* Basic Graph Package Routines
* @author Scott Sanner (ssanner@gmail.com)
* @version 11/29/04
* – Following are attribute options for DOT viewer: (digraph and graph)
* – Node shape: [box,ellipse,diamond,circle,record,plaintext,polygon (w/ sides=#)]
* – Node color: [standard string colors, see DOT_NOTES.txt for examples]
* – Node style: [filled,…]
* – Edge style: [dashed,dotted,…]
* – Edge color: [see node color]
package graph;
import graph.gviz.*; // Graph viewer
import java.io.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import util.*;
public class Graph {
public static final String EMPTY_STR = “”.intern();
public static final String VIEWER_FILE = “tmp_viewer_file.dot”;
/* Node and link data structures */
public boolean _bDirected; // Just used for printing, does not restrict links
public boolean _bLeftRight;
public boolean _bSuppressRank;
public boolean _bBottomToTop;
public ArrayList _alRankSame;
public HashMap _hmNodes;
public HashMap _hmLinks;
public HashMap _hmRevLinks; // This will be redundant for an undirected
// graph
public HashMap _hmNodeColor;
public HashMap _hmNodeShape;
public HashMap _hmNodeStyle;
public HashMap _hmNodeLabel;
public MapList _mlEdgeColor;
public MapList _mlEdgeStyle;
public MapList _mlEdgeLabel;
public double _dMaxBinaryWidth; // == Binary TW + 1; computed during
// greedyTW
// 2^val = max memory entries needed during VE
public int _nTreeWidth; // Standard TW, assuming all vars binary
public boolean _bUseColor;
/* For printing */
public static final boolean PRINT_WARNING = false;
public static DecimalFormat _df = new DecimalFormat(“#.###”);
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Basic Graph Construction
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public Graph() {
this(true, true, false, false);
public Graph(boolean directed) {
this(directed, true, false, false);
public Graph(boolean directed, boolean bottom_to_top, boolean left_right, boolean multi_edges) {
_bDirected = directed; // Just used for printing, does not restrict links
_bLeftRight = left_right;
_bSuppressRank = false;
_hmNodes = new HashMap(); // Maps to size
_alRankSame = new ArrayList();
_hmNodeColor = new HashMap();
_hmNodeShape = new HashMap();
_hmNodeStyle = new HashMap();
_hmNodeLabel = new HashMap();
_hmLinks = new HashMap();
_hmRevLinks = new HashMap();
_mlEdgeColor = new MapList(!multi_edges); // By default, only allow one edge
_mlEdgeStyle = new MapList(!multi_edges); // By default, only allow one edge
_mlEdgeLabel = new MapList(!multi_edges); // By default, only allow one edge
_bUseColor = true;
_dMaxBinaryWidth = -1d;
_nTreeWidth = -1;
_bBottomToTop = bottom_to_top;
public void setSuppressRank(boolean suppress) {
_bSuppressRank = suppress;
public void setUseColor(boolean uc) {
_bUseColor = uc;
public void setMultiEdges(boolean multi_edges) {
_mlEdgeColor._bUnique = false;
_mlEdgeStyle._bUnique = false;
_mlEdgeLabel._bUnique = false;
public void setBottomToTop(boolean bottom_to_top) {
_bBottomToTop = bottom_to_top;
public void addSameRank(Collection nodes) {
public void addNode(Object o) {
if (!_hmNodes.containsKey(o)) {
_hmNodes.put(o, new Integer(1));
public void addNode(Object o, int log_sz) {
_hmNodes.put(o, new Integer(log_sz));
public void addNode(Object o, int log_sz, String color, String shape,
String style) {
_hmNodes.put(o, new Integer(log_sz));
_hmNodeColor.put(o, (color == null) ? EMPTY_STR : color.intern());
_hmNodeShape.put(o, (shape == null) ? EMPTY_STR : shape.intern());
_hmNodeStyle.put(o, (style == null) ? EMPTY_STR : style.intern());
public void addNodeLabel(Object o, String s) {
_hmNodeLabel.put(o, s);
public void remap(Map id2var) {
for (Object o : ((Map)_hmNodeLabel.clone()).keySet()) {
String cur_label = (String)_hmNodeLabel.get(o);
