Computer Science 1 — CSCI 1100 Test 2 Overview and Practice Questions Spring Semester, 2021
Important Logistical Instructions:
Test 2 will be held Thursday, April 1, 2021.
This will be a 90 minutes exam. Your start and submission time will be tracked on Submitty
to ensure you submit within the 90 minutes maximum allowed time.
Those submitting after the 90 minutes deadline will incur a penalty depending on how late the submission
was from the deadline.
Most students will take the exam from 6:55pm – 8:25 pm; although, we may adjust this time to avoid undue strain on the Submitty server. If we decide to adjust individual starting and stoping times, we will communicate the relevant details before the day of the exam.
Students who provided us with an accommodation letter indicating the need for extra time or a quiet location will be allowed additional time depending upon the accomodation. Those with 50% accomodation must submit within 135 minutes and those with 100% accomodation must submit within 180 minutes.
The format of the exam: You will be given 2-3 problems and you will write and submit code for each individual problem to Submitty. These will not be auto-graded like your homeworks. Therefore, you will not see any points once you submit. There is no limit to the number of submissions.
While we do not prohibit the use of IDEs, you should prioritize your algorithms over minor syntax or minor printing issues. We recommend developing and submitting a possibly flawed solution to each question on the test before trying to debug any solution.
Students MUST:
– Make sure they have a steady internet connection before the exam – Submit their .py files to Test 2 Gradeable on Submitty
– Submit a separate .py file for each problem
During the exam, if you are doubtful/confused about a problem, simply state your assumptions and/or interpretation as comments right before your code and write your solution accord- ingly. Do not email us as we will not respond. Clarifying the test for one student will disadvantage the other students who don’t receive the additional information.
During exam time, you should NOT contact any of the TAs or mentors either via email or on the discussion forum. You should not be communicating with any of your classmates or with an external aid. Violations of this policy will be considered cheating. In case of an extremely urgent situation please email the instructors at: DO NOT email the instructors directly on their personal email, but you should not expect a response during the exam time.
This is an open book, open notes and open reference material exam. However, you cannot take/give help from or to your peers.
You are expected to abide by the following Honor code when appearing for this exam: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received any aid on this exam.”
You are advised to submit your own work as we will run MOSS (plagiarism detection software) on all your submissions. Any matches we find will be handled in accordance with the class syllabus.
Primary coverage is Lectures 7-16, Labs 3-7, HW 2-5. Material covered before these lectures can also be useful in solving problems for this exam. Images will not be covered.
Here are some important topics to keep in mind. Lists and tuples are very important for this exam. Make sure you are comfortable with all the different list functions (append, insert, remove, concatenation, replication and slicing), and the differences between tuples, strings and lists (they are indexed similarly, but tuples and strings cannot be changed and so do not exhibit aliasing.)
Study how to pass lists as arguments to functions. We will also ask questions on the use of if statements, while and for loops, ranges, splitting and slicing. Make sure you know how to do basic operations on lists using loops such as: compare items from two separate lists, find specific items in a list, find the index of a specific item in a list (min, max, last value with some property), add up values in a list. Learn to write functions over lists such as check if the list contains a specific type of item (eg. negative, 0, divisible by 3, etc.), return True if so and False otherwise. Know booleans, comparisons and the boolean functions and, or and not.
Know how to generate truth tables for boolean expressions. Know how to read data from files and other file operations. These are examples of the type of problems we have solved and you should become very comfortable with them before the test. They are by no means the full list of possible questions.
While this exam will focus on the material above, we are free to ask questions about any material from previous labs, lectures and homeworks as well. In particular, you will need to write a lot of functions. Make sure you know the difference between printing a value in a function, returning a value from a function, or both printing and returning.
Below are many sample questions, far more than will be on the test. Solutions to most of the problems will be posted on-line in the Course Resources section of Submitty on Monday, October 26. These posted solutions will not include problems involving output from Python — test these out yourself!
The test questions will be closely related to these practice problems AND to problems from the homework, the labs, and the lecture exercises.
