texture is unfiltered by the sampler. The image writing differs from render-to-texture in that any texel can be written from any shader.
More information on how to gain access to this from glman is coming soon.
Atomic Buffers
Atomic buffers are a new feature in GLSL 4.20. They allow you to read, write, or modify scalar values from any shader.
More information on how to gain access to this from glman is coming soon.
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Specifying Uniform Variables
Uniform variables are specified on the Program command line in a tag-value pair format:
• Scalar variables are just listed as numbers.
• Array variables are enclosed in square brackets. [ ]
• Range variables are enclosed in angle brackets. < > These are scalar variables, but will generate a slider in the Uniform Variable user interface so that the you can then change this value on the fly. The 3 values in the brackets are : . This can be used for variables that are type int or float. glman will look at your symbol table and do the right thing.
• Color variables are enclosed in curly brackets. { } They are:
{red green blue alpha}
and will generate a button in the UI that, when clicked, brings up a color selector window. The color selector allows you to change this color variable on-the-fly.
• The < > angle brackets can also be used for
Boolean variables. Enclose a single number in the
angle bracket: 0 for false and non-zero for true.
(The words and can also be used in
the angle brackets for readability.) This will generate a checkbox in the user interface. This must be used only for variables in your shader that are type bool. glman will look at your symbol table to confirm this.
• Multiple vertex-tessellation-geometry-fragment-program combinations are allowed in the same GLIB file. If there is more than one combination, then they will appear as separate rollout panels in the user interface. The first program rollout will be open, and all the others will be closed. Open the ones you need when you need them.
For example, the user interface window shown above was created as a result of these lines in the GLIB file:
Vertex colortest.vert
Fragment colortest.frag
Program ColorTest
DeltaScale <0. 0. 5.>
A <0 1. 10>
P <0. .25 1.>
Tol <0. 0. .5>
\ \ \ \
mjb – December 29, 2011

ColorA {1. 1. 1. 1.} \
ColorB {1. .5 0. 1.}
Timer Variable
If you would like to add programmed motion to your scene, glman automatically updates a uniform floating point variable called Timer by incrementing it from 0. to 1., 0. to 1., 0. to 1., etc. in a sawtooth pattern,. in a certain number of seconds. The default is 10 seconds, although this can be changed using the Glib Timer command, or by scaling it in your shader code.
For example, if n is a noise value between -1. and 1., you could oscillate the use of that noise value by:
uniform float Timer;
const float PI = 3.14158265;

float newrad = oldrad + NoiseAmp*n*sin(2.*PI*NoiseSpeed*Timer);
Note that the sin function is used to turn the Timer saw tooth function into something that oscillates, and that NoiseSpeed is used to scale the speed.
glman only bothers enabling timer interrupts if it spots the use of Timer in your shader program symbol table, so you don’t end up incurring the overhead unless you actually need to.
glman automatically creates a 3D noise texture and places it into Texture Unit 3. Your shaders can get at it through the pre-created uniform variable called Noise3. Reference it in your shader as:
uniform sampler3D Noise3; …
vec3 stp = …
vec4 nv = texture3D( Noise3, stp );
The noise texture is a vec4. The .r component is the low frequency noise. The .g component is twice the frequency and half the amplitude of the .r component, and so on for the .b and .a components. Each component is centered on a value of .5, so that if you want a plus-or-minus-from-zero effect, subtract .5 from each component. To get a nice 4-octave noise value between 0. and 1. (useful for noisy mixing), add up all four components, subtract 1., and divide the whole thing by 2.
Term Range
0.5 ± .5000
0.5 ± .2500
0.5 ± .1250
0.5 ± .0675
2.0 ± ~ 1.0
sum – 1
1.0 ± ~ 1.0
(sum – 1) / 2
0.5 ± ~ 0.5
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float sum = nv.r + nv.g + nv.b + nv.a; // range is 1. -> 3. sum = ( sum – 1. ) / 2.; // range is now 0. -> 1.
If you would like to have a 4-octave noise function that ranges from -1. to 1., then do this instead:
float sum = nv.r + nv.g + nv.b + nv.a; // range is 1. -> 3. sum = sum – 2.; // range is now -1. -> 1.
Accessing the 2D noise texture works the same as the 3D one, except you use:
uniform sampler2D Noise2; …
vec2 st = …
vec4 nv = texture2D( Noise2, st );
By default, the noise textures are 64×64 and 64x64x64. You can change this by putting a command in your GLIB file of the form:
Noise2D 128
Noise3D 128
or whatever resolution you want (up to around 400). The first time glman creates a 2D or 3D noise texture for you, it will take a few seconds. But, it then writes it to a file in the current folder. The next time glman needs this noise texture, it will read it directly from the file, which is a lot faster.
