Change and Support.
Dont let others fear of change stop you
Change can be frightening, not just for you but for those around you who have become accustomed to you being a certain way. You may find that your friends and loved ones will try in subtle ways to sabotage your efforts. Over the past year Laura had lost a large amount of weight and taken up exercising. She was very proud of her accomplishments, but nervous about facing the temptations of holiday sweets. On the surface it seemed that her mother was very supportive of her, yet when she packed up to return home her mother handed her a large package of fudge to take with her. Be aware that those around you may feel threatened by change. Its not that they want you to fail. They just dont know how to adjust to the changes in their own lives resulting from your success.
Get support
Sharing success, setbacks, and tips with other people who have your same goals is a terrific way to keep yourself motivated and on track. When you are feeling disappointed they can offer you a helping hand. When you are feeling like giving up, they can help you remember why it is you wanted to embark on your journey of change in the first place.Good luck.