CS计算机代考程序代写 Insulin shock is a severe condition in which glucose (blood sugar) levels drop quickly, leading to dizziness, vision problems, shaking, seizures, fainting and unconsciousness.

Insulin shock is a severe condition in which glucose (blood sugar) levels drop quickly, leading to dizziness, vision problems, shaking, seizures, fainting and unconsciousness.
Methods of prevention vary depending on the cause of the hypoglycemia.
Drug-induced Hypoglycemia

The first step in preventing drug-induced hypoglycemia is to maintain a proper diet. Diabetics may also find it necessary to monitor their blood-sugar levels on a regular basis. Low blood-sugar levels indicate that a person should immediately eat candy or some other sweet snack. Insulin pumps are also effective in maintaining the proper level of blood sugar. These pumps can be implanted under the skin and programmed to continuously release the correct amount of insulin.
Idiopathic Hypoglycemia

Idiopathic hypoglycemia can usually be controlled by learning and following certain dietary rules. These rules include the following:

* Avoid overeating.
* Never skip breakfast.
* Include protein in all meals and snacks.
* Limit intake of fats, refined sugar, and processed foods.
* Become familiar with the sugar content in different kinds of vegetables and grain products.
* Keep a food diary that can be used to predict which foods produce the symptoms of hypoglycemia.
* Eat a regular but limited amount of fresh fruits.
* Follow a diet that is high in fiber.