CS计算机代考程序代写 cache data structure algorithm Java /**

* Algebraic Decision Diagram Package
* @author Scott Sanner (ssanner@gmail.com)
* @version 7/25/03

package dd.discrete;

import graph.Graph;
import util.MapList;

import java.io.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;

* General class for implementation of ADD data structure
public class ADD extends DD {

// Internal statistics
public static long APPLY_CALLS = 0;
public static int OR_PRUNE_CNT = 0;
public static int AND_PRUNE_CNT = 0;
public static int PROD_PRUNE_CNT = 0;
public static int MIN_PRUNE_CNT = 0;
public static int MAX_PRUNE_CNT = 0;
public static int PRECISION_PRUNES = 0;
public static int PRUNE_CACHE_HITS = 0;

// Local data for ADD
public int _nLocalIDCnt; // counter for local ids
public HashMap _hmADDNodes; // array index gives localID for node
public HashMap _hmPairs; // -> ADDNode (for ADD-3)
// (Apply cache)
public HashMap _hmReduceMap; // -> ADDNode (reduced)
public HashMap _hmPruneMap; // map of node prunes
public HashMap _hmINodeCache; // -> ADDINode
public HashMap _hmDNodeCache; // -> ADDDNode
public int[] _aBNodeCache; // -> ADDBNode

public HashMap _hmNewADDNodes = null;
public HashMap _hmNewINodeCache = null;
public HashMap _hmNewDNodeCache = null;

public ADDRNode _tmpADDRNode = new ADDRNode(INVALID);

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Basic and copy constructors
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

public ADD(ArrayList order) {

_nLocalIDCnt = 0;

_hmID2VarName = new HashMap();
_hmVarName2ID = new HashMap();
_alOrder = new ArrayList();

// Technically should do away with order, but a lot of the older
// code depends on it, so leaving it in for now
for (int i = 0; i < order.size(); i++) { Integer var_id = i + 1; _alOrder.add(var_id); _hmID2VarName.put(var_id, order.get(i)); _hmVarName2ID.put(order.get(i), var_id); } _hmADDNodes = new HashMap(); _hmGVarToLevel = new HashMap(); _hmPairs = new HashMap(); _hmReduceMap = new HashMap(); _hmPruneMap = new HashMap(); _hmINodeCache = new HashMap(); _hmDNodeCache = new HashMap(); _aBNodeCache = new int[2]; _aBNodeCache[0] = _aBNodeCache[1] = INVALID; // Build map from global var to order level _hmGVarToLevel.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < _alOrder.size(); i++) { _hmGVarToLevel.put((Integer) _alOrder.get(i), new Integer(i)); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flushing and special node maintenance // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Designate/remove/clear nodes to persist through flushing public void addSpecialNode(int n) { _hsSpecialNodes.add(new ADDRNode(n)); } public void removeSpecialNode(int n) { _hsSpecialNodes.remove(new ADDRNode(n)); } public void clearSpecialNodes() { _hsSpecialNodes.clear(); } // Flush caches but save special nodes public void flushCaches(boolean print_info) { // Print starting info if (print_info) { System.out.print("[FLUSHING CACHES... "); // showCacheSize(); ResetTimer(); } // Can always clear these _hmPairs = new HashMap(); _hmReduceMap = new HashMap(); _hmPruneMap = new HashMap(); // Set up temporary alternates to these HashMaps _hmNewADDNodes = new HashMap(); _hmNewINodeCache = new HashMap(); _hmNewDNodeCache = new HashMap(); // Copy over 'special' nodes then set new maps Iterator i = _hsSpecialNodes.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { cacheNode((ADDRNode) i.next()); } _hmADDNodes = _hmNewADDNodes; _hmINodeCache = _hmNewINodeCache; _hmDNodeCache = _hmNewDNodeCache; // Print results if (GC_DURING_FLUSH) { RUNTIME.gc(); } if (print_info) { System.out.print(" TIME: " + GetElapsedTime()); System.out.print(" RESULT: " + _df.format(((double) RUNTIME.freeMemory() / (double) RUNTIME.totalMemory()))); System.out.print(" CACHE: " + getCacheSize() + "] "); } } public void cacheNode(ADDRNode r) { if (_hmNewADDNodes.containsKey(r)) { return; } ADDNode n = (ADDNode) _hmADDNodes.get(r); _hmNewADDNodes.put(r, n); if (n instanceof ADDINode) { ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) n; _hmNewINodeCache.put(new SINodeIndex(ni._nTestVarID, ni._nLow, ni._nHigh), r); cacheNode(new ADDRNode(ni._nLow)); cacheNode(new ADDRNode(ni._nHigh)); } else if (n instanceof ADDDNode) { ADDDNode d = (ADDDNode) n; _hmNewDNodeCache.put(new SDNodeIndex(d._dLower, d._dUpper), r); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal data structure maintenance // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Quick cache snapshot public void showCacheSize() { System.out.println("APPLY CACHE: " + _hmPairs.size()); System.out.println("REDUCE CACHE: " + _hmReduceMap.size()); System.out.println("INODE CACHE: " + _hmINodeCache.size() + "\n"); } // Total cache snapshot public long getCacheSize() { return _hmPairs.size() + _hmReduceMap.size() + _hmINodeCache.size(); } // An exact count for the ADD rooted at _nRoot public long countExactNodes(int id) { HashSet cset = new HashSet(); countExactNodesInt(cset, id); return cset.size(); } public Set getExactNodes(int id) { HashSet cset = new HashSet(); countExactNodesInt(cset, id); return cset; } public void countExactNodesInt(HashSet cset, int id) { if (cset.contains(new Integer(id))) { return; } ADDNode n = getNode(id); // Uncomment the following to get internal-only count // if (n instanceof ADDDNode) { // return; // } cset.add(new Integer(id)); if (n instanceof ADDINode) { countExactNodesInt(cset, ((ADDINode) n)._nLow); countExactNodesInt(cset, ((ADDINode) n)._nHigh); } } public Set getGIDs(int id) { HashSet cset = new HashSet(); HashSet gset = new HashSet(); collectGIDsInt(cset, gset, id); return gset; } public void collectGIDsInt(HashSet cset, HashSet gset, int id) { if (cset.contains(new Integer(id))) { return; } cset.add(new Integer(id)); ADDNode n = getNode(id); if (n instanceof ADDINode) { gset.add(new Integer(((ADDINode) n)._nTestVarID)); collectGIDsInt(cset, gset, ((ADDINode) n)._nLow); collectGIDsInt(cset, gset, ((ADDINode) n)._nHigh); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Node maintenance // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The only way to retrieve an actual ADDNode!!! public ADDNode getNode(int local_id) { if (local_id >= 0 && local_id < _nLocalIDCnt) { return (ADDNode) _hmADDNodes.get(new ADDRNode(local_id)); } else { return null; } } public int createINode(int gid, int low, int high) { // System.out.println("Create: <" + gid + "," + low + "," + high + // "> -> ” + _nLocalIDCnt);

