留学生代考 This provides a framework for writing markin scripts.

This provides a framework for writing markin scripts.
To write a marking script, you need to import this module in your file and
call the function ‘runMarking’ in your main function on a list of ‘Test’s.
module MarkingCore(

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Test(Test, mark, description, successMsg, failMsg, prop, condition)
, TestCondition(Always, IfFail, IfSuccess, Any, All)
, TestProperty
, makeNullaryProp
, makeUnaryProp
, makeBinaryProp
, makeTernaryProp
, makeUnaryPropWith
, makeBinaryPropWith
, makeTernaryPropWith
, makeQuarternaryPropWith
, makeNullaryProp’
, makeUnaryProp’
, makeBinaryProp’
, makeTernaryProp’
, makeUnaryPropWith’
, makeBinaryPropWith’
, makeTernaryPropWith’
, makeQuarternaryPropWith’
, runMarking
, newSection

import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Random

Contains the data of a test:

* the number of marks for this test,

* a description that will be displayed before the test is run,

* a success or fail message that will be displayed when the test passes or fails,

* an object of type ‘TestProperty’ containing the logic of the test, and

* an object of type ‘TestCondition’ specifying when the test should be run.
data Test = Test { mark :: Int
, description :: String
, successMsg :: String
, failMsg :: String
, prop :: TestProperty
, condition :: TestCondition

Specifies when a test should be run depending on the results of the tests that
have been previously run. For instance, you can have a test A with condition
@Any [IfFail B, IfSuccess C]@ for some tests B and C. Then test A will only be
run if either test B has been run and failed or if test C has been run and passed.
data TestCondition = Always
| IfFail Test
| IfSuccess Test
| Any [TestCondition]
| All [TestCondition]

Evaluates a condition and returns a boolean. Besides the condition, this takes
another two arguments: ‘passed’ and ‘failed’. These are the tests that have
already passed or failed respectively. See ‘runAllTestsIter’ for how this is used.
evalCond :: TestCondition -> [Test] -> [Test] -> Bool
evalCond (Always) _ _ = True
evalCond (IfFail test) _ failed = test `elem` failed
evalCond (IfSuccess test) passed _ = test `elem` passed
evalCond (Any conds) passed failed = any (\cond -> evalCond cond passed failed) conds
evalCond (All conds) passed failed = all (\cond -> evalCond cond passed failed) conds

A wrapper for QuickCheck test. To create objects of this type, you must use
one of the functions provided, such as ‘makeUnaryProp’ or ‘makeBinaryPropWith’.
newtype TestProperty = TestProperty Property

instance Eq Test where
t1 == t2 = description t1 == description t2

The default timeout used for the tests. You shouldn’t change this as 1 second
works quite well for most tests. If you need a different timeout for some of
your tests, use functions such as ‘makeUnaryProp” or ‘makeBinaryPropWith”.
defaultTime :: Int
defaultTime = 1000000

counterexampleMsg :: Int -> String
counterexampleMsg arity = case arity of
1 -> “The test failed on input:”
otherwise -> “The test failed on inputs:”

Creates a nullary test property with a timeout of 1 second.
:: Testable prop =>
prop -> TestProperty
makeNullaryProp test = makeNullaryProp’ test defaultTime

Creates an unary test property. This does two things:

* add a timeout of 1 second using ‘within’ in a clever way, and

* add a simple counterexample messages using ‘counterexample’.
:: (Arbitrary a, Show a, Testable prop) =>
(a -> prop) -> TestProperty
makeUnaryProp test = makeUnaryProp’ test defaultTime

Creates a binary test property. This does two things:

* add a timeout of 1 second using ‘within’ in a clever way, and

* add a simple counterexample messages using ‘counterexample’.
:: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b,
Show a, Show b, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> prop) -> TestProperty
makeBinaryProp test = makeBinaryProp’ test defaultTime

Creates a tertiary test property. This does two things:

* add a timeout of 1 second using ‘within’ in a clever way, and

* add a simple counterexample messages using ‘counterexample’.
:: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c,
Show a, Show b, Show c, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> c -> prop) -> TestProperty
makeTernaryProp test = makeTernaryProp’ test defaultTime

Creates a unary test property with a custom generator and shrink function.

