CS计算机代考程序代写 Java package rddl.solver;

package rddl.solver;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

import dd.discrete.DD;
import dd.discrete.ADDDNode;
import dd.discrete.ADDNode;
import dd.discrete.ADDINode;
import dd.discrete.ADD;

import util.CString;
import util.Pair;

public class DDUtils {
public static class doubleOutPut {
public double _dWeight;
public ArrayList _alWeights;
public doubleOutPut(double weight, ArrayList Weights) {
_dWeight = weight;
_alWeights = Weights;
public static class doubleOutPut2 {
public double _dWeight;
public int _nWeights;
public doubleOutPut2(double weight, Integer Weights) {
_dWeight = weight;
_nWeights = Weights;
public static class doubleOutPut3 {
public double _dMaxWeight;
public double _dMinWeight;
public doubleOutPut3(double maxWeight, double minWeight) {
_dMaxWeight = maxWeight;
_dMinWeight = minWeight;
// Converts the list of true state fluents to an ArrayList of assignments
// that can be passed to ADD evaluate (avoids the need to constantly pass
// a HashMap of Strings -> assignments)
public static ArrayList ConvertTrueVars2DDAssign(
DD context,
Set true_vars,
ArrayList all_vars) {

ArrayList assign = new ArrayList();

// Initialize assignments
for (int i = 0; i <= context._alOrder.size(); i++) assign.add(null); // Now set all assignments to true or false as required for (CString s : all_vars) { Integer index = (Integer)context._hmVarName2ID.get(s._string); // if null, var not in var2ID Integer level = (Integer)context._hmGVarToLevel.get(index); if (index == null || level == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: could not find ADD index/level for " + s); System.exit(1); } assign.set(level, (Boolean)true_vars.contains(s)); } return assign; } // Update the value for path public static int UpdateValue(DD context, int dd, ArrayList assign, double new_value, HashMap hmPrimeRemap) {
ArrayList assignprime = new ArrayList();
for (int j = 0; j< assign.size();j++) assignprime.add(null); for (int i = 0; i< assign.size();i++){ Object val = assign.get(i); if(val != null) { int id = (Integer)context._alOrder.get(i); int idprime = (Integer)context._hmVarName2ID.get(hmPrimeRemap.get(context._hmID2VarName.get(id)))-1; assignprime.set(idprime, val); } } Double cur_value = context.evaluate(dd, assignprime); if (Double.isNaN(cur_value)) { System.err.println("ERROR in DDUtils.UpdateValue: Expected single value when evaluating: " + assignprime); //System.err.println("in " + context.printNode(dd)); System.exit(1); } double diff = new_value - cur_value; int indicator = BuildIndicator(context, assign, hmPrimeRemap); indicator = context.scalarMultiply(indicator, diff); return context.applyInt(dd, indicator, DD.ARITH_SUM); } // Build the indicator DD that gives 1 for assign and 0 elsewhere public static int BuildIndicator(DD context, ArrayList assign,HashMap hmPrimeRemap) { int dd = context.getConstantNode(1d); for (int level = 0; level < assign.size(); level++) { Boolean is_true = (Boolean)assign.get(level); if (is_true == null) continue; int idprime = (Integer)context._hmVarName2ID.get(hmPrimeRemap.get(context._hmID2VarName.get((Integer)context._alOrder.get(level)))); if (is_true) dd = context.applyInt(dd, ((ADD)context).getINode(idprime/*(Integer)context._alOrder.get(level) /*var id*/, 0 /*low*/, 1 /*high*/, true), DD.ARITH_PROD); else // swap high/low branches to invert indicator function dd = context.applyInt(dd, ((ADD)context).getINode(idprime/*(Integer)context._alOrder.get(level) /*var id*/, 1 /*low*/, 0 /*high*/, true), DD.ARITH_PROD); } return dd; } public static int UpdateValue(DD context, int dd, ArrayList assign, double new_value) { Double cur_value = context.evaluate(dd, assign); if (Double.isNaN(cur_value)) { System.err.println("ERROR in DDUtils.UpdateValue: Expected single value when evaluating: " + assign); //System.err.println("in " + context.printNode(dd)); System.exit(1); } double diff = new_value - cur_value; int indicator = BuildIndicator(context, assign); indicator = context.scalarMultiply(indicator, diff); return context.applyInt(dd, indicator, DD.ARITH_SUM); } // Build the indicator DD that gives 1 for assign and 0 elsewhere public static int BuildIndicator(DD context, ArrayList assign) { int dd = context.getConstantNode(1d); for (int level = 0; level < assign.size(); level++) { Boolean is_true = (Boolean)assign.get(level); if (is_true == null) continue; if (is_true) dd = context.applyInt(dd, context.getVarNode((Integer)context._alOrder.get(level) /*var id*/, 0d /*low*/, 1d /*high*/), DD.ARITH_PROD); else // swap high/low branches to invert indicator function dd = context.applyInt(dd, context.getVarNode((Integer)context._alOrder.get(level) /*var id*/, 1d /*low*/, 0d /*high*/), DD.ARITH_PROD); } return dd; } /*Insert a number in an ADD branch given a list of variable assignments * */ public static Pair> JoinBranches(Pair>, Pair>> weightsNode){
