CSC209H Worksheet: Compiling and Running Programs
To make sure you understand the terminology we have been using, answer the following questions and then discuss your answers with two or three people sitting nearby.
1. Suppose you have a program named prog.c. What is the instruction you would type on the command line to
compile this program and create an executable named prog?
Wall std g.nu99 g o prog prog c 2. For each of the arguments you gave to the gcc command, write down what it means.
print all
3. Now that you have an executable named prog in your current working directory, give the command to run that executable with the command-line arguments -k 3 myfile.
3 my file
4. Assume that the executable is in your parent directory; give the command to run this executable without any
command-line arguments.
5. Assume you have changed back into the same directory as the executable. Give the command to run the executable where the resulting output is redirected to a file named test1.out.
test out
6. When you run the program, it interacts with the user expecting the user to type input. Imagine that up until now you’ve been providing input from the keyboard. Give the command to run the program and redirect the input so that the executable reads from the file somefile.txt.
somefile txt
enables debugging
CSC209H Worksheet: Compiling and Running Programs
7. Put it all together. Show the command to run the executable prog with the command-line arguments -k 3 myfile, reading input from standard input redirected from somefile.txt and redirecting the output to test1.out.
8. Run prog with a coammragnd-ulinemargeumnenttosf hello, and pipe the output to the Unix uotiliuty tprpogruamtwc. This allows you to count the number of lines, words, and characters this program outputs.
pipesymbol Iprog hello we
9. Write a shell command to remove all the files in the current working directory that end in .o
10. Suppose you have a directory with a bunch of C source code files. You would like to print out all the unique #include files there are included in these source files. Use the commands grep, cut, sort, uniq and pipes to display the unique list of include lines.
For example, when I run the full pipeline of commands on the files in /u/csc209h/winter/pub/bin, the output is:
#include “helper.h”
• grep should look only in files that end in .c
• Look at the output of your grep command. Which character could you use as a field delimiter to isolate
the include part of the line from the filename that grep also outputs?
• If you haven’t used cut before, you will want to look at the man page. Run man cut to read how this command works.
• Build up each component of the pipeline one command at a time and see if the output is what you would expect.
I sort
f 2
include lo
lb cot d call on one line