CS计算机代考程序代写 /**

* CSC A48 – Intro to Computer Science II, Summer 2020
* This is the program file where you will implement your solution for
* assignment 2. Please make sure you read through this file carefully
* and that you understand what is provided and what you need to complete.
* You will need to have read the handout carefully.
* Parts where you have to implement functionality are clearly labeled TODO
* Be sure to test your work thoroughly, our testing will be extensive
* and will check that your solution is *correct*, not only that it
* provides functionality.
* (c) 2020 Mustafa Quraish

#include “imgUtils.c”

* This is the structure we are going to use to store each individual node of
* the BST. Remember that each Quad corresponds to a rectangular area on the
* image:
* (tx,ty) w
* x————————-
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* h | Quad |
* | key = tx+(ty*sx) |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* ————————-x
* (tx + w, ty + h)
typedef struct quad {
int tx, ty; // The (x,y) coordinates of the top-left pixel in the quad
int w; // How many pixels wide the quad is
int h; // How many pixels high the quad is

int sx; // Width of the original image, this is needed for the key.
// This *MUST* be the same for all nodes in the BST

int key; // A unique identifier (remember we discussed BST nodes
// should have unique keys to identify each node). The
// key identifier here will be created as:
// key = tx + (ty * sx)
// This means that only one quad can start at a specific
// pixel.

int wsplit; // 1 if this quad is supposed to be split along the width
// 0 if this quad is supposed to be split along the height

* TODO: Complete the definition of the Quad struct
struct quad *left;
struct quad *right;
} Quad;


Quad *new_Quad(int tx, int ty, int w, int h, int wsplit, int sx) {
* This function creates and initializes a new Quad for a rectanglecstarting
* at (tx, ty) with a width ‘w’ and height ‘h’. The width ofcthe image in
* which this rectangle exists is ‘sx’, use this to computecthe key as:
* key = tx + (ty * sx)
* TODO: Implement this function
Quad *new = (Quad *)calloc(1, sizeof(Quad));
new -> key = tx + (ty * sx);
new -> tx = tx;
new -> ty = ty;
new -> w = w;
new -> h = h;
new -> sx = sx;
new -> wsplit = wsplit;
new -> left = NULL;
new -> right = NULL;
return new;


Quad *BST_insert(Quad *root, Quad *new_node) {
* This function inserts a new Quad node into the BST rooted atc’root’. The
* new_node must already be initialized with validcdata, and must have a
* unique key.
* Your function must make sure that there are no duplicate nodescwith the
* same key in the BST, and if it finds any you shouldcprint the following
* message to the screen:
* printf(“Duplicate Quad (tx,ty,sx)=%d,%d, %d, was ignored\n”,….);
* (of course you need to provide the relevant variables to print)
* And it must return without inserting anyting in the BST.
* TODO: Implement this function
Quad *temp = root;
if(root == NULL)
root = new_node;
while (temp != NULL) {
if (new_node -> key < temp -> key) {
if (temp -> left == NULL) {
temp -> left = new_node;
else {
temp = temp -> left;
else if (new_node -> key > temp -> key) {
if (temp -> right == NULL) {
temp -> right = new_node;
else {
temp = temp -> right;
else {
printf(“Duplicate Quad (tx,ty,sx)=%d,%d, %d, was ignored\n”, new_node -> tx, new_node -> ty, new_node -> sx);
return root;
return root;


Quad *BST_search(Quad *root, int tx, int ty) {
* This function searches the BST for a Quad at the speficied position. If
* found, it must return a pointer to the quad that contains it.
* Search has to happen according to the BST search process – so you need to
* figure out what value to use during the search process to decide which
* branch of the tree to search next.
* Note that the ‘sx’ value does not need to be passed in here since it must
* be the same as the one in any Quad already in the tree.
* Return NULL if the Quad doesn’t exist in the BST.
* TODO: Implement this function
Quad *temp = root;
int key = tx + (ty * root -> sx);
if(root == NULL) {
return NULL;
while(temp != NULL) {
if(key < temp -> key) {
temp = temp -> left;
else if (key > temp -> key) {
temp = temp -> right;
else {
return temp;
return NULL;


Quad *find_successor(Quad *right_child) {
* This function finds the successor of a Quad node by searching the right
* subtree for the node that is most to the left (that will be the node
* with the smallest key in that subtree)
* TODO: Implement this function
Quad *temp = right_child;
while(temp && temp -> left != NULL){
temp = temp -> left;
return temp;