ArrayList listRequest= new ArrayList();
ArrayList listH = weightsNode._o1._o2;
Double weightRequest = weightsNode._o1._o1 * listH.size();
for (Double wH: listH)
ArrayList listL = weightsNode._o2._o2;
for (Double wL: listL)
if (!listRequest.contains(wL)){
weightRequest += wL;
weightRequest /= listRequest.size();
return new Pair>(weightRequest, listRequest);
public static Pair JoinBranches2(Pair, Pair> weightsNode){
Pair highPair = weightsNode._o1;
Pair lowPair = weightsNode._o2;
double num = (highPair._o1*highPair._o2) +(lowPair._o1*lowPair._o2);
int den = highPair._o2+lowPair._o2;
return new Pair(num/den, den);
public static Double JoinBranches3(Pair weightsNode){
Double high = weightsNode._o1;
Double low = weightsNode._o2;
return Math.max(high, low);
public static Pair JoinBranches4(Pair, Pair> weightsNode){
Pair highPair = weightsNode._o1;
Pair lowPair = weightsNode._o2;
double max = Math.max(highPair._o1, lowPair._o1);
double min = Math.min(highPair._o2, lowPair._o2);
return new Pair(max, min);
public static int insertValueInDD(int F, ArrayList state, double value, Iterator it, HashMap hmPrimeRemap, ADD _context, HashMap iD2ADD,HashMap>, Pair>>> hmNodeWeight, doubleOutPut weight) {
int Fh, Fl;
//There are no more elements in the alStateVars
if (!it.hasNext()){//means that we are in a leaf then we need to replace the value
weight._dWeight = value;
weight._alWeights = new ArrayList();
//int newF = _context.getConstantNode(value);
//hmNodeWeight.put(newF, new Pair(value, 0d));
return _context.getConstantNode(value);//newF;
String varStr = ((CString)it.next())._string;
Integer var=(Integer)_context._hmVarName2ID.get(varStr);
Object valueVar =state.get((Integer)_context._hmGVarToLevel.get(var));
Boolean val=(valueVar != null) && (Boolean)valueVar;
ADDNode cur = _context.getNode(F);
Boolean unchangedBranchLow = false;
//If F is a leaf and there are more elements in alStateVars or the variable is not in the ADD
// means that we need to create the node(s) with the remain variable(s)
int FforH = F, FforL = F;
Boolean create = true;
//If f is a internal Node and id state variable is equal to id Node
if(cur instanceof ADDINode && var.compareTo(((ADDINode)cur)._nTestVarID) == 0){
FforH = ((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh;
FforL = ((ADDINode)cur)._nLow;
create = false;
if (val==true){
Fh = insertValueInDD(FforH, state, value, it, hmPrimeRemap, _context, iD2ADD, hmNodeWeight, weight);
unchangedBranchLow = true;
Fl = FforL;
else {
Fh = FforH;
Fl = insertValueInDD(FforL, state, value, it,hmPrimeRemap, _context, iD2ADD, hmNodeWeight, weight);
//Computing the weight
int fRequest = unchangedBranchLow? Fl : Fh;
ADDNode nodeRequest = _context.getNode(fRequest);
double weightRequest=0;
ArrayList listRequest=new ArrayList();
if (nodeRequest instanceof ADDDNode){
weightRequest = ((ADDDNode)nodeRequest)._dLower;
Pair> newBranch = JoinBranches(hmNodeWeight.get(fRequest));
listRequest = newBranch._o2;
weightRequest = newBranch._o1;
Double highWeight = unchangedBranchLow? weight._dWeight : weightRequest;
ArrayList highList = unchangedBranchLow? weight._alWeights : listRequest;
Double lowWeight = unchangedBranchLow? weightRequest: weight._dWeight;
ArrayList lowList = unchangedBranchLow? listRequest: weight._alWeights;
if (create)
F = _context.getINode(var,Fl,Fh, true);
((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh = Fh;
((ADDINode)cur)._nLow = Fl;
if (hmNodeWeight.containsKey(F))
Pair>, Pair>> branch = new Pair>, Pair>>(new Pair>(highWeight, highList), new Pair>(lowWeight, lowList));
hmNodeWeight.put(F, branch);
Pair> newBranch = JoinBranches(branch);
weight._alWeights = newBranch._o2;
weight._dWeight = newBranch._o1;
return F;

