COMP3220 — Document Processing and the Semantic Web
Week 06 L1: Advanced Topics in Deep Learning
Diego Moll ́a COMP3220 2021H1
This is the final lecture on deep learning where we will introduce several advanced topics on deep learning for text processing. The emphasis here is on aspects related to the generation of text. We will see an approach that generates text by learning a language model based on a corpus, and we will advance some topics on the use of encoding and decoding architectures that are able to generate text based on some input context. This can be used in multiple tasks, such as machine translation (e.g. French to English, text summarisation (from text to a summary), or even caption generation (from an image to text). We will conclude with open challenges in deep learning that are the subject of current research.
Update March 24, 2021
1 Text Generation 1
2 Encoder-Decoder Architecture 4
3 Pre-training and Fine-tuning 6
• Deep Learning book, section 8.1. Additional Reading
• Jurafsky & Martin, Chapter 9.
• The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co.:
1 Text Generation
Generating Text Sequences
• One of the advances of deep learning versus shallower approaches to machine learning is its ability to process complex contexts.
• This has allowed significant advances in image and text processing.
• We have seen how to process text sequences for text classification.
Text generation as a particular case of text classification
• Given a piece of text …
• Predict the next character.
Text Generation as Character Prediction
• Our training data is a set of samples of the form: Input Text fragment.
Label Next character to predict.
• We do not need to manually annotate the training data: the data are self-annotated.
• This means that we can easily gather training data for text generation.
• This is the idea for training language models (next slide).
Language Models
• Given a collection of text, we can train a language model that can be used to generate text in the same style.
Figure 8.1 of Chollet (2018).
Implementing Character-level LSTM Text Generation
• The architecture of the model is of the kinds we have seen for text classification. – The input is a sequence of characters.
– The “class” to predict is the next character to generate.
• If we add an embedding layer after the input, This layer will learn character embeddings.
model = tf . keras . models . Sequential ()
model.add(layers.Embedding(len(chars), 20, input len=maxlen))
m o d e l . a d d ( l a y e r s . LSTM ( 1 2 8 ) )
model.add(layers.Dense(len(chars), activation=’softmax))
Generating Text • Remember that the output of a prediction is a probability distribution.
• To generate the next character, we can sample from the probability distribution. • We can determine how deterministic the sampling is:
– We can always return the character with highest probability . . .
– Or we can select a character randomly . . .
– Or we can do something in between, according to a “temperature” parameter.
import numpy a s np
def reweight distribution(original distribution , temperature=0.5):
distribution = np.log(original distribution) / temperature distribution = np.exp(distribution)
return distribution / np.sum( distribution )
Figure: Different Reweightings
Figure 8.2 of Chollet (2018)
The figure shows the reweightings of a sample distribution as we change the temperature. Low temper- ature will generate a deterministic distribution where only one value has probability near 1, and the other values have probabilities near 0. In contrast, high temperature will generate probabilities that are nearly identical, simulating random choice.
See notebook . . .
2 Encoder-Decoder Architecture
The Encoder-Decoder Architecture
• Composed of an encoder and a decoder.
– The encoder can be an RNN chain that takes the input.
– The decoder can be an RNN that takes the output of the previous RNN as input. • Revolutionised machine translation and many other text processing applications.
• The encoder stage can be something non-textual, e.g. images for caption generation.
Encoder Decoder
y0 y1 y2
x0 x1 x2
The encoder-decoder architecture is a general architecture that can be used for any case where the desired output is a sequence of length different from the input sequence. It can even be used to generate text based on non-textual information, such as image caption generation.
In the most basic approach, the encoder-decoder architecture can be implemented as two RNN layers: the encoder is an RNN layer that generates an output. This outut is then the input to the decoder. Many variants and enhancements of this architecture are being proposed.
Training the Encoder-Decoder Architecture
A common approach to train the encoder-decoder architecture is to apply teacher forcing:
• Use the target sequence to guide the training of the decoder.
• For example, in an English to French machine translation system, we feed the target French translation to the decoder.
“The weather is fine” −→ “Il fait bon” Encoder
y0 y1 y2
Attention: An Improvement to the Encoder-Decoder Architecture
Attention is an enhancement in the seq2seq architecture that allows to focus on parts of the input during the generation stage by the decoder.
The encoder and decoder of this image consist of two stacked RNN chains, and attention on the top RNN chain of the encoder is used to predict the next output of the decoder. We can also see that the encoder and decoders operate on words and not on characters, in contrast with the previous examples of this lecture. The image pictures attention when generating the first word. The same procedure would be used to generate the subsequent outputs.
Attention for MT
Very useful to start understanding the decision processes of the model.
Attention in Caption Generation
Bahdanau et al. (2015) arXiv:1409.0473
Xu et al. (2015) arXiv:1502.03044
3 Pre-training and Fine-tuning
Problems with Supervised Learning Annotated data
• Supervised learning requires (a lot of) annotated data. • Annotated data can be costly.
• Human annotated data can contain annotation errors.
Training size
• Supervised learning requires a lot of (annotated) data.
• Large companies can afford the resources for processing large volumes of data, others can’t. • Some domains do not have much text anyway. training-a-single-ai-model-can-emit-as-much-carbon-as-five-cars-in-their-lifetimes/
Idea: Pre-Train and Fine-Tune Pre-training
• Develop a system that can be trained with large volumes of data.
• Make the system as general as possible, so that it can be used for multiple tasks.
• Design a Deep Learning model that contains: – A layer pre-trained for a general task.
– Additional layers that adapt the general task to our specific task.
• Fine-tune the system using the (smaller) training data of our specific task.
Example: Word Embeddings
• As we have seen in a previous lecture, word embeddings can be learnt using large, unlabelled data.
• These pre-trained word embeddings can be used to initialise an embeddings layer in our Deep Learning
• We have the choice to update these word embeddings, or not.
Huggingface’s transformers library
• Huggingface’s transformers library contains a large repository of pre-trained models. • These models are contributions from many researchers and developers.
• These models are being used to obtain state-of-the-art results.
Example: Using BERT in Keras
• BERT is one of the most popular architectures for pre-training and fine-tuning. • Look at the lecture notebook for an example of use in keras.
• BERT is easy to use, but fine-tuning can take a long time.
Take-home Messages
1. Text generation as a task of character (or word) prediction.
2. Describe the encoder-decoder architecture. What is this architecture good for? 3. What is teacher forced training and what is it good for?
4. Transfer learning and fine-tuning.
What’s Next Weeks 7-12
• Semantic Web (Rolf Schwitter).
• Assignment 2 submission deadline on Friday 23 April 2021.