Quad *BST_delete(Quad *root, int tx, int ty) {
* Deletes from the BST a Quad at the specified position. You must implement
* the three cases of BST deletion we discussed in class. Make sure the
* function can remove a Quad at any position without breaking the tree!
* Once again, remember that ‘sx’ is stored in the tree.
* TODO: Implement this function
if (root == NULL)
return root;
int key = tx + (ty * root -> sx);
if (key < root -> key) {
root -> left = BST_delete(root -> left, tx, ty);
else if (key > root -> key) {
root -> right = BST_delete(root -> right, tx, ty);
else {
if (root -> right == NULL) {
Quad *temp = root -> left;
return temp;
else if (root -> left == NULL) {
Quad *temp = root -> right;
return temp;
Quad *temp = find_successor(root -> right);
root -> key = temp -> key;
root -> tx = temp -> tx;
root -> ty = temp -> ty;
root -> sx = temp -> sx;
root -> h = temp -> h;
root -> w = temp -> w;
root -> wsplit = temp -> wsplit;
root -> right = BST_delete(root -> right, temp -> tx, temp -> ty);
return root;


Quad *delete_BST(Quad *root) {
* This function deletes the BST and frees all memory used for nodes in it.
* Recall that there is a specific order in which this needs to be done!
* (consult the Unit 4 notes as needed)
* This function should return NULL.
* TODO: Implement this function
if(root->left!=NULL) {
if(root->right!=NULL) {
return NULL;


void BST_inorder(Quad *root, int depth) {
* This function performs an in-order traversal of the BST and prints out the
* information for each Quad using this exactly this print statement:
* printf(“Depth=%d, key=%d, tx:ty (%d:%d), w=%d, h=%d, wsplit=%d\n”,…)
* Obviously, you must provide the variables to the printf function – we’re
* just giving you the formatting string.
* The depth value is increased by 1 for each recursive call so when you
* print, you can see at what level each node is located! (this should help
* you debug your code by making it easier to check the shape of your BST).
* TODO: Implement this function
if (root == NULL)
BST_inorder(root->left, depth+1);
printf(“Depth=%d, key=%d, tx:ty (%d:%d), w=%d, h=%d, wsplit=%d\n”, depth, root->key, root->tx, root->ty,
root->w, root->h, root->wsplit);
BST_inorder(root->right, depth+1);


void BST_preorder(Quad *root, int depth) {
* This function performs a pre-order traversal of the BST and prints out the
* information for each Quad using this exactly this print statement:
* printf(“Depth=%d, key=%d, tx:ty (%d:%d), w=%d, h=%d, wsplit=%d\n”,…)
* Obviously, you must provide the variables to the printf function – we’re
* just giving you the formatting string.
* The depth value is increased by 1 for each recursive call so when you
* print, you can see at what level each node is located! (this should help
* you debug your code by making it easier to check the shape of your BST).
* TODO: Implement this function
if (root == NULL)
printf(“Depth=%d, key=%d, tx:ty (%d:%d), w=%d, h=%d, wsplit=%d\n”, depth, root->key, root->tx, root->ty,
root->w, root->h, root->wsplit);
BST_preorder(root->left, depth+1);
BST_preorder(root->right, depth+1);


void BST_postorder(Quad *root, int depth) {
* This function performs a post-order traversal of the BST and prints out
* the information for each Quad using this exactly this print statement:
* printf(“Depth=%d, key=%d, tx:ty (%d:%d), w=%d, h=%d, wsplit=%d\n”,…)
* Obviously, you must provide the variables to the printf function – we’re
* just giving you the formatting string.
* The depth value is increased by 1 for each recursive call so when you
* print, you can see at what level each node is located! (this should help
* you debug your code by making it easier to check the shape of your BST).
* TODO: Implement this function
if (root == NULL)
BST_postorder(root->left, depth+1);
BST_postorder(root->right, depth+1);
printf(“Depth=%d, key=%d, tx:ty (%d:%d), w=%d, h=%d, wsplit=%d\n”, depth, root->key, root->tx, root->ty,
root->w, root->h, root->wsplit);

// NOTE: For the remaining functions, you may assume the following: //
// (1) All the Quads are valid (None of them go outside the image) //
// (2) They don’t overlap (A pixel will not be in multiple Quads) //

int get_colour(Image *im, Quad *q) {
* Given an image ‘im’ and a Quad ‘q’, get the colour we should be assigning
* to the pixels that are in it, and return it. For the sake of this
* assignment, we will say this is *average* colour of all the pixels in
* the quad.
* The pixel data is stored in a one dimensional array called ‘data’ in the
* image struct. Make sure you look at the definition of this to understand
* how the image is stored. Remember that the pixel data is stored in
* row-major order, so to get the colour for pixel (x,y) you will look at the
* index
* x + (y * sx)
* of the array.
* TODO: Implement this function. You should not be getting any values
* outside the range of the pixels [0-255] if you have implemented
* this correctly.
int i, j, x, y, index;
int data = 0;
for (i = 0; i < q -> w; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < q -> h; j++) {
x = q -> tx + i;
y = q -> ty + j;
index = x + (y * q -> sx);
data = data + im -> data[index];
data = data / (i * j);
return data;


