Text generation with LSTM¶
This notebook is based on the code samples found in Chapter 8, Section 1 of Deep Learning with Python and hosted on https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks. Note that the original text features far more content, in particular further explanations and figures.
In [1]:
import tensorflow as tf
[PhysicalDevice(name=’/physical_device:CPU:0′, device_type=’CPU’),
PhysicalDevice(name=’/physical_device:XLA_CPU:0′, device_type=’XLA_CPU’),
PhysicalDevice(name=’/physical_device:XLA_GPU:0′, device_type=’XLA_GPU’),
PhysicalDevice(name=’/physical_device:GPU:0′, device_type=’GPU’)]
In [2]:
from tensorflow.compat.v1 import ConfigProto
from tensorflow.compat.v1 import InteractiveSession
config = ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
session = InteractiveSession(config=config)
In [3]:
In [ ]:
Implementing character-level LSTM text generation¶
Let’s use Keras to generate text. The first thing we need is a lot of text data that we can use to learn a language model. You could use any sufficiently large text file or set of text files — Wikipedia, the Lord of the Rings, etc. In this example we will use some of the writings of Nietzsche, the late-19th century German philosopher (translated to English). The language model we will learn will thus be specifically a model of Nietzsche’s writing style and topics of choice, rather than a more generic model of the English language.
Preparing the data¶
Let’s start by downloading the corpus and converting it to lowercase:
In [4]:
import keras
import numpy as np
path = keras.utils.get_file(
text = open(path).read().lower()
print(‘Corpus length:’, len(text))
Corpus length: 600893
Using TensorFlow backend.
In [5]:
‘preface\n\n\nsupposing that truth is a woman–what then? is there not ground\nfor suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been\ndogmatists, have failed to understand women–that the terrible\nseriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid\ntheir addresses to truth, ha’
Next, we will extract partially-overlapping sequences of length maxlen, one-hot encode them and pack them in a 3D Numpy array x of shape (sequences, maxlen, unique_characters). Simultaneously, we prepare a array y containing the corresponding targets: the one-hot encoded characters that come right after each extracted sequence.
In [6]:
# Length of extracted character sequences
maxlen = 60
# We sample a new sequence every `step` characters
step = 3
# This holds our extracted sequences
sentences = []
# This holds the targets (the follow-up characters)
next_chars = []
for i in range(0, len(text) – maxlen, step):
sentences.append(text[i: i + maxlen])
next_chars.append(text[i + maxlen])
print(‘Number of sequences:’, len(sentences))
# List of unique characters in the corpus
chars = sorted(list(set(text)))
print(‘Unique characters:’, len(chars))
# Dictionary mapping unique characters to their index in `chars`
char_indices = dict((char, chars.index(char)) for char in chars)
# Next, one-hot encode the characters into binary arrays.
x = np.zeros((len(sentences), maxlen, len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
y = np.zeros((len(sentences), len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
x[i, t, char_indices[char]] = 1
y[i, char_indices[next_chars[i]]] = 1
Number of sequences: 200278
Unique characters: 57
In [7]:
[‘preface\n\n\nsupposing that truth is a woman–what then? is the’,
‘face\n\n\nsupposing that truth is a woman–what then? is there ‘,
‘e\n\n\nsupposing that truth is a woman–what then? is there not’,
‘\nsupposing that truth is a woman–what then? is there not gr’,
‘pposing that truth is a woman–what then? is there not groun’]
In [8]:
[‘r’, ‘n’, ‘ ‘, ‘o’, ‘d’]
Building the network¶
Our network is a single LSTM layer followed by a Dense classifier and softmax over all possible characters. But let us note that recurrent neural networks are not the only way to do sequence data generation; 1D convnets also have proven extremely successful at it in recent times.
In [9]:
from tensorflow.keras import layers
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.LSTM(128, input_shape=(maxlen, len(chars))))
model.add(layers.Dense(len(chars), activation=’softmax’))
Since our targets are one-hot encoded, we will use categorical_crossentropy as the loss to train the model:
In [10]:
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr=0.01)
model.compile(loss=’categorical_crossentropy’, optimizer=optimizer)
Training the language model and sampling from it¶
Given a trained model and a seed text snippet, we generate new text by repeatedly:
• 1) Drawing from the model a probability distribution over the next character given the text available so far
• 2) Reweighting the distribution to a certain “temperature”
• 3) Sampling the next character at random according to the reweighted distribution
• 4) Adding the new character at the end of the available text
The following code shows how we can re-adjust a probability distribution by applying different temperatures.
• The higher the temperature, the more random the probability distribution.
• The lower the temperature, the more deterministic the probability distribution (closer to a one-hot vector).
In [11]:
probs = np.array([0.1,0.2,0.4,0.3])
probs_1 = np.exp(np.log(probs)/0.1)
probs_1 = probs_1/np.sum(probs_1)
array([9.01997925e-07, 9.23645876e-04, 9.45813377e-01, 5.32620755e-02])
In [12]:
probs_2 = np.exp(np.log(probs)/0.01)
probs_2 = probs_2/np.sum(probs_2)
array([6.22301528e-61, 7.88860905e-31, 1.00000000e+00, 3.20720219e-13])
In [13]:
probs_3 = np.exp(np.log(probs)/2)
probs_3 = probs_3/np.sum(probs_3)
array([0.16270045, 0.23009319, 0.32540091, 0.28180545])
In [14]:
probs_4 = np.exp(np.log(probs)/100)
probs_4 = probs_4/np.sum(probs_4)
array([0.24801823, 0.24974333, 0.25148043, 0.25075801])
Below is the sampling function that samples an item from a probability distribution with a temperature:
In [15]:
def sample(preds, temperature=1.0):
preds = np.asarray(preds).astype(‘float64’)
preds = np.log(preds) / temperature
exp_preds = np.exp(preds)
preds = exp_preds / np.sum(exp_preds)
probas = np.random.multinomial(1, preds, 1)
return np.argmax(probas)
Here is some code that we can use to generate text at varying temperatures as the model is being trained.
In [16]:
import sys
def generate_text(model, text_seed):
“Generate text given a text seed”
for temperature in [0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.2]:
generated_text = text_seed
print(‘—— temperature:’, temperature)
# We generate 400 characters
for i in range(400):
sampled = np.zeros((1, maxlen, len(chars)))
for t, char in enumerate(generated_text):
sampled[0, t, char_indices[char]] = 1.
preds = model.predict(sampled, verbose=0)[0]
next_index = sample(preds, temperature)
next_char = chars[next_index]
generated_text += next_char
generated_text = generated_text[1:]
Finally, this is the loop where we repeatedly train and generate text. We start generating text using a range of different temperatures after every epoch. This allows us to see how the generated text evolves as the model starts converging, as well as the impact of temperature in the sampling strategy.
In [17]:
import random
loss = []
for epoch in range(1, 60):
print(‘epoch’, epoch)
# Fit the model for 1 epoch on the available training data
history = model.fit(x, y,
filename = ‘generation_model_epoch%i.h5’ % epoch
print(“Model saved in file”, filename)
# Select a text seed at random
start_index = random.randint(0, len(text) – maxlen – 1)
text_seed = text[start_index: start_index + maxlen]
print(‘— Generating with seed: “‘ + text_seed + ‘”‘)
generate_text(model, text_seed)
epoch 1
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 8s 40us/sample – loss: 1.9639
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch1.h5
— Generating with seed: “be made responsible for
nothing, neither for his nature, nor”
—— temperature: 0.2
be made responsible for
nothing, neither for his nature, nor order the hind and and and here and and conterned the some the self it is the proplist of the sense of the world in the some interent the must the dectifice of the mere and the self the sense of the sentime in the soul the superfice of the some the self the the self the superfor the same the doman to the sentiment of the mankind the sentiment the sense of the some and and all the self the distrus
—— temperature: 0.5
be made responsible for
nothing, neither for his nature, nor diffires and condect every somether felled to the dust which the not indepents with the concections of superficed and and ordoust and all the also the very confiries to be hordy in the farter him there some there and the donger to the prestined worde the must by let then the be and something: it is the great subst the consection of the philosopher to the fell only and the lathing to decrount the
—— temperature: 1.0
be made responsible for
nothing, neither for his nature, nork of apow and frolnd there of lien “for the artifict to auscious, to adselomine un more “natuonaum or exists all learld
it. and must nothed notors–ow vird everythel onitustly are lake
saclown there the frre gnaknne, not a
diitice outs of re:ines. thew enliming for truth, herdfy endibited and resire mirioning concectione
of incertery) and eapis his masn in onevely, his, hove wembelance
—— temperature: 1.2
be made responsible for
nothing, neither for his nature, nornd2ked
and ontss, to hind not oman for the must amposse, herxe)ly solling scaspun is iss
well,-all arreatiquenty”d in.kestiry surngest retimar (diffany beling intsulting to besunce, incustived virtut
“undruoring dofl
exturse–whind an willerini, to dist.
it isself be grod, the exeroints it not tord dution; “onf, then
consect the be
herexible to an-a 2itity; there been. wherefre the mark assely
epoch 2
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.6120
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch2.h5
— Generating with seed: “no longer has much
danger.”–this also for the chapter: “mor”
—— temperature: 0.2
no longer has much
danger.”–this also for the chapter: “more which we has the superior to the most problem of the conserved the superior of the most man in the spirit of the problem the superiors of the sense of the free strength the facts which which the sense the more it was the man is the problem of the desire the whole is the has a propersion of the most and the superity of the superity, the sense of the most problem of the world of the will which is
—— temperature: 0.5
no longer has much
danger.”–this also for the chapter: “more and the will there as decelted to the most must asouse of the free specious and its
artions of it is brow it is the conduct of the master and order the politice, every concerience, the sense and the suffering, the sense of the most recurce of the free spring the which has his promaling and only so iuring and has the whole of
an interest and the beliefffre and suproboriors and the lower and the p
—— temperature: 1.0
no longer has much
danger.”–this also for the chapter: “morement
itself–the limk the putty are for is the interstratijetiel, laxur one, which is this wwo law, brofomod deitiving cooxicues the dehisiogs to sumpties, which fall “they we du;d, floons ekronging, us” possediencated here for the
mutical ratuner”–as threngher
viguress they porh 4houghts as a virtues the
hore heneve instandary of bradiis to bleads of trakt, evongs tempulus, thus suldpeven
—— temperature: 1.2
no longer has much
danger.”–this also for the chapter: “moral no let to beatvy”; a
grawing and
of o(his more at resuxedmjuture it mak, which is the conduct hos
properss realion ot anyithen=mangsh-of choncepitute wlease voresiture quisely queltiou, rusguning; there “reself withoohh, doe”, whichwain. that propearion of deturte of his
prelive” theicwing or the distruciate not, moths oftility) hasfoterness, and itsimm: something untencied of abselediout their
epoch 3
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.5264
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch3.h5
— Generating with seed: “nd has been longest
retarded and most interfered with: even ”
—— temperature: 0.2
nd has been longest
retarded and most interfered with: even the consistentated and the proper the still and the great the spirit of the stronger and the stronger as it is the proves and the strengther and some the fact the stronger the states and and the belief that the fact of the stronger the states the proves and the stronger and the german and the provertion of the acts and the the rest the states the states that the states the proves his still the sta
—— temperature: 0.5
nd has been longest
retarded and most interfered with: even himself to it is disen for the great the states and with and perhaps consignous to the higher spirit and the states and the the discourt of the spirit the complesed and serience, the states this, and the still as it have which all view the soul, things his a not and all the virtues that the consequently and the person the first the good to comprehen and the doment of the rester heart himself his s
—— temperature: 1.0
nd has been longest
retarded and most interfered with: even he signernoss, the processed in
sorieated dangle, that or the bus
neverther once by the rord” may suffices, was
donessey by ompination of history or greek with generations longerougness, his
be aged testement, own ale hele very hither hitherto drave hass, wherever whould,
they sea, other of hith are atolation,
which they mabking, by the strusten) of the colosed
from goodnless.” these spitiges that
—— temperature: 1.2
nd has been longest
retarded and most interfered with: even chrray this b stramcitance to sagg of manifiberies
virtoous awarming one which a gold;n advan ma, we alutjoyy. it up refeements, path. hin,s
means to
really will all cidection of min. to-patteciality, and it.–the art,
one, how doming psecal. which we “ements the
result that it now
plary that this
, woy, now be thood.
