程序代写代做代考 classdef Simulator < minislam.event_generators.EventGenerator

classdef Simulator < minislam.event_generators.EventGenerator % This class is a simple simulator which predicts the movement of a % car-like vehicle and generates result from it. For the second part of % the coursework, we will use a different and more general set of % classes. properties(Access = protected) % The current simulation time currentTime; % The state of the vehicle (x, y, phi) x; % The control inputs (speed, steer angle) u; % The set of landmarks landmarks; % The set of waypoints waypoints; % Index to the waypoint waypointIndex; % Flag indicates we're done carryOnRunning; % Time of next GPS event nextGPSTime; % Time of next range-bearing sensor event nextLaserTime; % Debug. Set to 0 to disable noise. noiseScale = 1; % Directory containing the scenario files. scenarioDirectory; % Flag to show if starting initialConditionsSent; end methods(Access = public) function this = Simulator(parameters, scenarioDirectory) this = this@minislam.event_generators.EventGenerator(parameters); % Setup default this.scenarioDirectory = scenarioDirectory; if (parameters.perturbWithNoise == true) this.noiseScale = 1; else this.noiseScale = 0; end this.start(); end % Start the simulator function start(this) this.currentTime = 0; this.waypointIndex = 1; this.loadLogFiles(); this.x = [0, 0, 0]'; this.u = zeros(2, 1); % Start the sensors off at some random time this.nextGPSTime = this.currentTime + rand * this.parameters.gpsMeasurementPeriod; this.nextLaserTime = this.currentTime + rand * this.parameters.laserMeasurementPeriod; this.stepNumber = 0; this.carryOnRunning = true; this.mostRecentEvents = minislam.event_generators.OrderedEventQueue(); % Set up the initial condition event to send out initialConditionEvent = minislam.event_types.InitialConditionEvent(this.currentTime, ... this.x, zeros(3)); this.mostRecentEvents.insert(initialConditionEvent); % Set up the first odometry value to send out if (this.parameters.enableOdometry == true) odometryEvent = this.simulateOdometryEvent(); this.mostRecentEvents.insert(odometryEvent); end end % Return whether the simulator has finished function carryOn = keepRunning(this) carryOn = ((this.carryOnRunning) && (this.stepNumber < this.parameters.maximumStepNumber)); end function T = time(this) T = this.currentTime; end % Step the simulator and return events function step(this) % Bump the step number this.stepNumber = this.stepNumber + 1; this.mostRecentEvents.clear(); % Predict forwards to the next step vDT = this.u(1) * this.parameters.DT; phi = this.x(3); this.x(1) = this.x(1) + vDT * cos(phi); this.x(2) = this.x(2) + vDT * sin(phi); this.x(3) = g2o.stuff.normalize_theta(this.x(3) + vDT * sin(this.u(2)) / this.parameters.B); % Bump the time step this.currentTime = this.currentTime + this.parameters.DT; % Compute the GPS observation if necessary gpsEvents = this.simulateGPSEvents(); this.mostRecentEvents.insert(gpsEvents); % Compute the laser observation if necessary laserEvents = this.simulateLaserEvents(); this.mostRecentEvents.insert(laserEvents); % Determine the wheel speed and steer angle for the robot which % will be applied next time this.computeControlInputs(); % Create the odometry message for this next update step if ((this.carryOnRunning == true) && (this.parameters.enableOdometry == true)) odometryEvent = this.simulateOdometryEvent(); this.mostRecentEvents.insert(odometryEvent); end end % Get the ground truth state of the vehicle; not available in the % real world (alas) function groundTruthState = groundTruth(this, getFullStateInformation) groundTruthState = minislam.event_generators.simulation.SimulatorState(); % Required information groundTruthState.currentTime = this.currentTime; groundTruthState.xTrue = this.x; groundTruthState.uTrue = this.u; % Optional information if (getFullStateInformation == true) groundTruthState.waypoints = this.waypoints; groundTruthState.mTrue = this.landmarks; end end end methods(Access = protected) function computeControlInputs(this) % Work out distance to the target waypoint dX = this.waypoints(:, this.waypointIndex) - this.x(1:2); d = norm(dX); % If sufficiently close, switch to the next waypoint; if (d < 1) this.waypointIndex = this.waypointIndex + 1; % If we've reached the end of the list of waypoints, return if (this.waypointIndex > size(this.waypoints, 2))
this.carryOnRunning = false;

% Update to the new waypoint
dX = this.x(1:2) – this.waypoints(:, this.waypointIndex);
d = norm(dX);

