CS计算机代考程序代写 /*

* Copyright 2003-2005 Carnegie Mellon University and Rutgers University
* Copyright 2007 Håkan Younes
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include “strxml.h”
namespace std {
typedef std::ostrstream ostringstream;

struct PSink {
int error;
const XMLNode* top;

PSink() : error(0), top(0) {}

void pushNode(const std::string& name, const str_pair_vec& params);
void popNode(const std::string& name);
void pushText(const std::string& text);

void formaterror() { error=1; }
void streamerror() { error=2; }

std::stack s;

static const std::string EMPTY_STRING;

static std::string next_token(int fd) {
static char last_char = 0;

std::string res;
if (last_char) {
res += last_char;

if (last_char == ‘<') { last_char = 0; return res; } if (last_char == '>‘) {
last_char = 0;
return res;

char next_char;
while (1) {
if (read(fd, &next_char, 1) != 1) {
if (next_char == ‘>’ || next_char == ‘<') { if (res.empty()) { res += next_char; last_char = 0; return res; } last_char = next_char; break; } res += next_char; } return res; } static int token_type(char c) { if (c == '=') return 2; if (c == '"') return 3; if (c == '/') return 4; if (isspace(c)) return 0; return 1; } static str_vec tokenize_string(const std::string& str) { str_vec v; std::string last; int t_type = 0; for (const char *s = str.c_str(); *s; s++) { int n_type = token_type(*s); if (t_type != n_type && !last.empty()) { if (t_type) { v.push_back(last); } last.erase(); } last += *s; t_type = n_type; } if (last.length()) { v.push_back(last); } return v; } static int do_node(const std::string& token, PSink& ps) { str_vec node_tokens = tokenize_string(token); //cout << token << ":" << endl; //for (int i=0; i node_tokens.size() ||
node_tokens[i+1] != “=” ||
node_tokens[i+2] != “\”” ||
node_tokens[i+4] != “\””) {
//cerr << "e1b" << endl; return -2; } str_pair p(node_tokens[i], node_tokens[i+3]); v.push_back(p); } ps.pushNode(name, v); return 1; } static bool parse_node(int fd, PSink& ps) { std::string token = next_token(fd); int depth = 0; while (!token.empty()) { if (token == "<") { int delta = do_node(next_token(fd), ps); if (delta == -2) { //cerr << "e1" << endl; ps.formaterror(); return false; } depth += delta; token = next_token(fd); if (token != ">“) {
//cerr << "e2" << endl; ps.formaterror(); return false; } if (depth == 0) { return true; } } else { ps.pushText(token); } token = next_token(fd); } ps.streamerror(); return false; } void PSink::pushNode(const std::string& name, const str_pair_vec& params) { //cout << "push: " << name << endl; XMLParent *p = new XMLParent(name); for (size_t i=0; iparams[params[i].first] = params[i].second;
if (s.empty()) {
top = p;
} else {

void PSink::popNode(const std::string& name) {
//cout << "pop: " << name << endl; s.pop(); } void PSink::pushText(const std::string& text) { XMLText *t = new XMLText(text); if (s.size() == 0) { top = t; } else { s.top()->children.push_back(t);

/* ====================================================================== */
/* XMLNode */

/* Puts the text for the child node with the given in the
destination string. Returns false if no child node with the
given name exists. */
bool XMLNode::dissect(const std::string& child,
std::string& destination) const {
const XMLNode* c = getChild(child);
if (c != 0) {
destination = c->getText();
return true;
} else {
return false;

/* Output operator for XML nodes. */
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const XMLNode& xn) { xn.print(os); return os; } /* Output operator for XML node pointers. */ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const XMLNode* xn) { if (xn != 0) { os << *xn; } return os; } /* Reads an XML node from the given file descriptor. */ const XMLNode* read_node(int fd) { PSink ps; if (parse_node(fd, ps)) { return ps.top; } else { return 0; } } /* ====================================================================== */ /* XMLText */ /* Returns the text for this XML node. */ std::string XMLText::getText() const { return text; } /* Returns the name for this XML node. */ const std::string& XMLText::getName() const { return text; } /* Returns the parameter of this XML node with the given name. */ const std::string& XMLText::getParam(std::string name) const { return EMPTY_STRING; } /* Prints this object on the given stream. */ void XMLText::print(std::ostream& os) const { os << text; } /* ====================================================================== */ /* XMLParent */ /* Deletes this XML parent node. */ XMLParent::~XMLParent() { for (node_vec::const_iterator ni = children.begin(); ni != children.end(); ni++) { delete *ni; } } /* Returns the ith child of this XML node. */ const XMLNode* XMLParent::getChild(int i) const { return children[i]; } /* Returns the child of this XML node with the given name. */ const XMLNode* XMLParent::getChild(const std::string& name) const { for (node_vec::const_iterator ni = children.begin(); ni != children.end(); ni++) { const XMLParent* p = dynamic_cast(*ni);
if (p != 0 && p->name == name) {
return p;
return 0;

/* Returns the size of this XML node. */
int XMLParent::size() const {
return children.size();

/* Returns the text for this XML node. */
std::string XMLParent::getText() const {
std::ostringstream os;
for (node_vec::const_iterator ni = children.begin();
ni != children.end(); ni++) {
os << *ni; } #if !HAVE_SSTREAM os << '\0'; #endif return os.str(); } /* Returns the name for this XML node. */ const std::string& XMLParent::getName() const { return name; } /* Returns the parameter of this XML node with the given name. */ const std::string& XMLParent::getParam(std::string name) const { str_str_map::const_iterator pi = params.find(name); return (pi != params.end()) ? (*pi).second : EMPTY_STRING; } /* prints this object on the given stream. */ void XMLParent::print(std::ostream& os) const { os << "<" << name; for (str_str_map::const_iterator itr = params.begin(); itr != params.end(); itr++) { os << " " << itr->first << "=\"" << itr->second << "\""; } os << ">“;
for (node_vec::const_iterator ni = children.begin();
ni != children.end(); ni++) {
os << *ni; } os << "“;