CS计算机代考程序代写 Hive DSCC 201/401 Homework Assignment #6 Due: April 7, 2021 at 9 a.m. EDT

DSCC 201/401 Homework Assignment #6 Due: April 7, 2021 at 9 a.m. EDT
The answer to this question should be submitted via Blackboard. Read the question carefully and provide the best possible answer. Only one submission for this assignment will be allowed. Revised submissions will not be allowed. So please make sure you only submit only your final answer.
1. Explain why the SAS program below will cause SAS to throw an error and stop processing the intended output? Steps A and B will just require you to perform the actions as requested. Steps C, D, and E will require you to provide answers.
Step A) Open SAS in BlueHive and type out the program below into the SAS Program Editor Window.
/* This program reflects a dataset where 10 students were timed on how many seconds */ /* it took them to answer a specific question on neural networks */ data homework;
infile datalines;
input seconds 1-2 name $ 3-9 gpa $ 10-13 year 14; datalines;
41Jane 3.354 12Linxi 3.953 22Jessica3.752 05James 3.104 19Huiwen 3.803 38Juan 3.401 16Miyah 3.702 14Jerome 3.852 08Tiffany3.251 25Mariah 3.553 ;
title “Printed output for the homework dataset”; proc print data= homework;
title “Proc Means output for the homework dataset”; proc means data= homework;
var seconds gpa year;
Step B) Run the SAS program and inspect the SAS Log Window for the error message.
Step C) What is the error code that was generated and explain why the error was caused? Step D) What change in the code was necessary in order to successfully run the SAS program?
Step E) What is the output that is generated from the proc means? Show the results of the successful proc means statement.