COMP2610/6261 – Information Theory
Lecture 20: Joint-Typicality and the Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
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October 24th, 2018
Channel Capacity: Recap
The largest possible reduction in uncertainty achievable across a channel is its capacity
Channel Capacity
The capacity C of a channel Q is the largest mutual information between its input and output for any choice of input ensemble. That is,
C = maxI(X;Y) pX
Block Codes: Recap
(N,K) Block Code
Given a channel Q with inputs X and outputs Y, an integer N > 0, and
K >0,an(N,K)BlockCodeforQisalistofS=2K codewords C = {x(1), x(2), . . . , x(2K )}
where each x(s) ∈ X N consists of N symbols from X .
RateofablockcodeisK =log2S NN
Reliability: Recap
s Encoder x Q y Decoder in
Probability of (Block) Error
Given a channel Q the probability of (block) error for a code is pB = P(sout ̸= sin) = P(sout ̸= sin|sin)P(sin)
and its maximum probability of (block) error is
pBM =maxP(sout ̸=sin|sin) sin
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem: Recap Informal Statement
Recall that a rate R is achievable if there is a block code with this rate and arbitrarily small error probability
We highlighted the following remarkable result:
Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem (Informal)
If Q is a channel with capacity C then the rate R is achievable if and only if R ≤ C, that is, the rate is no greater than the channel capacity.
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem: Recap Informal Statement
Recall that a rate R is achievable if there is a block code with this rate and arbitrarily small error probability
We highlighted the following remarkable result:
Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem (Informal)
If Q is a channel with capacity C then the rate R is achievable if and only if R ≤ C, that is, the rate is no greater than the channel capacity.
Ideally, we would like to know:
Can we go above C if we allow some fixed probability of error?
Is there a maximal rate for a fixed probability of error?
1 Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
2 Joint Typicality
3 Proof Sketch of the NCCT
4 Good Codes vs. Practical Codes
5 Linear Codes
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem Formal Statement
Recall: a rate is achievable if for any tolerance ε > 0, an (N , K ) code with rate K /N ≥ R exists with max. block error pBM < ε
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem Formal Statement
Recall: a rate is achievable if for any tolerance ε > 0, an (N , K ) code with rate K /N ≥ R exists with max. block error pBM < ε
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem (Formal)
1 Any rate R < C is achievable for Q
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem Formal Statement
Recall: a rate is achievable if for any tolerance ε > 0, an (N , K ) code with rate K /N ≥ R exists with max. block error pBM < ε
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem (Formal)
1 Any rate R < C is achievable for Q
2 If probability of bit error pb := pB /K is acceptable, (N , K ) codes
exists with rates
K ≤R(pb)= C
N 1−H2(pb)
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem Formal Statement
Recall: a rate is achievable if for any tolerance ε > 0, an (N , K ) code with rate K /N ≥ R exists with max. block error pBM < ε
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem (Formal)
1 Any rate R < C is achievable for Q
2 If probability of bit error pb := pB /K is acceptable, (N , K ) codes
exists with rates
K ≤R(pb)= C
N 1−H2(pb)
3 For any p, we cannot achieve a rate greater than R(p) with probability of bit error p.
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem Formal Statement
Recall: a rate is achievable if for any tolerance ε > 0, an (N , K ) code with rate K /N ≥ R exists with max. block error pBM < ε
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem (Formal)
1 Any rate R < C is achievable for Q
2 If probability of bit error pb := pB /K is acceptable, (N , K ) codes
exists with rates
K ≤R(pb)= C
N 1−H2(pb)
3 For any p, we cannot achieve a rate greater than R(p) with probability of bit error p.
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem Formal Statement
Recall: a rate is achievable if for any tolerance ε > 0, an (N , K ) code with rate K /N ≥ R exists with max. block error pBM < ε
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem (Formal)
1 Any rate R < C is achievable for Q
2 If probability of bit error pb := pB /K is acceptable, (N , K ) codes
exists with rates
K ≤R(pb)= C
N 1−H2(pb)
3 For any p, we cannot achieve a rate greater than R(p) with probability of bit error p.
Notethataspb → 21,R(pb)→+∞,whileaspb →{0,1},R(pb)→C,so we cannot achieve rate greater than C with probability of bit error arbitrarily small
Implications of NCCT
Suppose we know a channel has capacity 0.6 bits
Implications of NCCT
Suppose we know a channel has capacity 0.6 bits
We cannot achieve a rate of 0.8 with arbitrarily small error
Implications of NCCT
Suppose we know a channel has capacity 0.6 bits
We cannot achieve a rate of 0.8 with arbitrarily small error
We can achieve a rate of 0.8 with probability of bit error 5%, since
0.6 = 0.8408 > 0.8 1−H2 (0.05)
1 Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
2 Joint Typicality
3 Proof Sketch of the NCCT
4 Good Codes vs. Practical Codes
5 Linear Codes
Joint Typicality
Recall that a random variable z from Z N is typical for an ensemble Z
whenever its average symbol information is within β of the entropy H(Z) −N1 log2 P(z) − H(Z) < β
Joint Typicality
Recall that a random variable z from Z N is typical for an ensemble Z
whenever its average symbol information is within β of the entropy H(Z)
−N1 log2 P(z) − H(Z) < β Joint Typicality
A pair of sequences x ∈ ANX and y ∈ ANY , each of length N, are jointly typical (to tolerance β) for distribution P(x,y) if
1 x is typical of P(x)
2 y is typical of P(y)
3 (x, y) is typical of P(x, y)
The jointly typical set of all such pairs is denoted JNβ.