2wathol, and spreally, and hinarhitatic who operance of madraist bry
epoch 4
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.4814
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch4.h5
— Generating with seed: ” of them towards us has a free will in the matter and that i”
—— temperature: 0.2
of them towards us has a free will in the matter and that is a soul of the stronger and perceived and and decentive and conscious and good and perceived and perhaps a thing and historion of the stronger and the stronger and man of the consequenting to the life of the stronger and the farting and the stronger and case and part of the powerful and consequently and and seems of the hasting and intellectual and the end to himself, the man and person to the ph
—— temperature: 0.5
of them towards us has a free will in the matter and that it is they active for one’s a philosopher like a soul and same this world himself to intelloctiar of the have a words will be nature of the good and fears of the only too-man of profound to the fact to which the heart of a thing in conscience of growing the way and more a fear of the provers,” on the order of the conduct of the words in the suffering and man will and to pastual for the most
—— temperature: 1.0
of them towards us has a free will in the matter and that is egenunes, they cease uncate of deem and whatevers of they origan, beside thing
whole sacring or mindens of efrathow so worit homined
weauntial elevate seeming; if instinctian. heiver realing out sease of herar, even enought,
pething” consequently were on teach intile
fahaly philosophical expendent, and prake clast lastable them taste a mate men and herdinary condective homoser often tenciti
—— temperature: 1.2
of them towards us has a free will in the matter and that it were h in it general should
sympatheme who us which fachs, for giveres! theorowab.
onely “sarbfreed. on trushacbing cising, perhaps bra of woman, or one’s weredvers
look himselfest) is to aur. that cractud labevalus domines,
in: that notwiyen
what may has other intellectual geilinax:warier serrous of wildr–king””. loveianicatual form,
wishes wiser intminal philosopher
ta: becauncticr
epoch 5
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.4510
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch5.h5
— Generating with seed: “d too
far below the level of mankind.–much, too, that is fr”
—— temperature: 0.2
d too
far below the level of mankind.–much, too, that is free spiritual the conscious to the consequently and the state of the sumplary to the consequently to the consequently the states and the consequence of the consequently the states and the state to the conscious society in the consequently the seems to the consequently and and and the sense of the consequence of the consequence of the consequence of the spiritual the consequently the consequently an
—— temperature: 0.5
d too
far below the level of mankind.–much, too, that is freedom to the functions.–the conscious in the great spirit and disposition of the experience, and the has a possible? whether the expression the sense the fapted such act of the counter, when the condition and free spirit to what in the preniment, is an entailed it is self for the consequence, in all the instinct and seem to the perhaps the instance to the taken
is are the moral profound the most
—— temperature: 1.0
d too
far below the level of mankind.–much, too, that is from our good with phterticiang coudse, in our tail, which, for the civere persons this capes ser to all, and consequentl, the consciously to philosopher–will the harble
canque afformed. they seivet epess and suppocisiss, the “name of the “free whold–when
be the sake and
“”blash himself it for in chonscire? it seleacle. a hald without with the moral foochs, the fall almost conclusion at long
—— temperature: 1.2
d too
far below the level of mankind.–much, too, that is from the
there imperismioual philosophinious.–crutichty to obfindation id shepted. deture neurt of the umetyults
to the lip, allre
itd for
luguanity of the know distonjlyvesiseds, its been than generations with
organs in sympatisadecer,–naturey. by all, , ass”-qain? perlal spultues.”
aia reasion–seeps body belo-gere re-the
cleals, ewther that “what
later cqulning
then tedsmaumeur can
the phopai
epoch 6
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.4317
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch6.h5
— Generating with seed: “n
to the following:–i have never yet met a german who was f”
—— temperature: 0.2
to the following:–i have never yet met a german who was for the spirit and something the spirit of the spirit of the present the more of the most problem of the same the stronger and propersion of the same the present present the world of the present the spirit of the spirit of the sense of the belief of the spirit of the stronger of the senses of the fact the bring of the greatest and point of the present the conscience of the present the conscience of
—— temperature: 0.5
to the following:–i have never yet met a german who was for the language of his own conscience of which he who reash to the conscience and in the different of the last to be metaphysicals and the consequent the present oneself as it is something and who is the honour and superiority of a delight for the breakness of his sentiments which is propersed and man to the for the hands, in the point of the spirit of the conscience to a sound to which is point o
—— temperature: 1.0
to the following:–i have never yet met a german who was forced here and concealed: was their dread, he eurabsly, henough it, is fundamented: the loss and controd, it is bornessed one plasis of philosophy hued with general ficd every spexate person in its at have obliges, instire it to it, just point or immany its dirfce with it is old help.–not its commandly here solitudes, humanity and struggle forcom, therent ha invincer how for goody for insontage
—— temperature: 1.2
to the following:–i have never yet met a german who was fronniw in the
orkers thembitigiatan evol one of anni
stroyple, when ever but what: it at dicerty–a gregied unne forthles, hen trays it–of coritaclint. such xist judgmenc; of tepedeally–puscy or mots, it no
ater suach when devertation
attained as is tedueing than the woy invirms
in accasts,
he must formed, eats of understand operater of strugbed, duthness. and thus anpmptifistic o
epoch 7
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.4125
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch7.h5
— Generating with seed: ” with capacity to
develop the wise, guiltless man (conscious”
—— temperature: 0.2
with capacity to
develop the wise, guiltless man (conscious of the states of the discirions and the problem of the present the consequence of the same sense of the consequence of the most saint in the sense and consequence of the sense of the states, who are the states of the strong and sense to be the state of the present the present the demand the sense of the sense of the spirit of the viction and consequence of the discired to the sense of the deceive
—— temperature: 0.5
with capacity to
develop the wise, guiltless man (conscious be althou and the digness, contrary prompted and become to the deterioral, become to makes and the but is become an account, and form which of certain to conducts. short, in the very more in the intellect and soul and development of will as every and dispinises and explomest the best of which only in the day to light and with all the great one ruled been delight and in the god, the sympathy becom
—— temperature: 1.0
with capacity to
develop the wise, guiltless man (conscious–andical experolunt aginessing and would fapiles of his
destinian nows to the
christian himclopts” wurth–pures even other, su, ha step bleblient.–that it is him–is c
rived, excitiou god durect of acts buble
the higher mird of little scientific sol here new really bither. ex!m”, where with tanned invent fase
por of confused, and mediocrity, who is not
emild, thewe saygiming the case to
makes th
—— temperature: 1.2
with capacity to
develop the wise, guiltless man (consciously
liblleness, ealhness:
squple upon the kind, and else i weals he fundament
of will instinct of was him than
is forounde before the grangry, owherderw men raligies. the case, the callet assignhation speacw is lovedor-nive must morality begen inside to theser mored will discealvness
for which he wboher ex: velew-astismaty of ly distoideayed ipp.wis de! no
ourroy would
digen, sain rejoct in a
epoch 8
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3997
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch8.h5
— Generating with seed: “if they are not really trying to win back
something which wa”
—— temperature: 0.2
if they are not really trying to win back
something which was the same sense of the philosophers and most presence of the existence of the conscience of the exception of the same such as the stronger which is all the sense is the stronger and presence of the stronger and most morality of the same conscience of the soulse of the senses and something and deception of the sense and the stronger and the sense of the strong and the man is the stronger and desir
—— temperature: 0.5
if they are not really trying to win back
something which was with them all the existence of churches and away with the general world the cause of himself and as a things in the evilony and bad them aled and their conscience of like a soul, the pain, as the finerant of the same exception of the interpretation. only when the good who that he schooled too degree of the german in when restends and even the most same when attempt, the prompous and of the prese
—— temperature: 1.0
if they are not really trying to win back
something which way findish, thew” desist
even hown be
ruceded their of discomentic would always, and right, and
account, druth of dhy not certain gives hen other and inflic all windis, is to a new
thoughth own secoptic furtie of nehilicishmenlies of good segmet: and still most semethic from their “distinctiti”m, almost far comprehen the friends in advaing many, those who should man: goome findsables. it hape his s
—— temperature: 1.2
if they are not really trying to win back
something which was the famouties of not which foulr owa, poouncew soigg harly.–the unvoldvect, asmerking. a still
tooj, says it mates always
hardweness. thereby heaved bawso, short
clocical, adrypmiubleness and “great virtue;. preniops, hendy ippligien
varifisherifice fitm
even suitibees might probleryw, bue-what does. thkouwhe noo-sufficed
evulty interbounness,
palidoune the manito-gormlors. this a do harbori
epoch 9
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3875
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch9.h5
— Generating with seed: ” therefore gods also
philosophize, seems to me a novelty whi”
—— temperature: 0.2
therefore gods also
philosophize, seems to me a novelty which is a more and the states of the substimated that the the sense of the subject to the same of the subject to the strength to the states of the subject to the strength to the state of the subject and sublime to the subject to the subtlerf and subtle of the falsification of the most process of the strength to the state to the profound to the state of the subject to the strength of the subject to t
—— temperature: 0.5
therefore gods also
philosophize, seems to me a novelty which every the comprehensible as every properism, the morality with the very discession of the self-contrad to the same of the most instrument and something who said in germans or
sympathy of the truth and the subject to
the profound to be a has been a state of the same in the aw should i knows and period to personal belief in life of manifoch is a more and conscience and superiorished and a moralit
—— temperature: 1.0
therefore gods also
philosophize, seems to me a novelty which
themsely spring, have there sen in bestes a knows in the knows are insnence and more a suather–more and instrum, because the
god–the more rately, more to struggiler sublexted borand of at
the call: but this an we a god, forthsponged for we doubt and injury, that can prividened rulbliation to rulous mispopition to the loubter. if it
is a man
elsates of the commonfluing enough to accomped of vo
—— temperature: 1.2
therefore gods also
philosophize, seems to me a novelty whighy agess.
13igath! insimbations
wills untogitional power,
a palliers hobby
oclic an the christiand, faith. in the sensulical renour evil, were—achs some god-flallety, kinds of the regard, or sen adustity, an egi-grouirf the etnintion for absolutorapin of sbreny that has inlowbutual like (an fortund. believe of much
wilr proson
in moat, “who -rationally how
act restless on sicking as
epoch 10
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3778
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch10.h5
— Generating with seed: “ul, the wicked socratic
assurance of the old physician and p”
—— temperature: 0.2
ul, the wicked socratic
assurance of the old physician and present man in the best and such an interpretation of a such a present that is also a successive and such a soulsest and also a such an interpretation of the same also a successive for the present the same also some present and self something and present the think of the feelings of the same intellect and such an invailed the same sensation of the present present the same self-nature of his same at
—— temperature: 0.5
ul, the wicked socratic
assurance of the old physician and persisten is no most ever nothing the most conception of the most dangerous as impresss of the greeks, the masters of his general principal concerns and refined with the
condition, is a storriction of entarily and self-conveloped in a great later in a feelings of the recently because unto to be the strength, there
prritude and intellect commence and are the most partial init of the greatest and lo
—— temperature: 1.0
ul, the wicked socratic
assurance of the old physician and prestines as it is
suffer always so means itself, successation
from uncernaility,
and the kill misceacal powers and some
and land all attains althe virtues to follow always communithed. like all perfect to have or-haim thely inkeers against of the im demantarily sfin; the posisibles, and praferim who severse and questions that thereofor-to say in thekely althere
reasom arifes. in the
—— temperature: 1.2
ul, the wicked socratic
assurance of the old physician and posisive. and opiny of chill, a unintelleed deserved, in itself engled up to they are
recondition of morality, defedion althoughther aetherhlow, sicklinep). if womal by be nature. without unwilt orden. whether syretiant upan “cheds to a sowon over
yluthers are theivety
descricing a scon), and
thus branning lack a dover toqlent-cotre is doubtces. minine
always hardly that stepaing in, moralitics, th
epoch 11
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3697
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch11.h5
— Generating with seed: “eive ourselves with that
commendation: in short, whether ger”
—— temperature: 0.2
eive ourselves with that
commendation: in short, whether german and such an interents of the same and sarrow of the same and will and superiority of the same the strength to the superiority of the world and say of the partic of the origin of the stronger and the experience to the world and seems to the origin of the same the states of the present the seems to the same the sense of the self-and the sense of the same the sense of the superior of the same of
—— temperature: 0.5
eive ourselves with that
commendation: in short, whether german and conscience–it is a strong reason of the everything which only has a do not the truth that which has are so that we no longer and one and desires of the false in the more to make our appearants world of the world and one must wend to the world as in a counter of a “world, who be out of the present artist may be the world, the generation, and who has at bribe the aristocratic and deception
—— temperature: 1.0
eive ourselves with that
commendation: in short, whether german. the quat opinion.
-tence a soulful, in visguor? one courtx among.”
=tefted, and human, geniningly that of the aradistegous repeat to be a should have it
truth). “whethfot, trus of the plopers of instincts of the orperst on
that namely involved,
as at prededied and love is vonslulages to
make by the experience of hear the sloveric methoth,
mastes; it must can life “upin assiadutly of the
—— temperature: 1.2
eive ourselves with that
commendation: in short, whether germans outsurady pupilising an otiritiom of the exhatign haingetiong, to knowledge, that patter and about peniud!–p to suchests and made not gom bepources ot dpe
other–with the sen this king
forms of their ef when that it
sup, is understand or and
“i e, in
all man, of thees, him, two reaters or figures
rifin. a thereby inopplies,
enronve as
viewly, to be the
pain! and
strenge in plays and
epoch 12
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3608
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch12.h5
— Generating with seed: “in lying which is the sign of good faith in a
181. i”
—— temperature: 0.2
in lying which is the sign of good faith in a
181. in the philosophers and supposing the spirit of the spirit of the contrary and all the philosophy and a state of the spirit in the spirit and strong the sensual of the same the structure of the present the astradity of the strength of the present and such a standardeeness of the hasting and the strong still in the case and the spirit of a strong as it is a standart of the delicate and also also a s
—— temperature: 0.5
in lying which is the sign of good faith in a
181. in the farouse of the falsic sensless of a more an active
continelity: the “faith, like the ask and self-last and interpresed, the present, the most stranges of the philosophy and the philosophy, however, and such an impress to which our spirit with all who has a man is manifested to distoncly with
which is also because of the man should animal with the sake of which tender the philosophy, and the
—— temperature: 1.0
in lying which is the sign of good faith in a
181. in it mudy of the
longing compressed to france that believed philosophical mo”k?a bask no longer
faired os
imfiolmamstness: “for one of the muals and his phulosics amomation and speciality
as duct whateverour not and usos, does liohtel, thought man and wene has
spentate on liver who out of thritally from
the resispant sadimarly has very same spirit of proposite and suxcely free of the victing (who
—— temperature: 1.2
in lying which is the sign of good faith in a
181. it is
inveltuse) for shome’ty and however, hed had or dingly, he has, here is emprates or furbetelwed that those! his
forous. and that
any our creatibility of everything coill, ashes
it uass in real (kingler than the springe,” not eask. the dnows on which cause ebousion and hrow founalcy or philosopher ad; a has your valuxs by a preachned know the contituonar to want their bere the
epoch 13
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3554
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch13.h5
— Generating with seed: “apacity and morality in the heart
and mind of the interprete”
—— temperature: 0.2
apacity and morality in the heart
and mind of the interpreted the present distinction of the strength and the account the most of the strength and the fact and as the most superiorical states and something and and the distingus, and the strength and the success of all the man the most and such as it is a thing and and man and and the strength and such as a states and such an account of a man and a man with the man and the strength and as the most of the ma
—— temperature: 0.5
apacity and morality in the heart
and mind of the interpreted that which in sort of all the word and general and of his disception of his democratic and in the perilable of such in such a allower and as
the question of exemtlity of historical superstituoily of a such all the respect to make our uninvertial of the spirit of self fact of even and with his passions for experience.
for which conserable, here has to any and strangerm.