if (cur_label == null || !cur_label.startsWith(“x”))
cur_label = cur_label.substring(1);
String new_label = (String)id2var.get(new Integer(cur_label));
if (new_label == null)
System.out.println(“Graph error: remap of ‘” + cur_label + “‘ is null”);
_hmNodeLabel.put(o, new_label);
public void addNodeColor(Object o, String s) {
_hmNodeColor.put(o, s);
public void addNodeShape(Object o, String s) {
_hmNodeShape.put(o, s);
public void addNodeStyle(Object o, String s) {
_hmNodeStyle.put(o, s);
public void addAllNodes(Collection c) {
Iterator i = c.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Object o = i.next();
if (!_hmNodes.containsKey(o)) {
_hmNodes.put(o, new Integer(1));
public void addAllNodes(Collection c, int log_sz) {
Iterator i = c.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
_hmNodes.put(i.next(), new Integer(log_sz));
public void addUniLink(Object o1, Object o2) {
getLinkSet(o1, true).add(o2);
getRevLinkSet(o2, true).add(o1);
public void addUniLink(Object o1, Object o2, String color, String style,
String label) {
getLinkSet(o1, true).add(o2);
getRevLinkSet(o2, true).add(o1);
_mlEdgeColor.putValue(new Pair(o1, o2), (color == null) ? EMPTY_STR : color
_mlEdgeStyle.putValue(new Pair(o1, o2), (style == null) ? EMPTY_STR : style
_mlEdgeLabel.putValue(new Pair(o1, o2), (label == null) ? EMPTY_STR : label
if (!_bDirected) {
_mlEdgeColor.putValue(new Pair(o2, o1), (color == null) ? EMPTY_STR
: color.intern());
_mlEdgeStyle.putValue(new Pair(o2, o1), (style == null) ? EMPTY_STR
: style.intern());
_mlEdgeLabel.putValue(new Pair(o2, o1), (label == null) ? EMPTY_STR
: label.intern());
public void addUniLinksTo(Object o1, Collection c2) {
getLinkSet(o1, true).addAll(c2);
Iterator i = c2.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
getRevLinkSet(i.next(), true).add(o1);
public void addUniLinksFrom(Collection c1, Object o2) {
Iterator i = c1.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
getLinkSet(i.next(), true).add(o2);
getRevLinkSet(o2, true).addAll(c1);
public void addAllUniLinks(Collection c1, Collection c2) {
Iterator i = c1.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
getLinkSet(i.next(), true).addAll(c2);
i = c2.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
getRevLinkSet(i.next(), true).addAll(c1);
public void addBiLink(Object o1, Object o2) {
addUniLink(o1, o2);
addUniLink(o2, o1);
public void addBiLinks(Object o1, Collection c2) {
addUniLinksTo(o1, c2);
addUniLinksFrom(c2, o1);
public void addAllBiLinks(Collection c1, Collection c2) {
addAllUniLinks(c1, c2);
addAllUniLinks(c2, c1);
public void addAllPairLinks(Collection c) {
Iterator i1 = c.iterator();
while (i1.hasNext()) {
Object o1 = i1.next();
Iterator i2 = c.iterator();
while (i2.hasNext()) {
Object o2 = i2.next();
if (o1 != o2) {
addUniLink(o1, o2); // Will add all pairs
public boolean isNode(Object o) {
return _hmNodes.containsKey(o);
public boolean isUniLink(Object o1, Object o2) {
Set s = getLinkSet(o1, false);
if (s == null) {
return false;
} else {
return s.contains(o2);
public boolean isBiLink(Object o1, Object o2) {
return (isUniLink(o1, o2) && isUniLink(o2, o1));
public String getNodeLabel(Object o1) {
return (String) _hmNodeLabel.get(o1);
public String getNodeColor(Object o1) {
return (String) _hmNodeColor.get(o1);
public String getNodeShape(Object o1) {
return (String) _hmNodeShape.get(o1);
public String getNodeStyle(Object o1) {
return (String) _hmNodeStyle.get(o1);
public ArrayList getEdgeColor(Object o1, Object o2) {
return _mlEdgeColor.getValues(new Pair(o1, o2));
public ArrayList getEdgeStyle(Object o1, Object o2) {
return _mlEdgeStyle.getValues(new Pair(o1, o2));
public ArrayList getEdgeLabel(Object o1, Object o2) {
return _mlEdgeLabel.getValues(new Pair(o1, o2));