[z = x above]
[z = y above] [z = (x, y) above]
àà2: Jointly-typical sequences
Joint Typicality
TEhxeamjoipnletly-typical set JNβ is the set of all jointly-typical sequence pairs
of length Nà
Example. Here is a jointly-typical pair of length N = àà for the ensemble
P x,y in which P x has pà,p = à.9,à. and P y|x corresponds to a Example (pX = (0.9, 0.1) and BSC with f = 0.2):
binary symmetric channel with noise level à.2à
x àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà
y àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà
Notice that x has à 1s, and so is typical of the probability P x at any toleranceβ àandyhas261s,soitistypicalofP y becauseP y= =à.26 à and x and y di!er in 2à bits, which is the typical number of ßips for this channelà
Joint typicality theorem. Let x,y be drawn from the ensemble XY N xhas101’s(c.f.p(X =1)=0.1)
P x,y = P xn,yn .
y has 26 1’s (c.f. p(Y =n=1 ) = (0.8)(0.1) + (0.2)(0.9) = 0.26) Then
à the probability that x, y are jointly typical to tolerance β tends x, y differ in 20 bits (c.f. p(X ̸= Y) = 0.2)
NH X,Y 2àthenTuhmisbeirsoefsjosinetnlyt-itaylpicnalasdeqduiteinocnest|oJth|eisacblosveetotw2ofactsà
to as N → ∞à
To be precise,
3à if x′ ∼ XN and y′ ∼ YN, iàeà, x′ and y′ are independent samples
|JNβ|≤2N H X,Y +β à àà3
with the same marginal distribution as P x, y , then the probability
Joint Typicality
University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted.
k for 30 pounds or $50. See for links.
set. The horizontal direction
à The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
There are approximately:
AN Figure 10.2. The jointly-typical
' X E 2NH(X) typical x ∈ AN
T strings of length N . The N
represents A
, the set of all input
direction represents AY , the set of
all output strings of
conceivable input–output pairs.
Each dot represents a
length N . The outer box contains all
jointly-typical pair of sequences
(x, y). The total number of
jointly-typical sequences is about
NH Y 2
Proof of the noisy-channel coding theorem
Joint Typicality
University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted.
k for 30 pounds or $50. See for links.
X E 2NH(X) typical x ∈ AN set. The horizontal direction
à The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
There are approximately:
AN Figure 10.2. The jointly-typical
represents A , the set of all input
NY direction represents AY , the set of
XN 2 strintgysopfilecngathlNy. T∈heAvertical
all output strings of
length N . The outer box contains all
conceivable input–output pairs.
Each dot represents a
jointly-typical pair of sequences
(x, y). The total number of
jointly-typical sequences is about
NH Y 2
Proof of the noisy-channel coding theorem
Joint Typicality
University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted.
k for 30 pounds or $50. See for links.
X E 2NH(X) typical x ∈ AN set. The horizontal direction
à The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
There are approximately:
AN Figure 10.2. The jointly-typical
represents A , the set of all input
XN 2 strintgysopfilecngathlNy. T∈heAvertical
direction represents AY , the set of
2 all outputyt sptrincgas olf l(enxgt,hyN). ∈ A × A XY
The outer box contains all
conceivable input–output pairs.
Each dot represents a jointly-typical pair of sequences (x, y). The total number of jointly-typical sequences is about
NH Y 2
Proof of the noisy-channel coding theorem
Joint Typicality
University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted.
k for 30 pounds or $50. See for links.
X E 2NH(X) typical x ∈ AN set. The horizontal direction
à The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
There are approximately:
AN Figure 10.2. The jointly-typical
represents A , the set of all input
XN 2 strintgysopfilecngathlNy. T∈heAvertical
direction represents AY , the set of
2 all outputyt sptrincgas olf l(enxgt,hyN). ∈ A × A XY
The outer box contains all
2 conceivatbylepinipcuat–oluytpugt piavires.n x
Each dot represents a jointly-typical pair of sequences (x, y). The total number of jointly-typical sequences is about
NH Y 2
Proof of the noisy-channel coding theorem
Joint Typicality
University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted.
k for 30 pounds or $50. See for links.