Separately, we have posted the 2nd exam Fall 2020. Questions
1. Write a Python function called compare date that takes as arguments two lists of two integers each. Each list contains a month and a year, in that order. The function should return -1 if the first month and year are earlier than the second month and year, 0 if they are the same, and 1 if the first month and year are later than the second. Your code should work for any legal input for month and year. Example calls and expected output are shown below:
>>> compare_date( [10,1995], [8,1995] )
>>> compare_date( [5,2010], [5,2010] )
>>> compare_date( [10,1993], [8,1998] )
2. Assume v is a list containing numbers. Write Python code to find and print the highest two values in v.If the list contains only one number, print only that number. If the list is empty, print nothing. For example, if we assigned
v = [ 7, 3, 1, 5, 10, 6 ]
then the output of your code should be something like
7 10
If we are given that
then the output of your code should be
3. Consider a simplified version of the lab Yelp data, where just the name of the restaurant, the type of restaurant, and the ratings are provided. Assume these values have already been read into a list of lists of the form below:
restaurants = [ [ ‘Acme’, ‘Italian’, 2, 4, 3, 5],
[ ‘Flintstone’, ‘Steak’, 5, 2, 4, 3, 3, 4],
[ ‘Bella Troy’, ‘Italian’, 1, 4, 5] ]
Write a segment of Python code that prints all Italian restaurants in the restaurants list that have no ratings of value 1 and at least one rating of value 5. In the above example, Acme would be printed in the output, but Flintstone and Bella Troy would not. Flintstone is not Italian and Bella Troy has a 1 rating. Your code should work for any legal version of restaurants.
4. Continuing with the Yelp data, assume that you have the code
in_file = open(‘yelp.txt’)
for line in in_file:
p_line = parse_line(line)
and that the parse_line function will return a list that looks like
[“Meka’s Lounge”, 42.74, -73.69, “Bars”, [5, 2, 4, 4, 3, 4, 5], 3.857 ]
where the last entry in the list is the average rating. Modify the for loop above to create a list called high that stores the names of all restaurants that have an average rating of at least 4.0. You do not have to print high.
5. In the game of chess you can often estimate how well you are doing by adding the values of the pieces you have captured. The pieces are Pawns, Bishops, Knights, Rooks and Queens. Their values are
P – (P)awn, value = 1
B – (B)ishop, value = 3
K – (K)night, value = 3
R – (R)ook, value = 5
Q – (Q)ueen, value = 9
Write a Python function called chess_score that takes a single string as an argument and returns the combined values represented by the pieces in the string. You may assume that only ‘P’, ‘B’, ‘K’, ‘R’, and ‘Q’ appear in the string. You may not use any if statements and you may not use any loops. As an example,
should output the value 16 because there are 2 Bishops (3 points each), 1 Queen (9 points each), and 1 Pawn (1 point each).
6. You are given a file that contains, on each line of input, three integers separated by commas. Write a Python program that sums all of the first integers, the second integers, and the third integers, outputting the resulting sums all on one line, separated by commas. As a simple example, if the input is
2, 5,7
3, 6, 10
1, 2, -3 2, 4, 1
Then the output should be
8, 17, 15
7. Write a single line of Python code to generate the following ranges
(a) [100,99,98,…,0] (b) [55,53,51,…,−1]
(c) [3,5,7,9,…,29]
(d) [−95,−90,−85,…,85,90]
Now do it using a loop. For the loop, you can assume the list will be in the variable L at the end.
8. Write a while loop to add all of the numbers in a list v until it reaches a negative number or until it reaches the end of the list. Store the sum in the variable result. Your code should work for any version of v containing only numbers. For example, the value of result should be 25 after the loop for both of the following lists:
v = [ 10, 12, 3, -5, 5, 6 ]
v = [ 0, 10, 3, 6, 5, 1 ]
9. Write Python code that takes a list of numbers, v, and outputs the positive values that are in v in increasing order, one value per line. If there are no positive values, then the output should be the string ‘None’. You may assume there is at least one value in the list. As an example,
v = [ 17, -5, 15, -3, 12, -5, 0, 12, 22, -1 ]
Then the output of your code should be
12 12 15 17 22
As a second example, if
v = [ -17, -5, -15, -3, -12, -5, 0, -12, -22, -1 ]
then then output should be just
10. What is the output of the following operations:
>>> mylist = [1,4,8,12,6]
>>> x = mylist.sort()
>>> print(x)
>>> mylist = [1,4,8,12,6]
>>> slice1 = mylist[2:4]
>>> slice1[0] = 20
>>> print(slice1)
>>> print(mylist)