public Set getLinkSet(Object o1) {
return getLinkSet(o1, false);
public Set getLinkSet(Object o1, boolean create) {
Set s = (Set) _hmLinks.get(o1);
if (s == null) {
if (create) {
s = new HashSet();
_hmLinks.put(o1, s);
} else {
return null;
return s;
public Set getRevLinkSet(Object o1) {
return getRevLinkSet(o1, false);
public Set getRevLinkSet(Object o1, boolean create) {
Set s = (Set) _hmRevLinks.get(o1);
if (s == null) {
if (create) {
s = new HashSet();
_hmRevLinks.put(o1, s);
} else {
return null;
return s;
public void removeUniLink(Object o1, Object o2) {
Set s = getLinkSet(o1, false);
if (s != null) {
s = getRevLinkSet(o2, false);
if (s != null) {
// Should also make functions for removing multiple uni/bi links
public void removeBiLink(Object o1, Object o2) {
removeUniLink(o1, o2);
removeUniLink(o2, o1);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Graph) {
Graph g = (Graph) o;
return _hmNodes.equals(g._hmNodes) && _hmLinks.equals(g._hmLinks);
} else {
return false;
public Object clone() {
Graph g = new Graph();
return g;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append(“Nodes: ” + _hmNodes + “\n”);
sb.append(“Forward links: ” + _hmLinks + “\n”);
sb.append(“Reverse links: ” + _hmRevLinks + “\n”);
return sb.toString();
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Graph Viz Routines
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected List removeDuplicateStrings(List src) {
return new ArrayList(new HashSet(src));
public boolean genFormatDotFile(String filename) {
try {
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println(“Graph.formatDotFile: ” + e);
return false;
return true;
public StringBuilder format() {
try {
Process p = null;
if (_bDirected)
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(WinUNIX.GVIZ_EXE);
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(WinUNIX.GVIZ2_EXE);
BufferedReader process_out = new BufferedReader(new
PrintStream process_in = new PrintStream(p.getOutputStream(), true);
// Provide input to process (could come from any stream)
process_in.close(); // Need to close input stream so process exits!!!
// Get output from process (can also be used by BufferedReader to get
// line-by-line… see how fis_reader is constructed).
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line = null;
while ((line = process_out.readLine()) != null) {
sb.append(line + “\n”);
return sb;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println(“ERROR in Graph.format: Check executable.\n” + ioe);
return null;
public void genDotFile(String filename) {
try {
PrintStream os = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
} catch (IOException e) {
public void genDotFile(PrintStream os) {
os.println((_bDirected ? “digraph G { ” : “graph G {\n overlap = false;\n”));
os.println(“graph [ fontname = \”Helvetica\”,fontsize=\”16\”,ratio = \”auto\”,”
+ “\n size=\”7.5,10\””
+ (_bLeftRight ? “,rankdir=\”LR\”” : “”)
+ “,ranksep=\”2.00\” ];”); // ,orientation=\”landscape\”
// ]”);
os.println(“node [fontsize=\”16\”];”);
if (_bDirected) {
if (_bBottomToTop) os.println(“edge [dir=back,fontsize=\”16\”];”);
} else {
os.println(“edge [fontsize=\”16\”];”);
// First print out all nodes
Iterator i = _hmNodes.keySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Object v = i.next();
os.println(“\”” + v + “\” ” + genDotNodeSpec(v) + “;”);
// Now print all edges
i = _hmNodes.keySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Object v = i.next();
Set s = getLinkSet(v, false);
if (s == null) {
Iterator i2 = s.iterator();
while (i2.hasNext()) {
Object v2 = i2.next();
// These link directions are reversed… OK for digraph
// because edges reversed during
// rendering, OK for undirected graph because edge is
// undirected.