% Compute the speed. We first clamp the acceleration, and then
% clamp the maximum and minimum speed values.
diffSpeed = 0.1 * d – this.u(1);
maxDiffSpeed = this.parameters.maxAcceleration * this.parameters.DT;
diffSpeed = min(maxDiffSpeed, max(-maxDiffSpeed, diffSpeed));
this.u(1) = max(this.parameters.minSpeed, min(this.parameters.maxSpeed, this.u(1) + diffSpeed));

% Compute the steer angle. We first clamp the rate of change,
% and then clamp the maximum and minimum steer angles.
diffDelta = g2o.stuff.normalize_theta(atan2(dX(2), dX(1)) – this.x(3) – this.u(2));
maxDiffDelta = this.parameters.maxDiffDeltaRate * this.parameters.DT;
diffDelta = min(maxDiffDelta, max(-maxDiffDelta, diffDelta));
this.u(2) = min(this.parameters.maxDelta, max(-this.parameters.maxDelta, this.u(2) + diffDelta));

% Flag that we shoul d keep running
this.carryOnRunning = true;

% Simulate the odometry measurement. We have to produce an angular
% velcoity measurement and corrupt by noise
function odometryEvent = simulateOdometryEvent(this)

psiDot = this.u(1) * sin(this.u(2)) / this.parameters.B;

odometryMeasurement = [this.u(1); 0; psiDot] + this.noiseScale * sqrtm(this.parameters.ROdometry) * randn(3, 1);
odometryEvent = minislam.event_types.VehicleOdometryEvent(this.currentTime, …
odometryMeasurement, this.parameters.ROdometry);


function gpsEvents = simulateGPSEvents(this)

if ((this.parameters.enableGPS == false) || (this.currentTime < this.nextGPSTime)) gpsEvents = {}; return end this.nextGPSTime = this.nextGPSTime + this.parameters.gpsMeasurementPeriod; gpsMeasurement = [this.x(1); this.x(2)] + this.noiseScale * sqrtm(this.parameters.RGPS) * randn(2, 1); gpsEvents = {minislam.event_types.GPSObservationEvent(this.currentTime, gpsMeasurement, ... this.parameters.RGPS)}; end function laserEvents = simulateLaserEvents(this) laserEvents = {}; if ((this.parameters.enableLaser== false) || (this.currentTime < this.nextLaserTime)) return end this.nextLaserTime = this.nextLaserTime + this.parameters.laserMeasurementPeriod; % Find the landmarks which are in range % Compute the relative distance. Note the vehicle always sits % with z=0. dX = this.landmarks; dX(1, 🙂 = dX(1, 🙂 - this.x(1); dX(2, 🙂 = dX(2, 🙂 - this.x(2); % Squared range to each landmark R2 = sum(dX.^2,1); R = sqrt(R2); ids = find(R <= this.parameters.laserDetectionRange); % If nothing to see, return if (isempty(ids)) return end numLandmarks = length(ids); % Create observations r = R(ids) + this.noiseScale * sqrt(this.parameters.RLaser(1,1)) * randn(1, numLandmarks); beta = g2o.stuff.normalize_thetas(atan2(dX(2, ids), dX(1, ids)) - this.x(3) ... + this.noiseScale * sqrt(this.parameters.RLaser(2,2)) * randn(1, numLandmarks)); % Package into a single event laserEvents = {minislam.event_types.LandmarkObservationEvent(this.currentTime, ... [r; beta], this.parameters.RLaser, ids)}; end function loadLogFiles(this) % Find the full directory for the data fullDirectoryData = what('coursework_data'); % Search string for the right directory searchString = [filesep, this.scenarioDirectory]; % Directory files = subdir(fullDirectoryData.path); fullPath = []; % Search for the directory for f = 1 : length(files) % If it doesn't contain the search path, continue if (isempty(strfind(files(f).folder, searchString)) == true) continue else fullPath = [files(f).folder, filesep]; end end assert (isempty(fullPath) == false, 'simulator:loadLogFiles:directorycannotfinddirectory', ... 'Cannot find data directory %s', this.scenarioDirectory); % Get the path this.x = load(fullfile(fullPath, 'x0.txt'))'; this.landmarks = load(fullfile(fullPath, 'lm.txt'))'; this.waypoints = load(fullfile(fullPath, 'wp.txt'))'; % Strip z dimension off the landmarks. this.landmarks = this.landmarks(1:2, :); end end end