public static int insertValueInDD4(int F, ArrayList state, double value, Iterator it, HashMap hmPrimeRemap, ADD _context, HashMap iD2ADD,HashMap, Pair>> hmNodeWeight, doubleOutPut3 weight) {
int Fh, Fl;
//There are no more elements in the alStateVars
if (!it.hasNext()){//means that we are in a leaf then we need to replace the value
weight._dMaxWeight = value;
weight._dMinWeight = value;
//int newF = _context.getConstantNode(value);
//hmNodeWeight.put(newF, new Pair(value, 0d));
return _context.getConstantNode(value);//newF;
String varStr = ((CString)it.next())._string;
Integer var=(Integer)_context._hmVarName2ID.get(varStr);
Object valueVar =state.get((Integer)_context._hmGVarToLevel.get(var));
Boolean val=(valueVar != null) && (Boolean)valueVar;
ADDNode cur = _context.getNode(F);
Boolean unchangedBranchLow = false;
//If F is a leaf and there are more elements in alStateVars or the variable is not in the ADD
// means that we need to create the node(s) with the remain variable(s)
int FforH = F, FforL = F;
Boolean create = true;
//If f is a internal Node and id state variable is equal to id Node
if(cur instanceof ADDINode && var.compareTo(((ADDINode)cur)._nTestVarID) == 0){
FforH = ((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh;
FforL = ((ADDINode)cur)._nLow;
create = false;
if (val==true){
Fh = insertValueInDD4(FforH, state, value, it, hmPrimeRemap, _context, iD2ADD, hmNodeWeight, weight);
unchangedBranchLow = true;
Fl = FforL;
else {
Fh = FforH;
Fl = insertValueInDD4(FforL, state, value, it,hmPrimeRemap, _context, iD2ADD, hmNodeWeight, weight);
//Computing the weight
int fRequest = unchangedBranchLow? Fl : Fh;
ADDNode nodeRequest = _context.getNode(fRequest);
double maxWeightRequest=0;
double minWeightRequest=0;
if (nodeRequest instanceof ADDDNode){
maxWeightRequest = ((ADDDNode)nodeRequest)._dLower;
minWeightRequest = ((ADDDNode)nodeRequest)._dLower;
Pair newBranch = JoinBranches4(hmNodeWeight.get(fRequest));
maxWeightRequest = newBranch._o1;
minWeightRequest = newBranch._o2;
Double highMaxWeight = unchangedBranchLow? weight._dMaxWeight : maxWeightRequest;
Double highMinWeight = unchangedBranchLow? weight._dMinWeight : minWeightRequest;
Double lowMaxWeight = unchangedBranchLow? maxWeightRequest: weight._dMaxWeight;
Double lowMinWeight = unchangedBranchLow? minWeightRequest: weight._dMinWeight;
if (create)
F = _context.getINode(var,Fl,Fh, true);
((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh = Fh;
((ADDINode)cur)._nLow = Fl;
if (hmNodeWeight.containsKey(F))
Pair, Pair> branch = new Pair, Pair>(new Pair(highMaxWeight, highMinWeight), new Pair(lowMaxWeight, lowMinWeight));
hmNodeWeight.put(F, branch);
Pair newBranch = JoinBranches4(branch);
weight._dMinWeight = newBranch._o2;
weight._dMaxWeight = newBranch._o1;
return F;