int lid = _nLocalIDCnt++;
ADDRNode ref = new ADDRNode(lid);
ADDINode n = new ADDINode(lid, gid, low, high);
_hmADDNodes.put(ref, n);
_hmINodeCache.put(new SINodeIndex(gid, low, high), ref);

return lid;

public int createBNode(boolean bval) {
int lid = _nLocalIDCnt++;
ADDBNode n = new ADDBNode(lid, bval);
_hmADDNodes.put(new ADDRNode(lid), n);
if (bval) {
_aBNodeCache[1] = lid;
} else {
_aBNodeCache[0] = lid;

return lid;

public int createDNode(double min_val, double max_val) {

return createDNode(min_val, max_val, null, null);

public int createDNode(double min_val, double max_val, String lower_label,
String upper_label) {

int lid = _nLocalIDCnt++;
ADDDNode n = new ADDDNode(lid, min_val, max_val, lower_label,
_hmADDNodes.put(new ADDRNode(lid), n);
_hmDNodeCache.put(new SDNodeIndex(min_val, max_val), new ADDRNode(lid));

return lid;

// This actually does low==high simplification in place… very
// important to ensure ref counts ok since double linking screws
// things up. WARNING: May not return INode if low==high.
public int getINode(int gid, int low, int high, boolean create) {

// First check if low == high… in this case, just perform the
// obvious equivalent reduction (this saves headaches later)
if (low == high) {
return low;

ADDRNode iret = (ADDRNode) _hmINodeCache.get(new SINodeIndex(gid, low,
if (iret != null) {
return iret._lid;
} else if (create) {
return createINode(gid, low, high);
} else {
return INVALID;

public int getBNode(boolean bval, boolean create) {
int n = (bval ? 1 : 0);
if (_aBNodeCache[n] > INVALID) {
return _aBNodeCache[n];
} else if (create) {
return createBNode(bval);
} else {
return INVALID;

public int getDNode(double min_val, double max_val, boolean create) {
return getDNode(min_val, max_val, create, null, null);

public int getDNode(double min_val, double max_val, boolean create,
String lower_label, String upper_label) {
ADDRNode iret = (ADDRNode) _hmDNodeCache.get(new SDNodeIndex(min_val,
if (iret != null) {
if (lower_label != null || upper_label != null) {
ADDDNode d = (ADDDNode) getNode(iret._lid);
d._sLowerLabel = lower_label;
d._sUpperLabel = upper_label;
return iret._lid;
} else if (create) {
return createDNode(min_val, max_val, lower_label, upper_label);
} else {
return INVALID;

public void putPair(int id1, int id2, int op, int to_id) {
_hmPairs.put(new SNodePair(id1, id2, op), new ADDRNode(to_id));

public int getPair(int id1, int id2, int op) {
ADDRNode iret = (ADDRNode) _hmPairs.get(new SNodePair(id1, id2, op));
if (iret == null) {
return INVALID;
} else {
return iret._lid;

// For terminal node labelling – not involved in computation
public void setAllDNodeLabels(String lower, String upper) {
Iterator i = ((Set) _hmDNodeCache.entrySet()).iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) i.next();
ADDRNode id = (ADDRNode) me.getValue();
ADDDNode d = (ADDDNode) getNode(id._lid);
d._sLowerLabel = lower;
d._sUpperLabel = upper;

// Set the min/max values for node given by id
public void setMinMax(int id) {

ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) getNode(id);
ADDNode l = getNode(ni._nLow);
ADDNode h = getNode(ni._nHigh);

double ldmin_lower, ldmin_upper, ldmax_lower, ldmax_upper;
double hdmin_lower, hdmin_upper, hdmax_lower, hdmax_upper;

// Determine values for low node
if (l instanceof ADDINode) {
ldmin_lower = ((ADDINode) l)._dMinLower;
ldmin_upper = ((ADDINode) l)._dMinUpper;
ldmax_lower = ((ADDINode) l)._dMaxLower;
ldmax_upper = ((ADDINode) l)._dMaxUpper;
} else if (l instanceof ADDDNode) {
ldmin_lower = ldmax_lower = ((ADDDNode) l)._dLower;
ldmin_upper = ldmax_upper = ((ADDDNode) l)._dUpper;
} else {
ldmin_lower = ldmin_upper = ldmax_lower = ldmax_upper = Double.NaN;

// Determine values for high node
if (h instanceof ADDINode) {
hdmin_lower = ((ADDINode) h)._dMinLower;
hdmin_upper = ((ADDINode) h)._dMinUpper;
hdmax_lower = ((ADDINode) h)._dMaxLower;
hdmax_upper = ((ADDINode) h)._dMaxUpper;
} else if (h instanceof ADDDNode) {
hdmin_lower = hdmax_lower = ((ADDDNode) h)._dLower;
hdmin_upper = hdmax_upper = ((ADDDNode) h)._dUpper;
} else {
hdmin_lower = hdmin_upper = hdmax_lower = hdmax_upper = Double.NaN;

// Set min/max values for ni (first is fn, second is lower,upper)
ni._dMinLower = Math.min(ldmin_lower, hdmin_lower);
ni._dMinUpper = Math.min(ldmin_upper, hdmin_upper);
ni._dMaxLower = Math.max(ldmax_lower, hdmax_lower);
ni._dMaxUpper = Math.max(ldmax_upper, hdmax_upper);

// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// General ADD operations
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Get min for a generic node
public double getMin(int id) {
ADDNode n = getNode(id);
if (n instanceof ADDINode) {
ADDINode in = (ADDINode) n;
return in._dMinLower;
} else if (n instanceof ADDDNode) {
ADDDNode dn = (ADDDNode) n;
return dn._dLower;
} else {

// Get max for a generic node
public double getMax(int id) {
ADDNode n = getNode(id);
if (n instanceof ADDINode) {
ADDINode in = (ADDINode) n;
return in._dMaxUpper;
} else if (n instanceof ADDDNode) {
ADDDNode dn = (ADDDNode) n;
return dn._dUpper;
} else {

// Assuming the difference has already taken place, this method
// finds the maximum difference
// TODO: Make this work with ADDSNode… only used for FOMDP epsilon
// convergence
public double getMaxAbsValue() {

double max_diff = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

// Get all DNodes, negate, make a new cache and replace old cache
HashMap new_dnode_cache = new HashMap();
Iterator i = _hmDNodeCache.keySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
SDNodeIndex dni = (SDNodeIndex) i.next();

double upper = (dni._dUpperVal < 0) ? -dni._dUpperVal : dni._dUpperVal; double lower = (dni._dLowerVal < 0) ? -dni._dLowerVal : dni._dLowerVal; if (max_diff < upper) { max_diff = upper; } if (max_diff < lower) { max_diff = lower; } } // Return max diff return max_diff; } // Find the minimum value in an ADD (must be on the lower val) public double getMaxValue(int id) { ADDNode root = getNode(id); if (root instanceof ADDDNode) { return ((ADDDNode) root)._dUpper; } else { return ((ADDINode) root)._dMaxUpper; } } // Find the minimum value in an ADD (must be on the lower val) public double getMinValue(int id) { ADDNode root = getNode(id); if (root instanceof ADDDNode) { return ((ADDDNode) root)._dLower; } else { return ((ADDINode) root)._dMinLower; } } // Complements the terminal BNodes in an ADD public ADD complementInPlace() { // Swap BNode true and false and update BNodeCache int prevTrue = _aBNodeCache[1]; int prevFalse = _aBNodeCache[0]; if (prevTrue > INVALID) {
((ADDBNode) getNode(prevTrue))._bVal = false;
if (prevFalse > INVALID) {
((ADDBNode) getNode(prevFalse))._bVal = true;

_aBNodeCache[1] = prevFalse;
_aBNodeCache[0] = prevTrue;

return this;

// Returns a new ADD with scalar multiplication of terminal nodes
public int scalarMultiply(int n, double val) {
return scalarMultiply(n, val, val);

public int scalarMultiply(int n, double val_lower, double val_upper) {
int d = getDNode(val_lower, val_upper, true);
return applyInt(n, d, ARITH_PROD);

public int scalarAdd(int id, double val) {
int d = getDNode(val, val, true);
return applyInt(id, d, ARITH_SUM);

public int negate(int id) {
int d = getDNode(0d, 0d, true);
return applyInt(d, id, ARITH_MINUS);

public int invert(int id) {
int d = getDNode(1d, 1d, true);
return applyInt(d, id, ARITH_DIV);

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Approximation Algorithms
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Start at root
public int pruneNodes(int id) {

if (PRUNE_TYPE == NO_REPLACE || PRUNE_PRECISION <= 0d) return id; if ((PRUNE_TYPE != REPLACE_AVG && PRUNE_TYPE != REPLACE_MIN && PRUNE_TYPE != REPLACE_MAX)) { System.out.println("Illegal ADD replacement type " + PRUNE_TYPE); System.exit(1); } HashSet leaves = new HashSet(); collectLeaves(id, leaves); //System.out.println(leaves); HashMap remap = compressLeaves(leaves); //System.out.println(remap); //System.exit(1); return reduceRemapLeaves(id, remap); } public int reduceRemapLeaves(int id, HashMap remap) { _hmPruneMap.clear(); return reduceRemapLeaves2(id, remap); } public int reduceRemapLeaves2(int id, HashMap remap) { // Have we examined this node id already? // System.out.println("Reduce(" + id + ")"); ADDRNode qret = null; ReduceCacheKey key = new ReduceCacheKey(this, 0, 0, id); if ((qret = (ADDRNode) _hmPruneMap.get(key)) != null) { // System.out.println("In cache, returning: " + qret); return qret._lid; } // Proceed with reduction algorithm // System.out.println("Not in cache"); int ret = INVALID; boolean recurse = true; ADDNode n = getNode(id); // Update caches and reduce if needed if (n instanceof ADDBNode) { ret = getBNode(((ADDBNode) n)._bVal, true); } else if (n instanceof ADDDNode) { ADDDNode dn = (ADDDNode) n; ADDDNode remap_dnode = (ADDDNode) remap.get(dn); if (remap_dnode != null) ret = remap_dnode._nLocalID; else ret = getDNode(dn._dLower, dn._dUpper, true, dn._sLowerLabel, dn._sUpperLabel); } else { // n instanceof ADDINode so recurse and update caches ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) n; // Get new low and high branches int low = reduceRemapLeaves2(ni._nLow, remap); int high = reduceRemapLeaves2(ni._nHigh, remap); // Don't recursively delete if low==high since low // will be reused although it may not be linked yet. // And we know that low will *have* to be used. if (low == high) { recurse = false; } // Decide which node to return (takes care of 'low==high' case) // System.out.println("Get: <" + ni._nGlobalID + "," + low + // "," + high + ">“);
ret = getINode(ni._nTestVarID, low, high, true);
// System.out.println(“Result: <" + ni._nGlobalID + "," + low + // "," + high + "> -> ” + ret);

// getINode may return a DNode or BNode if low==high
if (getNode(ret) instanceof ADDINode) {