1eais, and a mora
—— temperature: 1.0
apacity and morality in the heart
and mind of the interpreted doney–there may to cedrusguat
of in”onest the laugh, seeks the incrumes worse or “healthariis, which suverraty in again is all bit to
leavation, of inst men is the act of we called rade europe may here–i a its self-emotian of addis, as the will: lassing and free aro-cass aof–beeveranical of his surder assiside,
indeenced: us in men from
spirit the exploned immoral historable, and vieweness, o
—— temperature: 1.2
apacity and morality in the heart
and mind of the interpretent of cain see’s ulad of realonging old no
much “our gunder, whose
duthnesspeanccant to
useness adeut
form which or pocurialer pompless
and frantable, and not that he knew was assissing spectute, he stressic to a sympathy, with equaking that parding different sen and
tever in every
prays ex
nerily befeavibride: at himself of said however,
account and healty in
victory scientifice a
epoch 14
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3480
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch14.h5
— Generating with seed: “a passionate and exaggerated adoration
of “pure forms” in ph”
—— temperature: 0.2
a passionate and exaggerated adoration
of “pure forms” in philosophy and allow the enterent of the conduct to the conduct and such an interest and false of the subjught of the fact that the contraged, and all the interpretanies and the sense of the probably and the standard and superstitious of the subjught to the fact that the sense of the conduct of the subjught of the such an artists of the fact that the world and are the senses of the present for the f
—— temperature: 0.5
a passionate and exaggerated adoration
of “pure forms” in philosophers who have have hither is here and perhaps a supremess and artists in the superstitious and unto seeking the feeling of the concerning and destroy the far are to arn, and such an able to pencernt in the self-involuntary and formed and all the ashared and man and such an invent the world and with which are the standing in the far also also perhaps the superstitious in the stand that it is
—— temperature: 1.0
a passionate and exaggerated adoration
of “pure forms” in philosophy in littles, in all,on. not too, unto the nature, that the rejory, as almost his fellowicify is it is epernly
close forcer, almost evils dhencement in grow to oppy ackind many have discertunes, rubility to that the above all, has
conged to spicion thought; we feel too such all distress should for here, one is momested or euraloune and sun. for eaghing saint, as he have in its knowledge, th
—— temperature: 1.2
a passionate and exaggerated adoration
of “pure forms” in pheiloverve accience: time may
vasiwender. a pretrion–in lutifie. under
turme meritus demand, “–ho receit, moralities, and reluctive learn, noble dayby, “a neach betver
erpercy, a pood or henve, that it were doblinary and
present ments, which gain.
ind all is something estely; and it is causanism coad,
‘sumes acts sta more abiliters should dreams of traditionspanacd-for nooth,
with genefiless
epoch 15
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 7s 33us/sample – loss: 1.3426
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch15.h5
— Generating with seed: ” the higher, finer impulses which the
present civilization h”
—— temperature: 0.2
the higher, finer impulses which the
present civilization had to be as a sense of the same the consciences and also the consequences of the saint of the self–and all the man to the moral formulture of the self-super-all the deceived and the sense of the self-supersibility of the consequence of the consequences of the desire to the subject and problem of the democration of the democration of the pain of the consequently and determination of the consequenc
—— temperature: 0.5
the higher, finer impulses which the
present civilization have mischides of moral quest of philosophers and operates any delusions and consequently and which is a sources of immediately been wild does not because was perhaps a security of his dorming there are even the decideness as a deselded the consciences to be as the basis and security and discloss because observation disgusting, but no rank and perplition of the disception. we are always be so, the
—— temperature: 1.0
the higher, finer impulses which the
present civilization have no longer resistarious optumment
fool” and subjective probefing on the strangerous weak and desire–this is pain, now atteglins findaus consequences. but it is “tendeded the inner also all consciences. and the kind enforquently of deception of sign on-earlence of his wended? the
methods and flesh of fy
the part: master,” and “sapter.. and
juh sthere to
aron to an artist, legping religious
—— temperature: 1.2
the higher, finer impulses which the
present civilization had these -trenrw: e you kest himself-it even wears. shaves as exsempation
of presentanders an reavous egoistaden
transmands, “baddery extook to
psohe on this reve, which. one gere man (ingreemed in i ex scare”
ideasing and false. never believe the manfours,
as fere would dust brople of the idean fortants nethower, persontune through a consciences “presence), unfatiless paycied”, but the
epoch 16
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.3383
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch16.h5
— Generating with seed: “e!”
what does it matter! and even if they were right–have n”
—— temperature: 0.2
what does it matter! and even if they were right–have not the senses of the truth and considerations of the sense of the demons the subject and the sense of the sense of the sense of the seriemable of the superiors, and the subject to the same self-servible of a consideration of the sense of the self conscience of the subject and the subject that the standard to the subject than the world and for the senses the seriousness of the self artifice of the
—— temperature: 0.5
what does it matter! and even if they were right–have not an agest of the world is a hast prepatent of the suffering them to man and discovarism, in the way to entanges to opposite of the same has personal selfistic of the soul. the crimilation of the world of his present and warned and comparison of the fact of things and feelings of a power, and there are not predication, that the more will states and desire to man is not the world and for a power,
—— temperature: 1.0
what does it matter! and even if they were right–have not things charms–after the conocis to the unvan, which finan enorgousd–as
justice difact truth enough than by melicated in some subflues that
them! and one can ridite cele of pahtes
on sufficient of natures:
thus for beevers). congerness” is
not baded frilurt, religion should down, they an ever them,
and anythingows; in nimels), more crade, accordiquede why does it may be view or “my id
—— temperature: 1.2
what does it matter! and even if they were right–have ncisely, no
iving to bregilito”–well, defensung,
which be very guiltless; ifecaintousal and, in not ralitid” pusted
of him. but shakes attains, regarding syle
superio–or suffering
numbxpene apcenden inconteness–which ouratur). in willric,
which we see hel and powth were, trabli: for valuamentertlosia, have moved le.
epecroble state,
however, as restre; blundire al gaine our quilory, noture. howe
epoch 17
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.3335
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch17.h5
— Generating with seed: “gs (innre), draw
close to the heart of nature. but these fee”
—— temperature: 0.2
gs (innre), draw
close to the heart of nature. but these feels the sense of the fact that the moral which is a moral one has a superior of the superior of the powerful and the strength and a more every delicate experience and the sense of the sense of the fact the present delution of the same and the sense of the powerful on the senses and stranger of the fact that the sense and the moral which is not a man with the sense of the strength and the stand a mo
—— temperature: 0.5
gs (innre), draw
close to the heart of nature. but these feels a feeling is not the recogninary and restinch of which he pleasure to the spirit is men are though it is the fact that the dorming in the germanism of his condition is interest the same and one may be the regard to his experience and perceived as a present herd the great art of the command of disciplioied to the most delicate allorance and most because the spirit. the moral which of a words and
—— temperature: 1.0
gs (innre), draw
close to the heart of nature. but these feet deatures lide, but for eternal in growth is findory not practice; it
respected, man
are the xach one–nomanced as a mas question he contempted
clearl father. they are an into court the sense is
bitionals; but they everything between from the value. because of alssuliablendly on this
political as
to purp or bad even consecds than
who imposed that is artide and blan
bringles. ill about the
/home/diego/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:3: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until
—— temperature: 1.2
gs (innre), draw
close to the heart of nature. but these feels homestlerged and rowards.=–footur be such as erment” is also should looked difficulty on ysis.
. dys to look are
fewteeles; criable a depan, goo, more
mogine of nfhorue which mislon”
plebeian, cete” it, which our pattive oblopped general humance to a farther hurt of things
display influence. one had how
your something ask cooe learns shall had hitherto re raw theredoring concesial other let a
epoch 18
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3287
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch18.h5
— Generating with seed: “.
144. when a woman has scholarly inclinations there is gen”
—— temperature: 0.2
144. when a woman has scholarly inclinations there is general and more an and moral for the same that the most superiority of the contrary and the same the same the same the same the same the comparison of the same the same that the most conscience of the great the strictive the most experience of the conscience of the conscience of the passions and man in the fact that the contrasifus the conceal the contracient of the contrary and the same the most co
—— temperature: 0.5
144. when a woman has scholarly inclinations there is generally there is a thing in the concealed by the strict of the same as a man is a sound men to the moral present self-sort of the most saint of the experience is the senses of the order of the man to a man the subject secondance of which the feelings to means of the great the even from the same instinction of the fact as a great some first even and perhaps a more the honor discovered with a more a
—— temperature: 1.0
144. when a woman has scholarly inclinations there is genetism. if a thi he scholarly calusbit as i beeved willy in the superiooit to plajuve for him..” the masters–it is. the same
to arvoune, habodverg: there is artist–abonce that the reform of human assulced upens, dominate are if if nhithers,
which stook after lid is no ataxis, perhaps his oplicious are remay all is not itself, but in theast away to the experience to the attentive of impini
—— temperature: 1.2
144. when a woman has scholarly inclinations there is genencte acjusied of the innerd bign a so, what is openive over
kell to dhat:
: han
extungered froghisg, perhaps,” imagin wheee too ipvisuslebgly, uglind of obecough nor to soustic that the restuted and, woman.
. these touthring rane of this riburably aiver in the
deeptic pridition with, it
form” ax just sonly we nuoh mently to o” boths been ushond: also trortptiminates: only which
will chilificatio
epoch 19
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 7s 33us/sample – loss: 1.3240
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch19.h5
— Generating with seed: ” in order to enjoy an almost
inconceivable freedom, thoughtl”
—— temperature: 0.2
in order to enjoy an almost
inconceivable freedom, thoughtless the strange of the superiority of the present the conselution the more a soul, and the bare in the superiority of the fact that the personal end to the same the strength and the strong of the more and suffering the self as it is the superiority of the world and a souls, and the stronger and the world and something which and supposing and stronger and the problem of the interpretation of the su
—— temperature: 0.5
in order to enjoy an almost
inconceivable freedom, thoughtless the example, ye there is there is the philosophers and interpretation of his profound of the fact the day religion, the ethicsed the beginning and conclusion in the family its present bad a passion of the man in the father as why deceived and should longer is to assime man to lit fustres, and the
expended to the purt to the religion in such interest is to the sense and dispesses a some desires
—— temperature: 1.0
in order to enjoy an almost
inconceivable freedom, thoughtleness
of which
all the accition. stect will be manniration, masses for an individtary. the presentable, shulther from us; later a new
creatuilities whithlush, ever time and mean, necessary and heart, its “animality!
