CS计算机代考程序代写 interpreter CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages

CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages
Homework 5
Homework: FuncLang (Part II)
Learning Objectives:
1. Functional programming
2. Understand and expand FuncLang interpreter
• Total points: 54 pt
• Early deadline: Mar 24 (Wed) at 11:59 PM; Regular deadline: Mar 26 (Fri) at 11:59 PM (you can
continue working on the homework till TA starts to grade the homework).
• We will grade functional programming based on our tests
• Download hw5code.zip from Canvas
• Set up the programming project following the instructions in the tutorial from hw2 (similar steps)
• How to submit:
– For questions 1–2, please submit one pdf that contains all the source code
– For questions 3–4, please submit your solutions in one zip file with all the source code files (just
zip the complete project’s folder).
– Submit the zip file and one pdf file to Canvas under Assignments, Homework 5 submission.
1. (8 pt) Write FuncLang programs to process a list of strings. Here, a string is a list of characters and each character is represented using a number.
(a) (4 pt) Given a character and a list of strings, find strings that do not contain the given character. See the example below.
$ (find 88 (list (list 77 73) (list 89)))
((77 73) (89))
$ (find 88 (list (list 77 73) (list 88) (list 88 90 76))) ((77 73))
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CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages Homework 5
(b) (4 pt) Given a list of strings, return a string that concatenates all the strings in the list and characters are sorted in ascending form. See the example below.
$ (sort (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4) (list 5)))
(1 2 3 4 5)
$ (sort (list (list 1 2) (list 5 4) (list 5))) (1 2 4 5 5)
$ (sort (list (list 1 2) (list 4 3) (list 5))) (1 2 3 4 5)
2. (6 pt) Write a function, triangle, which takes a number and produces a list; each element of the list is a list of symbols. When triangle is called with a non-negative integer, n, it returns a list containing n number of lists. The first inner list has n elements, the second inner list has n-1 element, and so on until you reach the top with only one element list, which forms the shape of a triangle. Each of the inner lists contain only the numbers 0 and 1 and they alternate across lists. The result always has the 0 as the first element of the first inner list, if any. In the following examples, we have formatted the output to show the result more clearly, but your output will not look the same; it is sufficient to just get the outputs that are equal to those shown. Spaces in the lists are just for displaying purposes and you are not required to print them.
$ (triangle 0) ()
$ (triangle 1) ((0))
$ (triangle 2) ((0 1)
$ (triangle 3) ((0 1 0)
(1 0) (0))
$ (triangle 4) ((0 1 0 1)
(1 0 1) (0 1)
$ (triangle 5)
((0 1 0 1 0) (1 0 1 0) (0 1 0)
(1 0) (0))
3. (20 pt) Extend the FuncLang interpreter by supporting “>” and “<” and “=” on strings and lists, supporting “=” on boolean values. For “=”, we return true if the two strings have the exact length and content. Two list values are considered equal if they have the same size and each element of the list is equal to corresponding element in the other list. For “<” and “>”, the string and list comparison
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CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages Homework 5
is done using the length of the strings and lists. That is, “> first second” returns true if the first string/list is longer than the second string/list; and “< first second” returns true if the first string/list is shorter than the second string/list. For example, $ (= ”abc” ”abc”) #t $ (= ”abc” ”abcdef”) #f $ (> ”abc” ”abcd”) #f
$ (< ”abc” ”abcdef”)) #t $ (= #t #t) #t $ (= #t #f) #f $ (= (list) (list)) #t $ (= (list 1 2 3 4) (list 1 2 3 4)) #t $ (= (list 1 2 3 4) (list 1 2 3 4 5)) #f $ (= (list 1 2 3 4 (list)) (list 1 2 3 4 (list))) #t $ (= (car (list 1 2 3)) 1) #t $ (= (car (list 1 2 3)) 2) #f $ (= (cdr (list 1 2 3)) 2) #f $ (= (cdr (list 1 2 3)) (list 2 3)) #t $ (= (cdr (list 1 2 3)) (cdr (list 4 2 3))) #t $ (= (cons 0 (list 1 2)) (list 0 (list 1 2))) #f $ (= (cons 0 (list 1 2)) (list 0 1 2)) #t $ (> (list 1 2) (list))
$ (> (list) (list 1))
$ (< (list 1 2) (cdr (list 2 3 4 5))) Spring 2021 page 3 of 4 CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages Homework 5 #t 4. (20 pt) Extend the syntax and semantics of the Funclang language to add support for a switch expression. The signature of switch-case is following: (switch (e0) (case e1 body) (case e2 body)* (default body) ) The switch expression will check whether the value of e0 is equal to the following cases from one by one. If equal, value of the corresponding body expression is returned as the result. If no matching is found, the value of the body of default is returned. There must be at least one case clause and exactly one default. Some examples: $ (define x 0) $ (switch (x) (case 0 3) (case 1 4) (case 2 2)) error $ (switch (x) (case 0 3) (case 1 4) (default 2)) 3 $ (define foo (lambda (var) (switch (var) (case 1 (+ var 2)) (case 2 (- var 2)) (case 3 (* var 2)) (case 4 (/ var 2)) (default var)))) $(foo 1) 3 $ (foo 2) 0 $ (foo 3) 6 $ (foo 4) 2 $ (foo 5) 5 Spring 2021 page 4 of 4