_hmPruneMap.put(key, new ADDRNode(ret));

return ret;

public void collectLeaves(int id, HashSet nodes) {
ADDNode n = getNode(id);
if (n instanceof ADDDNode) {
} else {
ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) n;
collectLeaves(ni._nLow, nodes);
collectLeaves(ni._nHigh, nodes);

public HashMap compressLeaves(HashSet leaves) {

ArrayList collect = new ArrayList();
MapList remap = new MapList(false, true /*hash*/);

// Collect all distinct leaves… if approximate match in
// ‘collect’ then make note in map, otherwise add it to ‘collect’
Iterator i = leaves.iterator();
collect.add((ADDDNode) i.next());
while (i.hasNext()) {
ADDDNode d1 = (ADDDNode) i.next();
for (Iterator j = collect.iterator(); d1 != null && j.hasNext();) {
ADDDNode d2 = (ADDDNode) j.next();
if (Math.abs(d1._dLower – d2._dLower) <= MERGE_PRECISION) { remap.putValue(d2, d1); // common node -> mapped node
d1 = null;
if (d1 != null)

// Now build HashMap to remap
i = collect.iterator();
HashMap ret_map = new HashMap();
while (i.hasNext()) {
ADDDNode common = (ADDDNode) i.next();
ArrayList remapped = remap.getValues(common);
double replace_val = common._dLower;
double minmax = common._dLower;
for (Iterator j = remapped.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
ADDDNode d = (ADDDNode) j.next();
replace_val += d._dLower;
minmax = (PRUNE_TYPE == REPLACE_MAX) ? Math.max(minmax,
d._dLower) : Math.min(minmax, d._dLower);
replace_val /= (double) (1 + remapped.size());
replace_val = minmax;
else {
System.out.println(“Illegal ADD prune type: ” + PRUNE_TYPE);

ADDDNode new_dnode = (ADDDNode) this.getNode(this.getDNode(
replace_val, replace_val, true));
ret_map.put(common, new_dnode);
for (Iterator j = remapped.iterator(); j.hasNext();)
ret_map.put(((ADDDNode) j.next()), new_dnode);

return ret_map;

// Prunes all node structure having impact less than prune_precision.
// Range included because need a measure of the range induced by the
// error at the node.
public int pruneNodes(int id, boolean recurse) {

// Can immediately check for local ID of 0
ADDNode n = getNode(id);
if (n instanceof ADDDNode) {
return id;

ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) n;
double range = ni._dMaxUpper – ni._dMinLower;

// Check for a range below precision
if (range <= PRUNE_PRECISION) { // This entire subtree has impact less than prune_precision // Note: Not making use of DNode ranges here!!! A single // ADD can only have one leaf value in this framework, // not a range. switch (PRUNE_TYPE) { case NO_REPLACE: case REPLACE_LOW: case REPLACE_HIGH: { } break; case REPLACE_MIN: { return getDNode(ni._dMinLower, ni._dMinLower, true); } case REPLACE_MAX: { return getDNode(ni._dMaxUpper, ni._dMaxUpper, true); } case REPLACE_AVG: { double avg = (ni._dMaxUpper + ni._dMinLower) / 2d; return getDNode(avg, avg, true); } default: { // if (PRUNE_TYPE == REPLACE_RANGE) { // _nWhich == 1 // return getDNode(ni._dMinLower, ni._dMinLower, true); // } else if (PRUNE_TYPE == REPLACE_RANGE && _nWhich == 2) { // return getDNode(ni._dMaxUpper, ni._dMaxUpper, true); // } else { // // System.out.println("Illegal replacement type " + // PRUNE_TYPE); // + ", " + _nWhich // Object o1 = null; o1.toString(); // } System.out.println("Range replace not implemented yet"); System.exit(1); } } } // Check cache ADDRNode retc = null; int ret; _tmpADDRNode.set(id); if ((retc = (ADDRNode) _hmPruneMap.get(_tmpADDRNode)) == null) { // Get high and low branches for this INode int low = ni._nLow; int high = ni._nHigh; // Recurse if (recurse) { low = pruneNodes(low, true); high = pruneNodes(high, true); } // Now compute diff at this level double max_abs_diff = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; ADDNode adiff = getNode(applyInt(low, high, ARITH_MINUS)); if (adiff instanceof ADDINode) { ADDINode adi = (ADDINode) adiff; max_abs_diff = Math.max(Math.abs(adi._dMinLower), Math .abs(adi._dMaxUpper)); } else { max_abs_diff = Math.abs(((ADDDNode) adiff)._dLower); } // ///////////////// DEBUG //////////////////// // System.out.println("================================="); // System.out.println("Difference: " + max_abs_diff); // System.out.println(getNode(low).toString(this, 0)); // System.out.println("---------------------------------"); // System.out.println(getNode(high).toString(this, 0)); // System.out.println("---------------------------------"); // System.out.println(adiff.toString(this, 0)); // REMOVE!!! // double max_abs_diff2 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // ADDNode adiff2 = getNode(applyInt(high, low, ARITH_MINUS)); // if (adiff2 instanceof ADDINode) { // ADDINode adi = (ADDINode)adiff2; // max_abs_diff2 = Math.max(Math.abs(adi._dMinLower), // Math.abs(adi._dMaxUpper)); // } else { // max_abs_diff2 = Math.abs(((ADDDNode)adiff2)._dLower); // } // if (Math.abs(max_abs_diff2 - max_abs_diff) >= 1e-9d) {
// System.out.println(“Difference: ” + max_abs_diff + ” / ” +
// max_abs_diff2);
// System.out.println(“Assymmetric minus… error!!!”);
// System.exit(1);
// }
// System.out.println(“=================================”);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////