X E 2NH(X) typical x ∈ AN set. The horizontal direction
à The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
There are approximately:
AN Figure 10.2. The jointly-typical
represents A , the set of all input
XN 2 strintgysopfilecngathlNy. T∈heAvertical
direction represents AY , the set of
2 all outputyt sptrincgas olf l(enxgt,hyN). ∈ A × A XY
The outer box contains all
2 conceivatbylepinipcuat–oluytpugt piavires.n x
Each dot represents a jointly-typical pair of sequences (x, y). The total number of
jointly-typical sequences is about
Thus, by selecting independent typical
vectors, we arrive at a jointly typical vector with probability approximately
NH Y 2
NH(X,Y) 2
2NH(X) ·2NH(Y)
Proof of the noisy-channel coding theorem
Joint Typicality
University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted.
k for 30 pounds or $50. See for links.
X E 2NH(X) typical x ∈ AN set. The horizontal direction
à The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
There are approximately:
AN Figure 10.2. The jointly-typical
represents A , the set of all input
XN 2 strintgysopfilecngathlNy. T∈heAvertical
direction represents AY , the set of
2 all outputyt sptrincgas olf l(enxgt,hyN). ∈ A × A XY
The outer box contains all
2 conceivatbylepinipcuat–oluytpugt piavires.n x
Each dot represents a jointly-typical pair of sequences (x, y). The total number of
jointly-typical sequences is about
Thus, by selecting independent typical
vectors, we arrive at a jointly typical vector
NH Y 2
with probability approximately
NH(X,Y) 2
2NH(X) · 2NH(Y) Here we used
I (X ; Y ) = H (X ) + H (Y ) − H (X , Y )
2 c
Proof of the noisy-channel coding theorem
Joint Typicality Theorem
Copyright Camb
Joint Typicality Theorem
For all tolerances β > 0
1 Almost every pair is eventually jointly typical P((x,y)∈JNβ)→1asN →∞
Let x,y be drawn from (XY)N with P(x,y) = 164
P(x ,y ). nn
ridge University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not p You can buy this book for 30 pounds or $50. See
NH Y 2
10.3 Proof of the noisy-channel coding theorem
Imagine that we wish to prove that there is a baby in a class
babies who weighs less than à kgà Individual babies are diðcu
o weighà ShannonÕs method of solving the task is to scoop up
Joint Typicality Theorem
Copyright Camb
Joint Typicality Theorem
For all tolerances β > 0
1 Almost every pair is eventually jointly typical P((x,y)∈JNβ)→1asN →∞
Let x,y be drawn from (XY)N with P(x,y) = 164
P(x ,y ). nn
ridge University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not p You can buy this book for 30 pounds or $50. See
NH Y 2
2 The number of jointly typical sequences is roughly 2NH(X,Y):
|JNβ| ≤ 2N(H(X,Y)+β)
10.3 Proof of the noisy-channel coding theorem
Imagine that we wish to prove that there is a baby in a class
babies who weighs less than à kgà Individual babies are diðcu
o weighà ShannonÕs method of solving the task is to scoop up
Joint Typicality Theorem
Copyright Camb
Joint Typicality Theorem
For all tolerances β > 0
1 Almost every pair is eventually jointly typical P((x,y)∈JNβ)→1asN →∞
Let x,y be drawn from (XY)N with P(x,y) = 164
P(x ,y ). nn
ridge University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not p You can buy this book for 30 pounds or $50. See
NH Y 2
2 The number of jointly typical sequences is roughly 2NH(X,Y):
|JNβ| ≤ 2N(H(X,Y)+β)
3 For x′ and y′ drawn independently from the
marginals of P(x, y),
P((x′,y′) ∈ JNβ) ≤ 2−N(I(X;Y)−3β)
10.3 Proof of the noisy-channel coding theorem
Imagine that we wish to prove that there is a baby in a class
babies who weighs less than à kgà Individual babies are diðcu
o weighà ShannonÕs method of solving the task is to scoop up
1 Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
2 Joint Typicality
3 Proof Sketch of the NCCT
4 Good Codes vs. Practical Codes
5 Linear Codes
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
Let Q be a channel with inputs AX and outputs AY . Let C = maxpX I(X;Y) be the capacity of Q and H2(p) = −p log2 p − (1 − p) log2(1 − p).
The Noisy-Channel Coding Theorem
1 Any rate R < C is achievable for Q (i.e., for any tolerance ε > 0, an (N, K ) code with rate K /N ≥ R exists with max. block error pBM < ε)
2 If probability of bit error pb := pB /K is acceptable, there exist (N , K )
codes with rates
K ≤R(pb)= C
N 1−H2(pb)
3 For any pb, rates greater than R(pb) are not achievable.
The Noisy-Channel Coding Th
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