#!/usr/bin/env python3
import typing as T
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
from graphdep import Batch, GraphDepModel
def print_header(header: str, space: bool = True) -> None:
border = 80 * ‘=’
print(border, f'{header:^80}’, border, sep=’\n’)
def do_eval(batch_iter: T.Iterable[Batch], model: GraphDepModel,
desc: T.Optional[str] = None) -> T.Tuple[float, float, float]:
uas_correct, las_correct, total, tree_sent, tot_sent = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
with tqdm(batch_iter, desc=desc, leave=False, disable=None, unit=’batch’,
dynamic_ncols=True) as it:
for batch in it:
b_ucorr, b_lcorr, b_tot, b_trees = model.eval_batch(batch)
uas_correct += b_ucorr
las_correct += b_lcorr
total += b_tot
tree_sent += b_trees
tot_sent += len(batch[4])
it.set_postfix(LAS=f'{100 * las_correct / total:.1f}’)
return uas_correct / total, las_correct / total, tree_sent / tot_sent
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
from pathlib import Path
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm
import config as cfg
from data import UDData
argparser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
argparser.add_argument(‘–debug’, action=’store_true’,
help=’Enable debugging mode: only processes 10% of ‘
‘data per epoch and disables background data ‘
‘processing. Make sure not to use this flag ‘
“when you’re ready to train your final model!”)
args = argparser.parse_args()
print_header(f’INITIALIZING{” (debug mode)” if args.debug else “”}’, False)
if gpu := torch.cuda.is_available():
print(f’Running on GPU: {torch.cuda.get_device_name()}.’)
print(‘Running on CPU.’)
print(‘Reading data…’, end=’ ‘, flush=True)
train, dev, test = UDData.read(*cfg.UD_CORPUS,
fraction=0.1 if args.debug else 1)
print(‘Initializing model…’, end=’ ‘, flush=True)
model = GraphDepModel(cfg.HFTF_MODEL_NAME, len(train.deprels_s2i))
model = model.cuda()
print(‘Done.’, flush=True)
print_header(f’TRAINING{” (debug mode)” if args.debug else “”}’)
train_dl = DataLoader(train, batch_size=cfg.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True,
num_workers=0 if args.debug else 2,
collate_fn=model.collate, pin_memory=gpu,
persistent_workers=not args.debug)
dev_dl = DataLoader(dev, batch_size=cfg.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False,
num_workers=0 if args.debug else 2,
collate_fn=model.collate, pin_memory=gpu,
persistent_workers=not args.debug)
weights_file = Path(‘weights-q2.pt’)
print(f’Best weights will be saved to {weights_file}.\n’)
barfmt = (‘{l_bar}{bar}| %d/’ + str(cfg.EPOCHS)
+ ‘ [{elapsed}<{remaining}{postfix}]')
epoch_steps = len(train_dl) + len(dev_dl)
best_las = 0.
with tqdm(total=cfg.EPOCHS * epoch_steps, desc='Training', disable=None,
unit='epoch', dynamic_ncols=True, bar_format=barfmt % 0) as pbar:
for epoch in range(1, cfg.EPOCHS + 1):
with tqdm(train_dl, desc=f'Epoch {epoch}', leave=False,
disable=None, unit='batch', dynamic_ncols=True) as it:
for batch in it:
trn_loss = model.train_batch(batch)
dev_uas, dev_las, _ = do_eval(dev_dl, model, 'Validating')
if best := dev_las > best_las:
best_las = dev_las
torch.save(model.state_dict(), str(weights_file))
tqdm.write(f’Epoch {epoch:>2} validation LAS: {dev_las:.1%}’
f'{” (BEST!)” if best else ” “} ‘
f’UAS: {dev_uas:.1%}’)
pbar.bar_format = barfmt % epoch
print(‘Restoring the best model weights found on the dev set…’,
end=’ ‘, flush=True)
print(‘Done.’, flush=True)
tst_dl = DataLoader(test, batch_size=cfg.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False,
num_workers=0 if args.debug else 2,
collate_fn=model.collate, pin_memory=gpu,
persistent_workers=not args.debug)
tst_uas, tst_las, tst_trees = do_eval(tst_dl, model, ‘Testing’)
print(f’Test LAS: {tst_las:.1%} UAS: {tst_uas:.1%} Trees: {tst_trees:.1%}’)
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com