11. What is the output of the following program?
def spam(a1,b1,a2,b2):
if (a1 == a2) and (b1 > b2):
return 1
return 0
def egg(a1,b1,a2,b2):
if (a1 > a2) and (b1 == b2):
return 0
return 1
print(spam(a2, b2, a1, b1))
print(egg(a1, b1, a2, b2))
c = spam(a1, b2, a2, b1)
c += egg(a1, b2, a2, b1)
12. Write a function called copy_half that takes the name of two files as arguments. The function should copy the first, third, fifth, etc. lines (i.e. odd lines only) from the first file to the second file. For example, if the file names are ‘in.txt’ and ‘out.txt’ and if ‘in.txt’ contains
starting line
not this line
middle line is here
skip this line too
I like this line
then after the call
copy_half( ‘in.txt’, ‘out.txt’ ) the file ‘out.txt’ should contain
starting line
middle line is here
I like this line
13. Write a segment of code that reads integers from a file called test2.txt and stores the positive values in one list, the negative values in a second list, and skips blank lines and zeros. The order of the values in each list should match the order of the input. Each line of input will contain either spaces or spaces and an integer. For example, if test2.txt contains
a1 = 3
b1 = 4
a2 = 6
b2 = 4
11 -3
Thenafteryourcode,thelistPshouldbe[ 11, 5 ]andthelistNshouldbe[ -3 ]. 14. Give the output of each of the following
L = [ 0, 12, 3, 5, 2, -1 ] while 0 <= i and i < len(L):
if L[i] < 0:
i = L[i]
print(i, L[i])
tough = 2
for i in range(2):
for j in range(i, tough):
s += tough
tough = s
15. Please show the output from the following code?
def get_min(v):
return v[0]
def get_max(v):
x = max(v)
return x
v = [ 14, 19, 4, 5, 12, 8 ]
if len(v) > 10 and get_min(v) > 6:
print(“So long”)
if len(v) < 10 or get_max(v):
16. Show the output from the following code:
def elephant(height):
time_step = 1
steps = 0
while steps < height:
steps += time_step
steps -= time_step//3
time_step += 1
print("{}, {}".format(time_step, steps))
17. Show the output of the following code. Make sure we can determine what is output and what is scratch work.
def remove_something(z):
z.remove( z[z[0]] )
v = [ 1, 8, [12, 8], 'hello', 'car' ]
x = 'salad'
if len(v[2]) >= 2:
if x > v[3]:
print( ‘One’)
if v[0] == 1:
elif len(v) == 5:
18. You are given a list of lists represented as an NxN grid in which each list corresponds to one row of the grid. For example, a 4×4 grid is given by:
Write a piece of code to print the grid in the following format with a vertical and horizontal line right in the middle:
12|34 43|21 —-|—- 21|42 21|45
19. Write a piece of code that repeatedly asks the user for numbers using input until the user enters ’stop’. Then, the program reports the sum of the values entered by the user and the total number of values strictly greater than zero. You can assume that the user enters a valid number until she enters stop.
An example run of this code is given below.
Enter a value ==> 1.2
Enter a value ==> 0
Enter a value ==> 2
Enter a value ==> -1
Enter a value ==> stop
Sum: 2.2
Values > 0: 2
20. Write a function remove_val(l,val) that removes all copies of val from list l. Suppose you are given a variable x containing numbers as shown below:
x = [1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 2, 5, 5, 2]
Then, your function should work as follows:
>>> remove_val(x,4)
>>> x
[1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 2]
Note: if your function returns a new list with this content instead of modifying it as given, you will lose points. Also, be careful with this one. The code:
def remove_val(l,val):
for item in l:
if item == val:
def remove_val(l,val):
for index in range(len(l)):
if l[index] == val:
will not work. Can you explain why? Try writing (a) using a while loop and see if that makes it clearer.
For (b) try running it in the debugger.
21. Suppose you are given the scores of two athletes in various competitions, provided as two separate lists. Assume there are unknown number of competitions numbered 1,2,3, etc. and the length of the two lists is the same.
a1 = [11,8,11,9]
a2 = [11,9,8,12]
For example according this to list, both athletes got a score of 11 in competition 1. Print the index of all the competitions in which a2 did better. For example, for the above lists, we would print:
a2 is better in 2 4
If there is no value in which a2 is better, then you should print: a2 is never better
22. What is the output from the following code:
>>> L1 = [‘cat’, ‘dog’, ‘hawk’, ‘tiger’, ‘parrot’]
>>> print(L1[1:-1])
>>> print(L1[1:-2])
>>> print(L1[1:-4])
>>> print(L1[1:0])
>>> print(L1[1:10])
>>> print(L1[::-1])
>>> print(L1[1:4:2])
>>> print(L1[::-2])
23. And a final, really hard one … Ask about it and we can go over why in review.
r = 10*[1]
for i in range(len(r)):
L = 10*[1]
for l in L:
24. Okay not really a ”What’s the Output” but similar. See if you can explain this one:
r = 10*[1]
for i in range(len(r)):