if (_bDirected || ((Comparable) v).compareTo(v2) < 0 /* Make sure only
one link added */) {
List edge_spec = removeDuplicateStrings( genDotEdgeSpec(v, v2) );
if (edge_spec.size() == 0)
for (Iterator it = edge_spec.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
os.println("\"" + (_bBottomToTop ? v2 : v) + "\""
+ (_bDirected ? " -> ” : ” — “) + “\””
+ (_bBottomToTop ? v : v2)
+ “\” ” + it.next().toString() + “;”);
// Now print all rank same
if (!_bSuppressRank)
for (Object o : _alRankSame) {
Collection c = (Collection)o;
os.print(“{ rank=same; “);
for (Object node : c)
os.print(“\”” + node + “\”; “);
public String genDotNodeSpec(Object o1) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String prev = “”;
String color, shape, style, label;
label = getNodeLabel(o1);
shape = getNodeShape(o1);
style = getNodeStyle(o1);
if (label != null) {
// label = label.replaceAll(“\n”,”\\n”);
label = ReplaceNewline(label);
sb.append(prev + “label=\”” + label + “\””);
prev = “,”;
color = getNodeColor(o1);
if (color != null || shape != null || style != null) {
if (color != null && color != EMPTY_STR && _bUseColor) {
sb.append(prev + “fillcolor=” + color);
prev = “,”;
if (shape != null && shape != EMPTY_STR) {
sb.append(prev + “shape=” + shape);
prev = “,”;
if (style != null && style != EMPTY_STR && color != null && _bUseColor) {
sb.append(prev + “style=” + style);
return sb.toString();
public static String ReplaceNewline(String s) {
StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '\n') {
} else {
return ret.toString();
public ArrayList genDotEdgeSpec(Object o1, Object o2) {
ArrayList color_a, style_a, label_a, ret = new ArrayList();
String color, style, label;
color_a = getEdgeColor(o1, o2);
if (color_a.size() == 0) {
return ret;
style_a = getEdgeStyle(o1, o2);
label_a = getEdgeLabel(o1, o2);
for (int i = 0; i < color_a.size(); i++) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("[");
String prev = "";
color = (String)color_a.get(i);
style = (String)style_a.get(i);
label = (String)label_a.get(i);
if (color != EMPTY_STR && _bUseColor) {
sb.append(prev + "color=" + color);
prev = ",";
if (style != EMPTY_STR) {
sb.append(prev + "style=" + style);
prev = ",";
if (label != EMPTY_STR) {
sb.append(prev + "label=\"" + label + '\"');
return ret;
public void launchViewer() {
launchViewer(800, 600, 100, 100, 20);
public void launchViewer(int width, int height) {
try {
launchViewer(width, height, 0, 0, 20);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public void launchViewer(int w, int h, int x_off, int y_off, int text_h) {
DotViewer dv = new DotViewer() {
public void nodeClicked(String name) {
dv.setWindowSizing(w, h, x_off, y_off, text_h);
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Graph Analysis Algorithms
// Contains: Topological sort (DAG)
// Greedy TW order
// TW computation from order
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** Show different tree widths * */
public List computeBestOrder() {
System.out.println("Searching for a good order...");
String[] name = new String[6];
name[0] = "minf_deepest ";
name[1] = "minf_shallow ";
name[2] = "topological_normal ";
name[3] = "topological_reverse";
name[4] = "greedy_deepest ";
name[5] = "greedy_shallow ";
List[] order = new List[6];
order[0] = minfillSort(true);
order[1] = minfillSort(false);
order[2] = topologicalSort(false);
order[3] = topologicalSort(true);
order[4] = greedyTWSort(true);
order[5] = greedyTWSort(false);
int best_tw = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int best_order = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
int tw = computeTreeWidth(order[i]);
System.out.print(((tw < best_tw) ? "* " : " ") + "TW of "
+ name[i] + ": " + tw);
System.out.println(" " + order[i]);
if (tw < best_tw) {
best_tw = tw;
best_order = i;
System.out.println(name[best_order] + "/TW:" + best_tw + "...done");
return order[best_order];
/** Computes the induced tree-width for a specified elimination order * */
public int computeTreeWidth(List order) {
int tw = 0;
// Initialize a set of sets containing vars and their parents
Iterator i = order.iterator();
Set factors = new HashSet();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Object var = i.next();
Set varset = new HashSet();
Set s = getLinkSet(var);
if (s != null) {
// System.out.println(factors);
// Now perform variable elimination, keeping track of size of merged
// factor at each step
i = order.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Object var = i.next();
// Separate the sets
Set factors_with_var = new HashSet();
Set factors_without_var = new HashSet();
Iterator j = factors.iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
Set factor_j = (Set) j.next();
if (factor_j.contains(var)) {
} else {
// Compute the new joint factor
Set new_factor = new HashSet();
j = factors_with_var.iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
Set factor_k = (Set) j.next();
new_factor.remove(var); // We've eliminated this var!
if (new_factor.size() > tw) { // TW is after var eliminated
tw = new_factor.size();
// Now update the factors
// System.out.println(“Elim ” + var + ” -> ” +
// new_factor + ” + ” + factors_without_var);
return tw;
* Greedy TW sort – simulate VE and make greedy choice at each step.