// Should we prune?
if ((PRUNE_PRECISION >= 0d) && (max_abs_diff <= PRUNE_PRECISION)) { // ///////////////// DEBUG //////////////////// // System.out.println("Pruning type: " + PRUNE_TYPE); // System.out.println("Difference: " + max_abs_diff); // System.out.println("Pruning: \n" + ni.toString(this,0)); // System.out.println("---------------------------------"); // //////////////////////////////////////////// switch (PRUNE_TYPE) { case NO_REPLACE: { ret = getINode(ni._nTestVarID, low, high, true); } break; case REPLACE_LOW: { ret = low; } break; case REPLACE_HIGH: { ret = high; } break; case REPLACE_MIN: { ret = applyInt(low, high, ARITH_MIN); } break; case REPLACE_MAX: { ret = applyInt(low, high, ARITH_MAX); } break; case REPLACE_AVG: { ret = scalarMultiply(applyInt(low, high, ARITH_SUM), 0.5d); } break; default: { // if (PRUNE_TYPE == REPLACE_RANGE) { // && _nWhich == 1 // ret = new ADDRNode(applyInt(low, high, ARITH_MIN)); // } else if (PRUNE_TYPE == REPLACE_RANGE && _nWhich == 2) { // ret = new ADDRNode(applyInt(low, high, ARITH_MAX)); // } else { // System.out.println("Illegal replacement type " + // PRUNE_TYPE); // ", " + _nWhich // Object o1 = null; o1.toString(); // } ret = INVALID; System.out.println("Range replace not implemented yet"); System.exit(1); } } PRECISION_PRUNES++; } else { // Retrieve the inode ret = getINode(ni._nTestVarID, low, high, true); } // getINode may return a DNode or BNode if low==high if (getNode(ret) instanceof ADDINode) { setMinMax(ret); } // Cache the node in canonical form _hmPruneMap.put(new ADDRNode(id), new ADDRNode(ret)); } else { PRUNE_CACHE_HITS++; ret = retc._lid; } // Return cached value modified by offset return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Computation Algorithms //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Assume already built with correct order, just needs reduction public int reduce(int root) { return reduceRestrict(root, this, -1, -1); } // Assume already built with correct order, just needs reduction public int restrict(int root, int gid, int op) { return reduceRestrict(root, this, gid, op); } // If 'src' is non-null, this will obtain the node structure // from the ADD given by src. In this case, the src // structure will remain unchanged (used for copying, should // only be called if 'this' is empty). TODO: Remove printlns! public int reduceRestrict(int id, ADD src, int gid, int op) { // Have we examined this node id already? // System.out.println("Reduce(" + id + ")"); ADDRNode qret = null; ReduceCacheKey key = new ReduceCacheKey(src, gid, op, id); if ((qret = (ADDRNode) _hmReduceMap.get(key)) != null) { // System.out.println("In cache, returning: " + qret); return qret._lid; } // Proceed with reduction algorithm // System.out.println("Not in cache"); int ret = INVALID; boolean recurse = true; ADDNode n = src.getNode(id); // Update caches and reduce if needed if (n instanceof ADDBNode) { ret = getBNode(((ADDBNode) n)._bVal, true); } else if (n instanceof ADDDNode) { ADDDNode dn = (ADDDNode) n; ret = getDNode(dn._dLower, dn._dUpper, true, dn._sLowerLabel, dn._sUpperLabel); } else { // n instanceof ADDINode so recurse and update caches ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) n; if (ni._nTestVarID == gid) { if (op == RESTRICT_HIGH || op == RESTRICT_LOW) { ret = ((op == RESTRICT_LOW) ? reduceRestrict(ni._nLow, src, gid, op) : reduceRestrict(ni._nHigh, src, gid, op)); } else { System.out.println("ERROR: op not a RESTRICT!"); Object o = null; o.toString(); System.exit(1); } } else { // Get new low and high branches int low = reduceRestrict(ni._nLow, src, gid, op); int high = reduceRestrict(ni._nHigh, src, gid, op); // Don't recursively delete if low==high since low // will be reused although it may not be linked yet. // And we know that low will *have* to be used. if (low == high) { recurse = false; } // Decide which node to return (takes care of 'low==high' case) // System.out.println("Get: <" + ni._nGlobalID + "," + low + // "," + high + ">“);
ret = getINode(ni._nTestVarID, low, high, true);
// System.out.println(“Result: <" + ni._nGlobalID + "," + low + // "," + high + "> -> ” + ret);

// getINode may return a DNode or BNode if low==high
if (getNode(ret) instanceof ADDINode) {

// Cache, update structure, and return. Note: If we came
// in for a node i and left with j (i != j), then we know
// every other time we come into i, we will return j so we can
// completely kill off j. (Only do this if ‘src’ is ‘this’ –
// otherwise we can’t compare the node IDs!)
_hmReduceMap.put(key, new ADDRNode(ret));

// Note: For both ADD and AADD, reduce() may not completely dec all
// ref counts, but easier to be conservative for now.

// if ((id != ret) && (src == this)) {
// //System.out.println(“Alternate reduction of ” + id + “(del) to ” +
// ret + “(new)”);
// decRefCount(id, true /* delete! */, recurse /* recursive? */);
// }
return ret;

public int opOut(int rid, int gid, int op) {

if (op != ARITH_SUM && op != ARITH_PROD && op != ARITH_MAX
&& op != ARITH_MIN) {
System.out.println(“ERROR: opOut called without SUM/PROD/MIN/MAX”);
Object o = null;

// Get high and low branch restrictions for this var
int high_br = reduceRestrict(rid, this, gid, RESTRICT_HIGH);
int low_br = reduceRestrict(rid, this, gid, RESTRICT_LOW);

// Must be called with src b/c nodes will be internalized
return applyInt(high_br, low_br, op);

// Remap gids… gid_map = old_id -> new_id (assuming order consistent)
public int remapGIDsInt(int lid, HashMap node_map) {
ADDNode n = getNode(lid);
//System.out.println(lid + “: ” + n);
if (n instanceof ADDBNode || n instanceof ADDDNode) {
return lid;
} else { // n instanceof ADDINode so recurse and update caches
ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) n;
String old_str = (String)_hmID2VarName.get(ni._nTestVarID);
String new_str = (String)node_map.get(old_str);
Integer new_id = null;
if (new_str == null)
new_id = ni._nTestVarID;
new_id = (Integer)_hmVarName2ID.get(new_str);

return getINode(new_id.intValue(), remapGIDsInt(ni._nLow, node_map),
remapGIDsInt(ni._nHigh, node_map), true);

public int applyInt(int a1, int a2, int op) {
int ret = getPair(a1, a2, op);
if (ret > INVALID) {
return ret;