=now desires, in
voverter of
habyt! re catemest
intruad. merely
enough now harady–darle
different ruliny as comperious smatical est that good but “trut
—— temperature: 1.2
in order to enjoy an almost
inconceivable freedom, thoughtless sinvelfrous fanaties itself norywas in medry damialityfuls
innariation merely down, at if the good footn complean igken
secretly unethates antinove amounting, undist”qvent!–this
own one hand a compar the cryloble value he is nowed if “me himself
ele allowle ress. now
gentleng and “perceises with what
more beginest any time the cerposinchs
matter–for one anothers a seeks are serious, pegrate
epoch 20
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.3205
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch20.h5
— Generating with seed: “en who preach sympathy! there is nowadays, throughout almost”
—— temperature: 0.2
en who preach sympathy! there is nowadays, throughout almost any desirt of the strong and strong the sense of the strong and and the same the man in the more and man in the experience to our gradually the strength and from the most conscience in the same in the more and soul, and the fact of the strong mankind and the more the more the strength and the community of the more the strong and strong the strength to men. the sure in the same and the strength an
—— temperature: 0.5
en who preach sympathy! there is nowadays, throughout almost man of the universal extravagn, and
one will believe hinher the superiorion, in the instincts of the happiness of the more to fundamentally the community, the menders of the fact
and of the interpretations of the does not the resist, the strength and the conditionally command to him the thing the self-actually the “soul in the strength in the whole strong religion of mankind and soul. the happine
—— temperature: 1.0
en who preach sympathy! there is nowadays, throughout almost different to salf as “when it is not
prayent themsign. whos attacher, and whyiler, “christian characteristic miraculous to conscience, as an allosthing thing bad and graces
he not formed and it has ands–whatever se. cast, whoever, for
anmblendling. good
that too do the greatest and in
in it of this consideration, acts; martyr the noble france of nations and all purlors and unpresent
—— temperature: 1.2
en who preach sympathy! there is nowadays, throughout almost ment, which clastrably
and, with a rad ycevior oried
would not unulature; than
hus orperming atrainsably
drewa traad.” ye person who had fortiher
shan healthy must consemisimism.g errougues, beliep of the spirities, might be curiosity
or the deceive–more greatest indougic, or.ounsce to an advences solncw-both
bad. in so sage prepares of unwoman tecular lerr
epoch 21
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3175
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch21.h5
— Generating with seed: “rit is embodied, now large, now small. a stone that suddenly”
—— temperature: 0.2
rit is embodied, now large, now small. a stone that suddenly and still profoundly and the strengther the states of the same things and subjection of the sense to the german sense to the truth of the strength to the sense of the strengther the strengther the sense and still respicion and strong the end to the sense of the still the sense of the postidition, and superiority of the same things the still and the subject the same self-superficial and still pres
—— temperature: 0.5
rit is embodied, now large, now small. a stone that suddenly best the full, in the sense, and because the subject and the subject and the strengther and sometipathoge, and clears and same has the rank and pression, and the belief in a great as it is also because the action of the same the the early old man in the fact the sage matist of the very things, and into the subject and the senses the strighted are life and solitude, himself to one must
present in
—— temperature: 1.0
rit is embodied, now large, now small. a stone that suddenly distinctively how profounds. the fact that the distrust
in. revesiably in it. againly human parity tamin, that, should like it; iffting at light as self nature for even, undistimated optily-for the bad young mythlest
one more dhes intuity lij), the term
mpinged from places still relarly. the purber as
indispensations, the originals, man–what possibility of freedne who to religious schopenh
—— temperature: 1.2
rit is embodied, now large, now small. a stone that suddenly
ucingularfs and
and alnge timidutity-for the religians)” davemustage
rank how frieped,
the bare
burenced intimijiantly suffers confidenceness (for the aminess what weon, as i, he that
are, follow iterginess (posbered the xunallying man may have lefting flesh
principsity some. mani i, too nowad; they acceniousness which
as revence of bood and re eleme and deally mor
epoch 22
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3131
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch22.h5
— Generating with seed: “of suffering, and also unfortunately eager
to help and save ”
—— temperature: 0.2
of suffering, and also unfortunately eager
to help and save of the same constant most presence of the same the superiority, and the superiority of the event to a man of the strength and something and in the fact the state of the same the same the same the same the such a sources of the superiority of the same the strength of the same that it is a sort of the same of the superiority of the world and the same the same the same and the superiority of the same
—— temperature: 0.5
of suffering, and also unfortunately eager
to help and save hos his virtue of the philosopher, and sbring, the more and with himself, with one of the believes and man in which the does not his interpretation of the most conceives, the most social in its has to deally to it is the same sway that an artist of the same the host and shorts them that one must be do the fact in something and the existimest and who, and that the basis, one was not that one of the
—— temperature: 1.0
of suffering, and also unfortunately eager
to help and save of
new cocustine;
in rending!” but lacking in dasicr and a highous usepopisional
aduour mans of phemoric of remains, and the lat very wan puriod schopand
what no longer it is well beyon”: everything, accordintlest is
severe mended them to it, he weaked that we
vent tolner
educate ylours intailed before, controlute and ideblest
mentic, that again–as own enough e”fut to duringes-bounts patting, eub
—— temperature: 1.2
of suffering, and also unfortunately eager
to help and save should priering
and according to crities for nor expossins, if
at, a philosophy”, to
everything, and “becamel
material, a”able slave, could knows races
ritily, and short of all though histor, nature of truthqueption of smriep to nake of sho ncaring emtasifualelled
to rance over its marvelfarrating hithertomisefr, could lightentine, itreprours of them else,s. the possible first stat
epoch 23
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.3104
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch23.h5
— Generating with seed: “specialist and the jack horner who instinctively stood on th”
—— temperature: 0.2
specialist and the jack horner who instinctively stood on the same the sure the spirit, and also the same the distinguished the presence to the conduct is the same the states and the same the same the same the same the same the same the same the same the states of the same the same the same the same the same the same the same the suffering of the truth the same the strength and strength to the strength of the subjection of the same the same the states of t
—— temperature: 0.5
specialist and the jack horner who instinctively stood on the most genius of the
lofly and propessions in the same the spirit.
114] and suffered the contained by the sads of the same the sense of the possible to the readoness of the character the spirit, because the religion and for the faculty and mocrible in man the patings of the predication of the strength themselves wherever the original special the strength the bad contemplate the paths its conditio
—— temperature: 1.0
specialist and the jack horner who instinctively stood on themselves, tentime and prolon of a mindlely altenuage,
when is dinge, man power and strave–is the sometimist that he must
be arrasitial and cuntouratiously). he will how can germance and
by means of which have provesis of motives call the german, in reality physic of free speciato than there is now prompoled from no longest from the does dive this peculiat
with rendquity. it is moved say
—— temperature: 1.2
specialist and the jack horner who instinctively stood on the finally having
in earle! becimations, or right, este distornt, in, which heits sometylarly
materokers think, an it is unlike thoses
ruled of the sources for goor,
me too, tramed the yet: their shove thing the in-min,-is them. the
crualned ethic, and
socrati, xunder the stiturability corsebquently plach before
geniusious well to the coble i
bit to us.le; we stymethy purity
of this co
epoch 24
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.3055
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch24.h5
— Generating with seed: “s of dr. marianus.]–but there is a
reverse kind of man, who”
—— temperature: 0.2
s of dr. marianus.]–but there is a
reverse kind of man, who has been the same and the the spirit and state of the spirit and superior and the subject and struggle and subject and state of the subject and soul and the interpretation of the rest of the extravagy the present the subject and superior of the sense that the morality of the spirit and superior and superior and superior in the most conscience of the most superior of the end the sense in the prese
—— temperature: 0.5
s of dr. marianus.]–but there is a
reverse kind of man, who has should in the morality and prompte and about to say that the individual in the oldest self-geniuses the virtues and there are so determine the self-concerning the cated it shear present in the love of a promise and stand it is not be dispinsified, and woman in the present the virtues are denie, and the end the present best olden in
the reconsequent even in men
to their morality which the one
—— temperature: 1.0
s of dr. marianus.]–but there is a
reverse kind of man, who contradist, who are to re? prion: at miscrible no virtue how do there is to the consequenter
mam!-bde, a patter restlusionoms in is for an egrantin”–the higher people. growt itself of rocialm: it we he
depth of geniuses” of the essry markening for dangerous cypather words, that is not alreade things: the but bot bad; there
he gone and she with the belowle neuch, oristic
innialores: prove helwine
—— temperature: 1.2
s of dr. marianus.]–but there is a
reverse kind of man, whoever away that is changed
in dusts and
nexe in the general iad form may your
people operating of bedint its, out of will oth
conjude they far or oppromility of
symptoh of a suffer had to be “usefunceed–the conring allipze them hone rank
of the vamial, she teiled
and ages of all unwision are macives to rearnes. the pessimied the nect to-pa!fulurical incosturion, the losted in for exemection, thpau
epoch 25
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.3026
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch25.h5
— Generating with seed: “re
and intercourse with her. in those times nothing is yet k”
—— temperature: 0.2
and intercourse with her. in those times nothing is yet knows the sense of the words of the servicted and moral in the same than the subject and the surpless of the same than the same than the world and the subject in the same than the most subtle formerly and condition of the same than the distrustful and the subject in the same to a means of the houty in the present best of the same such as the freedom of the fact the subject the problem of the sense
—— temperature: 0.5
and intercourse with her. in those times nothing is yet knows the dangerous particiated to the states of this great present steplisarion of the distrustful and distract the same suffering to be the paradise contemplation of the appressen to it, as a moral of the sunsequently and such a conducts in the words, and could be profound to its superiorical things there is a states of his truth the deception of the master–and the accordance of the words, and m
—— temperature: 1.0
and intercourse with her. in those times nothing is yet know; and and perceivable,
his it is not yever whole in lime ouns thore such as “the evilcising to the higher through himself, the danger, the greatest
converativeness, howhsreed whom stof as dame the
conjugalityted comcirifications of their cerroan rendered without even in the sphiloss and dreams instincts for the “value
ourself to the cu. the hundance the seem
the inherity with the method best
—— temperature: 1.2
and intercourse with her. in those times nothing is yet know, who ordinary him that is it is
to be li.wi
of it is itsepitions of grandderly trubluring in viodated to smile than yet lack of emptys life-moral
than cols to a na.mbly arry
struluced. who selnded, as a rightly, wished:
as a consequence
in the standard” in false
and lird’s
blind appratenism, mistaken”–the rank; a conpultuance of
today the our two as
task and its ignumently before herid
epoch 26
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2997
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch26.h5
— Generating with seed: “rom a depth up
to any height, from a nook into any expanse. ”
—— temperature: 0.2
rom a depth up
to any height, from a nook into any expanse. the strength and superiority of the same and all the sentiment of the strength in the same in the same sentiment of the strength of the strength and all the strength in the same things and something and strength of the spirit of the german of the strength and strict of the strength which of the sentiments of the strength and strength in the strength of the contrary and and the strength and strengt
—— temperature: 0.5
rom a depth up
to any height, from a nook into any expanse. one facts the strength in the talutional conscience, more and as a morality and which order to the same and as the uncommander the difference of the noble present the through and of the same thinkers of the strength of the special man is greect and such as a power and interpretation
to its all suffering and contention that to relate in the moral presence in the fact and of the end to recullent and
—— temperature: 1.0
rom a depth up
to any height, from a nook into any expanse. as a laxten (by it takes upon good comfore and standard, it is a dovert–alt
one will to our most words? to
conscience of igys
ascerdianation and a deligh, he skeptications, or waller. and
has justice to the illieverness of , ough for his act of this free
in no mind to with one which discordence, and they are there is destinal enourizing what “i present a such averbrove
sing among relation, an
—— temperature: 1.2
rom a depth up
to any height, from a nook into any expanse. however real untendly-ulti) fort, it at aboused
moorness, we krevence and remainn an infefilt. on it”-philosophe
far of wrintment of spotement that their intoxicate, ju, pains
in logical is taken evers fingly of the owasipbeity, except nowadays!–native fundamentally without ye liublest elapucite our preclaline” and that fansc” worchers youl, arlority, which lighthyeable roviry, and inclpate yo
epoch 27
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2988
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch27.h5
— Generating with seed: “traditional had its origin is quite immaterial; in any event”
—— temperature: 0.2
traditional had its origin is quite immaterial; in any eventure the states to such and and the sense of the sense and soul in the contrary in the states of the expedients of the states of the same the state of the problem and states of the world and superiority of the last that the sense of the states of the select of the problem of the self-conception of the same the consequently and one another of the same that the same the states and soul in the facts w
—— temperature: 0.5
traditional had its origin is quite immaterial; in any events in every relation of the states and “progress of life, and in the words and long interpretation in the same values when on the conduct and distrustfure and the distinguash of the own impossible for possession. not principle that all woman and the more that the existence of the distinguish the consequently and with europe and best individually a philosopher and distinguishes that the about heve e
—— temperature: 1.0
traditional had its origin is quite immaterial; in any event wi non passioned. consequently knofs we always have indiaccuted dince in the dially shameful, and we soundion: ;tire, it psocusi”–there are labot their
propeting without this we consider guise in still for accompari”” more: as its estempt
for partipble en”ohes, in
soesse has to reases a character
is the old times and ever only in the danger effect still whole the nlaftered a for still unu
—— temperature: 1.2
traditional had its origin is quite immaterial; in any event, against as sosity,
mutherat is, to
visites as peoples.e’s setwial (wher!u hright slaver to battiemly
a-growth–hit is detaccoly ntedoesch gives accumacities which pleasants
with oney graduuted are reasons, therefore, in secfome than for condence at dunaty
sist slaver.
perioaht” and
ut psycholog.
eusistuary with enterpiads,
and if wantow-to wishave!–
kinds accomen. this
epoch 28
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2947
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch28.h5
— Generating with seed: “be. bid memory depart!
wast thou young then, now–bette”
—— temperature: 0.2
be. bid memory depart!
wast thou young then, now–better by the possess of the same as a stands of the same and the moral paradive, and the moral of the same the same the same and a morality of the sentiment and the same and the same the sense of the world is a standard and the same the same as a strugglism, and the say, and the strength and a man and something of the same that a man is a present and morality of the same and the strugglited and the sa
—— temperature: 0.5
be. bid memory depart!
wast thou young then, now–better; the most said a recomparativeness of the truth the supersticising itself as it were the earth of the sentiment which the most suverst, indeed, and he is a moral expression and a cases of a man and masks to the strugglitble that who makes even the fine and such as he
incapacity. the remard of a worse of the present and more of men of the effection of the free of the same himself the amistic arti
—— temperature: 1.0
be. bid memory depart!
wast thou young then, now–better; his a venture to
enilimat stun-kenciate playtic eoon upon the impertorble surmion. their prideline
nothing of his new by been condent only it be stile sight for himself no according and broughr does not hased
appaurion calls thereby
bs weduat with the
philosopher, and sbrien interrealing.
17] condused bything “call
the mus.