Editing Files
The .glib, .vert, .frag, .geom, .tcs, and .tes files can be edited any way you want. If you want to easily open a WordPad editing window on a file, click on one of these buttons and then select the file. You can have as many of these WordPad windows open at one time as you want.
If your system does not support Geometry Shaders, then the “Edit a Geom File” button will not appear.
If your system does not support Tessellation Shaders, then the “Edit a Tess Control File” and “Edit a Tess Evaluation File”” buttons will not appear.
Generating and Displaying an Image Hardcopy of the Screen
Create Hardcopy File As you will be doing cool things with glman, you will often want to copy the graphics window to an image file. The Create Hardcopy button will do that, and will let you
specify the name of the .bmp file it will be written into.
Because glman does this by rendering to an
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internal off-screen framebuffer, the resolution can be (almost) arbitrary. This is useful if you need more pixels in your hardcopy image than you have on your physical screen, as you might need for a high- quality print image or for a poster.
Display the Hardcopy File To confirm what you got, and to perhaps send the image to a printer, click here. This will be grayed out until you actually create a Hardcopy.
Show Variable Labels This checkbox shows up in the Uniform Variable user interface window. Clicking it will superimpose the values of the uniform variables on top of your graphics scene. This is very handy for doing screen captures of the graphics scene and being able to later recall what uniform variable values made this scene look like what it did.
Global Scene Transformation
This row of widgets allows you to transform the entire scene in the graphics window. The scene can also be rotated by holding down the left mouse button with the cursor in the graphics window. The scene can also be scaled by holding down the middle mouse button in the graphics window.
It is important to realize that, unlike what is normally done in an OpenGL program, these transformations do not end up in the ModelView matrix. This row of transformations ends up in the Projection matrix so that they will have no impact on anything your shaders do in Eye Coordinates. That is, these scene transformations can be used to see the back of a scene, without changing the Eye Coordinate behavior of the shaders.
Eye Transformation
This row of widgets also allows you to transform the scene in the graphics window.
It is important to realize that these
transformations do end up in the ModelView
matrix, just as if the OpenGL gluLookAt( )
routine had been called. That is, these scene transformations will change the Eye Coordinate behavior of the shaders.
Often, your first move upon opening up a new .glib scene is to use this “Trans Z” widget to push the scene back into the viewing volume where it is more visible.
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Texture Transformation
This row of widgets allows you to put a
transform into the built-in texture matrix
gl_TextureMatrix[0] . Note that, once you
are no longer using the fixed-function pipeline,
the texture matrix does not automatically take
effect. You must do this yourself in your
shader. (This is really here just to give your shaders another transformation matrix to play with.)
Object Picking and Transformation
Individual objects in the scene can be picked and independently transformed. This is a good way to test shaders that operate in Eye Coordinates rather than Model Coordinates. To do this, you must first enable object picking by turning on this checkbox.
Then, clicking
on a 3D object
in the scene
with the left
mouse button
will cause that
object to be
selected. A large 3D cursor becomes centered on
the object to show that it is selected. The 3D cursor will be drawn using the same shaders as the selected object is, so its appearance might look a little weird.
At that time, the Object Transformation row of widgets will become active. These widgets allow you to transform the selected object. The object transformations go into the ModelView matrix just for the selected object, where they will impact any shader that performs operations in Eye Coordinates.
To de-select an object, either click in an open area of the graphics window, or uncheck the Enable Object Picking checkbox
Monitoring the Frame Rate
It is sometimes useful to get an idea of how much certain shader
operations affect the overall speed of the graphics pipeline. For
example, certain math functions are implemented in hardware, some in software. If-tests often cause a slowdown. Low count for-loops are often better unrolled. To see what your current frame rate is, click this checkbox on. This causes glman to time your display as you interact. After you turn this option on, you will see two things: (1) a frames-per-second (FPS) number will be superimposed on top of the graphics window, and (2) your display speed will drop sharply. This speed drop is because glman loops through multiple instances of your display to acquire more precision on the timing. Your speed will go back to normal once you turn this option off.
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The timing does not include the initial setting and clearing of the frame buffers. Nor does it include the swapping of the double buffers. It just includes the drawing of your scene. Thus, the displayed FPS in this case can exceed the monitor refresh rate. However, when you include the monitor refresh rate (MRR), the actual frames-per-second performance you will get is:
  FPS 
where   is the ceiling function. 
Verbose Normally, If you would like to see more of what is really going on behind the scenes, click this checkbox on. It can be, at times, voluminous. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Quit Obvious.
Questions? Comments?
Send glman questions, comments, and suggestions to: Prof. Mike Bailey
Computer Science
Oregon State University
2117 Kelley Engineering Center Corvallis, OR 97331-5501 541-737-2542 mjb@cs.oregonstate.edu
mjb – December 29, 2011 17