// Can we create a terminal node here?
ADDNode n1 = getNode(a1), n2 = getNode(a2);
int t = computeTermNode(n1, n2, op);
if (t > INVALID) {
ret = t;
} else { // At least one non-terminal so must recurse

int v1low, v1high, v2low, v2high, gid;

// Find node with min id (or only internal node)
if (n1 instanceof ADDINode) {
if (n2 instanceof ADDINode) {
if (comesBefore(((ADDINode) n1)._nTestVarID,
((ADDINode) n2)._nTestVarID)) {
gid = ((ADDINode) n1)._nTestVarID;
} else {
gid = ((ADDINode) n2)._nTestVarID;
} else {
gid = ((ADDINode) n1)._nTestVarID;
} else {
if (!(n2 instanceof ADDINode)) {
System.err.println(“ERROR: should not reach here with two non-ADDINodes, IDs ” + a1 + ” and ” + a2);
System.err.println(“\n” + printNode(a1) + “\n\n” + printNode(a2));
gid = ((ADDINode) n2)._nTestVarID;

// Determine next recursion for n1
if ((n1 instanceof ADDINode) && (((ADDINode) n1)._nTestVarID == gid)) {
ADDINode n1i = (ADDINode) n1;
v1low = n1i._nLow;
v1high = n1i._nHigh;
} else {
v1low = a1;
v1high = a1;

// Determine next recursion for n2
if ((n2 instanceof ADDINode) && (((ADDINode) n2)._nTestVarID == gid)) {
ADDINode n2i = (ADDINode) n2;
v2low = n2i._nLow;
v2high = n2i._nHigh;
} else {
v2low = a2;
v2high = a2;

// Perform in-line reduction and set min/max for subnodes if needed
int low = applyInt(v1low, v2low, op);
int high = applyInt(v1high, v2high, op);

// getINode will take care of ‘low==high’
ret = getINode(gid, low, high, true);

// getINode may return a DNode or BNode if low==high
if (getNode(ret) instanceof ADDINode) {

putPair(a1, a2, op, ret);
return ret;

// Computes a terminal node value if possible, assume
// terms of same type (otherwise incompatible!)
public int computeTermNode(ADDNode a1, ADDNode a2, int op) {
int ret = INVALID;

switch (op) {

case LOG_AND: {
if (((a1 instanceof ADDBNode) && (((ADDBNode) a1)._bVal == false))
|| ((a2 instanceof ADDBNode) && (((ADDBNode) a2)._bVal == false))) {
ret = getBNode(false, true /* create if not found! */);
// System.out.println(“AND PRUNE!!!”); // TODO: Remove!!!

} else if ((a1 instanceof ADDBNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDBNode)) {
boolean res = ((ADDBNode) a1)._bVal && ((ADDBNode) a2)._bVal;
ret = getBNode(res, true /* create if not found! */);

case LOG_OR: {
if (((a1 instanceof ADDBNode) && (((ADDBNode) a1)._bVal == true))
|| ((a2 instanceof ADDBNode) && (((ADDBNode) a2)._bVal == true))) {
ret = getBNode(true, true /* create if not found! */);
// System.out.println(“OR PRUNE!!!”); // TODO: Remove!!!

} else if ((a1 instanceof ADDBNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDBNode)) {
boolean res = ((ADDBNode) a1)._bVal || ((ADDBNode) a2)._bVal;
ret = getBNode(res, true /* create if not found! */);

case ARITH_SUM: {
if ((a1 instanceof ADDDNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDDNode)) {
double min = ((ADDDNode) a1)._dLower + ((ADDDNode) a2)._dLower;
double max = ((ADDDNode) a1)._dUpper + ((ADDDNode) a2)._dUpper;
ret = getDNode(min, max, true);


if ((a1 instanceof ADDDNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDDNode)) {
double min = ((ADDDNode) a1)._dLower – ((ADDDNode) a2)._dLower;
double max = ((ADDDNode) a1)._dUpper – ((ADDDNode) a2)._dUpper;
if (min > max) {
double temp = min;
min = max;
max = temp;
ret = getDNode(min, max, true);


case ARITH_DIV: {
if ((a1 instanceof ADDDNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDDNode)) {
double min = ((ADDDNode) a1)._dLower / ((ADDDNode) a2)._dLower;
double max = ((ADDDNode) a1)._dUpper / ((ADDDNode) a2)._dUpper;
if (min > max) {
double temp = min;
min = max;
max = temp;
ret = getDNode(min, max, true);


case ARITH_PROD: {
if ((a1 instanceof ADDDNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDDNode)) {
double min = ((ADDDNode) a1)._dLower * ((ADDDNode) a2)._dLower;
double max = ((ADDDNode) a1)._dUpper * ((ADDDNode) a2)._dUpper;
ret = getDNode(min, max, true);
} else if ((a1 instanceof ADDDNode)
&& (((ADDDNode) a1)._dLower == (double) 0.0)
&& (((ADDDNode) a1)._dUpper == (double) 0.0)) {
// System.out.println(“PROD PRUNE!!!”); // TODO: Remove!!!
ret = getDNode((double) 0.0, (double) 0.0, true);
} else if ((a2 instanceof ADDDNode)
&& (((ADDDNode) a2)._dLower == (double) 0.0)
&& (((ADDDNode) a2)._dUpper == (double) 0.0)) {
// System.out.println(“PROD PRUNE!!!”); // TODO: Remove!!!
ret = getDNode((double) 0.0, (double) 0.0, true);

