CS计算机代考程序代写 Java #================================================================

# A Makefile for the fodt (first-order decision theory) package
# and subpackages.
# Author: Scott Sanner
# $Revision: 1.1 $

# environment settings:
JAVAC = javac -source 1.3 -target 1.3 -classpath ../..:../../lib/grappa1_4.jar
JAVADOC = javadoc
JAVA = java

# project specifics:
CLASSES = DotViewer.class GraphFormat.class \
DotViewerDemo.class DotViewerApplet.class

# list of subpackages:

# Explain to make how compiling Java code works…
.SUFFIXES : .class .java
.java.class :
$(JAVAC) $< # some other useful macros we can derive... SRCS = $(CLASSES:.class=.java) DOCS = $(CLASSES:.class=.html) # Typical make targets: all: $(CLASSES) $(PACKAGES) docs: ALWAYS_BUILD -mkdir docs; \ $(JAVADOC) -author -d docs $(SRCS) $(PACKAGES) clean: -rm ./*.class ./*~ ./*/*.class ./*/*~ ./*/*/*.class ./*/*/*~ # Packages: wc: ALWAYS_BUILD wc `find . -name "*.java"` # This is a dummy target that can be used to ensure that a target's # dependencies are never satisfied. This is useful because by default, make # treats the presence of a directory with the same name as the target as an # up-to-date target. ALWAYS_BUILD: