CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm flex python deep learning ant COMP3220 — Document Processing and the Semantic Web

COMP3220 — Document Processing and the Semantic Web
Week 03 Lecture 1: Introduction to Text Classification
Diego Moll ́a COMP3220 2021H1
This lecture will focus on the task of text classification by using statistical classifiers. We will focus on the general workflow for applying statistical classifiers. In this lecture we will view statistical classifiers as black boxes.
Update March 8, 2021
1 What is Text Classification 1
2 Statistical Classification with NLTK and Scikit-Learn 3
2.1 NLTK…………………………………………. 3 2.2 Scikit-Learn………………………………………. 7
3 Advice on Machine Learning 10
3.1 Over-fitting………………………………………. 11
• NLTK Book Chapter 6 “Learning to Classify Text” Some Useful Extra Reading
• Jurafsky & Martin (draft), Chapter 4. ”Naive Bayes and Sentiment Classification”. 1 What is Text Classification
Text Classification
What is Text Classification?
Classify documents into one of a fixed predetermined set of categories. • The number of categories is predetermined.
• The actual categories are predetermined.

• Spam detection.
• Email filtering.
• Classification of text into genres. • Classification of names by gender. • Classification of questions.
Example: Spam Filtering
Distinguish this
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 From: XXX YYY Subj: Re: Fwd: MSc To: Mark Dras
Hi, Thanks for that. It would fit me very well to start 2009, its actually much better for me and I’m planning
to finish the project in one year (8 credit points).
from this
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 From: XXX YYY Subj: HELLO To: madras@ics.mq.edu.au
Classification Methods
• Web portals. • Wikipedia.
Hand coded rules
• e.g. ‘Viagra’ == SPAM.
• e.g. email filter rules.
• Fragile, breaks on new data.
Supervised learning
• Use an annotated corpus. • Apply statistical methods. • Greater flexibility.

Supervised Learning Given
Training data annotated with class information.
Build a model which will allow classification of new data. Method
1. Feature extraction: Convert samples into vectors. 2. Training: Automatically learn a model.
3. Classification: Apply the model on new data.
2 Statistical Classification with NLTK and Scikit-Learn 2.1 NLTK
NLTK Features
• Statistical classifiers are not able to make sense of text.
• We need to feed them with our interpretation of the text.
• NLTK classifiers expect a dictionary of features and values.
Example of a Simple Feature Extractor
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def gender features(word):
return {’last letter’: word[−1]}
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Example: Gender Classification
>>> import nltk
>>> from nltk . corpus import names
>>> import random
>>> random.seed(1234) # Fixed random seed to facilitate replicability >>> names = ([(name, ’male ’) for name in m] +
[(name, ’female ’) for name in f ]) >>> random. shuffle (names)
>>> def gender features(word): return {’last letter’: word[−1]}
>>> featuresets = [(gender features(n), g) for n, g in names] >>> train set , devtest set , test set =
featuresets [1000:] , featuresets [500:1000] , featuresets [:500] >>> classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train set)
>>> classifier.classify(gender features(’Neo’)) ’male ’
>>> classifier.classify(gender features(’Trinity’)) ’ female ’
>>> nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier , test set) 0.776
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Note that the classifier is fed with the gender features and not with the actual names.
You can see a more complete and working version of this code in the Jupyter notebook associated to this lecture.
The Development Set
Always test your system with data that has not been used for development (Why . . . ?)
Development and Test Sets
• Put aside a test set and don’t even look at its contents. • Use the remaining data as a development set.
– Separate the development set into training and dev-test sets.
– Use the training set to train the statistical classifiers.
– Use the dev-test set to fine-tune the classifiers and do error analysis.
– Use the test set for the final system evaluation once all decisions and fine-tuning have been completed.

Error Analysis in our Gender Classifier
>>> nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier , devtest set) 0.756
>>> errors = []
>>> for name, tag in devtest names:
guess = classifier.classify(gender features(name)) if tag == ’female’ and guess == ’male’:
false males .append(name)
elif tag == ’male’ and guess == ’female’:
false males .append(name) >>> len(false males)
>>> len(false females)
>>> for m in false females [:5]:
print (m) Emmery
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A Revised Gender Classifier
>>> def gender features2(word): return { ’ suffix1 ’ : word[ −1:] , ’ suffix2 ’ : word[ −2:]}
>>> train set2 = [(gender features2(n), g) for n, g in train names] >>> devtest set2 = [(gender features2(n),g) for n, g in devtest names] >>> classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train set2)
>>> nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier , devtest set2)
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Beware of Over-fitting
If there are many features on a small corpus the system may over-fit.

>>> def gender features3(name): features = {}
features[’firstletter’] = name[0].lower() features [ ’ lastletter ’ ] = name[−1]
for letter in ’abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’:
features [ ’count(%s) ’ % letter ] = name. lower (). count( letter )
features[’has(%s)’ % letter] = (letter in name.lower()) return features
>>> gender features3(’John’)
{’count(u)’: 0, ’has(d)’: False, ’count(b)’: 0, ’count(w)’: 0, …}
>>> train set3 = [(gender features3(n), g) for n, g in train names]
>>> devtest set3 = [(gender features3(n), g) for n, g in devtest names] >>> classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train set3)
>>> nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier , devtest set3)
>>> classifier2b = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train set2) >>> nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier2b , devtest set2)
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Some types of classifiers are more sensitive to over-fitting than others.
Identifying Over-fitting
(see this week’s lecture Jupyter notebook for the code that created this plot)
We can observe over-fitting when the evaluation results on the training set is much better than those on the test set. Over-fitting is generally lesser as we increase the size of the training set (X axis in this figure). In this example, the system overfits in all cases. Overfitting has reduced as we increase the number of training samples but there is still substantial overfitting even with 2000 training samples.
We can also see that accuracy of the test set keeps increasing as we increase the training size, up to a training size of about 1000 samples. This means that there is no point in adding more than 1000 samples of training data.
This conclusion (that there’s no need to add more than 1000 samples of training data) may not apply to other tasks, other methods to extract features, or other machine learning classifiers. In particular, you may obtain better results if you use the deep learning classifiers that we will study in the following weeks.

2.2 Scikit-Learn
Text Classification in Scikit-Learn
• Scikit-learn includes a large number of statistical classifiers. • All of these classifiers have a common interface.
• The features of a document set are represented as a matrix.
– Each row represents a document. – Each column represents a feature.
• Scikit-learn provides several useful feature extractors for text: 1. CountVectorizer returns a (sparse) matrix of word counts.
2. TfidfVectorizer returns a (sparse) matrix of tf.idf values.
Gender Classifier in Scikit-Learn – Take 1
>>> from sklearn . naive bayes import MultinomialNB >>> def gender features(word):
”Return the ASCII value of the last two characters”
return [ord(word[−2]), ord(word[−1])]
>>> featuresets = [(gender features(n), g) for n, g in names] >>> train set , test set = featuresets [500:] , featuresets [:500] >>> train X , train y = zip(∗ train set )
>>> classifier = MultinomialNB()
>>> classifier.fit(train X, train y)
>>> test X, test y = zip(∗test set)
>>> classifier.predict(test X[:5])
array([’female’, ’female’, ’male’, ’female’, ’female’],
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dtype=’ | S6 ’ )
In this code, the function “gender features” returns a list with the ASCII values of the last two characters of the word. This is so because the matrix can only have numerical values.
We also see Python’s way to unpack a list. The variable “train set” is a list where each element is a pair
(vector, outcome). We want to unpack the list into two lists: one containing all the vectors, and the other
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That is, assign to “train X” the list of all training vectors, and assign to “train y” the list of all target
outcomes. The “*” in the instruction is important.
􏰆 The complete code of a working program is: 􏰃
from nltk . corpus import names
from sklearn . naive bayes import MultinomialNB
def gender features1(word):
containing all the outcomes. The instruction:
train X , train y = zip(∗ train set )
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is equivalent to this sequence of instructions:
train X = [x[0] for x in train set] train y = [x[1] for x in train set]
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return [ord(word[ −1])] def gender features2(word):
return [ord(word[−1]), ord(word[−2])]
def gender features3(name): features = []
features .append(ord(name[0]. lower ())) features . append(ord(name[ −1]))
for letter in ’abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’:
features .append(name. lower (). count( letter ))
features.append(int(letter in name.lower())) return features
def accuracy(classifier ,test X,test y): ”Return the classifier accuracy”
results = classifier .predict(test X)
correct = results [ results == test y ] # returns the list of results that
# are correctly predicted
return float(len(correct))/len(test y)
def demo(data , featurefunction ):
featuresets = [( featurefunction(n),g) for (n,g) in data] train set , test set = featuresets [500:] , featuresets [:500] train X,train y = zip(∗train set)
test X,test y = zip(∗test set)
classifier = MultinomialNB()
classifier.fit(train X,train y)
print ”Classification of Neo:”, \
c l a s s i f i e r . p r e d i c t ( [ f e a t u r e f u n c t i o n ( ’ Neo ’ ) ] ) [ 0 ] print ”Classification of Trinity:”, \
classifier . predict ([ featurefunction( ’Trinity ’ )])[0]
print ”Classifier accuracy:”, accuracy(classifier ,test X,test y)
if name ==” main ”:
m= names.words(’male.txt’)
print ”There are” , len(m) , ” f = names.words(’female.txt’)
samples of
male names”
print ”There are” , len( f ) , ” samples of
import random
names = ([(name, ’male ’) for name in m] +
[(name,’female’) for name in f]) random. shuffle (names)
print ”Classifier 1:” demo(names , gender features1 ) print

print ”Classifier 2:” demo(names , gender features2 ) print
print ”Classifier 3:” demo(names , gender features3 )
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Gender Classification – Take 2
• In the previous slide we have used this code to encode the last two characters of a name: 􏰆􏰃
def gender features(word):
”Return the ASCII value of the last two characters”
return [ord(word[−2]), ord(word[−1])]
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• This code is not entirely correct since it is representing characters as numbers.
• In general, non-numerical information is best represented using one-hot encoding. • sklearn provides the following functions to produce one-hot-encoding vectors:
– preprocessing.OneHotEncoding: from integers to one-hot vectors. – preprocessing.LabelBinarizer: from labels to one-hot vectors.
One-hot Encoding
• Suppose you want to encode five labels: ’a’, ’b’ ,’c’, ’d’, ’e’. • Each label represents one element in the one-hot vector.
• Thus:
– ’a’ is represented as (1, 0, 0, 0, 0). – ’b’ is represented as (0, 1, 0 ,0 ,0). – and so on.
• This is also called binarization or categorical encoding. One-hot Encoding for Gender Classification
def one hot character (c ):
alphabet = ’ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ’ result = [0]∗(len(alphabet)+1)
i = alphabet.find(c.lower())
if i >= 0:
result[i] = 1 else :
result[len(alphabet)] = 1 # out of the alphabet return result
def gender features(word):
last = one hot character(word[−1]) secondlast = one hot character(word[−2])
return secondlast + last
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This code concatenates the one-hot representations of the last two characters into a unique vector so that it can be used by scikit-learn. We do this by using Python’s list concatenation operation +. Do not confuse this with summing the contents of the vectors!
• • •
With Python lists: [1,2,3]+[4,5,6] == [1,2,3,4,5,6]
With Numpy arrays: np.array ([1,2,3]) + np.array ([4,5,6]) == np.array([2,7,9])
Advice on Machine Learning
Possible Problems with Machine Learning
• ML methods are typically seen as black boxes.
• Some methods are better than others for specific tasks but people tend to just try several and choose
the one with best results.
Possible problems/mistakes you might face
1. Train and test are the same dataset (don’t do this!).
2. The results on the test set are much worse than those on the dev-test set.
3. The results of both the test set and the training set are bad.
4. The train/test partition is not random.
5. The results on the test set are good but then the results on your real application problem are bad.
Problem 2 may arise when we conduct extensive error analysis or fine-tuning using the dev-test set. If we use the dev-test set too often, the system may end up overfitting (because we are making decisions based on the contents of the dev-test set). For this reason, it is useful to keep a separate test set and we use it only for the final evaluation, after we have completed all error analyses and fine-tuning.
Problem 3 may arise when our choice of machine learning approach and/or feature extraction is not correct.
Problem 4 indicates that, if the partition is not random, the train and test sets might be different in nature (see next slide).
Problem 5 may arise when the data we are using for training and testing the system are not representative of the real data. This may happen, for example, when we are opportunistic and/or lazy when we select our training and testing data.
Partition into Training and Testing Set
What’s wrong with this partition?
from nltk . corpus import names m= names.words(’male.txt’)
f = names.words(’female.txt’)
names = ([(name, ’m’) for name in m]+ [(name, ’f’) for name in f])
trainset = names[1000:]
devtest = names[500:1000]
testset = names[:500]
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1. Make sure that the train and test sets have no bias.
2. Make sure that the train ant test sets are representative of your problem.
Randomised Partition
A better partition
from nltk . corpus import names import random
m= names.words(’male.txt’)
f = names.words(’female.txt’)
names = ([(name, ’m’) for name in m]+ [(name, ’f’) for name in f])
random . seed (1234) random. shuffle (names)
trainset = names[1000:]
devtest = names[500:1000]
testset = names[:500]
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When you create a random partition it is useful that different runs of the same code generates the same partitions. For this reason, we set a fixed random seed. The choice of number does not matter (1234 in our case), as long as it is the same seed number in each run.
Unfortunately the random seeds do not guarantee the same generation of random numbers in different machines because the random generation algorithm is implementation-specific.
3.1 Over-fitting
Why is machine learning hard?
• There are an infinite number of curves that fit the data
– even more if we don’t require the curves to exactly fit (e.g., if we assume there’s noise in our
• In general, more data would help us identify the correct curve better.

Over-fitting the Training Data
true curve
our estimate
• Over-fitting occurs when an algorithm learns a function that is fitting noise in the data.
• Diagnostic of over-fitting: performance on training data is much higher than performance on dev or
test data.
Take-home Messages
1. Explain and demonstrate the need for separate training and test set.
2. Implement feature extractors for statistical classifiers in NLTK and Scikit-Learn. 3. Use NLTK’s and Scikit-Learn’s statistical classifiers.
4. Detect over-fitting.
What’s Next Week 4
• Deep Learning.
• Deep Learning book chapters 2 and 3.