This is useful when the valid inputs form a small subset of the input type,
e.g. you may want arbitrary permutations of @[1..n]@ instead of arbitrary lists.
In these cases, discarding invalid inputs in the test itself would not work.
:: (Show a, Testable prop) =>
(a -> prop)
-> Gen a — generator
-> (a -> [a]) — shrink function
-> TestProperty
makeUnaryPropWith test = makeUnaryPropWith’ test defaultTime

Creates a binary test property with a custom generator and shrink function.

Note that this takes a single generator of type @Gen (a, b)@ instead of many
generators, which is useful if you have many inputs that depend on each other.
For example, suppose you have a test that takes a game board and a legal move
for that board. Discarding the illegal moves using a precondtion will probably
not work as that will exceed the discards limit, so you should instead write a
generator that produces an arbitrary board *and* a legal move at the same time.
:: (Show a, Show b, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> prop)
-> Gen (a, b) — generator
-> ((a, b) -> [(a, b)]) — shrink function
-> TestProperty
makeBinaryPropWith test = makeBinaryPropWith’ test defaultTime

Creates a tertiary test property with a custom generator and shrink function.

Note that this takes a single generator of type @Gen (a, b, c)@ instead of many
generators, which is useful if you have many inputs that depend on each other.
For example, suppose you have a test that takes a game board and a legal move
for that board. Discarding the illegal moves using a precondtion will probably
not work as that will exceed the discards limit, so you should instead write a
generator that produces an arbitrary board *and* a legal move at the same time.
:: (Show a, Show b, Show c, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> c -> prop)
-> Gen (a, b, c) — generator
-> ((a, b, c) -> [(a, b, c)]) — shrink function
-> TestProperty
makeTernaryPropWith test = makeTernaryPropWith’ test defaultTime

Creates a quaternary test property with a custom generator and shrink function.
:: (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> c -> d -> prop)
-> Gen (a, b, c, d) — generator
-> ((a, b, c, d) -> [(a, b, c, d)]) — shrink function
-> TestProperty
makeQuarternaryPropWith test = makeQuarternaryPropWith’ test defaultTime

Just like ‘makeNullaryProp’ but uses a custom timeout instead of the default one (1 second).
:: Testable prop =>
prop -> Int -> TestProperty
makeNullaryProp’ test time =
TestProperty $ within time test

Just like ‘makeUnaryProp’ but uses a custom timeout instead of the default one (1 second).
:: (Arbitrary a, Show a, Testable prop) =>
(a -> prop) -> Int -> TestProperty
makeUnaryProp’ test time =
TestProperty $ counterexample (counterexampleMsg 1) $
property (\x -> within time $ test x)

Just like ‘makeBinaryProp’ but uses a custom timeout instead of the default one (1 second).
:: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b,
Show a, Show b, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> prop) -> Int -> TestProperty
makeBinaryProp’ test time =
TestProperty $ counterexample (counterexampleMsg 2) $
property (\x y -> within time $ test x y)

Just like ‘makeTernaryProp’ but uses a custom timeout instead of the default one (1 second).
:: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c,
Show a, Show b, Show c, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> c -> prop) -> Int -> TestProperty
makeTernaryProp’ test time =
TestProperty $ counterexample (counterexampleMsg 3) $
property (\x y z -> within time $ test x y z)

Just like ‘makeUnaryPropWith’ but uses a custom timeout instead of the default one (1 second).
:: (Show a, Testable prop) =>
(a -> prop)
-> Int — timeout
-> Gen a — generator
-> (a -> [a]) — shrink function
-> TestProperty
makeUnaryPropWith’ test time gen shrink =
TestProperty $ counterexample (counterexampleMsg 1) $
forAllShrink gen shrink (\x -> within time $ test x)

Just like ‘makeBinaryPropWith’ but uses a custom timeout instead of the default one (1 second).
:: (Show a, Show b, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> prop)
-> Int — timeout
-> Gen (a, b) — generator
-> ((a, b) -> [(a, b)]) — shrink function
-> TestProperty
makeBinaryPropWith’ test time gen shrink =
TestProperty $ counterexample (counterexampleMsg 2) $
forAllShrink gen shrink (\(x, y) -> within time $ test x y)

