classdef HamiltonianSampler < handle
% This is an attempt to reimplement Richard's code in a more object
% oriented way to help me understand the structure and generalise a bit
% for some other experiments.
properties(Access = protected)
% Step size
% Number of Hamilton steps
% Enable Metropolis rejection test
% The observation and observation covariance
% The mass matrix
% State and momentum and dimensions
% Number of steps used in leapfrog integrator
methods(Access = public)
function this = HamiltonianSampler()
this.nSteps = 35;
this.epsilon = 0.01;
this.useRejectionTest = true;
function setParameters(this, nSteps, epsilon)
this.nSteps = nSteps;
this.epsilon = epsilon;
% Sample the state starting from theta0 for an observation y
% If p0 is provided, use it at the initial momentum. Otherwise,
% it is sampled.
function [theta, acceptMove, HTrajectory, reverseTrajectory] = sample(this, y, theta0, p0)
% Store the state and the observation
this.y = y;
this.theta = theta0;
this.ndims = length(this.theta);
% The history of the Hamiltonians, used for debugging
storeHTrajectory = (nargout > 2);
if (storeHTrajectory == true)
HTrajectory = NaN(1, this.nSteps + 1);
% Measure to detect sample reversal – simple test to suggest
% samples “folding back on themselves” so the possibility of
% the NUTS sampler
storeReverse = (nargout > 3);
if (storeReverse == true)
reverseTrajectory = NaN(2, this.nSteps + 1);
% Choose the initial mass matrix
% Choose initial value of the momentum if it’s not provided
if (nargin == 4)
this.p = p0;
this.p = this.sampleP();
% Work out the initial Hamiltonian. This is needed for the accept
% / reject step at the end
H0 = this.computeH();
% Store the initial Hamiltonian if required
if (storeHTrajectory == true)
HTrajectory(1) = H0;
% Store the initial reverse value if required
if (storeHTrajectory == true)
reverseTrajectory(:, 1) = 0;
% Use the leapfrog integrator
keepRunning = true;
s = 1;
while ((s <= this.nSteps) && (keepRunning == true)) % Do the leapfrog integration using (23a)-(23c) this.p = this.p - 0.5 * this.epsilon * this.computeDHDTheta(); this.theta = this.theta + this.epsilon * this.computeDHDP(); this.p = this.p - 0.5 * this.epsilon * this.computeDHDTheta(); % Update the mass matrix; this is needed for computeDHDP. % It is also used in the accept / reject step so it isn't % wasted. this.computeM(); % Bump the step count s = s + 1; % If storing the Hamiltonian, compute the value and save it if (storeHTrajectory == true) HTrajectory(s) = this.computeH(); end % If storing the reverse measure, compute the value and % save it if (storeReverse == true) reverseTrajectory(1, s) = dot(this.theta - theta0, this.p); reverseTrajectory(2, s) = reverseTrajectory(1, s)/(norm(this.theta - theta0)*norm(this.p)); end % Test for early termination goes here keepRunning = true; end % Work out the final Hamiltonian H = this.computeH(); % Work out the energy deltaH = H0 - H; % Do the sample rejection step %acceptMove = (this.useRejectionTest == false) || (log(rand(1)) < deltaH); acceptMove = (this.useRejectionTest == false) || (rand(1) < exp(deltaH)); if (acceptMove == true) theta = this.theta; else theta = theta0; end end end methods(Access = protected) % Sample the initial momentum function p0 = sampleP(this) p0 = chol(this.M)' * randn(this.ndims, 1); end % Compute the Hamiltonian function H = computeH(this) H = this.computeV() + this.computeT(); end % Compute the potential energy. Assuming a Gaussian, we use the % function to convert theta to an observation, and then compute the % deltas. function V = computeV(this) nu = this.computeNu(); V = 0.5 * nu' * (this.R \ nu); end % Compute the kinetic energy. Assume this is Gaussian distributed % and is zero-mean with covariance equal to the mass matrix. function T = computeT(this) T = 0.5 * this.p' * (this.M \ this.p); end % Compute the Hamiltonian with respect to momentum function dHdP = computeDHDP(this) dHdP = this.M \ this.p; end % The mass matrix; the default is that it's constant function computeM(this) this.M = eye(this.ndims); end end methods(Access = protected, Abstract) dHDTheta = computeDHDTheta(this); end end