int similar(Image *im, Quad *q, int threshold) {
* Given an image ‘im’, check if the colours in the area corresponding to the
* Quad ‘q’ are all similar. If not, we will have to split it. For the
* purpose of this assigment, we say the colours in a Quad are similar if
* maxCol – minCol <= threshold * * where maxCol and minCol are the maximum and minimum values respectively * of the pixel colours in the Quad. The threshold is a parameter. This * function should return a 0 if the pixels are not similar enough and the * Quad needs to be split, and 1 otherwise. * * TODO: Implement this function */ int i, j, x, y, index, col; int minCol = 256; int maxCol = -1; for (i = 0; i < q -> w; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < q -> h; j++) {
x = q -> tx + i;
y = q -> ty + j;
index = x + (y * q -> sx);
col = im -> data[index];
if (maxCol < col) { maxCol = col; } if (minCol > col) {
minCol = col;
//printf(“threshold:%d, max:%d, min:%d”, maxCol – minCol, maxCol, minCol);
if (maxCol – minCol <= threshold) { return 1; } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Quad *split_tree(Image *im, Quad *root, int threshold) { /** * This function traverses the BST, and for each existing Quad, checks if * the pixels in the quad are of a similarcolour using the similar() function * and the given threshold. If they are not, then the Quad needs to be split * into 2 Quads(which will hopefully have pixels that are more similar to * each other). * * To do this, first we need to decide in which direction we are going to * split the Quad. For this, we will use the 'wsplit'field. * * - If wsplit = 1, then we split it along the width (ie, we will now have * 2 quads with the same heightand half the width as the * original one) * * - If wsplit = 0, then we split along the height. * * NOTE: We don't always want to split the Quads in the same direction * every time this function is called, because then we could just * end up with very thin and long/tall quads, which wouldn't be very * helpful to what we are trying to do. So, we need to make sure that * once we split a Quad, that we invert the value of the 'wsplit' * variable in both the new nodes, so they split the other way. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * For example, if our Quad had the following values: * (tx:ty = 0:0 w = 512, h = 512, wsplit = 1) ---> A
* (0,0)
* x————————-
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | A |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* ————————-x
* (512, 512)
* * this pixel is not IN the image, just
* represents the ‘corner’. The bottom
* right pixel, as always, is (511,511)
* it would be split along the width, and the resulting two Quads
* we would get would be as follows:
* (tx:ty = 0 :0 w = 256, h = 512, wsplit = 0) —> B
* (tx:ty = 256:0 w = 256, h = 512, wsplit = 0) —> C
* (0,0) (256, 0)
* x———–x————-
* | | |
* | | |
* | | |
* | | |
* | B | C |
* | | |
* | | |
* | | |
* | | |
* | | |
* ————————-x
* (512, 512)
* – Note that we want to always split it in exactly half, but if the
* width/height is an odd number then round down.
* – Further note that ‘wsplit’ on both of these has now been set to 0.
* If they were split again, the resulting Quads would have wsplit = 1.
* ————————————————————————–
* Now, once you know how it needs to be split, carefully form these two
* Quads, with the correct positions and sizes, and replace the the original
* one with them.
* This function is crunchy – and if you don’t think it through before you
* start implementing it you’ll run into all kinds of trouble.
* This is the problem solving exercise for A2, so don’t look for people
* on Piazza to give you answers, or tell you what to do, or verify you’re
* doing the right thing.
* It’s up to you how to solve this, and if you want an opinion, you can
* come to visit us during office hours! The included file `point.pgm` is
* a good candidate image to test this function on.
* Expected result: The BST will have at most twice as many Quads
* as before, depending on how many of them needed to be
* split.
* TODO: Implement this function



void drawOutline(Image *im, Quad *root, unsigned char col) {
* Given an image ‘im’ and a BST rooted at ‘root’, traverse through each quad
* and draw an outline for it. The outline consists of the outermost pixels
* of the Quad (ie, the top and bottom rows, and the leftmost and rightmost
* columns).
* Make sure that these outlines are of the input colour ‘col’ that is passed
* in. The colour of the remaining pixels should not be changed.
* TODO: Implement this function



void save_Quad(Image *im, Quad *root) {
* Given an image ‘im’ and a BST rooted at ‘root’, traverse through each
* quad, and set all the pixels in the corresponding area to the expected
* colour of the quad computed by your function get_colour().
* Make sure you index into the pixels array correctly and change the colour
* in the image itself.
* TODO: Implement this function


// That’s it, you’re done!