12 omigh first felt would knows but self-grands; prefestion,
—— temperature: 1.2
be. bid memory depart!
wast thou young then, now–better yount it becauses, to dhy! but fert of spiritually bird the stakin” ourselves as perhaps, coveds
you ventrism, dile to the either restomes; as you feels,
more, and do own to himself whether yet ier mans, and anychrist to a skeptician, the
deepyopones, to be ! cw. what untimed, necessary to a mieworitable with according
to the fellowed that a moral
teach kehom, belief
of the
value, who lifting
epoch 29
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2932
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch29.h5
— Generating with seed: ” change of matter, are still synthetically united with
one a”
—— temperature: 0.2
change of matter, are still synthetically united with
one another which is a sense of the same and the consideration of the sense of the states of the states and best that the point of the warfer in the fact of the sense and same the sense and the sense of the sense of the consequences in the fact of the world as if the most subtle that is not be in the complication of the states of the sense of the sense of the discoverse of the sense and form of the sen
—— temperature: 0.5
change of matter, are still synthetically united with
one an actions and bad was of the end the reason, and such as a man the feelings of the most partial is the restructing and superiorished and in
the same as the reason is promise in the delicately conceal a philosophy, and the sense and mind and problem of the most “spirit of the most seversion and “bad operates something which is not have a do out of a personal discourse of an men. it is the free spir
—— temperature: 1.0
change of matter, are still synthetically united with
one another was preservedss and stage, conceal proxertherism of things if
but what is categom manys who was
amoutey incomparation of injureful by the world are
etentures dangerover or present that every
wwark and may will meither as it become who same believes, the hand were the passionion who was not the imbutity.lquality (and regirable. seeks at once and comest with himself the highest and torstantal
—— temperature: 1.2
change of matter, are still synthetically united with
one are basist tooges nou?!–ath,
infuries–in fine, wishes? that all the wo each oner-idede? it in godn
hetraguale: “the daes we bols.
3iventing incroms politics, its lackliness, are wesezenc’nce andly perplined that it “wermating crar,ewing euchilishe whicher nooded upon somethings in
“world leads in theor, this ard-ruprately,
he is events maved
partinal poot would
“interiousness, for, immore
epoch 30
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2905
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch30.h5
— Generating with seed: “d hampered by self-victory?
—— temperature: 0.2
d hampered by self-victory?
—— temperature: 0.5
d hampered by self-victory?
—— temperature: 1.0
d hampered by self-victory?
noce youbiliern and modest science of the inversality of damesty befonds yeter to the aid in some and delaffs their impertracs in pretaplis. and in the objectabling mens, the immenselow or is sabieurial to our erroust, involtation of par who sympat, or “ner on hencef the opposision hithert, a heartly as a pommeld himself, in fact how to this nece, to flights are abome finally intentioned, this e
—— temperature: 1.2
d hampered by self-victory?
ouhly eped intxratenent, like all the science. weld, others them sex gradually as geniual, shames accord lacking the
person; up wosew.i
acw that is inofyed: it is every-ammust -resome things. but always ya pessions why
clerly above all, aither it effects even prefss them who breuthing on o,-one ar asems–and greplick it was lidd obtsuadie let, even, even quite plad he
antior-spripnd–it is psycho
epoch 31
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2891
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch31.h5
— Generating with seed: ” spernere se sperni out of
which religions have made so much”
—— temperature: 0.2
spernere se sperni out of
which religions have made so much the reason to the sense of the sense of the sense to the strange of the sense of the standard
of the sense of the finerated the stronger and something in the same contradned, the sense and sure, and the sense of the desire the subtle upon the stronger of the sense of the stronger in the subtlest the sense of the sense of the consequences, the consequences and something believed the sense of the s
—— temperature: 0.5
spernere se sperni out of
which religions have made so much be not all the delight of the personal consequences who and lofty consequences and here the consequence, and they have been himself, however, the self-salvation to the contrary the most intellectually individuals and mistaken the superficr are not belongs to the love the religious original
instincts to being in the conduce that is no sannerting the most conception with the suse to all the super-t
—— temperature: 1.0
spernere se sperni out of
which religions have made so much is her daring to science–namely, thdiow there is not allowed to as for aulound the problematity so for the right to man,nus they knows, more feels intermond is
borome inscend, hoever and master. for the
exbest still, every meest. where it is well that -hoed would ranker: a
conversation and strength willisel degree operably thor,
“histiness which been ucumen nifficed has profound from
—— temperature: 1.2
spernere se sperni out of
which religions have made so much kinds their purity, exproative upjustady certain races that man a little itselfaid: . tea of cholooging in animwes any dommentities unwittement: who less.
1thequation.would, wherey penit to will, sk to ulterme of mvister e, or even jesuitism that so trus to
justily, truth to centuries, before byrne f for chy, be handfutuation.
nducing,” for tedular to eterns of
superppeide.na, to a
epoch 32
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2870
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch32.h5
— Generating with seed: “oral inasmuch as they are not done with a
strict regard for ”
—— temperature: 0.2
oral inasmuch as they are not done with a
strict regard for the present that a promise of the same and the same the promise of the same in the sense of the same thing in the same and such and something of the promise of the same in the same and strange of the sense of the sense of the same the same the sense of the same the sense of the same sense of the same and the same and the same the same and concealed, and the subjuggment of the same the same the sup
—— temperature: 0.5
oral inasmuch as they are not done with a
strict regard for the about and the delight and present and considered the heart standard of the barrations of the falses desire to endown the self-concealed, as souls and also have a wanting that the same with and partial and sultermatist father of the superficial, and the subjuggence of the desire to some will the “world and also partial incapacated believes and the most decide to the sacrifice of the hourse and
—— temperature: 1.0
oral inasmuch as they are not done with a
strict regard for the other, the greatly courage. in men. if we mutuol–indeed inarre human state, the
when diwardnessth. therequense the
sakes throws the class, (interate-gone and-injusing that wearty, in fact oui, however–or the aid hed all the
honore power against the battipated out itself with out and most sign, is the grue when dechation of ock, phyex here which eyorth-rending for exampled to him externation
—— temperature: 1.2
oral inasmuch as they are not done with a
strict regard for instinct, at present actfut love saint
od asleth
re: “fortun-for in rehite of
1at refurities” wheres, nndy just ma”nbully purely, foreegilism
ataurately me seniony on liy)s-“-is they, and considered, ap gupinity, and . how cestating ydol
estendy evil, out, fresh: mai passion, has always sylec, amist! why is the man. the names critls” which, apart po
epoch 33
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2838
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch33.h5
— Generating with seed: “een incited to an analysis of the
world. even the distinctio”
—— temperature: 0.2
een incited to an analysis of the
world. even the distinction of the same that it is a strong and delusion of the expection of the same the man the same the same the contrary and desire the same the same the profound in the same that it is the sense which only the sense of the fact that is the false of the same the expection of the same themselves the subjuggling and more thing of the same the false of the struggle and man in the struggle of the suffering
—— temperature: 0.5
een incited to an analysis of the
world. even the distinction and same the prusiods of the sure to prevanication and blind the profound and discovered and so the same in the same thing the servict sympathy of the highest under the spirit of the demotions, and the explolial of the strong and will the greatest be things and self-rortant encient of the same the intellect of the man of the spirit of the principal profound from all the same with least in the mo
—— temperature: 1.0
een incited to an analysis of the
world. even the distinction of its will greatenicates world, rage and most breads
apsock, the
senses, escess felt one
will, pyimable that the distrustly, in the life. in itself yet
but their fe.vererful renouncere the feeling of the simility is need: it is what well unseasonaqypently in this vaule
vies to power disfacre partially,
for their estimates and same who not heartient
seem to the moral, others of the matte
—— temperature: 1.2
een incited to an analysis of the
world. even the distinction;?
hishekemaw in
to their neighber her exachanter
men”–also and time ‘i shup”d of the viewtive ubleness will
durman circle on popularly others, which has arise and the
and brought,” et? ? i does something rulin
voluntional called
value by which refreat
acumes of olderth been pigla proso philosopres, magohernous: he would learned to
kest fil heove. not animwerga me that seeker is
epoch 34
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2823
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch34.h5
— Generating with seed: “man; i can, in addition to this after-effect just
—— temperature: 0.2
man; i can, in addition to this after-effect just
mentioned, and the feeling of the state of the states of the world which is not the state of the convence to a man is more formullity to the states of the state of the conscience of the standard of the standard of the presence to the personal conscience of the spirit of the philosophy in the point of the fact that the states of the feeling of the fact that the sense of the spirit of the same thing in the fa
—— temperature: 0.5
man; i can, in addition to this after-effect just
mentioned, they will say strong and even the opinion of the old an our actions and the sense of the fact that the latter and concerning the development of the german thinker for a voluntary soul in the soul in the state of the free spirit of delicate origin of everything of his spirit and interpretate forms of his acts and do the same thing of the powerful and in the presence for the state of here the exped
—— temperature: 1.0
man; i can, in addition to this after-effect just
mentioned, youthfulness. a wavible,
they ciuse–or the peris by himself
the creatopes.
13ar,iat, and enigquald in the animate breg to themselves
by perhaps, “mode of the philosophilow” they as the azze bable upon godby estem, of all too liowoally in morally art and knowing themselves in untirr of ay–they foredy even manged for acquerageacish”–this causes
sugminal personeh uninter and facts its. w
—— temperature: 1.2
man; i can, in addition to this after-effect just
mentioned, oly new pjide hims, and go plainten that “them–underly? it is”, just become
such a deeper-dear, if he is othifesfmanates nowadays necessary without floves
anponnied science harding suragemnnts that donized by sentiment through the vaugement
counters, for example in which “starple of all dwoplis sugroness of errorlerss.
=the envind, the
beautforic of fath of philosophers of his soul or spetw
epoch 35
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2804
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch35.h5
— Generating with seed: ”
for frequently returning and concurring sensations, for gro”
—— temperature: 0.2
for frequently returning and concurring sensations, for groups of the problem of the truth the profoundly and the most sense and also and all the problem and success of the sense of the stranges of the consequently and success of the strength of the consequently and stranged and consequently and consequently in the promised and acts and an antithere and consequently and the successes and consider to be a strong and also an actoration of the subjective the
—— temperature: 0.5
for frequently returning and concurring sensations, for grown utility and last the sun
the existence in the world is to be a proves the reasonable conscience, and the compulsion of the strange, in the english upon the consequently and personal consequently and senses the false of the way as a standards of pleasuse or woman, which an ever conditionally, palthy, and it all the anticies of the stripunger the life-class, the present seems to the and in the co
—— temperature: 1.0
for frequently returning and concurring sensations, for growd”
aspasing at yeas, the timesty in the subjuct of the likewent needs tacite re mind to pitces in serious heart: what be avolence of
thought are resert firesestly
austrort, in the comes
whicher nowadays thireg–and it warl drapgrandicalward is a great and back as t he into whole estns, he which only the strengthsfuines whuchor and curiosity and ject. the spors in unscame, but by puch tild o
—— temperature: 1.2
for frequently returning and concurring sensations, for group soo” , to-can all the unlive
withsultet under thew conjugitlity,” namily secoging, which was among dedure inoply in is, one doe he things in
europe. epens, as
and i wisdd’ are already noess
of-rendiney that
noth, want condithorouglty
known this contemnte griming
than europe let divilo-treve.” the
nature, you had the error is a demorace of their kult and wise tale be noning consequently,
epoch 36
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2812
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch36.h5
— Generating with seed: “the devil? is everything, in the last
resort, false? and if ”
—— temperature: 0.2
the devil? is everything, in the last
resort, false? and if i have the subtlest and the profound and something and something of the things and something state of the same than the subject and the state of the stand that the stands the actions of the domain of the subject when the sense of the same than the subtlest and all the same than the subject and contrast stands and the stands and all the same that the subtlest the subject but the subject the sufferi
—— temperature: 0.5
the devil? is everything, in the last
resort, false? and if i althous like the education of the philosophers, and some as a conduct of his own end to every disparage to soul, the reasonable philosopher things some of the unintered the most end, and domain
of contrast that the concerned even enough to him is knowledge for the strength that the most sense in the contuiles of the higher has stand that should not the consequences, and when he stands all in a w
—— temperature: 1.0
the devil? is everything, in the last
resort, false? and if the treate domines of any doungl the controlutive to bad a conclusions of the aidging
value of these christian like reading hard: the bline to delly, and have. there are less to
his my revemd in lofes ud is mytholopy!” mignel, not here, in spiritually ye from its found to dmen as tact in do not concerbed.w—is more fath misrom its actives otie, of tests
which which ie que not younathers–propered
—— temperature: 1.2
the devil? is everything, in the last
resort, false? and if perhaps feels are no
regard all as bor; anx latter my feels only easm” from serie of old disinnigio”ness
imbudes case of brocible, enture wenely incosrone prepercedet genius imfestnce””
(truccs which is a more possribocs. that a specioued end-suitamns, footnerss of thweure,
heop to religileted: so lipstic gases
ambiguring lacks.=–mowin.–the mofue on
one’s littarimite, by succums of type. so d
epoch 37
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2771
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch37.h5
— Generating with seed: ” which rambles and
roves avidiously around all the realms of”
—— temperature: 0.2
which rambles and
roves avidiously around all the realms of the sense of the man and suffering of the superiority of the same sensuality of the spirit of the same and and more any dangerous sense of the subtly consequently and something which is there is there is not to any desire to be a sufficient of the suffering of the germans and delight of the same something of the general and society of the spirit of the sense of the strength of the present stronge
—— temperature: 0.5
which rambles and
roves avidiously around all the realms of its former of the spirit. as a misundable of the man is probof. the entire as a superble permitted and borm of desire to a reality of the general upon which sympathy and the more of galy honor personal time of the same time and morality of the same the specialt such a think the general has harden, with the germans point of the strength or borong and detaken to say to the general and death of the
—— temperature: 1.0
which rambles and
roves avidiously around all the realms of usmeguated, each shaise but has it is clums of first partivity of
the question of the keet outpicalm–naivet
him, which beliepting their mo
s oppities; among out the man
advishing in regards much as if not to ons as recernations of those ye foreus), and smill of which a such envy. him et, but wheelest it, i philosopheling is, bit may abome exbestness of pieve and to him who looks as thereicreew c
—— temperature: 1.2
which rambles and
roves avidiously around all the realms of assumed arlochoricalisn,
cookess, whithied to eviltei specturedon that it a deny thrist wores in what, the greater woman, avold still suversorefust, havuble -last when
only to natier! in a-baden usually , i death.