public static int insertValueInDD2(int F, ArrayList state, double value, Iterator it, HashMap hmPrimeRemap, ADD _context, HashMap iD2ADD,HashMap, Pair>> hmNodeWeight, doubleOutPut2 weight) {
int Fh, Fl;
//There are no more elements in the alStateVars
if (!it.hasNext()){//means that we are in a leaf then we need to replace the value
weight._dWeight = value;
weight._nWeights = 1;
//int newF = _context.getConstantNode(value);
//hmNodeWeight.put(newF, new Pair(value, 0d));
return _context.getConstantNode(value);//newF;
String varStr = ((CString)it.next())._string;
Integer var=(Integer)_context._hmVarName2ID.get(varStr);
Object valueVar =state.get((Integer)_context._hmGVarToLevel.get(var));
Boolean val=(valueVar != null) && (Boolean)valueVar;
ADDNode cur = _context.getNode(F);
Boolean unchangedBranchLow = false;
//If F is a leaf and there are more elements in alStateVars or the variable is not in the ADD
// means that we need to create the node(s) with the remain variable(s)
int FforH = F, FforL = F;
Boolean create = true;
//If f is a internal Node and id state variable is equal to id Node
if(cur instanceof ADDINode && var.compareTo(((ADDINode)cur)._nTestVarID) == 0){
FforH = ((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh;
FforL = ((ADDINode)cur)._nLow;
create = false;
if (val==true){
Fh = insertValueInDD2(FforH, state, value, it, hmPrimeRemap, _context, iD2ADD, hmNodeWeight, weight);
unchangedBranchLow = true;
Fl = FforL;
else {
Fh = FforH;
Fl = insertValueInDD2(FforL, state, value, it,hmPrimeRemap, _context, iD2ADD, hmNodeWeight, weight);
//Computing the weight
int fRequest = unchangedBranchLow? Fl : Fh;
ADDNode nodeRequest = _context.getNode(fRequest);
double weightRequest=0;
int nRequest= 0;
if (nodeRequest instanceof ADDDNode){
weightRequest = ((ADDDNode)nodeRequest)._dLower;
nRequest = 1;
Pair newBranch = JoinBranches2(hmNodeWeight.get(fRequest));
nRequest = newBranch._o2;
weightRequest = newBranch._o1;
Double highWeight = unchangedBranchLow? weight._dWeight : weightRequest;
Integer highNum = unchangedBranchLow? weight._nWeights : nRequest;
Double lowWeight = unchangedBranchLow? weightRequest: weight._dWeight;
Integer lowNum = unchangedBranchLow? nRequest: weight._nWeights;
if (create)
F = _context.getINode(var,Fl,Fh, true);
((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh = Fh;
((ADDINode)cur)._nLow = Fl;
if (hmNodeWeight.containsKey(F))
Pair, Pair> branch = new Pair, Pair>(new Pair(highWeight, highNum), new Pair(lowWeight, lowNum));
hmNodeWeight.put(F, branch);
Pair newBranch = JoinBranches2(branch);
weight._nWeights = newBranch._o2;
weight._dWeight = newBranch._o1;
return F;