* Factor generated for each child and set of parents so good for TW in
* directed graphs (e.g. Bayesian networks).
public List greedyTWSort(boolean deepest_first) {
ArrayList free = new ArrayList();
// Find var depths and populate free set
Object[] depths = computeAllVarDepths(deepest_first);
for (int i = 0; i < depths.length; i++) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) depths[i];
// System.out.println(me);
// Initialize a set of sets containing vars and their parents
Iterator it = free.iterator();
Set factors = new HashSet();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object var = it.next();
Set varset = new HashSet();
Set s = getLinkSet(var);
if (s != null) {
// System.out.println("Adding varset " + varset + " for " + var);
return greedyTWSort(free, factors);
* Greedy TW sort - given free variables and factors directly (does not use
* graph links, above method does this preprocessing)
* For TP, have factor for each clause so build this apriori (hard to build
* from a graph).
* **Note: Can call this directly (without setting up graph links). Main
* reason to do this would be for factor graphs which cannot be easily
* represented by binary edge graphs (i.e. a hyperedge for every factor).
* Can just build factor Set directly for each hyperedge (i.e. set of
* elements in a clause) and add it to factors. Default setting for using
* greedyTW with graph is to add a factor for every parent and child (but
* this would not correspond to elimination of relations, propositions in
* ordered resolution).
public List greedyTWSort(List free, Set factors) {
// System.out.println("Factors: " + factors);
double cur_tw = 0d;
ArrayList order = new ArrayList();
// System.out.println(factors);
// Now perform variable elimination, choosing the var which minimizes
// tree-width
while (!free.isEmpty()) {
Iterator it = free.iterator();
double min_tw = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Object min_var = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object var = it.next();
double tw = getTWofElimVar(factors, var);
if (tw < min_tw) {
min_tw = tw;
min_var = var;
if (min_tw <= cur_tw) {
// System.out.print(".");
// System.out.println("min: " + min_tw + " - " + min_var);
// Separate the sets
Set factors_with_var = new HashSet();
Set factors_without_var = new HashSet();
// System.out.println("Start Factors: " + factors);
Iterator j = factors.iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
Set factor_j = (Set) j.next();
if (factor_j.contains(min_var)) {
} else {
// Compute the new joint factor
Set new_factor = new HashSet();
j = factors_with_var.iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
Set factor_k = (Set) j.next();
// System.out.println("Elim: " + min_var + "->” + new_factor);
new_factor.remove(min_var); // We’ve eliminated this var!
cur_tw = (cur_tw > min_tw) ? cur_tw : min_tw;
// Now update the factors
// System.out.println(“End Factors: ” + factors + “\n”);
// System.out.println(“Elim ” + var + ” -> ” +
// new_factor + ” + ” + factors_without_var);
// System.exit(1);
_dMaxBinaryWidth = cur_tw;
_nTreeWidth = computeTreeWidth(order);
// System.out.print(“(” + _df.format(cur_tw) + “)”);
return order;
// Computes tree-width based on log_2 num entries
static Set affected_vars = new HashSet();
public double getTWofElimVar(Set factors, Object var) {
// Separate the sets
Iterator j = factors.iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
Set factor_j = (Set) j.next();
if (factor_j.contains(var)) {
// System.out.println(factors + “:” + affected_vars + “\n”);
double num_tuples = 1d;
// System.out.println(“Affected vars: ” + affected_vars);
j = affected_vars.iterator();
Object t = null;
while (j.hasNext()) {
t = j.next();
Integer sz = (Integer) (_hmNodes.get(t));
if (sz == null) {
System.out.println(“WARNING: Cannot retrieve ” + t
+ ” from ” + _hmNodes);
.println(“It is likely that no edge was added for ”
+ t
+ “, i.e. unit \nclause that does not interact ”
+ “with other predicates”);
System.out.println(“Defaulting to 1d”);
sz = new Integer(1);
_hmNodes.put(t, sz);
num_tuples *= Math.pow(2d, sz.doubleValue());
return Math.log(num_tuples) / Math.log(2d);
* Computes and sorts nodes by max number of ancestors (i.e. parents). Does
* not compute correct value for non-DAG!