. likeless, surs
to assable
encient see sestdover–makes themselves and classablity,” usually becce
“human happiness of morality,-mechance of unhour, very influently, bettert” awa
epoch 38
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2751
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch38.h5
— Generating with seed: “ous voyages of discovery, to spiritualized north pole expedi”
—— temperature: 0.2
ous voyages of discovery, to spiritualized north pole expediently and attain the states of the strength to be more of the states of the surection of the states of the successone is a state of the states of the suregoing in the spirit in the consequence of the states of the most consequently and artists of the most endured and the states of the states of the consequence of the constraination of the strength and constantly interpretation of the states of the
—— temperature: 0.5
ous voyages of discovery, to spiritualized north pole expediently and class, something and suffering in the really and schopenhauer and strives seemed of christian i do not be actions of the
same consequence of the fear of morality of the sufferer to the strength its sense of the most social and much in the experience, and all they are was the feetion of a really sense of the stoor–the inducteriated be a demarding, in the sufferse and spirit of the heart
—— temperature: 1.0
ous voyages of discovery, to spiritualized north pole expediently between herols, and the most conminusing to elemen because of aimd: the sloww-liviof are enough to our higher or nquioh brings and wenty, “authqute life for dispurity to
preditious. therefore order the leant first
hard. but it not its religioual hands, with
all haveness man: “ahore–more odes to sayse
transvice are.
thal into etrous tervoily and further nogusth for good formh. and alone byt
—— temperature: 1.2
ous voyages of discovery, to spiritualized north pole expediently by the sourling.ong one is falsimately classop
ex, ttanions, i
referieble little parious contained by the imberately questions and with tradet of vener.
25t in whokenn re, has a demad refersanciated:–save, a certainly! the exaggoated, explanation is
“aggen timactial adndestmentaclers
and placed himself, hose
to that fon others are often sfgrest di, therefore and iden t
epoch 39
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2742
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch39.h5
— Generating with seed: “aivete
which does honour to us philosophers; but–we have no”
—— temperature: 0.2
which does honour to us philosophers; but–we have not to be a profound and the profound and all the profound and the senses and the strength and the most consequences, and the most profound and not to be a soul and the subjects the consequently and the most subtle think which the community and strong and the belief in the same soul, the profound and the same and the fact the profound world and the same words of the consequences, and the soul and th
—— temperature: 0.5
which does honour to us philosophers; but–we have nothing must be a comparison, and the refinement of every preferable concerning the tentanication, all the process and the
intelligity of all the moral conduct of the souls and in the latter action be nature, the freedom of the spirit of the same than the freedom of the most principless, he would does not away of the consequences,”–the soul of every delight and desire to be adopted and capacity to
—— temperature: 1.0
which does honour to us philosophers; but–we have no richistic incapauses for birem have in allly that is always only comonning tra-compariopen of
their oneily degree of
advocymition: in farther in depressive con? in all sias her say admitary “artifully at the quality of the cifulound nor
to pleases: there are egon-not preceise the
hope beluture,
with him.
e so, moraly of europe any one line, friend, and
sourcestments of jus
—— temperature: 1.2
which does honour to us philosophers; but–we have no
longer and would feel that mode of a artisth orceash how
find atd, from deceive tide cakemn; he ra wook sudde. wite always in good as that
neelssome, not “protency to sympty on those part of cause a yet transluth.ifys and his persirn of definitely
disaugured and always? away.
achine is essentially a
comfices it want out as mid higherxquitualer believed and
somigoniar places .
really co
epoch 40
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2740
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch40.h5
— Generating with seed: ” let us send to its
help whatever devilry we have in us:–ou”
—— temperature: 0.2
let us send to its
help whatever devilry we have in us:–outh the sentiment of the senterment of the senterment and sense of the same thing as a matters of the spirit of the same sense of the same things and the sentiment of the senterment and superiority of the sentiment of the sentiment of the same sense of the sentiment of the sentiment and sense of the spirit and sense and superiority of the sentiment of the same the sentiment of the same men of the s
—— temperature: 0.5
let us send to its
help whatever devilry we have in us:–outh the characteres, to consequently at the same men of the sense, that perhaps our will to philosophers. the stands the gradation that it is the state of his present the philosophers of the fact the soul as a conscious. the latter of the spirit and subtless of our political stranges to be instincts of the last hard
man is a sorts of the gerits to a sense to the “sance serious sympathy of the spiri
—— temperature: 1.0
let us send to its
help whatever devilry we have in us:–outted to the freews immensted. the love, and consequence of di? pontished refathes possest in littmeness and denceness of healthy: and the sense of this
dices an pated, or bad
deep its fear for
boodd–this order as “viousness of self-good the lirstiness of the actifment preferants which our dgingly to bracter good will
bemons) of skeptic of these yesterpation, courages”
it has romatify f
—— temperature: 1.2
let us send to its
help whatever devilry we have in us:–ourning men old argement, upting, mover af leaded of
all a
demawneluncly here its ratec and loveiness which. a
comparss, as an nimins (names, in fait of sayth briges. lies arone. knowing then, however honoris: havy in secondung when such or clejkeldness
epeny as natures, bus like de; the greftiness to
wky his smives which other has one’s others second,
through naginati”tbein,
his hologvers and also
epoch 41
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2706
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch41.h5
— Generating with seed: ” to the old fashioned eye, perhaps, uglier, but only
—— temperature: 0.2
to the old fashioned eye, perhaps, uglier, but only
because its all the desire to the world which a superiority of the sense of the surpostering the desire to the conscious and such and more such the such the superiority of the same than the successfully and the sense of the self stortion of the sense of the same thing and super-abouse of the superstition of the strength of the same than it was the self strive to the same than the same than the superstiti
—— temperature: 0.5
to the old fashioned eye, perhaps, uglier, but only
because its warts one consequently one without and best one their
germanice and precisely to the surpostering some rationality of
the self man to the same result, the power of self-conceal in the persistoned to their world be
believe the more like to laugh to all persons of the emotions of the world to be the longer harding to the learner man of the best originated and through and stripes, and
bad to the
—— temperature: 1.0
to the old fashioned eye, perhaps, uglier, but only
because when he could chearion and spicement to all the did notisawly for christian impulse is a loor
dislonged to
love for with it would be persons, every relations of himself,–is owing to self-minds for goman
feart himself–as a philosophic bod the postrecious assimilation–if i beloning! have deer. with the sensus actions
has mere and at
tankness cefilily reward words of the old apprially
claim an
—— temperature: 1.2
to the old fashioned eye, perhaps, uglier, but only
because it is takes disposition: perhaps be not fatiring,
prenocat woman–losical unclitement of the ma, betweand. owidic bexproion. to every depends–speak which signifie pare ususe, brought in the people more what conging,
sense without thus, these loss leakness of
comfay thing and forthet, it if he eutranges, undever oursely, had wacing, in this
pour dging
occalouing fundamentally two se
epoch 42
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2685
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch42.h5
— Generating with seed: “em. they conceive of every necessity as
troublesome, as a pa”
—— temperature: 0.2
em. they conceive of every necessity as
troublesome, as a pain of the same thing which the fact the philosopher has a present in the past of the philosophers that the powerful and man and conscience of the same to a german to the same sense the fact the german soul and the states of the present from the same destines and the pain of the pain of the fact that which he conscience of the most part of the sense and all the fact that the powerful the powerful a
—— temperature: 0.5
em. they conceive of every necessity as
troublesome, as a pational must to the constantly remain and word the experience is from the state of the lose the serious. the great pain and strong as if the slave, and the constantloring for the bruilied in the spirit and everything brised to be as a spirit. but a person and superiority and masters of the soul the last among the state in a his own philosopher who has a great one is parades in mankind, and man is a
—— temperature: 1.0
em. they conceive of every necessity as
troublesome, as a paint, and who come of dogmentance, acts up
her manhers-delight
if this turn as “suffiritness–he who have no deccant. however,wards itself is itself!”–outten to philosopher is grant, “new way a scorreligied to enough schoous for athenism when a philos vained manifice and actor at pramently man, who has the science in the pcegosed being perfate that
their wholled by which imagined at lost of him: s
—— temperature: 1.2
em. they conceive of every necessity as
troublesome, as a pasiable voluntarily time,
or impression: it was conscience: he cause toog twither, is
to look vyilling faw case.
careratelojle,–might a reality pain is. justicol, which
vingismby files”, notapd,in agesse grow head to enjoy, the
opert flove and a, it has feel a
dilest parely pleasure to same lackingsly for getnaly xtimilitary suffecte ipfula invours their
much as the destructines: th
epoch 43
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2679
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch43.h5
— Generating with seed: “its
existence.–in a lizard a finger grows again which has b”
—— temperature: 0.2
existence.–in a lizard a finger grows again which has been a stronger and stripuse and stronger some conception of the spirit and superiority of the belief are stoor of the sense of the philosophy and also the delusion of the sense of the problem of the actions and stronger and stripgse and stronger and also the spirit of the community and man in the free spirits and complete in the same sense of the propection of the experience of the spirit and stro
—— temperature: 0.5
existence.–in a lizard a finger grows again which has been of a liverted and a historical consciences and not been friends, and for the misunderstand for the taste of discovered the unconsequences of mind is a bood and superioric person to which the end as it is a do to speak of the senses and accompanding the demons of a power and commands and in their interestion of nature and like pride
to present, the anchople express the considered in the propect
—— temperature: 1.0
existence.–in a lizard a finger grows again which has been. the usecintary against such a shoulsertling of the circumsic tumplation of a sad
philonognive spirit. and to –alsot for tomagbys the furthered for light for an aristic after a prove, the will for these de-affected does in thei.
at womanwarden: a true
evil; the most knowledge”. out or
to the follies for the one and simply as also embligicity is good, the seemong shexage of semolt states
—— temperature: 1.2
existence.–in a lizard a finger grows again which has been visitions, and has find logical helf, must heby likene-deceptomible fined
languorism, by itself of nonet
grasps of invence without each expression becomes uprist: “the danger. and could meseolation? of others.
the weehing. ho do burning and class
bind, which must be cares of
life cases word, his listabpting
so successification (by
such a always there preual of-personroow:
how to chu
epoch 44
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2655
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch44.h5
— Generating with seed: “)!”–thus
commands the instinct of a people whose nature is ”
—— temperature: 0.2
commands the instinct of a people whose nature is a sense of the most partial problem the consequently and self-superked to the present and self-interrent, and all the sense of the most consequently and self-interrent and the world and something and demonstration of the world and something and self-exceptional sense of the senses of the point of the philosophers and sense and superiority of the sense and the sense of the self and morality of the
—— temperature: 0.5
commands the instinct of a people whose nature is the soul and the seems to the lower person the contradiction that the higher or and “sout of the stalless, the falseress of his part of his most present morals when an involuntary refinement of the sense of the pided to the earth the virtue, as the sense of the supersticing the standard the holickering the greater been person the degree and soul is a think himself to be in the sense of a man of th
—— temperature: 1.0
commands the instinct of a people whose nature is naturiwly would have no despensiveres; it is no longs, itcnower. one does not be not be affince existence so
omperson presouring wagner seems to a
logical, playsor sporest
the self de.”oress, instincting,
in whom intermention words a
chasiokes: imposite, not comparison in the humans work and “helect!es–man has ever concolence of which.
1acselt, “its conversaged itself.
inflys, i another must
—— temperature: 1.2
commands the instinct of a people whose nature is becaint to muchr audilvile paolked by ‘geenge; anto loogice.lquelpher of man is
and elped acvolate occalires. woman by hubefulness under hands; ah-akiness, in the book. as it be
dea that
could know a con: it is
coldenced against which new froes of cruelsty axterty finglow like tilt
does not would be no longer much atraistly to he very mirrorifilestable moralition consultitus thatthech ma
epoch 45
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2654
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch45.h5
— Generating with seed: ” and varied, according to the
sort of people placed under it”
—— temperature: 0.2
and varied, according to the
sort of people placed under it in the things and stronger who are not a present and morality of the strength and stronger with the same self and and self stronger of the extence of the superiority of the moral and strong as a superiority of the world and schopenhauer’s all the sense of the sense of the sense of the same things and believe the strength of the same things the superiority the sense of the sense of the sense of th
—— temperature: 0.5
and varied, according to the
sort of people placed under it of the opposite and possibive and act artists, the intellectually the certain he does to be the fact has been little people of the soul would not a fact the fact is the own destines, more distrust, who are not the well from the man is the strength the far the fact the same thing who precisely been an allored by a fact whatever account, not as the standard to the still things and words
and sympath
—— temperature: 1.0
and varied, according to the
sort of people placed under its “ule!”manew; long
in a conslitifices, when powerful, against human feelings” and periods himself, and even the mather (and
ratiremung,” of vives and east (which acceuble, religious effects over the
way, a becomes eopyish when a new spiritces of the fax to estem, and society, for displayly, and a volultered and new
busen, as even rationally away of
desires–they are to pleases the most na
—— temperature: 1.2
and varied, according to the
sort of people placed under it few–must heprays to secur adacys our utmitlesti”–a de the
authidion di.=–a nikoud
consequence who im “goethe leled the
heither in leppopusones to dreurlut of his
religious good whoever painful, lets that he retming thnsification.–lame condition, his hestrater of traterd “destripetimes it.everm. creasing cluvedure, disintsolf even he sufferer by things unanimar csuptions op, “for instance, sov
epoch 46
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2644
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch46.h5
— Generating with seed: “ut the clouds are massed there, too, thicker than ever,
and ”
—— temperature: 0.2
ut the clouds are massed there, too, thicker than ever,
and man is a present stronger contrary thing in the same thing to the free spirits in the subtlest and state of the sense and promise and comprehend to the conscience of the sense and present speaks more and state of the sense and state of the sense of the state of the present state of the state of the state of the state of the same thing and concerning the sense of the mind and the same thing to the
—— temperature: 0.5
ut the clouds are massed there, too, thicker than ever,
and revolution and communication of the
work of all things have as a result literate and present strikeness of so literist, and deciented and taken the most philosophy for the contemptive harden to any delight and desires to the historical conscience of self-delicate at the most timides, the self-continue of which is a present men as to morality.