Just like ‘makeTernaryPropWith’ but uses a custom timeout instead of the default one (1 second).
:: (Show a, Show b, Show c, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> c -> prop)
-> Int — timeout
-> Gen (a, b, c) — generator
-> ((a, b, c) -> [(a, b, c)]) — shrink function
-> TestProperty
makeTernaryPropWith’ test time gen shrink =
TestProperty $ counterexample (counterexampleMsg 3) $
forAllShrink gen shrink (\(x, y, z) -> within time $ test x y z)

Just like ‘makeQuaternaryPropWith’ but uses a custom timeout instead of the default one (1 second).
:: (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Testable prop) =>
(a -> b -> c -> d -> prop)
-> Int — timeout
-> Gen (a, b, c, d) — generator
-> ((a, b, c, d) -> [(a, b, c , d)]) — shrink function
-> TestProperty
makeQuarternaryPropWith’ test time gen shrink =
TestProperty $ counterexample (counterexampleMsg 4) $
forAllShrink gen shrink (\(x, y, z, w) -> within time $ test x y z w)

Runs the marking. It takes a list of tests to run and a boolean specifying
whether this assignment is assessed (if true, the script will print the total
number of marks at the end). You should run this in your ‘main’ function.
runMarking :: [Test] -> Bool -> IO ()
runMarking tests assessed = do
feedback <- getArgs >>= return . not . (“–marking” `elem`)
marks <- runAllTests tests feedback when assessed $ putStrLn $ if feedback then newSection ++ newSection ++ newSection ++ (toMarks $ printMarks marks) else show marks Runs a list of tests and returns the total number of marks. This also takes a boolean specifying whether the script should print any feedback. runAllTests :: [Test] -> Bool -> IO Int
runAllTests tests feedback = runAllTestsIter 0 [] [] tests
runAllTestsIter :: Int -> [Test] -> [Test] -> [Test] -> IO Int
runAllTestsIter marks successful failed [] = return marks
runAllTestsIter marks successful failed (test:tests) = do
let b = evalCond (condition test) successful failed
result <- if b then runTest test feedback else return False if not b then runAllTestsIter marks successful failed tests else if result then runAllTestsIter (mark test + marks) (test:successful) failed tests runAllTestsIter marks successful (test:failed) tests Runs a test in QuickCheck and returns whether that test passed. This also takes a boolean specifying whether the script should print any feedback. runTest :: Test -> Bool -> IO Bool
runTest test feedback = do
when feedback $ putStrLn $ toBold $ description test
let TestProperty x = prop test
result <- isSuccess <$> quickCheckWithResult (makeQuickCheckArgs feedback) x
when feedback $ putStrLn $ if result
then toCorrect (successMsg test) ++ “\n”
else toFail (failMsg test) ++ if null (failMsg test) then “” else “\n”
return result

The arguments we feed to QuickCheck when running the marking script. Note that
we fix a seed to make sure the marking is deterministic, so do not change it!
makeQuickCheckArgs :: Bool -> Args
makeQuickCheckArgs feedback = Args { replay = Just (mkQCGen 28, 0)
, maxSuccess = 100
, maxDiscardRatio = 10
, maxSize = 30
, chatty = feedback
, maxShrinks = 30

toMarks :: String -> String
toMarks s = “\x1b[1m\x1b[34m” ++ s ++ “\x1b[0m”

toBold :: String -> String
toBold s = “\x1b[1m” ++ s ++ “\x1b[0m”

toCorrect :: String -> String
toCorrect s = “\x1b[1m\x1b[32m” ++ s ++ ” :)” ++ “\x1b[0m”

toFail :: String -> String
toFail s = “\x1b[1m\x1b[31m” ++ s ++ “\x1b[0m”

Prints a section divider line. Use this before test descriptions.
newSection :: String
newSection = take 80 (repeat ‘-‘) ++ “\n”

printMarks :: Int -> String
printMarks m = “You got ” ++ show m ++ ” out of ” ++ show maxScore
++ ” i.e. ” ++ show (m * 2) ++ “%. ”
maxScore = 50
p = (fromIntegral m) / (fromIntegral maxScore)
line :: String
line | p < 0.4 = "Please contact us if you need additional help." | p < 0.5 = "Please contact us if you need additional help." | p < 0.6 = "Good effort!" | p < 0.7 = "Job well done!" | p < 0.8 = "Nice work!" | p < 0.9 = "Terrific!" | p < 1 = "Very impressive, nearly perfect!" | p == 1 = "Superb, absolutely perfect!" | otherwise = error "This shouldn't happen." 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com