case ARITH_MIN: { // Can assume an ADD for arithmetic operations
if ((a1 instanceof ADDDNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDDNode)) {
ADDDNode a1d = (ADDDNode) a1;
ADDDNode a2d = (ADDDNode) a2;
double lower = Math.min(a1d._dLower, a2d._dLower);
double upper = Math.min(a1d._dUpper, a2d._dUpper);
ret = getDNode(lower, upper, true,
(lower == a1d._dLower) ? a1d._sLowerLabel
: a2d._sLowerLabel,
(upper == a1d._dUpper) ? a1d._sUpperLabel
: a2d._sUpperLabel);
} else if ((a1 instanceof ADDDNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDINode)
&& (((ADDDNode) a1)._dLower <= ((ADDINode) a2)._dMinLower) && (((ADDDNode) a1)._dUpper <= ((ADDINode) a2)._dMinUpper)) { // If a1.lower < a2.min.lower && a1.upper < a2.min.upper // then can set node to a1 ADDDNode a1d = (ADDDNode) a1; ret = getDNode(a1d._dLower, a1d._dUpper, true, a1d._sLowerLabel, a1d._sUpperLabel); // System.out.println("MIN PRUNE!!!"); // TODO: Remove!!! MIN_PRUNE_CNT++; } else if ((a2 instanceof ADDDNode) && (((ADDDNode) a2)._dLower <= ((ADDINode) a1)._dMinLower) && (((ADDDNode) a2)._dUpper <= ((ADDINode) a1)._dMinUpper)) { // If a2.lower < a1.min.lower && a2.upper < a1.min.upper // then can set node to a2 ADDDNode a2d = (ADDDNode) a2; ret = getDNode(a2d._dLower, a2d._dUpper, true, a2d._sLowerLabel, a2d._sUpperLabel); // System.out.println("MIN PRUNE!!!"); // TODO: Remove!!! MIN_PRUNE_CNT++; } } break; case ARITH_MAX: { // Can assume an ADD for arithmetic operations if ((a1 instanceof ADDDNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDDNode)) { ADDDNode a1d = (ADDDNode) a1; ADDDNode a2d = (ADDDNode) a2; double lower = Math.max(a1d._dLower, a2d._dLower); double upper = Math.max(a1d._dUpper, a2d._dUpper); ret = getDNode(lower, upper, true, (lower == a1d._dLower) ? a1d._sLowerLabel : a2d._sLowerLabel, (upper == a1d._dUpper) ? a1d._sUpperLabel : a2d._sUpperLabel); } else if ((a1 instanceof ADDDNode) && (a2 instanceof ADDINode) && (((ADDDNode) a1)._dLower >= ((ADDINode) a2)._dMaxLower)
&& (((ADDDNode) a1)._dUpper >= ((ADDINode) a2)._dMaxUpper)) {
// If a1.lower > a2.max.lower && a1.upper > a2.max.upper
// then can set node to a1
ADDDNode a1d = (ADDDNode) a1;
ret = getDNode(a1d._dLower, a1d._dUpper, true,
a1d._sLowerLabel, a1d._sUpperLabel);
// System.out.println(“MAX PRUNE!!!”); // TODO: Remove!!!
} else if ((a2 instanceof ADDDNode)
&& (((ADDDNode) a2)._dLower >= ((ADDINode) a1)._dMaxLower)
&& (((ADDDNode) a2)._dUpper >= ((ADDINode) a1)._dMaxUpper)) {
// If a2.lower > a1.max.lower && a2.upper > a1.max.upper
// then can set node to a2
ADDDNode a2d = (ADDDNode) a2;
ret = getDNode(a2d._dLower, a2d._dUpper, true,
a2d._sLowerLabel, a2d._sUpperLabel);
// System.out.println(“MAX PRUNE!!!”); // TODO: Remove!!!

return ret;

public static abstract class ADDLeafOperation {
public abstract void processADDLeaf(ArrayList assign, double leaf_val);

public void enumeratePaths(int id, ADDLeafOperation leaf_op) {
enumeratePaths(id, leaf_op, new ArrayList());

public void enumeratePaths(int id,
ADDLeafOperation leaf_op, ArrayList assign) {

Boolean b;
ADDNode cur = getNode(id);

if (cur instanceof ADDINode) {
int level = ((Integer) _hmGVarToLevel.get(new Integer(
((ADDINode) cur)._nTestVarID))).intValue();
Integer var_id = (Integer)_alOrder.get(level);
String var = (String)_hmID2VarName.get(var_id);

ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) cur;
assign.add(“~” + var);
enumeratePaths(ni._nLow, leaf_op, assign);
assign.set(assign.size() – 1, var);
enumeratePaths(ni._nHigh, leaf_op, assign);
assign.remove(assign.size() – 1);

// If get here, cur will be an ADDDNode, ADDBNode
double leaf_val = Double.NaN;
if (cur instanceof ADDDNode) {
leaf_val = ((ADDDNode) cur)._dLower;
} else if (cur instanceof ADDBNode) {
leaf_val = ((ADDBNode) cur)._bVal ? 1.0d : 0.0d;

leaf_op.processADDLeaf(assign, leaf_val);

public double evaluate(int id, HashMap var2assign) {
ArrayList assign = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i <= _alOrder.size(); i++) assign.add(null); for (Object o : var2assign.entrySet()) { Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry)o; int index = (Integer)_hmVarName2ID.get(me.getKey()); // if null, var not in var2ID //System.out.println(me.getKey() + " :: " + index + ": " + _hmGVarToLevel); int level = (Integer)_hmGVarToLevel.get(index); assign.set(level, (Boolean)me.getValue()); } return evaluate(id, assign); } // Takes an assignment of gvars->{T|F} (Boolean class) and returns
// the corresponding terminal node.
public double evaluate(int id, ArrayList assign) {

