str:.byte 0:50
substr1: .byte 0:50
substr2: .byte 0:50
inputStrMsg:.asciiz “\nInput the string (with length at most 50): \n”
inputSubstr1Msg:.asciiz “Input the substring you want to replace: \n”
inputSubstr2Msg:.asciiz “Input the substring you want to replace with (in the same length): \n”
failMsg:.asciiz “\nsubstring not found!”
successMsg: .asciiz “\nThe processed string is :”
la $s0, str # s0 = address of target string
la $s1, substr1 # s1 = address of substr1
la $s2, substr2 # s2 = address of substr2
# print input message
li $v0,4
la $a0, inputStrMsg
# getting the original/target string from user
add $a0, $s0, $zero
li $a1, 50
li $v0, 8
li $v0,4
la $a0, inputSubstr1Msg
# getting the substr1 from user
add $a0, $s1, $zero
li $a1, 50
li $v0, 8
li $v0,4
la $a0, inputSubstr2Msg
# getting the substr2 from user
add $a0, $s2, $zero
li $a1, 50
li $v0, 8
add $a0,$s0,$zero #$a0 address of the target/original string
add $a1,$s1,$zero #$a1 the address of substr1
add $a2,$s2,$zero #$a2 the address of substr1
#pass $a0,$a1,$a2 to the function call
#$a0 is address of the target/original string
#$a1 is the address of substr1 (the substring to search for)
#$a2 is the address of substr2 (the substring to replace substr1 with)
jal findAndReplaceSubstring
j end
#inputs $a0: address of the target/original string
# $a1: the address of substr1 (the substring to search for)
# $a2: the address of substr2 (the substring to replace substr1 with)
# hint: 1. you can call the strlen() to find the lengths of str, substr1 and substr2 as needed
# 2. you can use “lbu” to load a character
# 3. you can call replace() to do the substr replacement directly in str[], at the end just need to output str if replacement has been done
#You can add labels as you wish
#remember to preserve the save registers and the $ra according to slide 76 of https://course.cse.ust.hk/comp2611/note/COMP2611_ISA_Spring21.pdf
jr $ra
###TODO above
#input $a0: the address of the string
#output $v0: the length of the string
#this is the same strlen() function as in Q2
#*you can copy and paste the same function from Q2 to here*
#add labels as you wish
#remember to preserve the save registers and the $ra according to slide 76 of https://course.cse.ust.hk/comp2611/note/COMP2611_ISA_Spring21.pdf
jr $ra
#inputs $a0: address of target string
# $a1: index of where substr1 is found in the target string
# $a2: address of substr2
# $a3: length of substr2
#IMPORT! This function write directly to str[] updaing str[] by replacing substr1 starting at str[i] with substr2
#add labels as you wish
#remember to preserve the save registers and the $ra according to slide 76 of https://course.cse.ust.hk/comp2611/note/COMP2611_ISA_Spring21.pdf
jr $ra
#do not remove this label!