public static int insertValueInDD3(int F, ArrayList state, double value, Iterator it, HashMap hmPrimeRemap, ADD _context, HashMap iD2ADD,HashMap> hmNodeWeight, doubleOutPut2 weight,HashMap> hmVarWeight) {
int Fh, Fl;
//There are no more elements in the alStateVars
if (!it.hasNext()){//means that we are in a leaf then we need to replace the value
weight._dWeight = value;
weight._nWeights = 1;
//int newF = _context.getConstantNode(value);
//hmNodeWeight.put(newF, new Pair(value, 0d));
return _context.getConstantNode(value);//newF;
String varStr = ((CString)it.next())._string;
Integer var=(Integer)_context._hmVarName2ID.get(varStr);
Object valueVar =state.get((Integer)_context._hmGVarToLevel.get(var));
Boolean val=(valueVar != null) && (Boolean)valueVar;
ADDNode cur = _context.getNode(F);
Boolean unchangedBranchLow = false;
//If F is a leaf and there are more elements in alStateVars or the variable is not in the ADD
// means that we need to create the node(s) with the remain variable(s)
int FforH = F, FforL = F;
Boolean create = true;
//If f is a internal Node and id state variable is equal to id Node
if(cur instanceof ADDINode && var.compareTo(((ADDINode)cur)._nTestVarID) == 0){
FforH = ((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh;
FforL = ((ADDINode)cur)._nLow;
create = false;
if (val==true){
Fh = insertValueInDD3(FforH, state, value, it, hmPrimeRemap, _context, iD2ADD, hmNodeWeight, weight, hmVarWeight);
unchangedBranchLow = true;
Fl = FforL;
else {
Fh = FforH;
Fl = insertValueInDD3(FforL, state, value, it,hmPrimeRemap, _context, iD2ADD, hmNodeWeight, weight, hmVarWeight);
//Computing the weight
int fRequest = unchangedBranchLow? Fl : Fh;
ADDNode nodeRequest = _context.getNode(fRequest);
double weightRequest=0;
if (nodeRequest instanceof ADDDNode)
weightRequest = ((ADDDNode)nodeRequest)._dLower;
weightRequest = JoinBranches3(hmNodeWeight.get(fRequest));
Double highWeight = unchangedBranchLow? weight._dWeight : weightRequest;
Double lowWeight = unchangedBranchLow? weightRequest: weight._dWeight;
if (create)
F = _context.getINode(var,Fl,Fh, true);
((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh = Fh;
((ADDINode)cur)._nLow = Fl;
if (hmNodeWeight.containsKey(F))
Pair branch = new Pair(highWeight, lowWeight);
hmNodeWeight.put(F, branch);
Double newBranch = JoinBranches3(branch);
ADDINode nodeF = (ADDINode)_context.getNode(F);
if (hmVarWeight!= null)
if (hmVarWeight.containsKey(nodeF._nTestVarID))
Pair branchVar = hmVarWeight.get(nodeF._nTestVarID);
branch._o1 = JoinBranches3(new Pair(branch._o1, branchVar._o1));
branch._o2 = JoinBranches3(new Pair(branch._o2, branchVar._o2));
hmVarWeight.put(nodeF._nTestVarID, branch);
weight._dWeight = newBranch;
return F;

public static int insertValueInDD(int F, ArrayList state, double value, Iterator it, HashMap hmPrimeRemap, ADD _context) {
int Fh, Fl;
//There are no more elements in the alStateVars
if (!it.hasNext()){//means that we are in a leaf then we need to replace the value
return _context.getConstantNode(value);
String varStr = (String)it.next();
Integer var = (Integer)_context._hmVarName2ID.get(varStr);
Object valueVar =state.get((Integer)_context._hmGVarToLevel.get(var));
Boolean val=(valueVar != null) && (Boolean)valueVar;
Integer varPrime= (Integer)_context._hmVarName2ID.get(hmPrimeRemap.get(varStr));
if(varPrime==null){ // this was inserted for RTDPEnum and BRTDPEnum in order to use it for states with prime or non-prime variables
ADDNode cur = _context.getNode(F);
//If F is a leaf and there are more elements in alStateVars or the variable is not in the ADD
// means that we need to create the node(s) with the remain variable(s)
int FforH = F, FforL = F;
Boolean create = true;
//If f is a internal Node and id state variable is equal to id Node
if(cur instanceof ADDINode && varPrime.compareTo(((ADDINode)cur)._nTestVarID) == 0){
FforH = ((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh;
FforL = ((ADDINode)cur)._nLow;
create = false;
if (val==true){
Fh = insertValueInDD(FforH, state, value, it, hmPrimeRemap, _context);
Fl = FforL;
else {
Fh = FforH;
Fl = insertValueInDD(FforL, state, value, it,hmPrimeRemap, _context);
if (create)
F = _context.getINode(var,Fl,Fh, true);
((ADDINode)cur)._nHigh = Fh;
((ADDINode)cur)._nLow = Fl;
return F;