Boolean b;
ADDNode cur = getNode(id);

while (cur instanceof ADDINode) {
int level = ((Integer) _hmGVarToLevel.get(new Integer(
((ADDINode) cur)._nTestVarID))).intValue();
//System.out.println(level +” “+ assign.get(level));
// If we need a var this is unassigned, return null
if ((level < assign.size()) && ((b = (Boolean) assign.get(level)) != null)) { ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) cur; cur = (b.booleanValue()) ? getNode(ni._nHigh) : getNode(ni._nLow); } else { return Double.NaN; } } // If get here, cur will be an ADDDNode, ADDBNode if (cur instanceof ADDDNode) { return ((ADDDNode) cur)._dLower; } else if (cur instanceof ADDBNode) { return ((ADDBNode) cur)._bVal ? 1.0d : 0.0d; } else { return Double.NaN; } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Order maintenance // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Probably have more efficient ways to do a lot of these using // binary search and hash tables // Order check - both must occur in list! public boolean comesBefore(int gid1, int gid2) { // Get level for gid1 and gid2 int l1 = ((Integer) _hmGVarToLevel.get(new Integer(gid1))).intValue(); int l2 = ((Integer) _hmGVarToLevel.get(new Integer(gid2))).intValue(); // Determine which comes first (i.e. earlier level) return (l1 <= l2); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction and File I/O Routines // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Build an ADD from a list (node is a list, high comes first for internal * nodes) **/ public int buildDDFromUnorderedTree(ArrayList l) { Object o = l.get(0); if (o instanceof String && HasOnlyDigits((String) o)) { double val = (new BigInteger((String) o)).doubleValue(); return getDNode(val, val, true); } else if (o instanceof BigDecimal) { double val = ((BigDecimal) o).doubleValue(); return getDNode(val, val, true); } else { String var = (String) o; if (((Integer) _hmVarName2ID.get(var)) == null) System.out.println(var); int gid = ((Integer) _hmVarName2ID.get(var)).intValue(); // Get the var ADD int high_br = getVarNode(gid, 0.0d, 1.0d); high_br = applyInt(high_br, buildDDFromUnorderedTree((ArrayList) l.get(1)) /* high */, ARITH_PROD); // Get the !var ADD int low_br = getVarNode(gid, 1.0d, 0.0d); low_br = applyInt(low_br, buildDDFromUnorderedTree((ArrayList) l.get(2)) /* low */, ARITH_PROD); return applyInt(low_br, high_br, ARITH_SUM); } } /** * Build an ADD from a list with correct variable order (node is a list, * high comes first for internal nodes) **/ public int buildDDFromOrderedTree(ArrayList l) { return reduce(buildNode(l)); } public int buildNode(ArrayList l) { // System.out.println("Building: " + l); Object o = l.get(0); if (o instanceof String && HasOnlyDigits((String) o)) { double v = (new BigInteger((String) o)).doubleValue(); return getDNode(v, v, true); } else if (o instanceof BigDecimal) { double v = ((BigDecimal) o).doubleValue(); return getDNode(v, v, true); } else { String var = (String) o; int gid = ((Integer) _hmVarName2ID.get(var)).intValue(); // Get the var ADD int high = buildNode((ArrayList) l.get(1)); int low = buildNode((ArrayList) l.get(2)); return getINode(gid, low, high, true); } } public static boolean HasOnlyDigits(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (!Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i)) && s.charAt(i) != '-') { return false; } } return true; } public int getVarNode(String var_name, double low, double high) { Integer var_gid = (Integer)_hmVarName2ID.get(var_name); if (var_gid == null) System.err.println("No var ID registered for '" + var_name + "'"); return getVarNode(var_gid, low, high); } /** Build a var ADD **/ public int getVarNode(int gid, double low, double high) { int n_low = getDNode(low, low, true); int n_high = getDNode(high, high, true); return getINode(gid, n_low, n_high, true); } /** Build a constant ADD */ public int getConstantNode(double val) { return getDNode(val, val, true); } public void exportTree(int n, PrintWriter ps, boolean label_branches) { exportTree(n, ps, label_branches ? "" : null, 0); } public void exportTree(int n, PrintWriter ps, boolean label_branches, int level) { exportTree(n, ps, label_branches ? "" : null, level); } protected void exportTree(int n, PrintWriter ps, String branch_label, int level) { ADDNode cur = getNode(n); if (cur instanceof ADDINode) { ADDINode i = (ADDINode) cur; ps.print("\n" + tab(level) + (branch_label != null && branch_label.length() > 0 ? “(” + branch_label + ” ” : “”) +
“(” + _hmID2VarName.get(i._nTestVarID) + ” “);
exportTree(i._nHigh, ps, branch_label != null ? “true” : null, level + 1);
exportTree(i._nLow, ps, branch_label != null ? “false” : null, level + 1);
ps.print(branch_label != null && branch_label.length() > 0 ? “))” : “)”);
} else {
ADDDNode d = (ADDDNode) cur;
ps.print(“\n” + tab(level));
ps.print((branch_label != null && branch_label.length() > 0 ? “(” + branch_label + ” ” : “”));
ps.print(“(” + d._dLower + “)”);
ps.print(branch_label != null && branch_label.length() > 0 ? “)” : “”);

public String tab(int len) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, sb.append("\t")) ; return sb.toString(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Miscellaneous methods // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A quick test to verify canonical order! Returns false if problem. public boolean verifyOrder(int id) { return verifyOrder(id, -1); } public boolean verifyOrder(int n, int par_gid) { if (n != 0) { ADDNode node = getNode(n); if (node instanceof ADDDNode) { return true; } ADDINode ni = (ADDINode) node; if (par_gid != -1) { // Verify order if (par_gid == ni._nTestVarID || !comesBefore(par_gid, ni._nTestVarID)) { return false; } } return verifyOrder(ni._nLow, ni._nTestVarID) && verifyOrder(ni._nHigh, ni._nTestVarID); } else { return true; } } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // Show order sb.append("Var name -> var ID: ” + _hmVarName2ID + “\n”);
sb.append(“Var order: ” + _alOrder + “\n”);

return sb.toString();

public Graph getGraph(int id) {
Graph g = new Graph(true /* directed */, false /* bottom-to-top */,
false /* left-right */, true /* multi-links */);
getNode(id).toGraph(this, g);
return g;

public String printNode(int id) {
return getNode(id).toString(this, 0);

public void pruneReport() {
System.out.println(“\nPrune Report:\n————-“);
System.out.println(“OR: ” + OR_PRUNE_CNT++);
System.out.println(“AND: ” + AND_PRUNE_CNT++);
System.out.println(“PROD: ” + PROD_PRUNE_CNT++);
System.out.println(“MIN: ” + MIN_PRUNE_CNT++);
System.out.println(“MAX: ” + MAX_PRUNE_CNT++ + “\n”);