protected Object[] computeAllVarDepths(boolean deepest_first) {
HashMap m = new HashMap();
Iterator i = _hmNodes.keySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Object v = i.next();
computeDepth(v, m);
Object[] arr = m.entrySet().toArray();
Arrays.sort(arr, new ValueComparator(deepest_first));
return arr;
protected int computeDepth(Object v, HashMap cache) {
// To prevent infinite recursion – should not affect DAG
cache.put(v, new Integer(0));
Integer val = null;
if ((val = (Integer) cache.get(v)) != null) {
return val.intValue();
Set s = getLinkSet(v);
if (s == null) {
return 0; // No parents!
Iterator i = s.iterator();
int max = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
Object p = i.next();
int depth = computeDepth(p, cache) + 1;
if (depth > max) {
max = depth;
cache.put(v, new Integer(max));
return max;
public static class ValueComparator implements Comparator {
boolean _bDeepestFirst;
public ValueComparator(boolean deepest_first) {
_bDeepestFirst = deepest_first;
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
Map.Entry me1 = (Map.Entry) o1;
Map.Entry me2 = (Map.Entry) o2;
if (_bDeepestFirst) {
return -((Comparable) me1.getValue()).compareTo(me2.getValue());
} else {
return ((Comparable) me1.getValue()).compareTo(me2.getValue());
* This min-fill heuristic is mentioned by Darwiche and Hopkins and was
* cited as the best heuristic they could find.
* Heuristic may be wrong as suggested by results.
public List minfillSort(boolean deepest_first) {
ArrayList order = new ArrayList();
HashSet parents = new HashSet();
HashSet free = new HashSet();
// Find var depths and populate free set
Object[] depths = computeAllVarDepths(deepest_first);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < depths.length; i++) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) depths[i];
// System.out.println(me);
// Iterate until no more variables to put in order
while (!free.isEmpty()) {
int minf = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
String minf_var = null;
// Compute best minfill for vars not in parent set
for (i = 0; i < depths.length; i++) {
String var = (String) ((Map.Entry) depths[i]).getKey();
if (parents.contains(var)) {
// Not in parent set, so compute min fill
Set sparents = getLinkSet(var, false);
if (sparents == null) {
ArrayList vparents = new ArrayList(sparents);
// Compute the fill for v by incrementing for any
// parent pair that does not contain a link
int fill = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < vparents.size(); j++) {
String vj = (String) vparents.get(j);
if (!parents.contains(vj)) {
for (int k = j + 1; k < vparents.size(); k++) {
String vk = (String) vparents.get(k);
if (!parents.contains(vk)) {
// System.out.println("Checking " + vj + "<->” + vk);
if (!isUniLink(vj, vk) && !isUniLink(vk, vj)) {
// Lowest fill so far?
// System.out.print(fill + ” “);
if (fill < minf) {
minf = fill;
minf_var = var;
// Add the min_fill var for this round
// System.out.println(" -> Chose ” + minf_var + “::” + minf);
// System.out.println(order);
// System.exit(1);
return order;
* Perform a topological sort of the variables. Ensures that a child comes
* before all parents.
* Note: The topological sort (child first) is not guaranteed to be a good
* ordering but is probably better than random.
public List topologicalSort(boolean reverse) {
LinkedList order = new LinkedList();
HashSet visited = new HashSet();
// Perform dfs topological sort
Object[] depths = computeAllVarDepths(true);
for (int i = 0; i < depths.length; i++) {
dfs((String) ((Map.Entry) depths[i]).getKey(), visited, order);
if (!reverse) {
return order;
ArrayList rev_order = new ArrayList();
int sz = order.size();
for (int i = sz - 1; i >= 0; i–) {
return rev_order;
* Perform a dfs from a given var, placing var on list after all successors
* have been placed on list.
* Enforces that a child comes before a parent in dfs manner.
public void dfs(String var, Set visited, LinkedList order) {
if (visited.contains(var)) {
Set vparents = getLinkSet(var, false);
if (vparents != null) {
Iterator i = vparents.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
dfs((String) i.next(), visited, order);
public HashSet