digraph G {
graph [
ranksep = “2.00”,
rankdir = LR,
bb = “0,0,564,252”,
ratio = auto,
fontsize = 16,
fontname = Helvetica,
size = “7.5,10”
node [
fontsize = 16
graph [
rank = same
“Reward Function” [
shape = diamond,
fillcolor = firebrick1,
width = “3.3889”,
style = filled,
pos = “442,126”
“r'” [
fillcolor = gold,
style = filled,
pos = “442,180”
“Next State and Reward” [
shape = plaintext,
fontstyle = bold,
fillcolor = white,
width = “2.1944”,
style = “”,
pos = “442,18”
“p'” [
fillcolor = gold,
style = filled,
pos = “442,72”
“q'” [
fillcolor = gold,
style = filled,
pos = “442,234”
graph [
rank = same
a [
shape = box,
fillcolor = olivedrab1,
style = filled,
pos = “88,234”
“Current State and Actions” [
shape = plaintext,
fontstyle = bold,
fillcolor = white,
width = “2.4444”,
style = “”,
pos = “88,18”
r [
fillcolor = lightblue,
style = filled,
pos = “88,126”
q [
fillcolor = lightblue,
style = filled,
pos = “88,180”
p [
fillcolor = lightblue,
style = filled,
pos = “88,72”
a -> “q'” [
pos = “e,414.72,234 115.19,234 177.87,234 332.6,234 404.35,234”
q -> “Reward Function” [
pos = “e,381.98,135.16 114.61,175.94 168.62,167.7 292.69,148.78 371.63,136.73”
p -> “Reward Function” [
pos = “e,381.98,116.84 114.61,76.059 168.62,84.298 292.69,103.22 371.63,115.27”
r -> “Reward Function” [
pos = “e,320.05,126 115.19,126 156.71,126 238.62,126 310.05,126”
r -> “r'” [
pos = “e,415.57,175.97 114.61,130.06 177.29,139.62 334.31,163.57 405.68,174.46”
q -> “q'” [
pos = “e,415.57,229.97 114.61,184.06 177.29,193.62 334.31,217.57 405.68,228.46”
p -> “p'” [
pos = “e,414.72,72 115.19,72 177.87,72 332.6,72 404.35,72”
r -> “q'” [
pos = “e,415.55,229.26 112.79,133.16 130.49,138.39 154.82,145.79 176,153 240.7,175.03 254.47,187.57 320,207 348.39,215.42 381.19,222.54 405.63,227.35”
r -> “p'” [
pos = “e,415.57,76.032 114.61,121.94 177.29,112.38 334.31,88.427 405.68,77.54”
q -> “r'” [
pos = “e,414.72,180 115.19,180 177.87,180 332.6,180 404.35,180”
“Current State and Actions” -> “Next State and Reward” [
style = invis,
pos = “e,362.85,18 176.42,18 230.19,18 298.66,18 352.61,18”