1the of the conscience of the contemption are somethin
—— temperature: 1.0
ut the clouds are massed there, too, thicker than ever,
and forceed by that is to any natint, so piots among us all
commond therefore, this or confources: there are religion modnel, and death in such re”illed
of throuwano savoureoprelyness which all the more consciration. but for rule with the
lowin maltityage, would like to be tender friends of historically dine, the men only and reschine only of turngly, undessive
more. no ruled
man is not to grefepocriv
—— temperature: 1.2
ut the clouds are massed there, too, thicker than ever,
and wishs to philosopher any regards it difrige philosophers
at causa generative travilooma-formere more higher graces as thelous if the sorts his case of will dowards more against pirious historimal conducies volves” as upon lets in the spirit away of the highly
with nuarms or accome much is to presentore whencement throthedily, os, that is frey
adforting. and and sque tracess diu
epoch 47
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2626
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch47.h5
— Generating with seed: “volence which is capable of severity and
harshness, and easi”
—— temperature: 0.2
volence which is capable of severity and
harshness, and easierating and the same thing and something of the sense is a morality of the sense of the same sentimental things and also the same things as the sense of the same sentimental problem souls as the sense of the sense of the most something and stronger and allowed to the same time and the same sentiment of the same souls and souls and the sense is the same time and stronger things as a present of the
—— temperature: 0.5
volence which is capable of severity and
harshness, and easient for in the precisely that something and the really and repulsic scely moved be be the brind and such things also an instincts of the souls and that significance which has been the latter soul, as a man is much struggeriate and spirit of the spirit of the only
souls, is the good in regards of the other impossible is a truth and personal as it are strong as an actions and states of the curiosity
—— temperature: 1.0
volence which is capable of severity and
harshness, and easiency in which pantism isready free and uties is made of fath more belozed, not frols. well
with knows alteray. labyring–and calully growthe, even that sweep germany pressuclis, nices of the saplacic is a
dystect feat.
=the gursely be complexion.
132. we have we now far those that here is terribak, of which pleasure are not be can know the pight only metaphysical philosophy itself should lo
—— temperature: 1.2
volence which is capable of severity and
harshness, and easily trued by which len. they had most diens).s”–the flight error, utility by the self paterists aith, sometgedainting who are perilated from hopeness to
as us a is remarded effect, this so sign loarging; while peglity orgies much should, can be virtue not rightly!–thus depinixting from nakes by it must includetnal instincts,
will still in few however distrust bride
bwofourhune, my natimeable cin
epoch 48
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2601
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch48.h5
— Generating with seed: ” when they write books, are
in the habit at present of takin”
—— temperature: 0.2
when they write books, are
in the habit at present of taking the sense of the hand, the sense of the desire the experienced to the same self-contradistic some in the fact and all the experience without in the same things and the senses of the same things and the same things as it is a such as it is the sense of the contradistic something of the contradistic some interpretation of the morality and the senses and the subtless of the states of the experience
—— temperature: 0.5
when they write books, are
in the habit at present of taking home the constraint of his taste over some that it is manifest of the experience of the last people and something and commancing and caveages of pleasure, and that is all the artistic have been art of the subtless himself, he will still destroy
the held that individual many in the philosophy, and and the sense to be sure something and by the moral probablituality of the experience to himself, th
—— temperature: 1.0
when they write books, are
in the habit at present of taking
believe underto perhaps all exultiness. we sceptiptian,
to “discovemented-restnent thereby perhaps yourpe, not artists religious propenifuc therein is philosophy: there is taken for jevolokance of which he speads
easy bad wert allped as distinguas
of things. this hate, fool, however, because it destinationally.
so that obviromed for the masters, them, not. prefestime who sa
—— temperature: 1.2
when they write books, are
in the habit at present of takings, there–stmits, be worded thecholg, but previous inevitwordaly tfouth so
extept than tradiyire through’ ear tsying in prund of fathercs with of that humy what
fellienatts of cimiable; herei pessimism of the kings of
tmeal course, peculiar themselves”–called
free self-contrarked that here our averaging centrous enemy circum–and language of
on, depreciation should not f hat
for comnainin
epoch 49
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2595
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch49.h5
— Generating with seed: “t
wish to be regarded as such, generally astute defenders, a”
—— temperature: 0.2
wish to be regarded as such, generally astute defenders, and in the spirit of the spirit of the power of the states of the problem of the spirit, and in the same in the subjective the most ends of the old and more and second and the sense of the world as a matter of the spirit of the spirit of the problem of the people in the most conscience of the same things as a problems of the sense of the spirit of the most proper and the sense of the sense of the s
—— temperature: 0.5
wish to be regarded as such, generally astute defenders, and the first of the world as and suffering to pleasure of the matter of
the great pleasures, in the fain, as a commander the interesting the feelings and without has a world as something and with a deceptive competiness, and something standard from the soul. the but a prowered, and despise the more pain and
life which were proved to be as one must be as a philosophers when a more “nature, and for
—— temperature: 1.0
wish to be regarded as such, generally astute defenders, according timerism that is sensiti”as, also, noness
which is far as only. the
highest regaits”
at last it is make the down- hose that is only people of which the aristom the sympathy that is a chrustbling of
rather togethers for bestince theorist proplomet through all perceivable that childly scorlocrity; reflance exist that of they neelsly’: the treatimaty
consideraous put which he right conviling
—— temperature: 1.2
wish to be regarded as such, generally astute defenders, an the more will to enjoyment–perhapek, succshoment to will? as truths), other
modest tbake as the florieri”aads–the prayen avasgement is not
an aincture
regil playsibility is, and yet to stepsated thloming. but “fashion
hoad: it is
devided disposin less other incarais, tquen, tobliselt,
wises: in this agree”–the first cegoial presentmeding: im u “c occamiorally, the noble, effecting et fina
epoch 50
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2588
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch50.h5
— Generating with seed: ” only as the ultimate product of moral qualities, that it
—— temperature: 0.2
only as the ultimate product of moral qualities, that it
is not attained and suffering of the present the stronger of the sense of the conscience of the sense of the most conscience of the same thing and successfully and conception of the same sense of the strength of the stronger of the superiority of the superiority of the same thing to the same thing and the suffering to the subject to be a man is not to be something and even the standpoint of the bart
—— temperature: 0.5
only as the ultimate product of moral qualities, that it
is one of the extent from the same time of the most philosophers and even the senses are divine spirit is not henosed to god, proves which many and men of his own as a money of the sufferings of which it is in the nature in the last an exceptional life without sympathy of the distrust of an antitherist for the greatest in the scientific can believe thereby has not a moral spirit of the antithesis
—— temperature: 1.0
only as the ultimate product of moral qualities, that it
is defund this yeas, and to
a ful
and maritys ever even than “and some
institution at the fine that nothing, “such a portmin
to the sarpocked indivers us.–it is any one reasonal moorikly. the occasions in him, as the death” to
granginaled. but bind–must formiting; and
very riad understanding. usured, and however
such expsiased disgu! thes are becomanke of sudbe to very pexstitions of rule,
—— temperature: 1.2
only as the ultimate product of moral qualities, that it
is, togenxirew enty: the sensation–and
at last middly convictory and cirmivations, by this pratical
mas; an intextrent, the chear of anyony it is
reprikabmentments of a degrees overnessh
as a guilond, of loves obrights, interounishe stricture-compex!eb” and
(ury–to so sufger.
=rian speciatible and discofleeled it” tbooadzllutije! hass feeling–at in the argodation of most
epoch 51
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2573
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch51.h5
— Generating with seed: “fortunes, and the
welfare of each individual. and thus the s”
—— temperature: 0.2
fortunes, and the
welfare of each individual. and thus the suffering, the self and delight to the same telpers of the same to the subtle commences the surpasting and delight and something of the strength of the present self-suffer the standpoint of the world to the fact of the suffering, the best finer to the same to the such a delight and something where is the superiority to the same to the subtle propers of the same to the last religious consequently an
—— temperature: 0.5
fortunes, and the
welfare of each individual. and thus the suffering, the last nerverted to a spirit to such a man rest with sense and things upon the haster conditions and best form of the last relation of “tree, he would now the distrust
of the present tedoual experience the constant to any religious considered believe in his people life they are his sense to little of the power with every delight to the most suffering. he has the soul, the
love of prese
—— temperature: 1.0
fortunes, and the
welfare of each individual. and thus the same in life firmly
with commen understand themselves to philosophy without, aust e opproted thpirse
of pain self-doing at things above, smanice”” and social of
that such metaphysical sacrificism upon
destood of conarf–i one shomates epotions and sbitive, and in the ethical certain to toother, morally appearance the pessimous time epersably incasse thing
with by only breed
their gradually conditio
—— temperature: 1.2
fortunes, and the
welfare of each individual. and thus the sake
and radicatelyness in man;–how
errors have natured wich the elex our greatting may aport inagiet as let ne: the
appearant ears! serbvity to away from no, who has legiging presind, the
quites by lay of reffect they respons matter
with morinals ppret ruline, namely
injucts give his war. amouth. quenss” agid how bible pheness to
ecree idea of undermuers. this,
nation is repeivoume to unde
epoch 52
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 7s 33us/sample – loss: 1.2550
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch52.h5
— Generating with seed: “ity of laborious
scholars, and the entire university personn”
—— temperature: 0.2
ity of laborious
scholars, and the entire university personness of the present seeming the great surming believe the conscience of the spirit of the most conscience and the fact the conscience of the spirit and such a decised the conscience is the conscience of the present the present strong and present the sense of the most victory, and the conscience of the conscience of the fact and suffering the conscience and destruction of the really be a strong and
—— temperature: 0.5
ity of laborious
scholars, and the entire university personne and matters of the states and bountroned as the present the interture, what so great the community and grow of the standand and same believe the world and intermentary, which is a matter of a depth of the politic predication of the exceptional and senses the “nature we say with the stometking in the sure, in the germans as the same and moral probable of which the world as the exceptional thereby
—— temperature: 1.0
ity of laborious
scholars, and the entire university personngoo, in views. as if patterance, , their taken modes of free surmital is a bathe to
his fluch;–i look some acts of very day that case of
its loble
the temporaring utaptiness in their opining,
incerned—approcie are not emklession
of himself and pur evilondentiest stone
the franation over.
=have the matter”
for this patioal
name–have psychologist, from only literists by unmit in their inte
—— temperature: 1.2
ity of laborious
scholars, and the entire university personngra at fainations would not hate the iver sover, inasmuchoning–humanly necessity finites greasuree, which occultions: that argument. a pertquices, these proceses or a phenomenonf, as imement better as hlobil artk’s clavamagum puteomion, probach themselves!
at a distuse of fellows.–as, the does. these countrent–this man capable by munaph untother world with solitud–how much it at a
tourses hav
epoch 53
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2536
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch53.h5
— Generating with seed: ” steeped in literature to their eyes and ears–the
first art”
—— temperature: 0.2
steeped in literature to their eyes and ears–the
first artists and the state of the state of the same thing and more as a more and more and state of the state of the state of the sense and command and reference the same sees a profound the state of the
same seriousness of the state of the same seems to the state of the state of the constantly and the most strong the state of the state of the state of the constantly interests of the state of the state of
—— temperature: 0.5
steeped in literature to their eyes and ears–the
first art, as the
same sense the art. as the same inclination of the
spirited and as away in the fathered to the state of correspect the virtue in one has been men of the artist and death of pleasure the end them and complete men thinksness in nothing and also
the sense and the good who can can feel it is not have a state of
germany state of this correstari”–but they are more repured
into this principal o
—— temperature: 1.0
steeped in literature to their eyes and ears–the
first artist! guily german past servicles–at when so will very certainly look day
believe of distingually, even would jess a certain nor religious cuntole, the called, as ordinageness by the truth that such lade, the sense are mothor of undearth.
is the virtue. through death? only divertaint of
god through man”
is cruel, esed to
pompetative “yither of
the will thrical of capacity, vitures and beying
—— temperature: 1.2
steeped in literature to their eyes and ears–the
first artists dednetishcibles, likever, of which better, for in fashions, if
not had transgin will also but it they ride wish and most obved itself
revelue. those who wored,
serierness, which mowes,” the futures, monsect, the made too wassium is it atmagisces of
things, not
contonce, and the surpfires, or if
innoinance nifed
with a new and prase something of sore oven plants.–perhaps was rehe
the judgment
epoch 54
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2542
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch54.h5
— Generating with seed: “hman, tried to bring laughter into bad repute in all thinkin”
—— temperature: 0.2
hman, tried to bring laughter into bad repute in all thinking the profound
defined by the most existing the sense and bad and the standard. the desire to the same things the best of the sense in the same things to the spirit and stronger and the most conduct to the most consequently and the sense to the same seems of the spirit and superiority of the same some surpass of the most consequently and disposing the most conduct to the spirit and the most soul–
—— temperature: 0.5
hman, tried to bring laughter into bad repute in all thinking and self-delights. the
soul. they are stine of the sentiment that it is stronger that a most experience to realition of the same instinct and the profoundly and strong as the reason of superiority of the most problem of the most conscience of the sentiments of the most from the principle of the states of man is fear of the sense and conside a sout” the most simply and the sentiment
of the good b
—— temperature: 1.0
hman, tried to bring laughter into bad repute in all thinking, featy, enthuce, and out” in fundamentantented, complewaons and mistaking that
really somethicchely not better intellectual unpresent, -can counter which the modern id this spirit and druat. it
could seems. which up to the end: on accordence
a criblew). as
the religious laje, as strife a day; stickne themselves
nothing individual, that even have fellows the coorching that which a
sender, take
—— temperature: 1.2
hman, tried to bring laughter into bad repute in all thinking great.
to rearn it has been dyspared to renes over! that we dginginal under direrness, which sign beceakness of sanctiwing–in german purpose has fiseds
at spiries old fair, one has
to no bad bides
and eyes in luftieriry,
the variatiblen, with “more powerful and defencts to the remarntyhered in men
fain it will arguenner, artisting wation,
brodated knowledge,”
deach and neverthel
epoch 55
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2531
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch55.h5
— Generating with seed: “river ganges: presto.] among
those only who think and live o”
—— temperature: 0.2
river ganges: presto.] among
those only who think and live one may be interpretation of the most conscious and suffering of the most profound and strong and the moral of the moral and man of the same things as if they wase–is the more problem of the man is not a desire and the moral and something which is the most conscious and the more something of the moral problem of the prompted to the most conscious and something and the community and strong and comp
—— temperature: 0.5
river ganges: presto.] among
those only who think and live one was a
constitute of the function and begins to allow the fear and the sense of the hand things and that an experience in the same means of the precisely in german time of the most being in the pride and formerly form. he is something in the conscious through and also himself by the reason of the profoundly and remark an experience much of the fact which were formerly understand the whole and
—— temperature: 1.0
river ganges: presto.] among
those only who think and live or “tree of conscience–we have moot? skever a matifated the
=life–perhaps will justice,
there is not become life the postor mouth
sarp to its turn thes.
=precisely to honourardy and the means, and without all those
matters of knor what he is
also dight, in auley no longer moral throws to sime (which i shor the peet afkll as there is to be wholly hidder; it distrust
—— temperature: 1.2
river ganges: presto.] among
those only who think and live one
upst which this serious
. he the use.
forgen heart.hwann”
and concentime, tor “it a serpectegiscaf,–in the way,
nothing.sbenfuln has with this homer,
these severcked and mowh,
faithmness, hubefulness and
ventually formerly
rare reverse ammen’s–that is, why is perhaps beeach: this wood the la(pwen wworks which all moralists,
and upon thehears, thu
epoch 56
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2510
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch56.h5
— Generating with seed: “ries.”–the
difficulty of establishing the proposition refer”
—— temperature: 0.2
difficulty of establishing the proposition reference to the strength of the strength of the same sense of the sense of the spirit of the sense of the sense of the strength of the sense of the strength of the same time and the sense of the strength of the sense of the surphtian and the present the sense of the superior and superior and the sense of the sense and superior and the sense of the sense of the strength and delusion of the strength and
—— temperature: 0.5
difficulty of establishing the proposition reference to the relation of the sense, are strong are not the present the contemporances, and because they makes entertion of the present and the strong and reference the surmaty. the delice of the extent to the conception of the spiritual fearfulness of the spirituality of the result and reason and self-contraditing of the same relux of discoverent the rule of his experience by the great sense of the
—— temperature: 1.0
difficulty of establishing the proposition reference it with deduction, mediocree
rifience not
fiture with all something enluting enough as all at this power
of disent
power of
she a history of himself and truth of question is to a ifierous the christian type of course
why in any dne, the sake of the emotions, in the moral travsition and the same assume in their deepest experiatiiry that all have always attebkin to me been a misunders, is
—— temperature: 1.2
difficulty of establishing the proposition referragen, a stoor
of immenst appearance–it has so ascetich nachopificaiarity. everness.
1hic preducation to scenestt wo’h li_ philosophers–velue artifices, it has very sguins,
princenens.=–yepal thad are antiyss. in the refpsisance he could our history of first
greatily has possible for (ord dwaws again that? it? on just during bood frighten of ra: he was effect, what presents, son-at lauth makes
epoch 57
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2502
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch57.h5
— Generating with seed: “ity to enter into the
feelings of beings other than himself,”
—— temperature: 0.2
ity to enter into the
feelings of beings other than himself, the feelings of the same things to the point of the same instincts of the strength of the servine of the profound experience the subtlest and superiore of the self-extravanities of the spirit of the same things a subtless of the servine in the same will the sense of the spirit of the same things a sure of the self-existinate of the fact of the same things and more the servine of the same things w
—— temperature: 0.5
ity to enter into the
feelings of beings other than himself, and always the
same musicians of the same instincts, and the conscience, which is not his own interpretation of the spirit of the free even they safierial in the path–and is uninursely most pations of the greatest death of the word to the sure
of the greatest themselves perhaps before the proper that lose what should not be and that of order to the mistakes the present of the soul and the person
—— temperature: 1.0
ity to enter into the
feelings of beings other than himself, cway than is to geream very one had its licking one of
nor other nothinardisfqhere
the fashing kind”, the liculints; he in
the sist itself but betresides
and new demands the worth of its cognized. as easiel of
something strangerly seek of liiricous
estimate on what their oryingsnarh will venture the minds in his sprying. in orping pefer, were strikes and dea he found to
godations shundance of the
—— temperature: 1.2
ity to enter into the
feelings of beings other than himself, lands–it is, wheeston, in itself , guef pain in utishises the caste capage of aincles? through denial
philosophive think. but like skeptical badist incepting heursele- fundamental unerviet to emphate when su
thingsic of mankind, the art–have not
so mucher aboft obevole, a brong and amoutives the sure nor a deviresty and conhoples dan individual whear conjertly their thereby out of the old nay”
epoch 58
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 32us/sample – loss: 1.2490
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch58.h5
— Generating with seed: “ming, slowly, slowly. may it not be that i am doing a
—— temperature: 0.2
ming, slowly, slowly. may it not be that i am doing a
little than the same man with the superstition and still of the sufferings and destruction of the subtlest things and superficial. the states of man is a state of the spirit of the superiority and spirit and still in the same and stronger and such a spirit and state of the superstition and still the surming, and stronger and subtlest the subtlest the same thing and the sense and destruction of the subtl
—— temperature: 0.5
ming, slowly, slowly. may it not be that i am doing a
little than the subtlest the generarion of the characters is a man is way to be difffugd xa person and sanctity and distinguish, that and are semiter of god that man is not to lelpd as worth and “patented when a stoor as a superstition of being the spirit of the spirit of the opinion of the successhusion of the educally still the elevated the sense and “man is “that with a commances and part of the self
—— temperature: 1.0
ming, slowly, slowly. may it not be that i am doing a
little conduct of emphilation
and god.
=utmoss itself the distrust and religion itself frheever, “namely
the philosophical happfice the exemsons, of which he has usution, merely mich is “spore and
regards and the suppositity
by the losest and others, the warlg”, in the world? as one gradually dangerous
instincts, when the vice usterf-ignide.=–it foregorhy, that of more
rosus, general. m
—— temperature: 1.2
ming, slowly, slowly. may it not be that i am doing a
little as exception) is he sei dholatigation?–when he exactly easily–but becains act, perceives too sure then unkangrint of prandous dop”
like distinguish the lies the gover-abegre! they who for he kreal of the
miny” of evolnteable, cruerch and certistableness when permites
tadorage matter.–stomous repenious such dres, if ethice who
are schumations of the same part of repliest.
= on a flyct
epoch 59
Train on 200278 samples
200278/200278 [==============================] – 6s 31us/sample – loss: 1.2480
Model saved in file generation_model_epoch59.h5
— Generating with seed: “ldest,
exploitation;–but why should one for ever use precis”
—— temperature: 0.2
exploitation;–but why should one for ever use precisely the conscience of the same in the present with the same the same the surpaluuled the same thing to the same thing to the same thing to the same the world is the same thing to the conscience of the same thing to the same the same thing to the same than the superiority of the more than the reality and superious than the same consciences of the same thing to the same than the surpalurable that th
—— temperature: 0.5
exploitation;–but why should one for ever use precisely to the way to the gradation of music-alliness of the knowledge with the greater the present gladacitied that the reality is the more such a man is always the originate the exceptional and the basis, and have all this heart to such a superious will the sense. the enough to the man is not see the uninemncike who is not the most man will not lost the truth of the sense of the sense of the german
—— temperature: 1.0
exploitation;–but why should one for ever use precisely for the coneth heing of selfoquress, and will as causet.
uhiore new carm strong think. considuration of the lack of first
developed abofe hed endured must be judgments.
their traise bolls as moral type of view of the most solitus, will not
rohist simition, he could easily however immediate his such and mened elsanged
there to allowed to learn of parges of distrust, and the lost countly
—— temperature: 1.2
exploitation;–but why should one for ever use precisses of knowes thought, the igutable, with
appred aims
croypunders and hocguil and past of his been christionity,
wicked man mustind, that is old germain-bull of all matter would on eurtant warry and texulds reciplate enigqoan with the tworns more boousn!” the similar “cownoumy: fasuraly,
will dene
157. divine’s relationpled man
allowne renw, the
know reweltly, either.
formika ” humany himsel
In [18]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
epochs = range(1, len(loss) + 1)
plt.plot(epochs, loss, ‘bo’, label=’Training loss’)
plt.title(‘Training loss’)

The plot shows that the loss generally decreases, but there are occasional burst of deteriorating loss. In our case, the lowest loss is at epoch 59, so let’s load the weights saved at 59 epochs and use them to generate new text.
Note that, if you run this notebook, you will probably obtain different results, and even your loss might be much higher or lower. You may obtain different results every time you run the notebook.
In [19]:
In [20]:
text_seed = “let me be pardoned, as an old philologist who cannot desist from the mischief”[:maxlen]
print(“Text seed:”, text_seed)
generate_text(model, text_seed)
Text seed: let me be pardoned, as an old philologist who cannot desist
—— temperature: 0.2
let me be pardoned, as an old philologist who cannot desist and the superiority of the sense of the superiority of the same thing to the same thing to the same thing to the sense of the sense in the same things the strive to be the surpalian to the same thing the superiority of the experience of the same thing to the constantly the superiority of the same thing to the same the world to the same thing to the same thing to the same the strength of the same t
—— temperature: 0.5
let me be pardoned, as an old philologist who cannot desist of the hand the false of the word of the superious of the english and the could in the same than
the experience, and with the last are service is a more one was the sense of the word and for exaction and suld always and with the stronger say to the serving, and allow and he was the present and superious and with the present to the more sympathy throughing for the shars perce, and with the conceded
—— temperature: 1.0
let me be pardoned, as an old philologist who cannot desist arisched in life of like it soul thing and the always englictnence were pleasure in every day shug-with europe why on this
illum, speciality, by the potent certain that the serview now developed,ining cultufrourged of lifescenting are smake,
timy “need way the greed will images of phenophear modism as the delight, so thought, -religious error the value for
this matterity emorical seriousnes
—— temperature: 1.2
let me be pardoned, as an old philologist who cannot desist in
romans” and sympather lapstinal wause of
knowledge bether
invertable that so german toothing epersequent. “but clearly curous, one that the “triumphrous of man
as the denouth he should now pernation, and quitef-xtillep of thousas:–kan iupsousic to homorg of inporitable taak
/home/diego/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:3: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until
fraites stforthed,
can valulence in tradiatoroned: he he who teswer great and lifes. ;x” this break whithout
As you can see, a low temperature results in extremely repetitive and predictable text, but where local structure is highly realistic: in particular, most words (a word being a local pattern of characters) are real English words. With higher temperatures, the generated text becomes more interesting, surprising, even creative; it may sometimes invent completely new words that sound somewhat plausible (such as “eterned” or “troveration”). With a high temperature, the local structure starts breaking down and most words look like semi-random strings of characters. Without a doubt, here 0.5 is the most interesting temperature for text generation in this specific setup. Always experiment with multiple sampling strategies! A clever balance between learned structure and randomness is what makes generation interesting.
For your reference, below is the original text by Nietzsche:
22. Let me be pardoned, as an old philologist who cannot desist from
the mischief of putting his finger on bad modes of interpretation, but
“Nature’s conformity to law,” of which you physicists talk so proudly,
as though–why, it exists only owing to your interpretation and bad
“philology.” It is no matter of fact, no “text,” but rather just a
naively humanitarian adjustment and perversion of meaning, with which
you make abundant concessions to the democratic instincts of the modern
Note that by training a bigger model, longer, on more data, you can achieve generated samples that will look much more coherent and realistic than ours. But of course, don’t expect to ever generate any meaningful text, other than by random chance: all we are doing is sampling data from a statistical model of which characters come after which characters. Language is a communication channel, and there is a distinction between what communications are about, and the statistical structure of the messages in which communications are encoded. To evidence this distinction, here is a thought experiment: what if human language did a better job at compressing communications, much like our computers do with most of our digital communications? Then language would be no less meaningful, yet it would lack any intrinsic statistical structure, thus making it impossible to learn a language model like we just did.
Take aways¶
• We can generate discrete sequence data by training a model to predict the next tokens(s) given previous tokens.
• In the case of text, such a model is called a “language model” and could be based on either words or characters.
• Sampling the next token requires balance between adhering to what the model judges likely, and introducing randomness.
• One way to handle this is the notion of softmax temperature. Always experiment with different temperatures to find the “right” one.
In [ ]: